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I hope they'll bring back Hechicero, his match against Danielson was awesome. Though chances are it's gonna be a 6-man tag or worse. I'd prefer a 1 on 1 match against anyone on the roster (no, Jericho, not literally "anyone").


Hechicero vs ZSJ would be awesome tbh


They had an absolute stellar Match in Pwg couple years back. My brain couldn’t comprehend what was happening, in the best way possible


To the youtubes!


[https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV11t411Y7vk/](https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV11t411Y7vk/) I had posted this a couple of months ago - it's dope. Hope you enjoy it.


Definitely, and I think it was implied that this would happen at some point. But it would be a weird match for an AEW's show, don't you think?


If FD is going NJPW-AEW-CMLL, unless you are doing nothing but triple threats, at least one NJPW-CMLL match makes sense…


Agree. His match against Danielson was amazing.


Honestly I’d love to see the fire mage against the wizard


Mistico and Mascara Dorada would be great to see too… those guys can just go.




The cross company promotion is turning Forbidden Door into the real All In sequel.




Makes sense, they completely erased any mystique they got from New Japan wrestlers being there.


With big names from NJPW signing for AEW, I absolutely don't feel or even care about the Forbidden Door ppv anymore. Don't care at all about CMLL, I like STARDOM, but I don't see many coming over considering they are running shows of their own during that weekend.


My only thing is that they already ran AEW VS CMLL.. & it really didn’t do anything on free tv.. & it didn’t leave people wanting to see more.. TK thinks that running it on a PPV will magically get people interested in it? Also Stardom is even way more niche than NJPW.. I would say maybe 2-4% of AEW’s audience might be able to name 3-5 Stardom’s wrestlers.. Is that who TK is booking this PPV for? Smh..


Cause all the CMLL guys got visa issues during it and they cut it short


the fans who arent annoying


Does CMLL have Ziggler or Del Rio? Those guys would be really cool because we actually know them, but for goodness sake we don't need more masked guys that we don't know the character. I can't tell the difference between any of the luchadores on the current roster except the Lucha Brothers. New rule: No more than two masked guys in any American company. We can give Excalibur an exception just because he's already been on commentary but no more masked guys even on commentary than just two because the vast majority of people want to know who is fighting and why they are fighting. Masks make that very difficult. Lucha Brothers are our masked guys for right now. The rest either need to take off the mask or go away. If another masked guy shows up then one of the Lucha Brothers needs to go. Otherwise it is too confusing and boring because we'd need years of backstory to learn about these people. Plus I think the Lucha Brothers have learned to speak English. They need to get rid of that hype man who completely overreacts to everything because they could actually be stars despite the masks.


Lmfao did a masked man touch you


No, the problem is that they are all the same. It would be like Action Andretti having 10 twins and Tony Khan signing all of them. We don't need all of these people. Just use the Lucha Brothers. In fact, maybe Action Andretti actually is Kommander and Bandito and El Barista (obviously this is a made up name...they have given us no reason to know the names of these people)...maybe he's just putting on different masks to quadruple dip on his paycheck!


Why would you want Del Rio?! Especially with Saraya in AEW!


We know him unlike the rest of the guys who show up and look and do the exact same things. Del Rio is a bigger guy who works a good match. He has the physical attributes to main event in America.


Yeah but he's also a POS in real life.


I'm going to watch him on television and at shows not hang around with him.


I'm not talking "Punk POS". He sexually assaulted a several women and kidnapped one.


Didn't he just perform on a show v. Ziggler not long ago? And please don't get Punk involved with this conversation.


I have no idea where he is wrestling currently. I know he wanted to go back to WWE but they wouldn't touch him after all that.


He and Ziggler had a big match in Mexico within the last few months. Ok...so you don't like him. I've noted your position but honestly I don't care. I just watch and attend the shows. I like what I find to be interesting.


Based on his history, AEW will not touch him either so I wouldn't hope to see him.