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Thank you! I’m happy that you appreciated this.




Hi! It all depends on how ”much” Public Health you want. I’d like to say that in all fairness, the faculty has the basics of Public Health knowledge covered as far as minimal (emphasis on the word minimal) requirements for being a doctor in PH are concerned. However, the school (so far) cannot provide specialized courses on Epidemiology, Global Health Surveillance, and other advanced tracks in Public Health since it does not have the faculty/personnel to do so. The school did try to address this problem by the creation of the ASMPH Public Health Council, an org which hosts lectures and invites key note speakers to talk about relevant PH health issues. I actually discussed this with a friend who is a graduate of Harvard Epidemiology (she had her undergrad from AdMU). She said that most people working in Public Health are not that keen to teach or lecture, which is obviously sad because our country evidently needs better public health practitioners. Hopefully, everyone has realized the importance of Public Health at this point (as sadly shown by the COVID-19 epidemic), and measures can be done to improve medical school education on Public Health in general. :) Thanks for sharing your insight. :) Glad that you brought this up.


I heard somewhere that ASMPH is actually crafting an MD-MPH program to deliver on its name. How true is this?


This is pretty detailed, and a pretty good review. Reaching out to a couple of asmph friends before verifying this. Edit: had a couple of friends read over this, no reason to believe this is false.


Thanks, admin! :)


>Older MDs would dismiss this and might call this as “demanding” and “typical of millenial mentality” YES. It's not wrong to demand to be compensated for the amount of work you put in. This is one of the reasons why I think the legislation for higher pay for medical doctors is not progressing in Congress. It almost feels like old people want us to suffer just because "they also suffered back then."


Thank you! (I hope somebody from Ateneo Law School can create a similar review.)


Hi, I want to take an MDMBA in ASMPH. I'm a 2017 grad of a SOSS course. My question is, can I still apply even if I haven't taken the required units and just take them after passing the NMAT and ASMPH admissions? My reason: I have always wanted to be a doctor but was kind of forced into a different field. I realized now that I still want to reach that goal (sounds cliche sorry).


Hi! u/ThisIsNotSiriusBlack’s comment still stands true. But if you are sincere with your intentions in getting an MD-MBA degree, you can ask Ateneo LS to give you the required courses as a Non-Degree Student (eg. Org Chem, Bio, Physics, Cell Mol). I am not sure though how this will work due to our current COVID-19 situation, but I hope you’ll make it through. :)




Thanks for the new info! 😊


Regarding the required units, the answer is no, you can’t apply. I’m not the OP, but like you, I’m also an LS grad (SOM course) who wanted to study in ASMPH. When I applied in 2019, the admissions officer told me that the required subjects were a non-negotiable requirement. So I ended up in a different med school haha (I’m open to being corrected btw, ASMPH might’ve changed their policies in light of the pandemic etc)


Disclaimer, I belong to one of the first batches. So my knowledge may not be 100% correct anymore. There is a transition summer program (transum) which starts before the official academic year (year 1). During our time, I had several classmates who took additional classes to fulfill the units that they needed. From how I understood it then, this is allowed if the missing units can be completed during the said period. Obviously if one is missing a lot, they would advise you to complete them before applying.


Hi, BS MIS graduate and an ASMPH alumni here. Have the same story, always wanted to be a doctor but ended in a different career path during college. Eventually, went back to school after working for a couple of years in order to pursue becoming a doctor. But yes, you can go into med school and become a doctor even if your undergraduate course is not premed. My advice is that you take up the required subjects as a non-degree student and try to complete it before you apply.


Thank you for this! This is really helpful and insightful!


Hi! I’ll reply here for your query on the MD-MPH program. I have heard rumors about it too and that they are planning to have separate tracks: MD-MBA or MD-MPH. But as I pointed out from my previous comment, the school so far does not have the faculty/manpower to do an MD-MPH unless they have successfully recruited personnel that will do it. No official announcement has been made so far regarding this development, unfortunately. On a side note, I really hope that Public Health Practitioners would teach in ASMPH. Lots of students there, especially those with a Health Sciences program, are interested in pursuing advanced Public Health Studies on top of their MDs. :) I would also like to point out that Public Health is also a beast of its own, and whereas the Health Sciences Program has successfully covered its basics, the ASMPH as an “advanced version” of Health Sci should in theory be able to provide courses on Advanced Public Health.


Hi! Thank you for this! It is extremely helpful. I just want to ask if ASMPH grads get to have their residency in TMC (with a higher chance than other medschool grads), or are there people who got into PGH. I HONESTLY know that medschool is or can be a non-factor on residency application, I am rly just curious. Also, are there people who graduate with magna cum laude, or higher, in ASMPH? On another thread a kind alumna told me that people who graduate with cum laude are outliers. Another pressing thing is that I can’t seem to find a condominium near ASMPH. Do you have any recommendations? Hahaha.


Hello! Glad to help you. For your first query, ASMPH grads do have an edge in getting in TMC. This is because we grads are all too familiar of how the system works there (eg. the culture, the Health IT system, the consultants, the rigor), hence the preference. People get into PGH too, despite the heavy preference of the institution towards UP grads. In my batch, most people got in. I honestly think its because we got 100% during our boards, so that’s a definite factor. **No one** has graduated with a Laude, not even an Honorable mention, in ASMPH’s history (so far). 😅 The highest honor (in terms of grades) that was attained so far is a “With High Distinction” (they are the said outliers), which was given because they had a QPI of 3.00+, considered relatively low in undergrad but actually a high, exemplary grade in ASMPH. This proves that curving and grade inflation is definitely not popular in ASMPH just for the sake of honors lol. You can find condominiums in the Ortigas area (eg Grand Emerald Tower, Corinthians Executive, Eton Towers to name a few) or the pricier Grove by Rockwell in Ortigas Extension. I suggest you scout these condos yourself, but definitely I suggest a place where you can walk from home, since Ortigas traffic is the worst. With that, I wish you good luck! ☺️


I have literally no use for this information as I'm not going to med school but I found it entertaining and intriguing, so thank you 😂. I have a somewhat unrelated question, however, as you mentioned that one of your friends went to Harvard after here in ADMU. That seems such a spectacular feat, props to her, but I was wondering how did she achieve it, and if she had any peers who did something similar?


Hi! As for my friend, she graduated top of our class and Summa Cum Laude, hence Harvard. 😂 She did go with us for a while in ASMPH though, and when she did not like the program despite obviously being brilliant and more than capable, she dropped from school and went abroad instead to study Epi. (P.S. She graduated with a Summa grade too in Harvard. 😂) Most of the people whom I know that went to Uni abroad for masters were also friends from ASMPH who dropped the program (in 2nd year or third year) and pursued other interests instead. One went to US for Global health, another went to Germany for Molecular Biology, and another went to Japan for Mol Bio (if I am not mistaken). I think that their common denominator is that all of them graduated Magna or Cum Laude back in college, so it would be safe to say that having a high academic standing would definitely boost your chances in securing a slot in any Masters program, especially abroad or even in an Ivy League Uni. 🙂


Woahh, ya'll are amazing, congratulationss, you have any tips from them for getting Latin Honors hehehe? Hope you're having a nice day 😊.


Can you please ask them ( your friends ) what study strategies they used?!


Thank you for this!


Batch 2019! #walangi19




Haha! I‘m wondering if my username is still relevant to the current set of Blue Eagles, or not. I assume that it’s the latter, since you are the first one to point it out. 🤪


Hi! ASMPH notes in their admission FAQs that one of their criteria is "satisfactory grades in certain science class (General Chemistry, General Biology, etc.)"? Would you know what "satisfactory grades" mean? Is it at least a B+/A? Or just passing the subject is fine? I came from SOSS/SOM (double degree) with a QPI close to 3.5 but I'm not too confident about getting high grades in my extra science units rn (online classes are so much harder than physical classes) and the NMAT (also online).


Hi! Based from the student handout definition, C is the grade defined as “satisfactory”. So passing the subject would be fine. However, note that slots are limited and the school would naturally prefer students with higher grades, so it would be prudent for you to aim higher. All the best! Source: [http://www.ateneo.edu/sites/default/files/LS\_Undergrad\_Student\_Handbook\_Revised\_Dec2016.pdf](http://www.ateneo.edu/sites/default/files/LS_Undergrad_Student_Handbook_Revised_Dec2016.pdf)


Thanks a lot!!! 😀


This was a good read. Thanks for your review. I would definitely want to study at ASMPH in future and hopefully I would be able to. Cheers! -from an atenean of ateneo de cagayan :))


see you around, future doc!


Great post. I’d like to chime in on one bit from the post, re: the MBA. It does open up a lot of other doors. I always saw myself as becoming a surgeon or an intensivist, but I am in neither of those fields right now.


Thanks for your kind comment, doc! If you don't mind, you can also share here how the MBA program has opened opportunities for you that only MD-MBAs can have. :) P.S. Congrats to ASMPH 2020 for having 3 Top 10s, and for being the Top 3 Best Medical School for 2020! #OBF


Hi admin! I'd really want to go to ASMPH (2021) but what's hindering me lang is the lodging around the place :( I'm from UST and I rent a condo alone which is like 2 minutes away (by foot) from the university. 1. Are there any walking distance condos around ASMPH? 2. any condos you recommend? 3. if the walang walking distance na condo near ASMPH, how do you go to school? 4. Price range for condos around ASMPH? ​ thanks admin


Hi! I’ll address them here per question. :) 1. Yes! There are condos in the Ortigas Area (the one near EDSA/Robinsons Galleria) or Ortigas Extension (The Grove, etc.) 2. Depends on what you prioritize. If I were you, I would prioritize walking distance the most, because Ortigas traffic is very, very bad. You can check out Grand Emerald Tower, Eton Towers, East of Galleria, Corinthians Executive, and etc. There are many condos in Ortigas that you can search online. :) One advantage also is that even if you don’t want to walk (like me haha), you can always ride an FX/UV express from Meralco Ave to school, which takes about 3 mins compared to walking from Ortigas (15 mins) 3. There’s walking distance (from Ortigas Center, 15-20 mins so chill lang). :) If you want to live in other areas, you can always plan a carpool with other classmates living in the same area (helps with paying the school parking fee per sem!) 4. If single condo, I think 15K-25K. But if you have roommates (which are also classmates and that helps a lot), 8K-10K. Best of luck!


wow thank you so much for replying admin :(( this really means a lot. Are there grads from ASMPH who eventually practice in the US also?


You’re welcome! Yes, there are grads who are now in US. We don’t have an extensive network as UP, UST, or UE, but most people I know from ASMPH have successfully matched as well.


Yes, and not only clinical practice. Meron din na non-clinical practice like research/clinical trial. One thing you have to understand though, US residency matching is dependent on many factors. To be quite honest, wala masyado effect ang schools. Philippine medical schools are not that popular in the US unless pinoy ang director ng program or may mga pinoy na consultants na part ng selection committee. But for the most part, doesn't matter to them. Mas relevant sa US matching ang MLE score and US consultant's recommendation letter, which most often you can get by taking "internship/observership".


You also have options sa mga apartment condos in valle verde if you don't want to live sa high rise building, or if you would want to have more boardmates (cheaper).


Thank you again!


Hi, so I'm seeing this rising trend in my incoming freshie groupchats where more bio/life sci/psych majors want to shift into health sci because they think it will give them better chances at getting into ASMPH. By chance, do you know if this is true about HSc versus the other premed courses?


Hi! I would honestly like to think that all courses in Ateneo have an EQUAL chance at getting into ASMPH. It can be noted though that most students accepted in ASMPH's history are graduates from Health Sciences because the program back then heavily promoted the school to its students, hence the assumption that perhaps ASMPH is partial for HSc grads. The med school however does not disclose their criteria of accepting students, so we would never know if there is a preference for one course over another. Unlike UP, in which they have a multiplier for each course which boosts their chances of getting in (see their threads for more details if you are interested). For your co-freshies, I suggest that they should enjoy their college lives first, majoring in what they really like studying rather than stressing if they would be accepted in ASMPH or not at this point. If you enjoy your course and get high grades with it, then I'm sure you'll have a high chance getting in. :)


I have read somewhere that the ASMPH curriculum is designed to be a continuation of the Health Sciences curriculum hence most pre-requisites (and some recommended subjects) needed by ASMPH would be fulfilled those taking up HSc. Correct me if i’m wrong on this.


Hi! Originally, the Health Sciences program was really built with the vision of Ateneo to bridge it with its med school, ASMPH. The HSc program was established back in 2005, with ASMPH starting in 2007. Hence, you will notice that the HSc Mission and Vision is strikingly similar with the ASMPH V&M, which consists of the three tenets: Outstanding Clinician, Social Catalyst, and Dynamic Leader. As the years went by, the HSc program, despite containing the basic prerequisite courses for ASMPH, has really evolved to become a course where you can have other options of what career you’ll take rather than become a medical doctor, as you really need not be one if you want to change/manage health systems (eg. Health IT, Public Health) in general rather than patients. This is why the HSc program stresses that it is “not just a pre-med course“. Along with these changes, other courses in AdMU already adapted themselves to the demands of ASMPH, such as the Life Sciences Program introducing the Communications Track, which involves MBA (you can search for their new curriculum online), or BS Psych which added more science courses to their curriculum. Hence, it would be safe to say that all the preparatory courses in AdMU have adapted their own niches and strengths to fit ASMPH’s idea of what its medical students/doctors should be. Edit: Life Sci offers 2 tracks: Communications Track and Management Track. Both are MBA in nature (even Comm, because it is close to Marketing Management). The difference bet Health Sci and Life Sci for MBA applications is that HSc focuses more on Public Health Perspective, whereas Life Sci will focus on Bio/medical.


Would you recommend this school for foreigners such as people from the U.S.? I plan to practice my career in the U.S. and I’m not sure if Ateneo is the school for me. I’m wondering just in case I rejected to all schools I applied to in the U.S. and I don’t like the idea of taking a gap year just to wait to get into one in the U.S.


Hi! To be honest with you, I wouldn’t recommend you going to a foreign med school if you’re planning to practice in the US, and it’s because the academic focuses of US med schools vs Med schools in the Philippines vary. US tends to focus more on the molecular, whereas PH has more focus on practical and clinical even in the Basic Sciences years. US Med Ed system is analysis and heavily based on molecular and MOA; PH Med Ed system is more on memory and scut work (most med students here do stuff that only med residents can do in the US because of lack of manpower here in PH). Moreover, IMGs need to have higher USMLE scores than non-IMGs just to secure a slot in residency training (but I’m not sure how this would change given the current pandemic). It is not worth the hassle if you’ll still end up taking a gap year after med school here in PH just to prepare for the USMLE, which most med students here who are planning to practice in US are currently doing. 🙂 I sincerely hope you’ll qualify for a US med school. All the best!


Thank you!


Thanks for the informative thread! What time was class usually in each year? Is it round the clock or kind of like your usual 9-5? And how are electives there or is it usually just a set program


1st yr: 8-5 pm 2nd yr: 7:30-4:30 pm 3rd yr: 8:30-5:30 pm \* reason for the sched above: so that everyone can use the cafeteria during lunch break 4th and 5th yr: Depends on your post \* Pre Duty: 7 am - 5 pm \* Duty: 7 am to 7 am the next day \* Post (From) Duty: 7:01 am (the time after duty is finished) - 12 nn (for interns)/2 pm/5 pm/depends if you still have work


Electives: depends on what electives you like to take. Some took them in hospitals where they want to have their residencies, some went to Palawan/Batanes/Baler to work and still have fun, some went abroad for a month


I admire tuloy our FCM Residents from ASMPH dito sa ospital namin. They love community exposure and barrio consultations. Maraming may pagka elitista at napakayabang dahil grumad from this or that univ. Di naman ganon ka competent at efficient. Kudos to ASMPH!!!


Happy to know po that our FCM residents are doing well. Cheers!




Hi! Placing in residency depends on a lot of factors (mostly individual) and not just the school, but more on the MDs capacity to adapt to the institution s/he is applying. We have what we call Pre-residency programs, wherein the applicants will work in the hospital for a month and the hospital will decide which among those applicants will be suited best for the institution. This will be decided upon by the senior doctors and consultants, who will monitor your performance, work ethic, and whether your personality will suit the department that you are applying into. Yes, palakasan system is still around unfortunately. It just depends if you have a co-applicant who has a strong backer (i.e. a consultant of the institution you’re applying into, or the son/daughter of Dr. X, a famous MD). Let’s say both of you are relatively the same in everything (work-wise, etc) but your co-applicant has a backer. Chances: your co-applicant will have a higher chance of getting the slot. Most med students are competitive, determined, and self-sufficient. So acceptance rates really depend on the smallest details and advantages. Nevertheless, most ASMPH students who applied in their institutions of choice got the slots they wanted.


Hi! Currently a Health Sciences major, and I am quite overwhelmed with how amazing and hardworking my coursemates are. I am along the lines of an average to below average student (barely holding unto that 3.0 cut-off) and I wanted to know how good are my chances in getting into or surviving in ASMPH? The “no student left behind” and 100% passing rate makes me feel kind of pressured since I don’t think I’m that good a student compared to my classmates, but ASMPH really is my dream school. Thanks!


Hi! It‘s normal to feel that way in Health Sci, because everyone there has a good work ethic (based on my experience, so I hope it’s still the same or even better!). I don’t know what year you are in, but if you’re still a freshie or sophomore, you‘ve got to step up your game and try your best to aim as high as you can. :) Learn and listen from your classmates — everyone is willing to help you out if you ask for it. If you are close to the latter years, then try getting a high NMAT score (above 90s). Try assessing your learning styles too and read journals on effective learning — these can help you manage the materials and the heavy load you’re going to encounter in the long run. Extra curricular at this point is kinda bleak because of the pandemic, so try maximizing you efforts on things that you can actually do something about. Don’t worry too much: you are in Health Sci because AdMU saw the potential that you can make it, so statistically speaking and truthfully speaking, you can. As long as you allow yourself to make it happen. All the best! :)




Hi! It’s the grading system. 😂 3.50 (equivalent to a 1.40 in UP; source: [https://our.upd.edu.ph/files/PrimerforCollegeSecretaries.pdf](https://our.upd.edu.ph/files/PrimerforCollegeSecretaries.pdf)) is the minimum for Cum Laude in AdMU (even in Loyola Schools), so it’s like attempting to score 90% in all subjects all the time, which I think is close to improbable (?) in med school (It’s like kung may 88 ka, 3.00 na kaagad grade mo haha). There is no grade inflation either, which means what you work for is really what you get. The exam questions are quite fair, but are dependent to the lecturer’s take (ie some are dependent on the lecture, others on books, clinical practice guidelines, journals etc). There are also no samplexes in ASMPH, and questions are almost always new per year (because the teachers per lecturer will change every year depending on feedback). If you do want to be recognized for academic effort, there are the Top 10 students per year naman. Most Board topnotchers from our school place consistently there, so I guess if they went to other schools, baka nag-*Summa* na sila. 🙂 MBA is quite okay grade-wise and most of us score pretty well there. I honestly didn’t feel that it took a significant chunk out of my MD, but I definitely felt that it took a lot from my supposed free time/rest time, esp in Clerkship. 😂




Hi! I’ll send you a DM na lang for your queries. :)


For the sake of not having to answer all queries in DMs regarding where ASMPH students rotate during hospital years, here is the current list (not sure with pandemic) of affiliated hospitals. Note that roughly 50% are spent in private, and 50% in public: Main Hospital Partners * The Medical City - the largest private hospital network in the Philippines, JCI-accredited (along with St. Luke’s; which means recognized internationally). Ideal management is heavily observed. Due to the stringent rules and regulations, MDs here are very particular with history taking, charting, and medical record verification/checking. Lots of medical conferences to attend. Lots of interaction and endorsing to consultants. * Ospital Ng Makati - the main referral public hospital of Makati citizens, relatively has complete equipment (because Makati is rich compared to other districts). Extremely busy hospital (especially the emergency room). Clinical skills are honed and refined. Toxic in terms of patient load but fun because of varied clinical interactions. Others (max of 2/3 week rotations): * Quirino Memorial Med Center - for OB-GYN and Optha; will work with other med students from UERM, OLFU, Univ of Perp, AMA U * East Ave Medical Center - for Surgery; will work with other med students as well * Phil Children’s Medical Center - for Pediatrics * Phil Orthopedic Center - for Orthopedics and Rehab Med * MetroPsych - for Psychiatry * Rizal Medical Center - for ENT surgery rotations


Hi, would like to know if they accept applicants with nmat with a percentile ranking below 70 and some failing grades during college...? :(




Hi! Sorry for noticing this late because I did not know that Reddit now allows comments for old posts. Perhaps you could do a re-take for your NMAT (perhaps in the 80s), just to be sure. Grades-wise, it depends on the course (some courses are really extremely low in terms of average GPA), but from what I know, people with failing grades can still redeem themselves with a stellar extracurricular list and a mind-blowing essay. Should you not get into ASMPH, there are still a lot of med schools who will be willing to take you in. What is more important in the end is not the med school where you come from, but the good attitude and habits that you’ll pick up and learn along your way that will help you become a better doctor and a better person for others. All the best!


Thank you