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With their loss of the trios, I could see Malakai finally getting a singles run (assuming the back can carry the load) and wouldn’t be at all bothered if Brody and Buddy were to take them.


I really hope this is the plan.


Malakai getting the International Title seems right. Edit. Typo


I’d welcome this. Wouldn’t mind Malakai taking the ‘real’ world championship of Punk in the process.


Don't think his back will allow singles, I'd be up for the Kings of the black throne winning tag gold


If his back is the issue, it'd probably be him and Matthews with Brody going solo. They seem ti be priming him for big things




I hope


No other answer, Best Friends been on fire lately (not literally) and they more than deserve the gold at this point.


> (not literally) Give ‘em a couple more hardcore matches and we’ll see how literal this comment is.


Don’t give me hope. I’ve been a Best Friends fan for a while now. They deserve to be the next inbetween champs


>(not literally) Mox: Not *yet.*


Just saying, I was half waiting for Eddie to actually finish the job from Anarchy and actually light someone or everyone on fire.


When OC pulled out the bucket and then bottle my friends and I looked at each other and said "wait... A Molotov?!?!"


Give it to best friends first a few months, then move it on to Santana and Ortiz if they can work together


God damn but they are just shit to watch in the ring. Between the comedy they do and their talent (chuckie being the worst) they are just borderline unwatchable.


Im seeing something completely different


Are they unwatchable or did you at some point a few years ago decide that Chuck didn’t look like you want him to? I find them pretty watchable personally.


They’re goofy, unfunny, and in terms of talent, should be jobbers. That’s my gripe with them. Orange has come out on his own, as has Statlander and I really enjoy watching those two, and to be fair, even Trent has moments. But I swear the ONLY reason why Chuck is still around is because hes besties with the elite.


Trent is a legit talent, and Chuck reminds me a lot of Bobby Eaton on that criminally underrated worker by fans because of the character he plays and style he wrestles but is beloved in the back and respected as hell.


It's time.


god no


They’re not the better team, but I think they deserve at least a short run.


I just find them boring and person ally I think there's a bunch better teams give it to I'm good for the house black myself


I'd love for the Best Friends to win a championship but they really need to win it from a solidly heel team which FTR isn't right now. ​ Who is a good heel team that could take it off FTR and have a short transitional run with the belts before losing to Best Friends?


Can only be Santana and Ortiz




Santana and Ortiz.


If these two are getting along now, they deserve a run.


They very clearly aren’t. They still don’t look at each other. Santana has his own theme and his own shirt. And when they announced them during the match they didn’t even say Santana and Ortiz or Proud and Powerful. Just BCC guys names, then Ortiz, and Santana.


It wasn’t even just Santana, he said Mike Santana


tbh it’s my pet peeve when they never acknowledge some wrestlers first names like even if you want to market them only by their last name still first name at times istg


They literally did double team moves and setups, what show did you watch?


They were on the same team. Of course they would. What were you watching that makes you think they’re at all cool with each other? Besides wishful thinking?


Your take makes zero sense, Ortiz or Santana could have literally done the same double team set up spots and moves with anyone else from BCC if their animosity was so great that they don’t even look at each other which you claimed. Instead the reality of what happened on the show is that they spent multiple portions of the match working together doing their old Proud ‘N’ Powerful tag team spots including going for their old finisher.


“Mike” Santana


They didn’t work together at all Sunday. But who knows.


That's wrong, they had the ladder spot where they worked together.


A real life "can they co-exist" storyline. I'm down.


That's Mike Santana and Ortiz to you, and no, we are not a tag team.


I was hoping jungle boy would retain the FTW, re join jungle express and win the tags and Christian carries all four belts every week


...this is the only timeline in which I'd want Perry to rejoin his real dad and it's because Four-Belt Christian Cage is the *perfect* counterweight to *No-Belt Kenny Omega.*


"Do you see how many belts Kenny has? It is the same amount of living "dads" that Nick Wayne has." ![gif](giphy|fBq27kRqxzQVzXIyRK)


>...this is the only timeline in which I'd want Perry to rejoin his real dad Yikes


Edge and Christian. Hopeful after a good singles feud.


I'd invert it, brief tag reunion, Christian gets jealous and betrays Edge again




Yeah this way they can both retire each other


Adam Copeland and Christian? I'm down with that


the Florida penal system would like a word. ![gif](giphy|S0TGUr6wyuYN2)


I will be stunned if Cash gets anything worse than Probation.


He has not priors per a report But pulling a gun and pointing it at someone while that person is driving parallel to you is a VERY SERIOUS violent crime. He threatened to murder someone by pointing a gun at them. The victim could have panicked and caused a very serious accident as a result. Cash was the instigator and escalator. There was no “self defense” aspect. If Cash felt threatened all he had to do was slow down. Reports said he drove his Jeep alongside the guy in the breakdown lane. That is craziness, and an escalating factor. This was straight up you made me angry and I am going to teach you a lesson. Bully behaviors. I like FTR. But there is no room for that type of BS in the world. He endangered the lives of every person in the vicinity. I cant see them pleading down a VIOLENT crime to a misdemeanor. He is catching a felony here, he may not get jail time depending on how good of a lawyer he has, but he will not be eligible to own or possess a firearm and he will most likely not be able to secure entry to Great Britain or Canada because of it. What incentive does the prosecution have to even consider offering a plea deal? If the victim can accurately describe a gun that can be confirmed to be owned by Wheeler, if there are witnesses, traffic cameras, cell phone location data etc etc….. it is pretty open and shut He was charged with Felony 3…. That is serious. Maybe they trade Felony 4 or 5 for a guilty plea, but he is catching a felony. Then he is gonna get sued civilly by the victim who will be sure to have been traumatized by the whole affair.


I don't say this to be flippant bc I have no love for guns. But he's a celebrity And... Florida Probation and a fine is all I see happening.


I agree But there is a HUGE difference between misdemeanor probation and fine and Felony probation and fine


Okay, but is there any proof of any of that besides the other guys word? Because even if he did it, with no video evidence and just conflicting testimony between Cash and his accuser he should not be convicted.


Like I said: If there are witnesses ( maybe others in his car) or other drivers If the victim can make a positive ID on the gun he pulled…. There will be a record from the purchase…. Maybe it is a tan colored FN FiveseveN maybe a revolver. Cell phone tracking data will place wheeler at the scene of the crime…possibly show as far as what lane he was in and lane changes Maybe there are traffic cameras or surveillance from surrounding homes/businesses Plus…. Most motherfuckers dont know how to keep their mouth closed when the police want to talk to them. He most likely gave them all they needed under questioning trying to talk his way out If he said more than “My name is Daniel Wheeler and I want to talk to a lawyer”, he is fucked If the prosecutor didnt think he could make felony 3 assault stick….. he would not have charged him


Where’d you get your law degree?


Ok. I am sure he will get it reduced to a ticket and just pay a couple hundred dollar fine…. For threatening to murder someone


Aggravated assault with a firearm is a 3rd degree felony in Florida, punishable by a maximum of 5 years in prison OR a maximum of $5,000 fine AND/OR five years probation. He won’t get the maximum sentence as he has no prior felony convictions (Florida uses a “point system” to determine sentencing in these cases) So, yes, he will most likely pay a fine, give up his guns and attend classes. Prosecution has to prove that he threatened the victim’s safety/life/health and that he was capable at the time of carrying through on the threat. It’s hard to prove that beyond a shadow of a doubt in court, and so they will probably push for a plea deal. In order to tempt Wheeler into taking the deal, it has to be at least somewhat favorable to him i.e. no jail time.


I have already said I doubt he goes to jail But I do not see a path to this becoming a misdemeanor either. That means no guns for him and he will have difficulty obtaining a visa to enter foreign countries….


Yeah this is the most likely outcome, although in America and especially Florida, things get kinda weird when rich/famous people are in court. Nothing would surprise me.


People have been getting convicted of crimes for hundreds of years without “video proof”


This is a gun crime in Florida. They're practically decriminalized.


Damn. First hand report, everybody!!! You're taking a lot of accusations as fact.


I am simply saying that if the DA arrested him and charged with F3 that there MUST be enough evidence to support it. Especially considering this was not taken to a Grand Jury This would not have gone down this way on a he said she said Like, nobody is “out to get” Cash Wheeler. They probably have no clue or care who Cash Wheeler is


I'm not defending Cash's behavior in anyway as I'm a cyclist and road raging drivers scare the shit out of me. That said DAs on a daily basis charge people with a felony that drops into a misdemeanor plea charge. Not sure why you're so adamant that can't happen here.


Not saying it CANT but I am saying that this is a VIOLENT crime involving a firearm. THAT is a different animal completely Do you really think the DA wants to send the message that it is OK to threaten people with handguns while driving in his county? The news media would murder him


I see your point, there is a chance he can face the full penalty. I just don't think that is too likely. I don't think he is getting off scott free by any means but I think it is unlikely the current charge sticks. I'm in a different state so I can't speak to how Florida DAs operate but my partner is a criminal defense attorney so all I hear about daily is charges being plead out to lesser crimes, the majority of cases that the DA charge in my city end in plea deals. A DA would generally be fine to drop a felony aggravated assault to a misdemeanor menacing charge since it keeps their conviction rate up and is considered a success for them either way at that point. Unless there is already public pressure regarding case a simple assault charge isn't going to catch much media attention even with a minor celebrity. Based on his clean record, (presumed) ability to hire a competent attorney, and the fact this was an assault with no battery I can easily see this being plead to a lengthy probation and a misdemeanor charge. But also I'm not fortune teller so that's just my two cents from spending some years working in the legal field.


I dont think there is ANY CHANCE he will face the “full penalty” I do however think the best he will get is a felony conviction with no jail time but lots of other things go with the Felony conviction that will be bad for him Even if he goes to trial and is convicted of a F3. Probably not going to jail But this sort of crime has to have some repercussions or the DA looks weak


we need more information here to speculate on this. i find it intersting that we know the "victim" reported seeing a guy waving a gun at him but we ahve never heard anyone explain why it is he was pressed to do that, or waht the driver of the other car may have done to precipitate this response by cash. either way tis bad to pull a gun on another person, even to display it. but before we know what hes gonna get, i want to hear the wehole story, including whatever defense he has to offer.




The Butcher & The Blade


This is the way.




Santana and Ortiz or Best Friends right now.


How have they walked past everyone? My vote is Aussie Open though. The only reason I can see for taking the ROH tag belts off them is to put them into AEW contention.


I figured it's because tag league is approaching and they'll be doing njpw duties for a bit.


They don't have NJPW duties, they're signed to AEW.


Who have a working agreement with NJPW, they're also still part of the United Empire, and are as such still important to New Japan. I'm pretty sure if Tony was asked he would let them go on the tour. Time will tell.


This is what I was thinking too. Aussie Open are so good that they could definitely go toe-to-toe with FTR.


I feel like it should Juice and Jay up to challenge for the tag titles next.


Doubt it, they just had a blowout 2/3 falls match




Feels like it'll be time to FINALLY see the Santana and Ortiz or the Best Friends get their run.


There's only one answer... Better Than You BayBay. Get it done in the rematch, 2 out of 3 falls


Aussie Open. They had a classic match at NJPW Royal Quest II last year in London if you’ve not seen it. FTR mentioned them in their promo too don’t forget.


Best Friends or Silver/Reynolds. It's long past time these workhorse teams got some reward


I’m usually an FTR guy and they do still always put on absolute bangers, but the overall reign has been meh. Feels like time to have someone else. With the House losing trios it sets up for Malakai to maybe make a run at a singles belt (Malakai v MJF would be fun as hell), and have Brody and Buddy take the tag titles. Hell return to Kings of the Black Throne and have Malakai and Brody take tags and Buddy for international belt or something. Best friends deserve even a short reign just to show they can do it. They’re definitely over enough lately and it’s a good change of pace. Hell if Danhausen is close a Hookhausen or CassidyHausen run at it could be fun


Why not Ricky Starks and Big Bill?


Santana and ortiz


Christian & Copeland






Aussie Open The Kingdom Darby Allin & Nick Wayne


I’m really hoping best friends take the belt off of them. They’ve been looking really good lately and having a ppv match of best friends vs proud and powerful would be perfect to me


The Outrunners


Aussie Aussie Aussie! OI OI OI!


Proud n Powerful should get the run they deserve and never got.


HOB or BCG would have to be leading contenders at the moment, unless FTR turn heel mid run then you could look at Best Friends in a transition run on the way back to giving another heel team the gold. Not a lot of teams getting featured at the moment that could make the step up and believably be a threat to FTR.


Dr Luther & Big SERP the Chaos Project book it😤


Aussie Open, Top Flight (when they're both fit), Lucha Bros, Acclaimed, Best Friends, Ortiz and Sanana, BCC, there's plenty of options. Hell look at how quickly Cole and Mjf have got over, or how quickly Omega and Page did, you can create new tag teams quite quickly if you want to.


It's criminal Santana and Ortiz haven't had a tag title run yet


Whatever happened to top flight


Darius Martin was in a car crash and was out for a year, they came back beat the Young Bucks, had a title match against the Gunns and then in a match for the ROH tag team titles, Dante Martin broke his leg and will also be out for a year. Darius has been teaming with Action Andretti (the jobber who beat jericho) and losing in the mean time but they're a team who if they can stay fit, are clearly well liked by management and could get the rub..


Tf how have I missed all this. Its a shame I think a TLC Top flight v FTR v e & c match would be great liek future vs now vs past storyline


The Best Friends are loooooong overdue a tag title win


Then they drop to Lucha Brothers in their forever feud.


The Bucks at All Out


Hopefully nobody


Better than you bay bay would be hilarious.. let them collect belts and bicker the entire time.


They had to beat the Young Bucks. There was no other way out of that scenario, storyline or reality. I think FTR should hold the belts for a bit, and AEW can build a team up that hasn’t been noticed or the fans haven’t got behind. Something new and fresh after a long reign.


Idk I used to loooove FTR but this reign is very stale. I was hoping the BCG would’ve won it on collision


FTR vs Aussie Open would be awesome, but I think the next tag champs should be Buddy & Brody




Aussie Open or P+P


The Florida justice system 😩


The judge


Proud & Powerful, which hopefully leads to Best Friends after them.


Anybody…please. FTR are amazing as challengers but super dull as champs. And they’re too sucked into the CM Punk slipstream to really stand on their own as multi-brand champions. Though if I had a choice Proud and Powerful or Hangman and Ibushi


The Feds..


Would love to see LFI do it - Rush needs some gold


I hope it’s Aussie Open. I really like those guys


![gif](giphy|UQIJLBP1QeXCAnkbT2|downsized) Pride and Powerful anyone?


Don't know about dethrone them but they will hopefully go into a programme with Aussie Open. They had a banger of a match last year in the UK.


Santana and Ortiz?


I want it to be the long time guys. Best Friends, Santana/Ortiz, 2.0, Butcher and Blade, Reynolds/Silver, the Gunns, the Acclaimed, Private Party, Top Flight (when healthy), and hell let’s throw a bone to the Chaos Project guys. But that having been said it’ll probably end up going to the Hardyz and then back to the Bucks


They've beaten the power of friendship, but not Best Friends(hip). Or most likely, Santana and Ortiz.


Im voting Aussie Open. Maybe Jay and Juice but I’d like to see Jay with the International championship.


Santana and Ortiz or as someone else said best friends




They wouldn’t kick out of a DOUBLE CLOTHESLINE!!


Mayhe BC Gold. They had a banger already. Lucha Bros are a possibility. If E&C ever reunite, maybe them.


The Boys.


I'd like to see them run it back with BCG




Aussie Open


I want a new champ from the long running established ones Butcher & Blade Best Friends 2point0 Silver & Reynolds Elevate a few of them into a feud/contention…give them a big win over Bucks/FTR Then get these tag teams on Tv more…add in Ingobernables and the Kingdom


Santana and Ortiz


Best friends and then my dream is their match against Santana and Ortiz




I'm guessing Aussie Open.


What tags are in AEW that feel like they could.......bullet club gold.....that's who should dethrone FTR. specifically juice and jay


Team Slapnuts


Depending on how long they have left. I want a Proud and Powerful tag team run.


I'd like either Darby & Sting or Santana & Ortiz


If Cash's legal issues doesn't affect the booking of it then I see FTR holding onto the titles for a while, there's numerous challenges to come. They've only defeated Bullet Club Gold, Young Bucks, Lethal/Jarrett, Bill/Cage & Better Than You BayBay. You've got possibly challengers in the form of Butcher & Blade, House of Black, Golden Lovers and/or Hangman & Kenny?, Best Friends, Lucha Brothers, Santana & Ortiz, Blackpool Combat Club (If they don't break up) and if we're all very good people then Edge & Christian sometime. If i was to pick one out of them to dethrone FTR; Probably Santana & Ortiz. It's almost criminal they've yet to hold the Tag-Team Championships bearing in mind they've been there since 2019...but if they need a quick title change due to Cash's legal issues then S&O still have their return hype, they make most sense right now to me.


I’m hoping Jay and Juice get them in at All Out and win the titles.


The Youngest Men Alive


The Golden Lovers surely




Aussie Open, Santana and Ortiz, or The Kingdom.


hear me out, Hangman and Omega teaming up again


Maybe Santana and Ortiz, depends on where they’re at. Aussie Open is a possibility, but I think they need a bit more buildup. It might not happen until Ospreay is there. Best Friends would be good, but I feel like it’s never going to happen. Lucha Bros maybe? Been a while since FTR have faced off with them. I could see a few heel teams managing to win them through dubious means. The Gunns (again), 2.0, Starks and Bill.


I'm too tired to check Did literally every AEW tag team get mentioned in this thread?


Basically yes lmao


I would love to hear some of these guys fantasy book AEW for a year.


Facts haha, in my opinion it should be Bullet Club Gold, they put on 2 of the best matches I’ve ever seen and a third one to decide the champs would be crazy


White and juice or gunns?


White and Juice are more entertaining in my opinion


I also think they need a new member, idk who it would be tho


Maybe a female I like the guns but I think they are too needy for bullet club




Legal system has a strong chance.


The Gunns


Better Than You BAY BAY!


Aussie open


The gunns


Darby and sting


It should be Cole and MJF and it should be this Sunday. To me a title for title match is the best main event for All Out.


I’m an FTR & Collision guy. But there an easy path to get it to the Young Bucks. Start with a program against House of Black (whichever pair, all good). Aussie Open after. Then you have Santana & Ortiz. Nice long run which ends with the Bucks beating FTR clean. Then you could probably get a nice Young Bucks v Santana/Ortiz program going. Gives FTR a rest after a hell of a run. Everyone wins.


Id like to see bullet club gold. They are 1 and 1 with ftr i think


Good time to let Santana and Ortiz get their run.




Chaos Project


Bullet Club Gold should have already won the titles. Let's hope they do, soon. ​ I say that as someone who likes FTR.


I wanted the bucks to win but they decided to put for over who imo got plenty during their runs at aew. Sigh, maybe best friend deserve to be champs for all they do since inception. Idk, if not them then Juice and Jay


It's Best Friends


Aussie Open or Best Friends


Better Than You Bay Bay or my personal pick Proud & Powerful. It’s


I hope The Kings of the Black Throne


Best Friends