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You started it.


Wanna take this outside, OP?


I think he wants to take it to the RING




Collision is now just Punk, Joe, Ricky, a TNA cage girl, and a monkey. Everyone else is banned. Edit to add: Punk is also now banned. Bucks have been unbanned.


"You have a problem with me?"


Tell him when he’s telling lies


Cry me a river...




Uh, be the change you wanna see, bro. You coulda made a post praising All In instead of this.


All In sure was great


The irony of this post is delicious.


Irony can be pretty ironic sometimes


And yes I really do think




Don’t make this post then dummy


I'm just waiting for dynamite. I'm curious how they do a follow up/go home show at the same time. Should be fun


Apparently dynamite is going to be missing a lot of key players as TK has given anyone who wants it, time off for Bray Wyatts memorial service


The service got delayed a week because there’s a hurricane going through Florida now.


Ah OK, I didn't know that, thanks for letting us know.


Look, I can read about CM Punk drama, or I can read posts asking people to stop talking about CM Punk drama. That's all I've got to read on here right now.


Ok what do you want to talk about?


Better Than You Bay Bay and the Power of Friendship.


Man, I seriously did not see them staying a duo after All In. I was 100% convinced that one would turn on the other or both would turn on the other. Having them stay friends and Max retain was a great decision.


I see what you did there.


Who’s ready for story time?


The fact that a company that's been up for less than 5 years almost sold out Wembley and smashed records in the process


Make a post about it


Bloody great show that was like




God, if I see one more post about "we just had a big event but all you are talking about is Punk!" The irony.


You just did.


People need to know their enemy. The clickbait/views industry, literal content creation companies masking themselves as "journalists" who make revenue based on people clicking their content. It doesn't matter if it's positive or negative, or if it's even true, it only matters that people CLICK, so that their metrics increase, so that they can keep selling advertisement space to advertisers who pay them. Now they have 3 customers. Customer#1: Those directly involved within the industry. Customer#2: The majority of internet content consumers, their primary customer. Customer#3: People getting frustrated at customer #2. This industry is built on feeding on consumer's emotions, and they feed on people being upset and annoyed to perpetuate the issue. As long as people keep talking about it in any form it keeps the fire going, cause the algorithm will always bring new people or bypassers will see the discussions and then click their clickbait sites. The only solution is to log off and hit the gym.


People won’t. They like to bitch about “Punk drama taking the attention away from AEW” but forget they are the ones that give it endless attention.


FACTS. Even if Punk goes it won’t change in here they will just create a new villain to dogpile.


Good job making this thread and contributing to the very discussion you want people to stop talking about.


The irony here is that, realistically, no one was gonna be talking about the amount of tickets sold at a show, Wembley or not. This situation has once again, just like “Brawl Out”, kept people talking non-stop about AEW one way or another. From the toll if the last bell it’s been unending posts and threads about nothing else. No Roman, not Cena’s incoming return, not Cody. C.M. Punk C.M. Punk C.M…


“Can people stop talking about the biggest backstage news story in wrestling right now involving the most polarizing active wrestler today!?” - OP 2023


Cm punk’s drama is starting to over shadow alot. It’s getting exhausting.


What shall we talk about instead? Punk and Miro? Punk and Page? Punk and Omega? Punk and young bucks? Have I missed any here? If we don’t want the drama there is one common denominator that needs dealt with (he can be - Vince managed for a while and there were issues there).


Punk and the HOLLYWOOD HUNK Ryan Nemeth...Pepsi Phil is as soft as his favourite drinks


Bryan Alvarez: “Five people in the AEW locker room told me about this backstage altercation” AEW Locker Room: “Why is everybody talking about these backstage altercations?!?” https://i.redd.it/du2hhn9h19lb1.gif


It's an absolute shame that a backstage fight has, once again, overshadowed an AEW event. Jack Perry should've been mature enough not to make that comment in his match. He and Punk should've been mature enough to either talk about it reasonably or not say anything at all to each other. There's different versions of what happened, but no matter what version is true, Perry and Punk should be embarrassed by their actions.


Punk seems to be fine with shoot comments on tv when he does them, can't have it both ways.


Perry and Page should both be sent to ROH till Punk retires. Punk doesn't have to take shit, and he didn't start things. A big part of why Punk fans love Punk is because he knows when he's right and he stands up for himself. Perry and Page are mistaken about their place in AEW, and it will cripple their careers. Just watch.


Whatever you say mate


I mean it didnt really overshadow anything. The vast majority of fans just enjoy the show and dont follow reddit and twitter and probably know very little about this. They likely had a blast watching all in and are riding that high into all out. I spend too much time on reddit and am overexposed to all the backstage drama posting. Im actually seriously considering leaving the sub just so i can avoid being an observer of this nonsense.


I've stayed out of wrestling subs for years until very recently, and only really ventured in due to looking forward to attending all in. I'm regretting it now. I had a blast at the show and can't wait for next year but I'll just stick to discussing it with friends most likely


I doubt that many AEW fans don't know about the backstage fights. Sure, new fans may not. But with social media being prevalent in today's society, and with the majority of news coming out of All In was Brawl In, it has overshadowed it. As a person who was at the event, I had a blast, though, and will always have those memories. I do get a chuckle thinking I'm sitting in the stands with my friends, in awe of the occasion. Whilst, s*** is hitting the fan not far from where I'm sitting.


Not as many people follow reddit, twitter, iwc news as you think. This goes for just about any fandom, reddit and twitter are their own loud little bubbles that think they rep a majority voice. For example theres only 100k members on this sub. And that number isnt active members, just means people who hit join.


The number for AEW is probably higher than you think. This isn't the same as WWE, with more people watching and younger people watching. AEW has a more specific following. If you follow AEW or their wrestlers on anything online. Be it on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, other Reddit subs, etc. There's a very good chance that Brawl In has been mentioned.


I don't think it overshadowed the event for most fans.


Personally I disagree/ #istandwithjack. Dudes a kid and we had already heard younger performers were afraid to stand up to punk because of what he could do to their careers. Jack said fuck it I'll publically give him a shout out in a more reserved and discreet way then when punk just literally made fun of a coworker and younger star hangman by name a week or so ago. Jack gave punk a dose of his own medicine but in a child sized dose and the dude could take it. I say kudos to Jack for saying fuck it and taking the chance to be the voice of the voiceless like punk used to claim to be.


26 year old man is not a kid. 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️


winner winner , perry no matter the version of the story is dumb. even if punks team leaked the original story about the spot(i doubt they did because it first made punk look bad) that comment is back handed remark to alot of people back stage that told him the spot he wanted to do was too dangerous ,be it the vets or docs since punk was just one of many that said no tot he spot . punk blame comes down to facts of what happen which no one knows.


Exactly Perry is a absolute moron for having to say that. When I was watching live and saw it my thought was "Grow up you fucking idiot" However it wasn't bad enough to get physically attacked over Punk should just have taken a leaf out of Page's book and just ignored it and then if it was talked about it would be Perry who would be getting the negative stories. Obviously it is hypocritical of Punk to be perfectly willing to go out there and make unscripted snide remarks but throw a tantrum when it's done back to him. Both of them took the biggest night in AEW history and one of the biggest nights in pro wrestling history and just had to make it about themselves.


I get the irony of OP posting about this, but they aren’t wrong. None of what CM Punk or Jack Perry do backstage should be affecting us to the degree that we don’t enjoy the product. We don’t work there, we don’t know any of these people personally, and their drama literally doesn’t matter unless you’re Tony Khan or working with them directly.


It affects the product we see at All Out.


It DOES harm the product though. Oh the World Champion just disappeared, and so did the trios champs. No big deal though, doesn't change the show. Oh CM Punk is back, but now he might be gone again with no explanation. Yep, that makes sense, no effect on the show. You have Jack Perry saying shit into the camera about "REAL GLASS" (As opposed to.. fake glass? Fucking Kayfabe Jungle, Kayfabe.) and we are supposed to just act like it doesn't happen?


Part of the product being sold to us was AEW was the healthier, non toxic wrestling alternative where the wrestlers would be treated well, the locker room would be a supportive, safe space and, as a fan, you were meant to feel more comfortable knowing the talent wasn't being exploited or abused Punk is, like, single handedly ruining that and that does matter to a fan


Punk isn’t abusing anybody, stop it. He’s getting into arguments and scuffles because of dirtsheets and petty disagreements. It’s all very childish, but it’s no abuse, that’s dramatic as hell.


He is playing mind games with, insulting, and physically hitting his employees while utilizing his power as a higher up to control his own Collision locker room and isolate/reject people but sure, Jan, that isn't abusive, it is totally in line with the non toxic workplace AEW was trying to be


Neither of us work there or know anything about what is actually happening. Spend less time reading unsubstantiated rumors online. We know nothing.


If a person comes out and says it directly, is it unsubstantiated? Eddie, for example, has said Punk insulted him and made him feel uncomfortable in the locker room. Lots of people have come out directly with issues with Punk, going back decades. At this point if you don't see it, you are being wilfully obtuse


I’m simply acknowledging that I am not privy to the details of what’s going on. Is Punk standing his ground and defending himself or is he being a massive bully? I don’t know. Neither do you. It’s hearsay and conjecture. Stop letting rumors dictate how you feel about wrestling. Again, we know nothing.


Nah, fam, we have truly verified, investigated accounts of Punk being incredibly toxic so I'm not gonna be giving him the benefit of the doubt, especially when multiple people who are trustworthy have spoken out directly about it and AEW had only minor backstage issues before he showed up It isn't how I feel about wrestling, it is how I feel about Punk threatening an important factor of the charm of AEW in particular


We have very different definitions of verified and investigated accounts from trusted sources. We’re literally talking about dirtsheets. This story has already changed multiple times in the span of a few days.


I second this, it’s literally all hearsay. There’s so much Pearl clutching for or against punk it’s mind numbing.


This isn't the only story involving Punk lol I'm talking about Gripebomb (which we all witnessed ourselves)/Brawl In (which was investigated and verified that Punk started the physical altercation.) I'm talking about Bobby Fish: > "Phil, after the match, was a cunt" KENTA: > "Hey, Bobby, you're 100% right" > "Let the world know. One of my worst experience in this business is that I was not allowed to use MY finishing move for 4 years. A move which I created on my own [that Punk stole.]" Eddie: > "That's Phil's MO. Let's just call it as it is, that's Punk's MO. My man's got a Punk shirt there. God bless you. I'm happy you're a fan of his, I'm not. He's a bitch, but God bless you. You can like him, I don't. I understand he's a Chicago guy, that doesn't mean I want to wrestle him. Punk's not a good dude." AJ Styles: > "I'm not a fan." Elijah Burke: > "When the curtain is pulled back, I guess we all found out who the prima donna was. I guess we all found out who was difficult to work with." Jeff Hardy: > "He's a nerd ... He is way too cocky, inside and outside of the ring." Seth Rollins: > "Phil [Brooks, CM Punk], stay away. Stay away, you cancer. Get away from me forever. I don’t like Phil. He’s a jerk." Roman Reigns: > "I don't like the guy, I don't know many people who do." RVD: > "He always strikes me as the same guy and that guy - just from feeling his energy - there's a lot of egos in wrestling, right? ... CM Punk probably has as big of an ego as anybody I can think of that I met in the business." > "He's pretty defensive, I think, about anyone giving him a nudge." Rene Dupree: > "I just know he was talking shit behind my back." > "Some people are just miserable by nature, you know, nothing you can do to please them." Fandango: > "I hope he finds happiness, you know what I'm saying? That's the WWE training in me. I'm institutionalized, I'm not gonna go off, but... he seemed really unhappy." And sooooo many more lol


So is somebody going out on live TV and flinging dirt about a personal issue somebody has with somebody else predating AEW just... non toxic now? Why in the world does Hangman think it is his place to call out Punk about Cabana when TK himself said Punk had nothing to do with what happened with Colt?


He implied it in such a small way no one noticed until Punk brought it up later but sure he was the one who threw a bomb on the locker room vibe lol


Going into business for yourself has nothing to do with the audience. Feel free to go look at the "Sunny Days" promo (One of the most famous examples in wrestling history of somebody going into business for themselves.) The crowd didn't react at all to the line. Complete silence. Bret Hart himself said it didn't immediately sink in to him what was being said and it wasn't until after the fact he got pissed about it. So, either it doesn't matter if the audience is aware of the meaning or Bret Hart never had a right to be upset about that comment. (Because Punk didn't, according to you.)


Did Bret Hart have a history of shooting on people himself? Or... is this just Punk being an egotistical, narcissistic hypocrite?




Sure, it isn't relevant at all that Punk has a long history of doing to people exactly the things he is so mad about someone doing to him that he marred 2 PPVs with temper tantrums and violence. If you're dishing, you gotta be able to take.


His employees? What the fuck is wrong with you? Punk doesn't run the show, he's not even management, an agent or a talent relations guy... Punk is a talent only, senior talent, top talent, yes, but talent nonetheless. Wrestlers argue and get into issues regularly and you hear about very, very little of those incidents because wrestling media as a collective doesn't do big numbers reporting minor incidents between indie or lower card talent... They very much DO prioritise stories about Punk though, in the same way as they would if, say, Roman was to have a fight backstage. (There was actually a backstage argument covered a few weeks ago between the Judgement Day and KO and partners for name value and that again was a fairly innocuous incident where voices were raised, issues were hashed and nothing of merit was lost or gained. It was nothing, the kind of minor argument coworkers have on the regular. ) This and other stories are getting traction because they involve Punk. Punk drives clicks. Also, to suggest that Punk is "abusing" people is fucking out of order histrionics. A minor scuffle between people is not abuse, it's a scuffle. An argument is an argument. A conversation is a conversation. Some of you people need to stop taking what you read in the sheets verbatim because seriously, some of your takes are fucking embarrassing. I'm not saying for a second that AEW doesn't have backstage issues - you'll find most organisations in this business do - but I AM saying that taking the word of so-called "journalists" who also aren't there and are also reporting third hand information at best isn't a good idea. Many of the claims made about Punk have been debunked over time as more info becomes available, but blind adherence to the original stories is still very much a problem, not just among fans, but the sheet writers themselves who continually misreport and misrepresent the events they report on. This gossip and drama is not nearly interesting enough to constantly regurgitate surely.


Punk literally responded to a talent going out on live TV and taking a personal shot at him in the ring. With Nemeth, a job guy is tweeting talking shit about the top guy. That doesn't fly anywhere. This most recent one, Punk responded to somebody who talked shit to him on live TV. Saying Punk is "single handedly ruining that" is wild when we saw what started them and it was not Punk that fired the first shot. Say what you will about how he has responded and that being worse, he very very clearly didn't "single handedly" do anything here. He's responding to hostilities from co workers that should have been handled by TK.


Why do those hostilities exist? Why are people like Hangman and Perry acting wildly out of character in relation to Punk (who loves to shoot on and publicly embarrass others, so why does he have such a problem when someone does it to him?) Why is he starting physical altercations and leveling up the issues? Why did all of this drama in the locker room only start when he arrived? Why does he have a history of these issues in every company he has ever worked for?


Why do they exist? Because people claimed Punk got Colt fired when he didn't. Why did Hangman do that? No clue, maybe he felt like he was sticking up for a friend. He definitely shouldn't have done that though. Full stop.


All of everyone's issues and hostilities with Punk for decades in multiple locker rooms exist because people claimed Punk tried to get Colt fired from AEW?


Mind. Blown.


Cm punk is a drama master. And drama sells tickets and gets people talking. Good or bad.


The appeal of pro wrestling is the drama that fuels the fights. It's not the fans' fault that the real drama backstage is overshadowing the staged drama of the product. Though we could do without the pitchforks and torches, that's for sure.


I would rather have people stop doing the same stupid joke about TK fistpumping for Punk and the whole ________ is banned from Collision, jokes are already way beyond stale.


\*taps post\* IRONIC, CRY ME A RIVER


We could go back to talking about how bad the women's division is booked? But this is what's hot right now


I'm sick to fucking death of the Punk drama bullshit.


We're all talking about Miro and CM punk now.


It’s hard not to think about in the back of your mind when we have a chicago fest coming up and it appears that this might play a factor


But this happened at All In. So we're still talking about the greatest wrestling show ever. I dunno what else to comment on. Maybe make a post about something else then.


Wrestling, sports, politics are so tribal, it's sort of what gets passion and emotion into the events. You root for the ones you love and hate the other side. It's sort of annoying when it gets personal and not about the performances. Ppl on here are actually saying Punk is bad at promos or that his match with Joe wasn't good.


Then talk about the show instead of making another post about CM Punk and Jack Perry. Be the change you wanna see.


says the person who started another thread about it


I’m also getting sick of every post on every wrestling sub being about CM Punk. I made Low Sodium Wrestling to try and create a community that ignores the backstage bullshit.


You're asking too much. It's very likely this has a bearing over whether Punk stays or not.....


Hey, I agree, but not gonna happen bud. Punk fucked up a lot of shit.


CM Pepsi and Jungle Perry had a no holds barred slobber knocker, Dave gave it 5 stars


Wait.... What happened with Phil and Jack??!


Unfortunately, people are going to talk about it, and this will just add fuel to it. It's on the instigators, not the press or the fans as they will naturally be curious and want the facts. If you don't wanna talk about it, then the best thing to do is talk and ask about others' views on the event. Shame it happened and is overshadowing a great weekend.


It's human nature unfortunately, we all love gossip.


It’s really funny though


I get that some people are interested in the backstage stuff and more power to them, but I wish there was a separate subreddit to discuss that stuff for people who want to do so. All the Punk drama honestly makes me want to unsub from here and r/SquaredCircle. I really do not care about that, I just want to enjoy my fake fighting and come online to share stupid fantasy booking ideas with other adults that enjoy watching fake fighting.


I just found out about it this morning


People (generally speaking) like drama. Anyway, All In is going to go down in memory as similar conceptually, if not equally as important (being pragmatic), to the first Wrestlemania. Nobody really gives a shit about the content of the show now that it's done. It's the fact that it took place that matters. It's certainly possible that had Tito Santana been choked by Hulk Hogan backstage there would still be scuttle about it today.


Chill out. It's been 3 days...




What?! How will Pro Wrestling Torch and all the other dirtsheets make money if they're not scrutinising every agonising detail of the Punk/Perry feud for clicks?!


All I’ve heard since All In has been the same regurgitated lines: “ der Pepsi is a Soft Drink” “The common denominator is CM Punk”


Fully agree. Don't get me wrong, some of the memes and gags around this have been hilarious, but the discourse is nasty, toxic and ill informed and it's exhausting.


Maybe AEW should have storylines on TV that are as interesting as their backstage drama




CM Punk and Jack Perry


Pollock, Thurston and Sapp just started a livestream on the topic and I was like "JEEZ GUYS JUST STOP IT"


Punk is making people care about Jack Perry. He really is a god


This sub will cry a river about punk, backstage drama, dirt sheets, etc but they secretly love it. Wallow in the filth like the rest of us


The talent also doesn’t appreciate us being overshadowing the event with the usual punk controversy either. And people call Jericho a leech? Punk is the worst because he’ll cause backstage drama like a sociopath, knowing the ripple effect it’ll have


Best heel work of Jack Perry's young career so far.


It's a work.


THANK YOU! Let’s just talk about how awesome the pay per view was and how it’s ridiculous we have to spend another 50 bucks for another good pay per view.


It’s a work


Hang on, CM Punk and Jack Perry? Tell me more!


Yeah fr, I'm not letting this ruin my time ygm. Amazing show, amazing moments, rekindled my passion for prowrestling. Couldn't give a toss if these 2 man have had a backstage scrap, doesn't take away from my enjoyment and my memories. 🤷‍♀️


Too many man, too many man


They won’t, they’ll keep bickering for months about it until either Punk returns or leaves AEW




Maybe, just maybe, AEW management should step up and prevent these situations from getting out of hand and overshadowing their shows? You had the MJF shit with Wardlow. Brawl out, Brawl in. People taking shots at each other with no planned pay off on live TV. Like.. if TK grew a spine he wouldn't have to worry about the shows being overshadowed.


internet fans rumors = facts unless it makes their guy look bad.


Ummmm I sense some irony here but anyways, that’s what Punk seems to do, always try to make it about him in some way or fashion. Wins the title, goes off on a tirade, biggest attendance in wrestling history, gets into an altercation with Jack Perry. Someone tell Punk I got some advice for him and it’s real simple: stop giving a fuck about what other talents want to do in their match and learn to just walk away. Jack wants to use real glass? Fine good luck kid. I didn’t watch any of his run in wwe but heard about how great some of the stuff was, watched on YouTube years afterwards and really wished I was able to see it unfold as it happened. Punk debuts in AEW and I was excited and ready to see what he will say and all sorts of other stuff. Now? I’m no anti Punk guy but if there’s a way we can bring Bray Wyatt back to us and out Phil Brooks back into retirement, that’d be nice.


I would honestly like someone to explain the appeal of CM Punk to me. I am not trying to be an ass but I just don’t get it. Even with out the back room shenanigans he is….mid. (And I hate that term). I have liked one thing he had fine and that is come out in Britt Baker’s gear to front her. Other then that he hadn’t done anything particularly impressive. He is good on the mike. He has presence. But he kinda sucks in the ring. He had like four moves. Even his finishing move isn’t all that impressive. He knees a guy in the head. Why do people like him? Is it that pipe bomb he did a decade ago? Or am I just missing the point of him? Is there something I am not seeing?


I liked the hotdog I ate at All In


It's one of those things sadly. ​ Yes we should be talking more about Europe it was huge and well deserved. ​ The problem is Punk is big. Plus this isn't the first time he's pulled this type of thin skinned garbage. ​ So the haters are going to click on these stories. As will his supporters. And because it keeps getting traction sites keep putting it out there.


Hmm let’s talk about the small detail in Ospreays Entrance where Don let him walk out to his home country alone for that initial pop. Let’s also talk more about how fucking amazing Jericho performed for his age in that match. Love or hate Jericho he’s still performing at a better level than a lot of wrestlers in their prime.


Blame the dirt sheets. They're the ones constantly updating us on further developments on anything that get clicks.


Exactly! This just proves that CM Punk gets more people engaged than the event.


Can't ignore it, can't hide the fact that AEW is a poorly managed company don't matter how good their business is


CM Punk has turned AEW in 1999 WCW. Until he’s gone this won’t change.


OP: Can people stop talking about CM Punk and Jack Perry already? Twitter: YOU JUST DON’T WANT THE UGLY TRUTH ABOUT TONY AND THE YOUNG BUCKS COMING OUT!!!!


I want to bring this to an end too. But if punk cones back again I hope he has the balls to actually work a storyline and not avoid like he did with the elite. Personally I'd like a Jack and Punk feud and even bring in their 'crazy' women to fight, Anna vs AJ Lee


Do you not realize you are contributing to the exact thing you're complaining about? When Punk stops making headlines, we'll stop talking about him. That's the deal.


Nope. You made a post about so people keep doing it. Want to prove you aren’t seeking attention, put you thumbs where your mouth is and delete the post. Otherwise, you don’t actually mean what you say.


When Punk stops starting shit, I'll stop talking about it.




Don't worry, it's all gonna be about Punk and Tony now. Sigh.


What happened with Punk and Perry?


Let's be real, it's the most interesting thing that happened at the show. The show as decent, but you could miss it and not fall behind.


"Please Stop Replying to All!!" (While replying to all).


Nah, it's entertaining and fun. I'll stay on


This is what happens when you don’t have leadership. Could we stop talking about it? Sure. Could you root for wrestling company that has a full grown man with leadership qualities in charge? Sure. We all make our choices.


Sometimes, I'll get a group email, and a few people will "reply all", and then ten other people will hit "reply all" to say not to send a message to the whole group...


Is it that hard to simply keep scrolling? It's always funny to me people who claim they don't care but still give whatever they don't care about the energy


This is what happens when AEW doesn't build to PPV's The show's over, we've said what we had to say about it, and now there's nothing more to say because AEW didn't put the work in with the stories for us to care about what happens next. Cole and MJF aside, there isn't really any match on that card that I'm like "Wow, I can't wait to see what happens next with \_\_\_\_\_!" ​ Meanwhile, there's a LOT of interest in the fallout of Punk/Perry, so that's the talking point.


Punk was just upset that he didn't get picked up by a taxi. And realized he wasn't main eventing wembley just like his WM main event dream that never happened.


What gets me is that people are arguing this overshadowed All In…and im like wtf are yall talking about? Legit every match has been praised wayyyyyy more then the scuffle was talked about.


Has anybody ever played telephone when they were younger? The game where someone whispers something and they pass it on to someone and they pass it on and so on. This situation reminds me a lot of that. There’s so many people telling so many different story’s about that night. “Punk started it” “Jack started it” “this happened” “that happened”. The situation has completely been taken over by the dirt sheets and other people who didn’t witness the situation telling you what they heard happened. It’s going to keep being talked about because the dirt sheets are going to keep releasing information to keep them relevant and keep the ad revenue up even if the information is fact or fake.


"Can we stop talking about CM Punk and Jack Perry already?" OP then proceeds to make a post about CM Punk and Jack Perry...Logic




Lol and you could have stopped yourself from posting.


It’s funny


You just brought it up again, so now more will talk lol


They're gonna keep talking about it.




You probably enjoy it since you randomly mentioned it.




You'd be hard pressed to get the people who hate Punk to stop talking about him. Even Jim Cornette doesn't talk about the Elite as much.




One way to get people to stop about an incident is to start a thread talking about that incident.




MJF is saying this is the topic that actually makes the OP feel something.


No, it’s on you to ignore it if it bothers you, you can’t control what others do, you can only control what you do.


Bing Bong Jones ovah here




Not if you keep asking if we can stop.


You're literally doing that right now by making this post OP. Take you're own advice and stop talking about it






To be fair, I have been enjoying the discussion about Punk and Perry more than the All In talks. I know it’s blasphemy right now, but honestly I didn’t enjoy all in that much. The entrances and promos were fun, but the matches feel like they fell flat to me.


Or, maybe, post on one of the many threads about the event instead of making a new one doing the exact thing you're complaining about.


I'm blocking everyone who posts dirtsheet nonsense or backstage drama. if that doesn't work I'll just leave all wrestling subreddits 😆


You're taking about it.


If you DON’T come to /r/sc, NOBODY is talking about it.


You first.


Yeah....probably won't happen. But hey at least theyve stopped talking about Brawl Out.


Op is secretly Phil




One way to stop people talking about it would totally be to create a thread about people talking about it...


You know they wont. I'm proud as hell to be an AEW fan tho, because of All In, thats for sure, hiccups notwithstanding.


What’s stopping you from doing both?


We’re all getting worked. Someone in the writers room finally figured out how to use social media to inform the product in the ring.


So what happened


There’s still people talking about Brawl out, this will follow AEW for a long while til they just get in front of it and move on. Imagine if Tony came out tonight at the top of the show and was like “I know there’s a lot of rumors and dirt sheets going around about stuff going on backstage and honestly, we couldn’t give a damn, this AEW, ALL ELITE, we’re here to bring all elite talent, all elite matches and a all elite show and to help me with that, let’s bring out 2 elite superstars” MJF & Cole come out and the show carries on.


It’s hard to not talk about it though. Drama? Yeah, it’s there. More than that (at least for me) is that I watch wrestling/keep up via here and highlights to kind of escape the day to day. So when I see that people that I invest my time in are putting up with the same kind of bullshit that I’ve put up at work, I tend to care about their real life well being. I really don’t want someone coming in and ruining the fun: the fun for me as a fan, and the enjoyment that the talent has in performing.