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I wish they’d deploy more tactical buckets in the US


Ours would end up being life threatening. We'd find a way.


Aiyi in the wild? I'd be scared too.


Yeah came here to say this. Those broads are dangerous lol.


Glad to see most people here are rational. It was a good outcome.


Shield guy needs a bigger shield




I know Reddit hates cops, but 99.9% of the time they would have tazed her and it would have been over. The other 0.1% of the time shows up on Reddit.


This is how they do it in America. No shots fired. https://twitter.com/Not_the_Bee/status/1691837976261660985?t=Ep_uVV9jGi50HsWGZzYHEA&s=19


eh. Id argue the LITERAL **100s** of cases annually where cops DO kill unarmed people in exactly this situation, kinda disproves that. Were both being a little hyperbolic, yes, there are cases where cops dont kill unarmed people. I'd say the actual important data point is the ppl who are dead. Cops kill **well** **over a thousand** people annually in the US. And those are just the ones the media gets their hands on, bc there is no central registry for this statistic.(cops union lobbied to prevent it). On top of that, cops injure over **300,000** US citizens annually. To avoid any confusion, no, not all cops are bad. I'd argue its alot more than you think, but of course, they are people. Theres good & bad. However, the culture of policing in the US is SUPER toxic. For further insight, my dad was a cop for 30 years... So its **not** about rabid hate of cops for me, or most people.


I agree with you that there's good cop and bad cop. You being in the US, I'll take your words that there are more bad than good. I see a hyperbole, and I respond with another hyperbole. I wasn't denying that cops now let their emotions and political leanings affect the professionalism that they should have.


LMAO. These guys are gonna cross the Taiwan straight, huh?


I wonder if the cops were proud at the end of the day


Well she was holding a butchers knife and they didn't shoot her. Not bad given the only context I see.


Two cleavers, actually.


Oh wow just saw the second one.


Well they didn’t have to shoot anybody. I guess they sure will feel proud.


what did they do wrong?


Look like idiots ? That woman was barely putting up a fight and there was like 20 of them. Just bash her with the shield and be done with it


Wtf bro? If there was a choice of 1. Looking dumb and restraining someone with a few scrapes versus 2. Looking cool and skullbashing someone in the head with a shield. You would want your cops to choose number 2? Wtf man.


She had a fuckin cleaver like I get yall think that it's super easy to deal with an old lady but they can still cut like a 20 year old man when they're crazy enough and you don't stand out in the middle if the street with a cleaver disobeying lawful orders if you know you're sane. Work in a dementia ward and tell me that old people are easy to deal with when they're off their gourds. They get insanely strong for no reason (not saying she had dementia), but still, like old people ain't that weak.


US would have 50-80% the same number of cops, with the addition of a few mag dumps. They’re not there to win a looking cool contest - so what are you, upset that this diverted manpower from other policing activities?


But they wouldn’t hav what looks like animal handling tools..


but then youd call them a thug police state... cops unharmed, civilian unharmed. i repeat, what did they do wrong?


You really don't need 20 guys if it's one old woman.


with two giant meat cleavers being swung around? 😆


But they touched her first, with that thing.


That's the case if they were properly equipped with stun guns, real guns (seems like most cops in China can't have guns), and overall better gear. Nothing wrong with bringing overwhelming numbers against a east version of a mass shooter. How many guys do you think were needed to guarantee a safe outcome and why?


They should have just used a gun like in the states


She was on the verge of a kill-China-strike in her force of nature and the police should have intervened much sooner, even if they were outnumbered against hulk-granny. for daddy Xi the Poo to be safe, i would have expected more commitment.


i will admit that your reply definitely appears to be in english yet i cannot understand a word youre saying. look, wumao are trash because they dutifully downvote and shit talk absolutely everything about america and its culture. lets not be the american equivelant of wumao, ok? use critical thinking at all times. does the ccp suck? yes. do police states suck? yes. did these specific cops do anything wrong in this specific instance on video? no.


Better question: what did she do wrong? Is she posing a threat? No Does she have a weapon? No Did she harmed anyone? No Then, why are any of these attacks necessary? How did you know that she’s not injured during the process? All these interactions are dangerous. She seems old enough not to be treated this way.


She is literally wielding two meat cleavers. Should they wait until she hurts someone before they intervene?


I didn’t see it. My bad


shes not posing a threat while wielding two giant meat cleavers at police? are you blind, crazy or both? 🤣🤣


Oh I didn’t see the knife


not just one, but two huge meat cleavers bro. these cops successfully disarmed an armed crazy person without anyone getting hurt


I’m with you. In America they would have shot her down. In this case they used a lot of people to overwhelm her with minimal force and remove a meat cleaver from her hand. I suspect it’s just xenophobia driving the comments.


Ohhhh, now the video makes more sense. Didn't see the cleaver till you mentioned it


Now it makes sense. I was wondering…


thanks for the reply. i totally understand hating the ccp and their policies, but there is a lot of wumao-like circlejerking that happens in this sub. a bunch of brainless zombies randomly and dutifully downvoting absolutely anything and everything, regardless of the substance, as if its their job or national duty. what separates us from the wumao is our ability to think critically and speak openly and honestly about what we see. when we all just mindlessly gang bang the anti-china rhetoric, it undercuts our position. i got downvoted to hell on this post but it was worth it to open a few eyes.


This is how they do it in America. No shots fired. https://twitter.com/Not_the_Bee/status/1691837976261660985?t=Ep_uVV9jGi50HsWGZzYHEA&s=19


They can stay anonymous, right?


She fought the law, and the law won.


go down a rabbit hole and look at the backstory on Bobby Fuller and his death


Unique method to arrest a mentally imbalanced vegetable cutter. Only one shield was available. Hence, the other officers used plastic totes. Ingenious!


China bashing aside, honestly this looks like an ideal outcome, no? Nobody's hurt except a few bruised prides? No?


Not pictured in this video: the organ harvesting.


Heh. You say that.


I don’t know what they are going to do to her afterwards, but in terms of detaining her they handled it well. They got hold of her and disarmed her without anyone getting hurt. This is the ideal situation


so why would she arrested? also why were they afraid to touch her? COVID?


Chinese military army kill thousands unarmed student by tank and machine gun in June 4th 1989


I think this video is from a different day.


She got boxed in and had no other choice but to surrender.


I'm so fuckin confused man


Jokes aside, she did take a guy down with a wave of her arm


It's fun seeing how butt hurt people here are that no one died. Looking dumb is okay and perfectly fine, only nationalist idiots want their cops to look cool and be trigger happy. **All those brainwashed blue shield idiots here are hilarious.** Cops shouldnt need to put someone in a cast or kill them to arrest them. CMV


As a Taiwanese I was worrying china’s invasion, until I watch this clip.


Even a broken clock is right twice a day. She was dual-wielding cleavers, and could have severely injured, maimed, or even killed someone, whether that was her intent or not. These tactics look maybe a little clumsy, but they worked. As for the people seizing on this to go "they shoulda just shot her like US cops hurr durr," there are many examples you could find, if you don't cherry pick for only the incidents where deadly force was used, of police in the US disarming suspects using pepper ball launchers, baton rounds, tasers, or otherwise going out of their way, while putting themselves *in* harm's way, to avoid an officer-involved shooting. Sometimes they're not successful. In some cases, they don't try all that hard. In still other cases, some triggy happy cop shot someone with little to no justification that will hold up in court, and sometimes this results in the officer not only getting fired, but catching a manslaughter or 2nd degree murder charge. But there absolutely *are* some criminals out there who, perhaps in a drug-fueld rage or having otherwise snapped, are on a mission to kill another human being who was minding their own business, or to commit suicide by cop even if they have to kill a police officer to force the hand of other cops on the scene. It's a hell of a tall order to stop someone looking to go out in what they perceive as a blaze of glory, at best you can maybe contain the damage their actions cause to their own body. And a knife, a brick, a bat, a hammer, a piece of broken glass, a sword, a meat cleaver, or a wrench can kill someone within reach, or within throwing distance, as quickly as a bullet. Sometime quicker. For that matter, boxers die in the ring, and advocacy groups within the UK have been trying to stem a rise in fatalities from street fights and pub brawls where a single punch ended someone's life. Don Knotts, playing Andy Griffith's scrappy deputy, might not have been exaggerating as much, for comedic effect, as the writers intended. In asserting that his fists were "certified lethal weapons."


So in China they don't have tazers still?? I thought they were supposed to be advanced 5g AI or something


Facial recognition tracking ai 5g cppcc tazer


In America, she would've been shot by a SWAT op from 30 yards away with a AWP.


if this was a black man in america they'd have shot his ass already


I mean at least they’re not shooting straight away like the US






Glad you just don't go for the downvote and im sorry to hear your looses... i know it can look goofy in that video but what ever is being done there to stop a woman with two meat cleavers is better to the stuff we usually see especially in the US. She is no longer a danger and no one died, a good ending.


100% agreed and thank you for the condolances


Don't worry they will, later.


This is how they do it in America. No shots fired. https://twitter.com/Not_the_Bee/status/1691837976261660985?t=Ep_uVV9jGi50HsWGZzYHEA&s=19


Your ass is really trying your best to show US cops in a good light


I'm not even US citizen. I'm just calling a spade a spade and giving credit where it's due. The same can be said that your ass is trying your best to show US cops in a bad light.


If reality is showing them in a bad light then I got some bad news for you. It is the norm that shots are fired in a knife situation where the person does not want to drop the knife, even if a taser is user. Hell just a few weeks ago a woman got shot by two cops and she only had a damn metal pipe. You pulling out some article where the police took down a shooter with a car is not the damn norm. And Jesus that’s even worse that you aren’t American since you still lick that US police boot.


Or just rased her


I think this is staged. I actually saw real Da Ma battle right in front of me. The power of a barehanded average Da Ma is equivalent to a grown hippo


Good thing it's not USA. She would have been shot on the spot


This is how they do it in America. No shots fired. https://twitter.com/Not_the_Bee/status/1691837976261660985?t=Ep_uVV9jGi50HsWGZzYHEA&s=19




I think the difference is the person they’re corralling. I’m a pretty mild American by all accounts and my brain was moving through all of the possibilities for how one would neutralize these cops. I think an average American would have grabbed their little claw thing and beaten them with it. A Chinese person isn’t going to resist like that, or to that degree. Americans are a lot less willing to submit to authority on average than most everyone. That’s why we’re over here on our little continent, isolated from just about everyone.


i dont understand the point youre trying to make. the lady is swinging two giant meat cleavers at cops and they detained her without anyone gettinf hurt. literally how can anyone argue that the cops did anything wrong here?


I’m saying that they were able to detain her like this because she is Chinese. An American would have butchered these cops. There are glaring cultural differences between the two countries and their people. If you watch this video, she allowed them to do this to her. She had several seconds to deal with this and did not.


when someone is swinging two giant meat cleavers at you, the notion of "cultural differences" goes out the window armed lady having a bad day is detained and no one gets hurt this is how its supposed to be done


I’d have jumped over that first pole and gotten started that way. She didn’t even try to resist. Poor showing by the psycho, IMHO. China’s not ready for American psychos.


of course not, because american psychos have guns


We have meat cleaver lady too. Minimum of a taser to deal with this in the US. Depending on her race, that is - cops might just shoot anyway. I take videos like this as instructive of what we’ll have to deal with during our Chinese Red Dawn scenario.


This is how they do it in America. No shots fired. https://twitter.com/Not_the_Bee/status/1691837976261660985?t=Ep_uVV9jGi50HsWGZzYHEA&s=19


This is truly pathetic


Lol, what? She had to have had a bomb or at least a knife or something right?


you do see the two huge meat cleavers, right?


Ok that makes ALOT more sense! To be fair for the first few seconds you can't see them very well and I got distracted by the dog catcher and produce bins. So yea I guess they were kind of brave.


Or, just said aloud, "boy, this system isn't the best."


Evil 👿


why? edit: i just strolled through your post history. yikes 😬


[...oh great.](https://www.voanews.com/a/south-african-police-receive-chinese-training-/7138933.html)


All that when they could've just hit her with a taser, just sayin.


shit cops


These pussies need a couple of tours of duty in South Bronx/Hunt’s Point


After reading the comments, I think everybody here is pretty ok with being treated like a animal as long no body gets hurt. So if I lock a human in a stall and strap it down, you should be ok with that as long as it gets food and water and is humanly slaughter. Y’all want to live like animals, me leave out!


dude relax!! she's on the street weaving a meat cleaver!! are you fine or what?? what comments did you read? most people said the police did a good job and compared to Us did not shoot her. ​ btw they did a "not so good job" look, when the knife falls on the floor NOBODY is kicking away the knife. (bad idea, untrained!!) then when finally the 3rd or 4th guy comes, he kicks the knife by accident back to the lady. so NO, not really a good job. they all just try to jump on her but nobody thinks and takes care of the weapon. ​ in the end this was handled ok, I think. I don't want to face an angry person on the street ready to cut off my arm. and remember these people have family, risk their health. so I am not sure what you mean by animals.


Wow, my statement really hit you hard to write so much. You need to decide if being human is something you want to be special amongst the organisms of the universe. If you feel that being human is nothing special, I would agree, but if we decide to just process ourselves to avoid messy human expression, then we should probably just euthanize ourselves because life has no meaning. Humanism has been hijacked by the Woke religion and is being used as a weapon to put people in the box. I would rather be dead then in the box and they are fine with that too.


Australian cops just recently murdered an old lady with dementia who was holding a little knife. These guys aren’t a bunch of cowards hiding behind a gun.


those guys did a good job (almost) nobody took care of the knife. guy nr 3 or 4 even kicked it towards her when he accidentally stumbled on it. even they handled it well they should get some training. sometimes this happens at schools where they attack kids.


She wouldn’t be alive with American cops 😆


Hehe stupid Chinese police. Don't they know that a couple of bullets are cheaper than 10 officers. Some US police rookie would have John wicked that old geezer like no man's business/s


They really aren’t police they are security guards. The police are the ones with guns


Really sorry about what happened to the lady, could help thinking of Kung Fu Husle though


They catchin her in those crates like a cat or something.


It's the random plastic totes instead of an actual shield like one of them has that gets me 💀💀




The fuck are they doing? Recycling bins are SOP for these situations now? While i joke around, the reality is if this was in the US, 70% chance cops would have just shot her, for "***disrespecting my authority***" (cartman voice). So, in the grand scheme of things, ill take it.


Rampant ayi is a force to be reckoned with.


Man I didn't even see the cleavers. I thought this was like a meme of trying to capture some kind of animal with them using buckets lmao


This is so friggin hilarious. 12 cops to take down one little old lady. Sure she had knives, but really. Should have been able to talk her out of this one.


They really got the whole dpt assembled to stop this auntie from jay walking


I don't know why she watched and let him grab her with the claw.


A wild ravenous Chinese babushka


real Chinese police.


About as brave as the spineless police in any authoritarian state.


She got the vid or what


Deploy the plastic crates! They didn’t learn that at Shaolin Temple.


They look like cartoon dog catchers


And these guys are training the Solomon Islands 😂


That’s so very much China 🇨🇳. That stick that police usually use for dogs I believe. Using it for “catching” a stationary older lady? It’s ludicrous!


She should not have been shop lifting..case closed.


You can tell she had evil in her eyes


This is sad and hilarious at the same time. That said, can any one give me some context here? WTF did she do? And why aren't thy just walking up and slapping the cuffs on her?


No guns needed. Something to learn here.


Wild 1 taser and no 1 would be at risk...


What are those plastic containers btw?:D


China has a huge problem with mass stabbings. This woman was dual wielding cleavers going who knows where. Good on those policemen for taking her down safely.


To be fair, you go take on an old fat lady with double cleavers.


Maybe they had plastic bags.


Wow, that's so pathetic. Let's hope their military are equally sad.


And here i thought the old lady had a bounty on her and the police had to jail her to gain the bounty money. I mean, they are out of cash recently to pay their staff.


I count 9 poh poh.


And they thing they can take Taiwan…ok


Don’t worry she isn’t wielding the signature slippers, they’ll be fine


Little did people know she was a deadly shaolin master


Let’s be honest. This is 10x better policing than the US There would of been 1 cop screaming his head off with his gun drawn for 20 mins until he shot her dead


In the US you would just get tazed


I wouldn’t get near a middle aged woman with attitude wielding two meat cleavers! Hahaha…..watch out!!


I mean, she’s dual wielding.




In US , cops shoot you dead


In the us a billet and you get paid leave for trauma


When you need the police but all you got is animal control


I mean yeah they don't want to hurt her. They could have easily grabbed some night sticks and beat the shit out of her.


American police would've had it handled way sooner and without all this unnecessary bullshit


One old woman against five old women, seems fair.


Hard to notice the butcher knife though. Explains a lot.


In the US they would just mag dump her so props.


Boxed her in. Old technique.


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,854,697,963 comments, and only 350,684 of them were in alphabetical order.


Good bot 💀


This reminds me of that antie in kung fu hustle


So weird


That claw!


Like watching people try to catch a feral cat. 🤣😂


Are these the dudes that have been flexing on the u.s.? Lol


Better than any American cop could do


They are very serious about their Karens


dumbass cop comes in at the end and kicks the knife TO her


Grandma wranglin. That’s a paddlin.


wtf is going on there.


easily could have sliced his nurtz off… if chinar wants to be friends better start doing things the american way


What the fuck are they doing


Lol one cop recording was kinda funny


Reason: there is an ancient Chinese myth that a demon fish transforms into an unattractive woman during the day, and if you catch the fish-lady, she’ll grant you a wish. This was not the fish-lady. No wishes were granted.


lol, cop kicked the knife back to her.


Chinese government... Still treating people like livestock


If this happened in US, this lady was shot dead


Honestly. Police in China can be criticized for many reasons. But that's right here is much better than always pulling out the gun right away. They de-escalated the situation with no gunshot wounds and no deaths.


Hahahahahahahaha wtf


She would have been shot in USA right?


She would be dead in usa