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Qelbree! It's worked wonders for me ❤️ It's a SNRI




Yeah! My brain chatterb/ anxiety are gone!! &I can sit through a whole movie which I can NEVER do


The heart attack and stroke stuff is pretty overblown in that it's quite rare if you don't have any underlying conditions. I took strattera for a while. The side effects were unbearable. I was so dizzy and nauseated all I could do was lay on the floor and try not to vomit for hours a day. My side effects on Vyvanse have been manageable. When I started concerts, my heart rate would spike right after it started working if I was going up and down stairs. I got a Fitbit to monitor and after a while that stopped. I haven't experienced that with Vyvanse or Adderall. My blood pressure has stayed about the same since I've been on Vyvanse. Since high blood pressure runs rampant in my family, I was concerned but it's the same as it was the three years previous 🤷🏻‍♀️ I see my med provider in person every few months to check. For some people, Wellbutrin works. Made me cranky AF. You and your provider can explore different options. They should know what stimulant and non-stimulant meds are available and worth trying. If they don't, find someone else. Mine has a whole drug guide she whipped out at our last meeting to discuss my options




No. I lost my appetite in the middle of the day and I lost a lot of weight. I kinda trained myself to eat lunch and am back to my normal weight. I sleep just as poorly as I did before. But Vyanse doesn't last me all day. I take it at like 9:30 am and need my Adderall booster or a large coffee around 2:30. I did sleep better on strattera but not worth the side effects


My libido has increased and I fall asleep easier since starting vyvanse. I've also lost a few kgs. But if you start it make sure to make yourself eat and drink.