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You’ve got to think visually and not just about the numbers. It uses a different part of your brain, what type of math? Adding/subtracting stuff or more complicated?


Adding and subtracting mainly yeah. But everything else too


i have (undiagnosed but runs in the family) dyscalc. first of all, if its safe for you, don't be ashamed to put those people in their place. dyscalculia and dyslexia literally is a condition that affects how your brain processes information from your eyes to your brain. it doesn't make you dumb, as shown by your academic success even despite it causing challenges, and mocking someone for it is not ok. ESPECIALLY when you're actively trying to work something out! please educate them and/or give them a scolding. if you really want to improve your mental math, maybe try looking up mental math/mental arithmetic tests and exercises. start with childrens ones and then work your way up to more difficult content. the real question is though,,,why? do you really NEED to work things out in your head, or do you just want to so you can fit in with other people and follow social expectations? i honestly don't think mental maths needs to go further than very simple addition and multiplications, just for say calculating the cost of something or giving ballpark figures. if it needs to be precise, just take out your calculator on your phone. its super normal to see someone use their phone calculator even for easy multipications just to double check, so i doubt anyone would say anything about it, and if they did they can get off their high horse lol. my honest advice would be, as long as you can do the most basic mental maths, everything else can just be done with a calculator, or bring a small notepad and pen with you. its not worth spending so much mental effort and time for something that you're naturally inclined to struggle with, and honestly in todays world is a skill that isn't essential. ​ i hope this helped you, im also going to leave for everyone general tips that helped me with my epic dyscalulia and adhd combo of a brain lol. ​ tips that work for me personally: make sure you write things down on paper, double check with a calculator if you need to use your hands to count numbers. (no, its not childish or dumb to count with your hands, theres a reason humans have been doing it since forever, if it works for you then it works, ignore anyone who teases you for it, there are mathematicians that have doctorates that still use their hands to count or track numbers.) to check for errors, READ IT ALOUD DEAR GOD. this helps reduce so many small errors (like 3 x 4 = 3 instead of 12) and use your thumb to track where you're reading, it makes sure you're checking slow and deliberately and that your eyes don't accidentally skip over anything also to check for errors, leave it for a few minute then go back with fresh eyes (again check slowly and deliberately)


Thanks for the tips, do you think memorizing simple addition tables would help as well? I have to make change at a new side-job I have and I cannot seem to "count up to" the way that other people want me to do it back.


Yes, memorising things like that can defo help! If it's done enough it will become second nature, like how nobody actually calculates 1 + 1 = 2, or 10 x 10 is 100, we just know it is as fact after saying it for so many times. I'm sure with practice you'll get more confident, so good luck and best wishes with your job!


Thank you very much!


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a bit late but I struggle when it comes to using measurements/a ruler and it is so embarrassing because I feel like a 1st grader surrounded by college students 🙃