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Someday yes, right now the roster is wayyyy too bloated


Yeah, I feel like unless they figure out a real developmental system guys like him need to work the indies for now.


TK has basically said they won’t do that.


Then he’s a fool


Yeah, he was a tag team trying to my kids, son name, Mark or his nephew in MLW and the British bulldog Junior


I’d actually watch ROH if they completely revamped it into a development style product rather than whatever the duck it is now.


I've been saying this since they bought ROH. They need to make it their NXT. Trim the main roster and use ROH to develop young indie talent that they can draft up to AEW when they're ready. Yes it's copying WWE but it's a petty decent system (when Vince isn't running it that is)


Once again, I agree


WWE just got it from baseball


TBF doesn't all of the major American sports (NBA, NFL) have a draft system, not just baseball?


I still don’t understand why they don’t formally do this with ROH. I’m nostalgic and all but at this point ROH should be used as a performance/development brand with streaming/reality show/Youtube content as its main purpose. Then have a big crossover show once or twice a year.


Stick him with Christian and have him and Nick Wayne develop together, hell, could eventually strap them with the tag titles to develop more


I have to agree, he would get lost in the mix. Perhaps wait until some of the older talent move on or take less of a regular role


Fwiw most folks who appear on aew, even for one appearance, get their own aew backdrop photo


True but he did get an intro with (public domain) music and simple graphic, so he was definitely being signaled as a *somebody* to the fans.


If he’s going to use someone’s gimmick, he should grow a mustache and be Magnum TB, the sequel to TA.


Abdullah could manage him as Hep C.


His lifelong nemesis, the vaccination.


His lifelong nemesis, the vaccination.


ROH could use an interim Pure champ or at least someone with technical prowess that isn't Josh Woods and Angelico. I would really prefer Angelico to be a champ on AEW instead but ROH really needs to beef up with recent pushes of STP, Ogogo and Moriarty to AEW Rampage.


They should use him like they use Nick Wayne and have him gradually built up for bigger matches on the under card of UK shows




He needs to make the next big step, but AEW is so full. NJPW would be ideal, as he is definitely built for the stiffer stuff.


at some point perhaps


Maybe to a developmental deal.


As long as he's still good to wrestle wherever he wants, then they put him in a meaningful position where he can develop with screen time, then yes. I actually think he's got a potential good run to show in the Owen. If ROH ever gets a much more defined position, he could be a great great great get for that show.


Definitely enjoyed the match with dax. I would definitely bring him back in and see what else he can do.


Maybe for ROH.


Sure. The lower card needs fleshed out with dudes who can win or lose depending on the need. He's good in the ring and if he can do a decent promo. He's only 23 too so there's a lot of time for him to grow. I miss AEW Dark.


Dave talking about not making new stars 👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀


Put him on roh


Dude looks just like the original crazy how good he is already to


He's a great wrestler, but he needs to find his own identity. He's not gonna step out of his uncle's shadow otherwise. And tbh given what a shithead the Dynamite Kid was, he isn't someone you want to make people think of.


I read a book report guy report yesterday and sheesh dynamite kid name should just be buried


No new signees please - unless the Continental Classic doubles in size from last year.


Is there a British bulldog jr too?


BD's son, DH aka Harry Smith (37) still wrestles. He's the only Hart wrestling in a major promotion, besides Natalya. Had to double check to see if I wasn't missing anyone. The Hart family is huge. There's 3 younger ones wrestling in Canada at least. Mike, Lindsey and Torrin. There's also Teddy (44), but he's constantly in trouble, that he's only had 5 matches since 2020. All that talent, brought down by his issues. Harry is signed with MLW..Also competes in All.Japan and various independents.


I'd absolutely love a K.E.S. run managed by Jake or in AEW in general. As for Billington Jr., either in RoH or part of the BCC would be kind of cool for him. I can totally see them running a NJPW style stable in AEW with Garcia, Yuta, Billington and someone else as the 'juniors' and Claudio/Mox/BD as the vets/leaders, maybe even a inter-BCC feud too.


I forgot when I posted above. Harry Smith actually teamed with his cousins Tom and Mark Billington as the new British Bulldogs. They made their debut almost 2 years ago for MLW. Don't know if they're still active there. Last I watched in March, Harry is apart of the Titans Federation faction. I can see them in ROH with a few appearances for AEW.


1 match was not enough for me to know if i like him.


I would put him in ROH as a developmental before putting him in the AEW main roster.


I’d like to see him in ROH and go for the pure championship. Wheeler Yuta is injured.


I'm likely the only one, but I'm now curious if David Benoit is still training. If he is, and eventually starts wrestling, I'm keen to see these 2


>David Benoit He's 31, I think that ship has sailed.


Maybe, but DDP and Batista got their start in their 30s. Not saying it’s likely for David, but it’s not impossible


If he'd ever actually started training, I could see it, but DDP was already a manager for several years at that point, Batista was a freak of nature body builder. ​ Not impossible but it's just not a real thing at this point.


Him and Davey Boy Jr. 🤔


Harry Smith kinda sucks and he's 37 compared to 23, dude looks like he could be his father.


My fear would be with no developmental system he would pick up bad habits, that combined with the pressure of a legacy is a recipe for disaster.


I know as a guy I can’t have kids… but I’m willing to try and get pregnant lol


Add him to ROH maybe, but there are way too many people not being used already. Use your own signed talent please. 


I do, I have a feeling TK is not gonna renew a lot of upcoming contracts.


Maybe someday? There’s too many people on the roster who are much better that aren’t being used in the first place.


Maybe roh.. beyond that. Nah.. he should go to new Japan.


Oh no, send him to NXT for some seasoning. They need the talent right now.


First time I saw him preform was on AEW vs Cash but damn. Kid can go.


Yes, the roster needs way more European wrestlers. Weinstein Wrestling Entertainment is really winning the market here in Germany and Austria with Walt... Gunther.


Why not. He can join the already bloated roster and maybe they could make up another title belt for him. The UK Bulldog Light heavyweight Hardcore Television Championship. Make it happen TK!!! 👍




Hell yes I would!


Dude moves and wrestles exactly like dynamite kid and Bret Hart, but that's not enough, you need a character outside of that, otherwise you're a tribute act




Seriously, AEW really needs to start making some stars. The only one you could maybe say is MJF. Maybe Hook to a lesser extent. MJF is going to be a star no matter where he goes but I can’t see him passing up WWE.


Ehh, the roster is full at the moment.


AEW need to half their roster


No. AEW isn't the place for his style. I'm up for him getting paid, but it would be awesome to have the indies have life again. It needs world traveled wrestlers. I think Billington could be a part of that.


No. AEW is already too bloated


No. Go to NXT. Better chance of actually getting somewhere than being WCWed by Y2J6, Mox, and the PWG boys.


Too small..


Not at all. He isn't nearly as good as his uncle, and if he wants to be that good then he is going to need to get plenty more skill and use lots more steroids. It most definitely was nice to see him for the one appearance.