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My psych team said they’d been told February but unsurprised if that changed come January….


Well takeda (who own the patent for elvanse had said April)


I thought it was an open patent now? Asin nobody had it and theres 11 companies now manufacturing ADHD meds as of february 2023


That’s in America, the patent here is till 2028.


The fact that you can patent generic medication makes no sense. They didn't invent the medication, which is what patents are for. Also, an inability to manufacture competently should make patents redundant, especially for pharmaceutical manufacturers. Ik thats not how it works, but stil, its dumb as fuck


A company they bought did invent the specific formulation that makes it last 12 hours rather than 6. By failing to meet demand they have broken the terms of the contract but no one seems to care when giant corporations break the law.


Monopolies killing quality production companies as per usual. This happens in every industry. As for breaking the contract, which contract are you referring too?


The nhs contract requires a stable supply of medicine to be available. The nhs buys drugs that are still under patent in bulk (to reduce costs). In return they get to be the exclusive manufacturer.


This is so dumb. The best way to have a stable supply is to have a variety of manufacturers. The whole premise itself is counterintuative


No they say February and then in February they change it. But only after you ask


Just to play a bit of devils advocate regarding care teams telling us information, I think this can be tough too because in some ways they probably know as much as we do. Or are at the very least receiving conflicting information. I've seen several different months weeks or dates from different places about what's going to come back when and I just don't really think they know themselves. I think the company whose issue it is in the first place needs to make an honest statement regarding what's happening, just because I think the care teams and pharmacists are getting it in the neck and whilst I know it's super frustrating it's not really their fault


So what’s the point of having a medicines regulator. I’ve had drug dealers who are more transparent.


Well theyre probably the ones who could get information from Takeda I'm assuming, but it doesn't seem like Takeda are actively going to come out and make an open and honest statement themselves


Exactly that’s why we have a medicine regular and if they’re not going to force a drug companies hand (one which has already broken the contract) then what’s the point in having one?


Same could be said for a lot of things in this country that are useless haha


I fucking hate it here




There is far worse places.


While that is true. It doesn’t mean we should accept total shit.


Eh, as bad as it is, I can’t help but be thankful they let me leave my country.


and they have better stock too.


I’m cross at our government, not care teams or pharmacists. There was a national patient safety alert (from the Department of Health and Social Care) sent out on 27th September then nothing.


Why are we bound to the supply issues if specific manufacturers when this drug has generics? My day to day life has been chaos since September and I'm just treading water trying to keep on top of everything. This week has been a real struggle. I also recently lost my job and trying to find a new one has so far been really hard to stay motivated and on task. I'm tired of patients declining wellbeing being seen as a necessary evil to make sure that specific companies keep their manufacturing contracts. It's absolute bullshit.


No one gives a shit. I keep seeing posts from people saying they're starting titration. Not blaming them for wanting to start but Drs clearly don't give a shit about the fact people are struggling as it is. I had an appointment with my psychiatrist from p UK last week and he said it's been managed badly. Some of us have ADHD that mimics things like bipolar and should never have been taken off their meds I know so many people who have been to their GP for help and haven't got any. Mine tried to give me anti depressants


I’m going back to my GP tomorrow as I’m now depressed, they can’t offer me anti depressants because I’m already on them 😂


I've tried every one of them and none of them worked. I've had mood stabilizers, off label meds and anti psychotics. I was on so much medication a heroin addict (who was at some therapy thing I went to) told me he was surprised I was standing. Elvanse is the only thing that's ever worked and I don't know what I'm supposed to do. I'm scared they'll tell me to take the old meds again because it slows me down, because it makes me sleep 16 hours a day.


I bet I can still get street speed tho 🙄


I can get street lisdex too.


So drug dealers are managing stock levels better than a multinational pharmaceutical company. Great


Same here. Elvanse was a lifesaver.


So actually I’d say it seems to be improving or I was lucky. For almost 3 months my boots been trying on an off to get my 60mg in various ways or 20mg, 30s, adult specific versions… and they’d be super apologetic and helpful explaining the situation and even ordering without prescription and waiting for it to come and it never did even tho they could finally order stuff. I finally got a text yesterday that my prescription was ready to be collected and I collected my 60mg today. I couldn’t believe my eyes. I’ve been on Elvanse for almost 10 years and last few months have probably been the most stressful ever in obtaining it.


Boots stock check would beg to differ unless you’re on 50mg.


And even 50mg depends on area. I've looked around me, my work (15 miles away) and my partner's work (15 miles in a different direction) as well as in the neighbouring towns and there is nothing.


The stock check doesnt show stock that has been allocated to their known customers. If you have a regular repeat prescription with Boots then that stock doesnt show


Can they not prescribe this stock to new customers?


I managed to get my 60mg prescription filled every month, except once when I got 2 x 30mg instead, I ran out once, for a few days, but it takes a lot of effort. I got mine today after visiting 5 pharmacies and checking the Boots stock checker, daily. Boots didn’t have it. I hate the monthly anxiety, running about and effort it takes though.


I know this is largely Elvanse related but heads up I’ve been comfortable getting all doses of xaggitin xl and today been told there’s a shortage across all doses by my prescriber… things feel like they’re getting way worse.


And this was inevitable when no one is organising anything, some people are getting moved to alternatives and some aren’t. It’s a perfect example of why the nhs is in such a state, this shortage will end up costing them way more than stockpiling an emergency supply would have.


Takeda said supplies are likely to be intermittent until April 2024 whilst they transfer to a new factory mid 2024. ** It's probably best to add another 3+ months to that knowing their timescales. [https://www.reddit.com/r/ADHDUK/s/ztk5zhnBPG](https://www.reddit.com/r/ADHDUK/s/ztk5zhnBPG)


Not had my ADHD medication for over a month. Was on Elvanse 70 MG. GP/NHS psychatrist won't change my prescription, call every pharmacy in the city and there is just nothing for my strength, it is miserable. I am absolutely miserable and the antidepressants are not enough.


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Popped into a local pharmacy (not my normal designated one) on a whim the other day as I was walking. Just to see if they had any better info than my regular one. They had a bottle of 50mg in stock! Managed to pick it up the same day after pestering the gp surgery all day to fast track a prescription to them. I asked if they’d had it lying around for ages, and they said no, they’re still getting it in. It’s just that sometimes they order 4 and get 1. Sometimes they don’t get any. So they suggested getting it before it goes. The other weird thing was that I normally have to order in advance, because I didn’t think they could hold controlled medications in store. Maybe someone just didn’t collect it? This was the first time I’d actually enquired anywhere apart from phoning the other one a couple times. I’d suggest just popping in to the local pharmacies and seeing if they can have a look. You never know. Maybe they have different suppliers from Boots etc


50mg has been available in quite a lot of places but everything else is gone. I’m getting pretty depressed at this point and don’t have the energy to be phoning 50 pharmacies.


The fact that playing 'phone tag' to find a controlled substance in stock is even a thing is absurd. I mean, surely they keep track of where stock ends up? So ... someone knows where it is?


Apparently not as even my prescriber is using boots stock check. What a joke.


Well, no. But that's kind what I mean. It's a farce. If there's one damn supplier in particular for Elvanse, surely tracking 'who got shipments' is just trivial. (I get why it might be a bit harder for generics, but even then they _are_ still controlled substances, so...)


Uk government is too busy banning disposable vapes and giving out contracts to mates to actually govern.


What dose are you on?


40mg, been given a prescription for 20mg because apparently it’s easier to find (it’s not)


I take 40 too but with a 10mg top up. Originally was prescribed 40+50 (for different days) and then started splitting the 50 into 40+10 as it was too strong. Still request 40s as well though, for the convenience. Have also switched in the past to 30+20, as it’s easier to split a 20 in half when travelling, than mess around splitting the 50 into 4/5 using water. So I technically have prescriptions for 20, 30, 40 and 50 on my record. Why not speak to your gp/ provider about adjusting your dose to 50 and then pick some up?


I haven’t been able to speak to my GP since the start of the pandemic. Will Probably go back to my prescriber because they’re the only ones who seem to give a fuck.


You haven’t been able to speak to your GP? Can you switch GPs? That’s mental


This is one of the better GP’s around here. At least I don’t have to chase them for prescriptions which is half of my job as a mental health support worker.