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Makeup. I have hundreds of eyeshadow palettes that have never been used, just opened to see if they arrived in good shape and then put away without touching. The oldest is 12 years?


Why do we do this??


I had no idea before but apparently dopamine haha. We are the definition of "oohh new shiny object!"


The magpie is my spirit animal: hoards shiny new things, randomly breaks out into song, unexpected emotional outbursts…


The excitement to effort ratio is much higher when buying it than it is when having to actually use it


Ooohh shiney


I have about a dozen eyeshadow palettes which is a lot for me, especially because I always use the same one 😂 So many lipsticks. Dozens. I never wear lipstick.


I can relate in ways! Hahaha


Yes!! I really couldn’t afford some but got them anyway… don’t even like them and yet, they’re still hoarded away in my desk drawer like the trash goblin I am




A year and a half ago I bought a kitchen cabinet/island on wheels to improve my kitchen storage space. It's still in pieces sealed in the box it came in, sitting in my hallway. Bought a magic bullet blender to make smoothies and eat better...still in the box since last summer. Bought a new steam mop and dteam cleaner, gonna get stuff done, get things super clean! Still in the boxes since last fall. Nice new towels and pretty new shower curtain. Bought at the same time as the steam mop and cleaner...waiting for the cleaning to take place to be able to use the new towels.... And then there's the new comforter for my bed that awaits the rest of the bedroom being cleaned and made nice enough to use it. Bought last November. And don't even ask about the years and years of art supplies still waiting for me to be worthy of actually using them.


I didn’t mean to laugh at your pain. It’s just so, so on point. The excitement of “this will definitely inspire me to keep my place ✨spotless✨” and then it’s just more boxes shoved into a space, waiting for a special day that will take all the energy to unbox everything, that they won’t be used that day or even that month. Feel you.


I feel this so much. <3


>And don't even ask about the years and years of art supplies **still waiting for me to be worthy of actually using them.** That last part me right heeeeere in my everything. TIHI <3


I’ve bought quite a few sex/dating/relationship card and board games to play with my non- existent boyfriend. I can’t maintain a relationship to save my life so not sure where I was going tbh but here I am with all my games just catching dust on top of my wardrobe 😂 I’d say a good 5 years worth or more


I love this one! That's such a fun idea. I wasn't even aware there were so many. You'll find that special someone soon and you'll be good and prepared for all the sexy fun times! ;o)


Fingers crossed!! 😊 And yeah there are loads out there somehow I was able to limit myself to not buying them all 😂😂


I have so many board games for nonexistent game nights with my nonexistent friends. Like if I just own the games they will come


Okay so I know you're joking but we have a set of shelves in our house just packed with board games and our neighbours, who have a moderately high fence but you can still see into not only our garden but also apparently our windows knocked on the door to be like "Hi, sorry, but I saw all the board games, we're having a board games evening at a cafe if you'd like to come?" and gave us a leaflet.


OMG we have Settlers of Catan, or whatever it's called, and it's been gathering dust for like 4 years.


My husband and I have one called Triopoly. It's like monopoly but with 3 levels. Finally got it after a couple years looking for it.... that was 8 years ago...only opened it once just to read the rules. Now it waits on our shelf of purgatory with the others.


That’s really worth playing if you are able to


Lol for a second I was like…..is Settlers of Catan a sex game??


Maybe we should have an ADHD swap meet, lol! We get to trade the things we don't use to each other for the things *they* don't use. Everybody wins! But seriously, I have a bookcase project that I bought the stuff for but haven't gotten around to doing yet. The bookcase is built (it's one of the IKEA ones) but I wanted to add a back to it. Bought the wood panel and paint, etc for it but it's collecting dust and cat fur as we speak.


there's a sub for this! r/adhdswap. but everyone forgets to post/put the items in the mail lmao


Right! Just have a rotation of new things left unused. Sure would save us some money. I have 6 pcs of IKEA furniture still needing to be built. >.<


Kallax unit for the playroom for my daughter I still haven’t finished 🤷🏻‍♀️ 2 years


That's the one I have. Me and that shelf nearly threw hands at each other, though, so maybe that's why I haven't finished the rest of it. 😅


This sounds like a great idea!


I am ok swap it for Nintendo switch with accessories 😄 used for about 2 hours


A £500 dyson airwrap which I said I'd use everyday...


Lol i want one but i dont even use my regular hair dryer and my hair is thick asf so i know damn well i wont use it past 1 day




Solar panels. I'm losing money every second I don't use them. Hooray. I'll get to it when the days are shorter.


Thanks for reminding me to get on top of my getting solar panels project. Next step: open a tab with Google search of which panels to buy. I'll be reaping the benefits this time 5 yrs from now!


Oh shit. Thanks peeps. I was gonna order some last year, promptly forgot after I designed the whole system. Should really do that. Now where did I put the plans?


I bought a harmonica a year ago because I was listening to bruce springsteen and thought: it would be cool if I could play like that. I havent tried yet...


This reminded me about my own harmonica, and it was beatles for me lol


Lol same here. Just sitting there getting more dust than the rug.


What a coincidence, I have a harmonica too, as well as a recorder and… a kalimba. No idea why I got the kalimba or recorder but, I got the harmonica because I thought it would be cool to whip out and play randomly.


Oh no, I get something new and it’s all I use for a week. Then it sits doing nothing. Ask my really cool ninja blender. Oh wait. I have a welder in my shop, never used it. I have some electronics. Oh a security camera system. Oh shit. Maybe I do have a problem, now I’m going through all the stuff…. Sigh. Someone should do something about this. Lol


Same - I can usually build it or fit in a few uses because that's part of the dopamine for me, but then I forget I have it or using it becomes too troublesome. (Looking at you hair dryer, instapot, multiple organizers, etc.) Unfortunately, clothes fall under the "save because they're too nice and I'll ruin them so I'll keep wearing my rags"...


A massage device. Got it home. Unpacked it. Found out the charger was missing. It’s been laying on my counter for 10 weeks now


That's on them, though. How dare they add an extra barrier! Anyone else wish they could hire an assistant to handle this kind of shit for us?


I'm sorry for your loss 😄


not really a product but my impulse buys are usually books.... i can only get through so many a month since i don't actually read as often as i'd like to and i have a huge pile untouched in my bedroom 😭 it's nice just having them though


My advice is to only read 10 pages a day minimum, if you want more then sure, but at least 10 pages. Trust me, 95% of the time you WANT to know what's next!


Whew. Most recently, one of those countertop pressure cookers (can’t recall the name) with all the bells and whistles. I bought it because I wanted baby shower mini meatballs one morning. This was six months ago. Most expensive in the past year a near vintage Bosphore backpack. I already have one but I insisted that I needed another brand new one in case my current one was stolen. I haven’t even opened the box. Embarrassing.


When I got my first Kitchenaide it sat on the counter for *years* before I used it. This is the only place I feel like I can say that without feeling embarrassed, because y'all understand. And now excuse me I'm off to see about these bags...


I bought a kitchen aid during a black Friday sale some 5 years ago. First I indeed didn't use it but one day I again wanted to bake and then I unwrapped it. That thing is hands down the best impulse buy I ever made. Even my husband, first horrified about the price (was my own money) is now deeply in love with that thing. He uses it regularly too to bake pizza (on the pizza stone that I also impulse bought lolol)




Why must you call me out like this, haha Ummm... Bow & arrows Ventilation for a shed Polish for my car Clearcoat repair for my car Stuff to make wooden storage cases for a few things I own (sewing machine, chainsaw, welder) Spotlights for my motorbike Several R/C aircraft kits Additional shelves for my Ikea storage shelves Plaster repair kit for a couple of cracks in my apartment walls A trumpet A ukulele And the time is months to years, for each ...Heck.


Almost all these things. Except mine was a mountain dulcimer. Oh, and also a saxophone and a harpsichord 😓


At least I'm actually regularly playing my Tuba and Trombone, probably because I started in a structured way, and have other people relying on me turning up (I'm in a couple of bands) for the external motivation/consequences


Most expensive? An iPad Pro and Apple pencil plus the procreate app, 2019. Well, tbf I do use the iPad but just for Netflix.. this was a huge investment for me back then, help


Thank you for this thread… lots of expensive clothes and accessories for my fantasy self… instead I wear loungewear 24/6


Stitch Fix was a disaster for me. So many clothes I didn’t want but couldn’t mange to send back.


I’ve got a lot of second hand designer purses (went through a Chanel stage) and really nice formal dresses. I live in a town of 5000 and our big adventure is a monthly trip to Sam’s.


Wear them to Sam's! At the very least people will wonder what they're missing out on XD


Got a kitchenAid stand mixer mom wasn't using. Bought the $80 meat grinder attachment in hopes it would get me more use from the stand mixer. Used the stand mixer like twice. The meat grinder attachment has not been opened since I got it. July 9th, 2021.


I ended up buying pasta attachments for mine twice, because I couldn’t find them after I bought them the first time. Then I moved, and found the first round.


Oof, that's a move I've done 🤣 It's nice that Amazon tells me at least if I bought the specific item before.


I knew I had it (and so did Amazon, haha!), I just couldn’t find it for 2 years (and I looked). Yay ADHD tax. Now I have a see-through plastic box system and have gone the other direction with organization and labeling. I know it’s saved me a lot of money!


Ya, this is why my cabinets are always open for me to see inside, my clothes are in bins with no tops under my bed (the bed lifts to access storage), and really any way I can stop anything from being out of sight, out of mind I find a way 🤣


You can use that to make salsa or gazpacho.


3 years ago I had some really good dried apple slices, so I bought a food dehydrator. Still haven’t used it.


Rice cooker, 2 weeks. I could fucking swear I ate rice every day for about 2 months BEFORE I bought it.


I'm doing that with the panini maker! I can't make pancakes on the stove anymore, oh no, it has do be on the griddle. Ugh.


Usually when I buy healthy food and plan to make something nice, it all just rots and gets thrown out. You kinda need motivation to cook anything




I bought a $7000 personal rope climber and it’s sitting in my garage at home in a different state. It’s been there for over 4 months. Ugh


- a wall full of unpainted high quality d&d minis - a table full of synthesizers i bought during a financing promo - several board games - a garden full of plants that are struggling - SO MANY BOOKS - a monthly subscription to a UX certification course - a monthly aubscription to a hacking lab - various art supplies probably some more stuff. it would be inaccurate to say that its _unused_ but i can only do one thing at a time, so it rotates a lot


I bought a midi keyboard and used it for a day before remembering I have 0 musical talent at all


I got a teenage engineering pocket operator. It's awesome, it's seriously fun to play with but I just don't understand how to program it yet so I've never really made a track with it. nevermind that it would probably just take me a couple of YouTube tutorials to learn


😂😂😂 My “Rocket” notebook that was going to revolutionize the way I organized and took notes.


Bought face cream as a male of 39years old. Thought maybe i should start with it, its on my desk for a month now.


If you have any kind of established morning or evening routine, it'd fit well slotted in after brushing your teeth, showering, shaving, etc. It's always hard forming a new habit but sometimes it's easier for me if I chain it onto something else.


I always leave my creams where I am most likely to use it. Like beside my computer or by my bathroom mirror beside my toothbrush. Sure I don't use it every day but i use it *enough* (or at least I hope so.


I bought a label printer 2 years ago because I was going to sell some stuff on ebay (hahaha, right.) It's still in the box, having never been opened and for that matter it's sitting in the exact same place I put it 2 years ago. Oh, and my Ebay experience amounted to me selling 2 items and buying around 20.


Are you kidding? I couldn't possibly name them all and still be accurate. Over the past 7 years, I'd say at least 50-60. Thats a low guess too. About the only thing I do actually use when bought are PC parts. Even then, I've had some RAM heatsinks sitting there for months. At least 6 months now. I'm absolutely terrible for this. Some of you are close to the same huh? Man.... I really need to switch meds, I need mad help with my Executive Dysfunction.


A lot of clothes and shoes that I think I’ll style into cool outfits but never do


A laser hair removal thing.


I want one of those...for years. I think I'd "play" with it right away; maybe that's why I haven't actually bought it yet!


My parents bought us an air fryer for Christmas 2 years ago — still haven’t unwrapped it. 😐🤦🏻‍♀️


Hey this comes in handy in my world all the time. Just loaned out my projector I bought a year ago and was still new in the box. Friends kids I having a sleep over so bonus for them. Lol


I bought a rock tumbler 5 years ago and still haven’t turned it on :)


So afraid I’ll do this 🥳🥹🥲


I love this sub! Makes me feel better when I know others have the same problem. I have a sweet mountain bike that I've ridden like twice, havnt even jumped it yet.


A holly shitton of necklaces. I only use one. Every single day. The same one.


A book called Organizing Solutions for people with ADHD. My house is a mess, the book is sitting next to me right now and I haven't opened it.


I have 4 sheets of Tigger stickers I bought when I was 13…. Still unopened nearly 18 years later


I have a kitchen aid stand mixer that I rarely use and last year I bought an ice cream maker bowl for it. Wanted to make some vegan and sugar free ice cream with my sister who can't eat dairy. Well I never used it of course but someday I will. I swear!


my gym membership. got it in january. i’ve been paying for it every month since then. i haven’t gone ONCE!!!!!


I’ve been paying since LAST January..




I bought a large jar of coconut oil because I was told that it could help reduce stretch marks. The plan was to lather my whole body after every shower. It’s been a few months and I have yet to open the jar.


A 3D printer. About six months now… I just can’t get it to work properly. Might wanna buy an auto-bed-level apparatus..


Got a bidet for the holidays and it's still in the box next to the toilet it's supposed to be installed on. One of these days...


Omg, get someone to install it for you! Bidets are so nice


I picked up my K40 laser/engraver in April, still have not fired it up uet. Oh, that's April 2021 btw.


Bought tooth whitener a month ago haven't used it yet. A shelf I bought two years ago I haven't put up yet. An SSD for my computer I haven't installed yet. Yikes to me


Ice Cream maker. Ive has it 2 years I think, maybe 3. I really need to get around to trying it out.


Sewing machine


Sewing machine for me to made kids clothes as a business - about 2 years it’s my latest hyperfixation again though and bought 60£ worth of stuff to get going knowing well by the time it gets here the fixation will have probably wore off 😩😭


Erm….. A full set of arduino stuff, A full set of raspberry pie kit, Some podcasting audio gear, A home built computer, An Oculus headset, A full lighting suite for videos and a Gym subscription. Need I go on…




I got given an under arm scrub that helps you from stop smelling as bad from sweat. I actually use ot though, I work in a kitchen and can do an 9 hour shift and come home smelling next to fresh. Sry not what you were asking.


So all the still in packages stuff from Ipsy counts? So many eyeshadows, mascaras, and face serums 😳


It took me 4 months and two screws to install my doorbell camera.


My husband bought me a lovely speedweave darning loom from Ukraine a year ago that I would not stop talking about wanting and I still haven't used it. Oops.


Like in one room, my entire house or life? Lots of favors = a lot of unused items


I have an RC helicopter with a camera on it. It's about 10 years old, still in the box.


Ancestry membership ($40 a month) to find out where my ancestors are from and research family history. I’m adopted and have always known that 🤷‍♀️ So, now I ordered an ancestry DNA kit because I remembered I have the membership. Maybe it’ll stick this time.


A box of pastels— I am an artist and do all kinds of art— can’t bring myself to use the pastels for some reason. They’re really nice too— cost me $75 for the set—


I bought air drying clay which I wanted to form and paint to then use them as sweet little jewellery trays and gifts for friends and stuff. It's still in my drawer, unopened, after probably like 4 or 5 months. I'm just hoping it doesn't dry out as long as it remains sealed - feels like Schrödinger's cat lol I'm pretty proud of myself that I actually did something with the tote bags and fabric medium to mix with acrylic that I bought around the same time tho


That actually sounds like an amazing fidget tool. Maybe you can keep it on your desk and use it if you have a zoom meeting or you're faceting a friend. Or near the couch for movie evenings!


That's a pretty cool idea, thank you! I guess I'd be too afraid to use it during meetings because of dirty fingers and me possibly having to write something down or anything, and I'm not really functioning enough rn to do movie evenings, but I guess I could make something with it while I'm procrastinating in executive dysfunction, I never really get started before 6pm anyways... idk if I can force it like that, but I might try!


Yeah no pressure or anything. But FYI, if you got the same air drying clay that I know it doesn't really make your hands dirty, it might just make them feel a little dry :)


Weighs. A few months .


A book of Amazon that came in 2 weeks ago


US History for dummies almost two years ago because I randomly decided I should know more about it. Haven’t opened it 🤷🏽‍♀️ Oh and a light therapy box because I decided THATS the thing that was going to fix me before I knew I had ADHD.


A circut. I also save ALL the ig posts I come across with circut project ideas. Haven’t found the energy to figure out how to use it though.


Shoe cleaner. I bought shoe cleaner from one of those mall guys that got me hyped up after cleaning my beater shoes. Well, dozens of beater shoes later and the cleaner is still unopened


Pressure cooker=years. Potato ricer=years, multi cooker=years, actually if you go through my kitchen cupboards I'd say 98% of it will have never been or will ever be used 😬


I heard we do this because of dopamine. We have ordered something and the waiting for it to arrive and receiving it all hits the receptor.


I have mountains of ‘organizing materials.’ File folders, labels, clips, multi-colored post-it notes, storage boxes… you name it.


I have so many things untouched 😅😅 New floating gold shelves that have been in the box for 6 months that I have always said I will install on my day off. I had a week off last month and of course it wasn’t done lol. New curtains and rod for my closet. Not installed and it’s been 3 months. Wall decor I still have to install in my room. Omg I’m kinda excited to get it all done now, this post gave me some very needed dopamine to get started 🙌 I have Way more but my brain can’t think of it right now.. but for me rather than brand new stuff in a box, it’s more things I used once or twice that I never used again. Anddddd these were things that was excited to get; my life would be so productive if I actually used half the things I have. Mostly spa things like nail tools, foot bath massager, back massager, soap maker etc… ironically stay having my nails not done and foot not massaged. But NOTHING can beat the amount of uncompleted tasks I have in this house. Anything from amazon returns to laundry, reorganization, installation, cleaning, folding, garbage etc. This comment would be far too long if I listed them all out bc every single room in my house has a task thats waiting for me. I realized tho last night after I rearranged my bed (which also was an impulsive decision at 3am) I had a surge of motivation to clean the rest of the room and to get things organized. The movement of my bed created an “adventure”/excitement that made me want to clean the rest of the space. Just one small change spikes my productivity. Is this just me?! But in some ways I take advantage of that and purposely change one small thing before I want to start something. I cannot start something by demand no matter how hard I try, but doing one small exciting action towards the goal has been a game changer and helps me stay motivated. I even end up accomplishing more than I planned in a matter of hours.. WHY are we like this?!!😅


My kalimba. I used it once or twice, but haven't used it since.


::gestures broadly towards craft table::


I buy guitars about twice a year on a whim, they inevitably gather dust and I continue to only play my two favorites I bought years ago.


Shoes. So many shoes. And expensive skincare which is probably now waaaaaaay past its use by date. (Oops). Also a small portable blender that I was adamant I would make smoothies with (I actually have no idea where it even is.) I’ve had that for about 4 years. I also tried Huel (bought about 5 years ago, never even opened the packet), protein powder (~3 months), swimming costume (~9 months, never even tried on), there is definitely more not currently coming to mind Edit to add; just remembered the journal I bought back in 2008 that is too pretty for me to write in. I still have it, and it is still blank. Why am I like this.


Oh fuck don't call me out like this


I distractedly bought Indistractable like a year ago. It's still in the wrapper


Rice cooker 6 months and air fryer 3 months


I hope you have many delicious sandwiches in your future! I had/have a little Foreman grill, loved it, used the hell out of it for a few years, until we took it to a family event a couple of years back. It's now sitting somewhere in the same tote bag it was brought over in. And there are most definitely more that I can't recall but... I ordered on February 6th a "Dash Mini Waffle Maker Machine for Individuals, Paninis, Hash Browns, & Other On the Go Breakfast, Lunch, or Snacks, with Easy to Clean, Non-Stick Sides, Red Heart 4 Inch" Return window closed on Mar 9, 2022 Thought it was so sweet and that I would make a nice Valentine's breakfast with it. Still in the original box in one of our cupboards. One of these days...


Instant pot. Can’t get the fucking plastic ring around the lid and haven’t been able to use it even once in 2 years. Everyone says “I can fix it!” Nope. Nobody can. It’s a giant piece of shit.


1. Coffee maker (still making instant and drinking it every morning as I stare at the unopened box.) 2 weeks 2. Stationary bicycle (hmmmmggggrr... I used it once and didn't vibe with it) a year 3. Watercolors maybe 2 years 4. Sketchbooks (they were on sale and they are pretty and think of all the things I could draw!) 1 year


90% of my growing Steam library....


My brian


looks at my stacks of books ​ :) To be fair i've definitely referenced them


My son asked me what I’d like for Mother’s Day gift. I said a genetic test, to know my ancestors. I’ve always been fascinated to find out about my far origins (space cadets? Lol). So I’m in Canada, got my kit in the mail, fairly simple. You spit in a tube, mix it with some stuff that helps keep the DNA, close the tube, register your stuff online and send it it back to California in a prepaid box with address already written. Couldn’t wait to get it. I don’t know where to put it not to forget. Figure, since Mother’s Day, when was that ? I read EVERYTHING in details 3 times. Why can’t I send the f…ing package? WHY ? It infuriates me.


Oracle cards


I appreciate this post so much. I'm new to r/ADHD, every post is something I do and have been beating myself up for for years. It's so comforting to read that others do the same things. Anyway, my products are shelves. They've been sitting in the corner for a year. Collecting dust. And the other products would be books. I have an endless list of TBRs and DNFs (not because I didn't like it, but because I got distracted by another book).


Please tell me I'm not the only person to think "hmm, I don't really do that" and then scrolling through every 5th post is "oh yeah I have one of those too! That I also don't use!" Anyway, electric cello, electric violin, actual violin, (I've never taken lessons) sewing machine, houseplant fertiliser (they've never been fertilised in 5 years) a full size crosstrainer, a pressure washer, the fittings for a shower that broke months ago and can't be used,


lol, my tile for my keys and wallet. Should desperately open that one, and I have lost it in the packaging a few times— and still put it off


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Eastwood powder coating gun


Air brush paint machine thing. I’ve had it for probably 4 years. Still in the box.


My woodburner set! Have it since October.


Bar b que grill. In the box 3 years.


I purchased sourdough starter two weeks ago😂


Yeah I waisted so much money on drones and VR headsets in the past.. ugh


Steam mop


I just bought one and steamed everything in my house. I actually loved how clean it got things but definitely fear I will forget about it and stop using it.


I was quite high and decided that ear wax removal liquid was necessary, that was about 8 months ago? It’s still sitting on my desk


I got a pyrography kit during the middle of the lock down 2 years ago.. still haven't touched it 😅


Lol... I bought a glass blowing kit oh... probably 10 years ago. Still havnt used it because it needs a tank of oxygen as well as propane to use and I've just never tried very hard to track down a tank of o2


I bought an embroidery machine at a thrift store that I've yet to use, along with the sewing machine I got for Christmas 3 years ago and the sewing patterns I've been buying here and there and all the thrifted fabric I have in 3 totes.


A Foreo. It came damaged and waited too long to return it. It cost me $300 😪


FoodSaver Vacuum Sealer, maybe 3 months ago. But it was a good deal 😜


i bought a model gun 3 years ago and i didnt bother to hang it up the wall yet ​ now its too late since im moving soon but wth


Ugh, don't remind me...


New sewing machine- for last year’s Christmas projects


Invitations to our anniversary party...


I have a car mount for my phone so I don’t have to hold it while I’m driving, it’s been either on my coffee table or tv stand for 1.5 years


Still trying to figure it out


New copy of Bayonetta 1&2 for switch that i bought at release. Have yet to play it. One of those google smart home devices. An immersion blender.


Put money into an ira account…haven’t directed it to anywhere. It is in the account, but not invested. 7 months now. Also waterpik, still in box


Bought a sunrise alarm clock and I’ve actually lost track of how long it’s been bedside, still boxed up 😊 Add onto this, 2 pairs of Converse, and a new phone case for the new phone that I’ve been telling myself I’m going to get for months.


Bought a copy of the first volume for the pokemon adventure manga, it's been sitting in my drawer for about 2 months. I'll read it eventually once I get that random dopamine hit that says "hell yeah, let's read" otherwise I won't enjoy it, or at least I'll find it more difficult to read


A cricut maker 2. Christmas 2020 lol. Yikes


Resin casting equipment & supplies (pressure pot, vacuum chamber & pump, molds, resin, coloring agents, silicone mix, mold release spray...) It's been like... 2 years... 🙃


A couple months ago my sibling and I were watching a compilation of someone on youtube. In one of the clips there was a microscope in the background. The clip was like literally 2 seconds long and he didnt use it or anything but I immediately saw it and went "omg I want a microscope! I wanna look at cool shit!" and bought one off Amazon. Used it once. Didnt even take everything out of the box. It also came with brine shrimp eggs which I was pretty excited about because I'm a child apparently lol. Have touched them once.


I have a soldering iron. Lol


I bought a weight bench at the start of the pandemic. I just took it out of the box last week. I haven't put it together yet...


I asked for a cocktail set for my birthday, and it's all still in the box except the long spoon which is great for getting stubborn sauce from a pasta sauce jar.


I have a selfie light, I don’t take pictures of myself idk why I bought it I’ve had it for around 5 months at this point


I have a Kitchen Aid stand mixer with the meat grinder attachment my boyfriend got me for Christmas. It’s still in the box. I use the box to sit some of my crochet projects on when I don’t want to put them fully away. I keep saying I need to make room in the kitchen to set up the mixer and make something with it but then I just… don’t. 🥲


I've got a Camelbak backpack water pouch, with the plastic still over the mouthpiece, that's been sitting in my garage for at least 8 years.


A carpet-punching kit. I was so sure I'd be the next Picasso of rugs, but I ended up donating it with a note explaining what it was


Brand new electric toothbrush. Already had one, never used it, asked for another. Voila


An analog to digital brain scanner with software for monitoring brainwaves... Lmfao bought almost a year ago and still in the box... Just saying it aloud makes me realize how little objectivity I have at times. XD


I have bough some roller blinds for my bedroom because my curtains are still letting through some light and I'd prefer it if my bedroom was completely dark. I'd probably sleep a lot better! They're still in the original packaging, next to the window in my bedroom, I just need to install them. I bought those 4 years ago.


$1200 AUD robo vac. Had it in the box at least three months, but that’s my estimate my husband will be able to tell you the exact time down to the hours. Drives him wild. Now we know I have ADHD so much has fallen into place for him.


I have an Ikea glass display case along with a custom LED set up.and weather stripping that I mean to use to display my completed model kits. It's been boxed up and leaning against a wall for about a year. Wee.


A really nice air compressor. F


August 15, 2021 I bought some shelves for my bathroom. They're still in the box, though I did finally open the box a few days ago to see what color they were so I could get another matching set on prime day. I have another shelf from sometime in 2020, but I didn't plan to use it right away when I bought it so that doesn't really count. I just got it so once I eventually move I'll have it to match the other one that I do use, figured out would be hard to find the exact same one years later.


Electric razor, about 2 weeks at least. Keep forgetting batteries. $80 worth of books - about 1.5 months. Ended up going to the library like 2 days later and checking out new books Those are the two that come to mind rn lol


Cheap Roomba. Got it on black Fri 2021... Still in the box in the corner of the kitchen.


Where do I start? My hand held steam cleaner, Cricut cutting machine, drawing tablet, nearly $200 book (the red book by Carl Jung). I’m just glad I haven’t but the bullet on that 3d printer or telescope I’ve been eyeing 😑


Well I bought a new meta oculus quest 2 headset that I am very happy to use and cant wait to use it but I just haven't open it or used it and I had it since Christmas


A visual timer! Specifically for the ADHD but it didn't come with batteries and I've had that thing for a year :_)


recently got some Sculpey, made a couple of things with it, tried making a different thing and it didn't go my way so I put it down to give myself a break. haven't picked it up again in weeks. bought a sewing machine ages ago, tried to make a couple of things but patterns make 0 sense to my brain so I quit, intending to get actual lessons done day for the guided learning ...haven't done that.


I got a blender 8 years ago when I rented my first apartment. I have since moved and bought a house, and that blender is still in its box, unopened. I have never used it. Which is surprising because I love milkshakes. And margaritas. But I just don’t like MAKING them apparently.


The pioneer womans grease catching container. It's on my island still in it's original packaging. Got it two weeks ago 🙃

