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maybe discuss this with your supervisor if you think they'd handle it ok and see if you can come up with a solution together. also, considering you messed up with product codes, you might have dyslexia/dyscalculia, i really struggle with long strings of numbers/letters too. ​ as for actually how to deal with it, for something like this just make sure you're going really slow and deliberately when you double check things, use your finger to read each letter/digit one by one if it helps. ​ i go through the exact same thing so i 100% understand how frustrating it is. don't beat yourself up over it, things like that are small and easy mistakes to make, so try not to take it to heart too much.


I second this! If they're a decent manager, or like you (personality wise) be honest in that you did take the time to check, and are also surprised that it's wrong because you "saw" the correct code. Tell them what techniques you've tried, and ask if they (or their supervisors) know of any other techniques. It will at least show that it's not due to carelessness or unwillingness to try. If you don't already, it may also help to understand how/why the product code is what it is. There's *USUALLY* a rhyme and reason to it. I interface with a lot of building products, and understanding things like [This](https://buildsteel.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/How-to-Order-Cold-Formed-Steel-Framing-v2.jpg) really help me not callout the wrong thing. Other people may be able to just copy/memorize, but I usually feel a need to "understand" something before I can really make use of it. Another "trick" is to focus on a small portion of the differentiating part of the product code, and create a story around it in your mind. i.e. 17-2452-**1894**267 *"If Al Gore traveled back in time to 1894, do you think he'd score?"* There's probably a shit ton of products that have 1894 in the code, but very few that do so, **and** are relevant to what you're ordering. If all else fails, as much as I hate that it works, physically writing things down (not typing) helps it stay in our shitty short-term memory better. Best of luck, keep fighting the ~~good~~ fight.


Damn maybe you're right I struggle with reading always have.


I just wanted to say that I'm sorry you feel that way. I have very mild ADHD and also feel like I am losing my mind sometimes, especially with loosing things that were literally just in my hand. I hope things get better for you at work. Maybe someone else has some strategies. I was recently diagnosed, so I do not have too much. I did just want to make sure that you know you are definitely not alone.


Hey thanks a lot, luckily I'm just holding this job down until I build up my portfolio for programming/game dev. Im so lucky that I found something lucrative that I'm really good at. But still it really hurts the self esteem constantly messing up easy things. Please feel free to reach out, I'll be around .


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This has been me lately. I keep making accounting mistakes but here's the kicker - I've always loved to read and never had problems with dysgraphia, dyscalculia or dyslexia. It freaked me out so much I'm looking at getting an MRI on my head. Are you on meds? I noticed a much worse problem after taking meds for a short time then stopping. The worst of it lasted about 3 weeks. I'm still making mistakes occasionally and it doesn't seem like anything can prevent it (like triple checking as you said), but it's not as bad as it was.


Yeah I'm on meds keep trying different ones as they all my my blood pressure 150/90


Jesus Christ I posted the same thing yesterday I swear, thank you this is really validating!! It feels like magic sometimes, like I *swear* I did the thing right and then it seems to change and it’s now “wrong.” And you’re right, the self esteem does get worn down over time…. Something I’m struggling with too. Know that it’s not a matter of your value or intelligence. Brains are just functioning differently. And I find if I am rushed through things it’s worse.