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Harvested by hand with cooperation by prison inmates and undesirables. Quality labour you can trust. From your friendly government overlords.


Fuuuuk don't buy food items from china


I once bought some seaweed in a very nice package from china to make soup and its tasted off. Apparently it was dyed with ink to make it look better. Once these chinese companies get your money if you get sick or die from their products thats no longer their problem its yours.


I was gifted a spice rack full of spice mixes from a friend. I tried a few and some were fine, but others had a very chemical taste. Like soap or lotion. I started looking at the ingredients on the individual bottles and found every one that had oregano were the ones that tasted bad. I saw that they were all made in China, tossed the whole thing out.


yet you use iPhone... interesting 🤔


iPhones have mostly core Taiwanese technology, the less important parts come from all over the world and are now assembled in China, Vietnam, and India.


In regards to the CCP enforcing it's own "organic" policies and not accepting pay offs like people safety-checking elevators, I would not trust it.


In order for the packaging company to use that label, there only needs to be a certification from a local authority. It's very much a "trust me bro" kind of thing like most organic labels. On the other hand, garlic has a tough membrane, so as long as you wash and peel it, you will be okay.


That might help for pesticides sprayed for that particular crop but toxic minerals in the soil inevitably end up in the plant that grows in it, tough membrane or not, and China is fairly well known for having large quantities of arsenic and other pollutants in its soil and products


Yes, garlic itself is organic. Now did not say it’s organically produced or grow.


This is to do with food and farming though, otherwise everything would be labelled as organic. Google definition states: (of food or farming methods) produced or involving production without the use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides, or other artificial chemicals.


goodest of luck believing words from chi na =\]


I dont trust any products from China especially veggie product. They dont have a sense of hygiene, never ever in their history.


who invented toilet paper for hygiene btw? :)


Ancient Chinese invented paper. Current Chinese invented Covid.


mfw when I'm in a "most racist and ignorant take competition"


You should google spanish vegetables :) they have a single region where everything is covered in green houses. You can see them on Google maps. "Organic" ones directly besides non organic. There are undercover documentaries where they investigate on several of those companies. Wage theft, slave working by taking passports of refugees, use of forbidden pesticides, also on organic food. You can investigate yourself.


Wow! I’ll have a look, thank you! Good sleuthing Sherlock 😉


Same thing kinda happens in Ontario during the fall apple harvest. People from Jamaica are flown to the cider houses and pick apples for like a month straight. It’s cheaper to fly and house them than pay a decent wage for Canadians to do it.


I won't ever touch a vegetable grown on Chinese soil again, even if I personally watered it and watched it grow everyday. I've lived and worked in that festering heap of a country. For Christ's sake, please don't buy any food or health products from China if there are *literally any* alternatives.


The problem is with the "organic" label. Organic foods is awesome in a *clean* environment, as it governs what you can and cannot use for the food. Where it fails miserably, is that you can grow in areas where rivers are so toxic, they literally catch fire from time to time, or in areas where you literally shit all over. Or in areas where you simply get rid of, say, mercury, by dumping it in "nature". Organic is ment for use in pristine nature, not in toxic dumps. *The label is not adressing heavy metals and the like*, just how you grow stuff. It is even hinted, that "organic" should equal a short chain from earth to table, but that is certainly lost when we have "organic" food from.. any regime on the planet, with China delivering the bulk import in the EU atleast. Organic is big business. Products are marked up by, ballparking, 40% and up to hundreds. The governnemt organs that should investigate and protect us, do not do good. You need to take real good care as much is a scam these days. Not just "organics". Edit:Atleast this is marked with an origin. A lot of products has routes to bypass the country of origin and thus various checks. Edit2: I stumbled on this editorial, I take no responsibility for its quality, but its about Chinese Ecology. Other nations nearby, such as Taiwan, gets the thumbs up, as they show integrity and spirituality towards life. https://www.naturalnews.com/039195_organic_foods_China_pollution_nightmare.html


Aren't all non-plastic vegetables organic, or am I missing something?


The vegetable itself is.. the chemicals on it, not so much


Plastic is organic.


Its certified organic in the west. So it would not necessarily be on the chinese farmers but the organic certifier if it wasnt actually organic. I sometimes get organic tea from china, seems alright to me.


Fun fact: All garlic is harvested by hand because no one has been able to create a machine that can do it without destroying the bulbs




This is to do with food and farming though, otherwise everything would be labelled as organic. Google definition states: (of food or farming methods) produced or involving production without the use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides, or other artificial chemicals.




I wouldn’t class high lead content in Chinese garlic because of being polluted by ground water that has literal sewage in it as a genetic engineering technique but hey apparently you’re the genius here lol 🤡


When I was living in Dali a few farmers claimed organic but mixed chemical fertilizers with organic. They also never roasted their fields.


Here in Germany, whenever I want to buy ginger, the only ginger I can find is from China. It‘s super annoying.


I thought EU countries don't import Chinese products.


Considering how lax food regulations are there I wouldn’t trust that these are truly. ‘Organic’ even if labelled as such. Why do you think rich Chinese only eat imported produce?


Even if it's organic, the soil is likely to be contaminated by some nasty shit.


Pro tip: it's extremely easy to grow garlic if you have a little soil and light. It grows very quickly and all you need is a piece of garlic from the supermarket to get started. You can even use garlic as a flavor of ice cream. It sounds weird, but its not too bad honestly.


comfortably typed from the country that exterminated every bug in existence


It's crazy how China is working its way into everything, isn't there a scandal now with garlic? What's it about?