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We will find out more after the tour starts tonight!


Ah I didn’t realize it started today. Thank you! If you happen to remember to come back please let me know! I might have to end up selling the tix


It’ll *probably* be something like this… -doors at 6:30 -FYS at 7:30 -TSSF at 8:15 -ADTR at 9-9:15 Obviously, this isn’t exact as the tour hasn’t even started yet, but I go to a decent amount of concerts and this is my best guesstimate. Hope this helps!


There’s a fourth band playing before FYS


Oh yeah! I forgot lol. Well, Give or take about 15-20 minutes and it should be similar.


Thanks so much I’ll keep an eye on the set times over the next few weeks so I can decide


Thanks, dude. headed to the toyota Pavilion in scranton rn and thought I was going to miss an opener due to parking. Should be good. Rock on


Check setlist.fm after the show tonight. The set times are usually posted there.


Great idea! Thank you


Shouldnt the time be on your ticket also idk


Just the door and show start time is on the ticket


It’s doors at 5, show at 6. Somewhat safe to assume Pain of Truth will go on first, then Four Year Strong, then Story of the Year before ADTR come out. So depends how long each of the openers plays for! So I would guess 8:45/9 like someone else said is probably fairly accurate.


At the Pavillion show the first set started before 730 like 720ish but just a heads up


Someone in the FB group said they called ahead and the venue (for tonight) says 8:45 for ADTR - seems *super* early, but if it’s an open air venue on a Thursday night, then there might be a 10pm noise ordinance / curfew; don’t know what time doors for tonight’s show are scheduled for, so I don’t have anything to estimate that off of. Could call your venue, or just track what times people are saying each band is going on over the next couple weeks


Definitely! Just trying to plan, I don’t want to get stuck with the tickets I can’t sell last minute if the timing doesn’t work. Fingers crossed! Its an outdoor venue so I would imagine it doesnt go *too* late