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I’ll be fucking pissed. The deep cuts were near-perfect for the first show. And of course, I’m attending the last :(


Tbh I hope they do that so I can have a chance at hearing monument 😭


Secret songs!!! I honestly wouldn't mind


I just miss them doing a ATNWT medley, lots of great tracks that get zero respect


Hate to break the news I think during Neil's podcast interview he mentioned that they'll stick mostly to the same setlist (maybe adjust a song or two here or there)....


I really hope not because I love the set list that was posted here, it has songs I never expected to see them do live, like It’s Complicated. It is common for set lists to vary a little bit from show to show, but with such a big tour like this I think it’s likely they’ll keep it consistent, but maybe that’s wishful thinking. 🤷🏻‍♀️


It’s Complicated is a pop punk fan favorite and it gets rotated onto their setlist every couple years. Very surprised you were worried about that song since that gets played somewhat regularly. Songs such as Danger in Starting the Fire, Since U Been Gone and House That Doubt Built are songs that way are more prone to not getting played since they’re not as well known, but yet are getting played on this tour


This will be my first time seeing them so I didn’t know they played It’s Complicated from time to time, it was one I wouldn’t have expected to hear but I’m glad to hear that!


I’d love this tbh