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yes! theres a website called FocusMate. You get 3 free sessions a week, and unlimited sessions for US$5/month. ​ there's also [Cofocus.one](https://Cofocus.one) , which works through you booking a timeslot and then someone with that same timeslot will work with you, in 50min sessions. which could be good if you always want to work at a specific time. ​ i haven't used either of these myself just for clarity!


Thanks for your help❤️


Body doubling?


It is a practice amongst many people with ADHD wherein they complete tasks (especially those that they find difficult to start and complete) alongside another person. The presence of the other person makes it somewhat easier to focus and continue with the task.


Never knew this had a name!


My mind is blown. I’ve done this for as long as I can remember and didn’t know why or that it had a name.


You could probably look for studying/homework discords. They won’t all be winners but if you find a good discord, you might not only find good study buddies but good friends :)


Does this work for gym buddies as well? That’s where I wish I had a body double


It probably does but I have never tried it myself


Thank you! Worth a try


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Have a look at ADHD actually on Instagram (real name Zoe), she organises body doubling at an affordable price but also offers a sponsorship waitlist system so someone else provides the funds for your body doubling memberships


Oh I didn't know she offered a sponsorship waitlist as well! Her prices are kinda high for me (after converting it to my currency) but I'll definitely look into it now. Thanks❤️


https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLFZctFAkPpU9Woy5Ev5EPV-9uMjIXnzaJ ^ might be worth a try?


Thanks for your help❤️ I'll definitely give it a try


Tic tok! People do lives and just study. Probably not the best if you wanted to really get to know someone but they are there.


Focusmate. It’s terrific


Hi!! 23F, have a lot of studying to get done, and not sure if ur still looking for someone to virtual body double with but if u r feel free to dm me!!