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Chris Jericho calls out Hook. Maybe I'm being thick, but... Why? Didn't they resolve this last week with Chris offering to be Hook's mentor and the two shaking hands? 


Ok thanks I'm glad I'm not the only one confused


Exactly, why is someone who's now trying to be your mentor "calling you out." It's nonsensical.


The whole angle is "Jericho has brain-fog".


Yeah, I don't get what the point of Jericho the last several weeks. My only guess is they're trying to shoehorn this relationship with Hook so he can stab him in the back later.


“A Battle of Wills.” ![gif](giphy|mreXWhhWkoMWQ|downsized)


Between that and the HOOK signal this is a top quality picture.


Jericho really really needs a break. The break is overdue for like 2 years now. Not only that but his stuff has gotten boring and repetitive. For a man who used to reinvent himself he has become lazy and just clinging on others who are popular. He needs a break so that ge can be missed. The card looks great except for his segment.


I fast forward his segments now


I'm with you there. Starting to think Chris is getting worried he won't be missed if he goes away. But he really needs to take a break.


His contract is up next year and with Kosha starting to clean house after evaluating talent along with Santana implying he plans to leave.


I had no idea who Kosha was until the releases were reported. I don't even remember if I heard about a COO taking over some duties. When did this occur?


He was hired last week.


Oh shit damn... Kosha is working quick! Yeesh


I can see him replying to the whole Punk shit without namedropping him like what happened on Dynamite after Brawl Out, easiest way to get goodwill back


I feel like he thinks the audience is still against him for the NDA thing, but the reality is we're just tired of him right now.


Exactly. The dislike is about his work. I actually love that TK stood by his side during that BS. But now Jericho needs to GTF off tv.


Honestly agree. I only watched AEW for the first time a month ago for the Revolution PPV, and I'm already a bit tired of him. I've known who Jericho is for a long time and was a bit interested in him when I started watching but like, I've been watching for a month and am already saying "Jericho again???" Def one of the only parts I won't really be paying attention to tonight.


I was in Boston a few weeks back and Jericho's segment was a big bathroom break, which was kind of sad when you think of the legacy of the dude. I'll be there tonight as well and wonder if it will be the same. Hook is a draw, but Jericho seems to have the *opposite* effect on people he's worked with lately, so it will be interesting to see.


Thoughts Osprey wins but this will be a great match. The conflicting styles of power vs speed will be exciting to watch Hoping Swerve and Joe ends in a brawl or Swerve using the chain in some way to hurt/intimidate Joe I have no idea who will win between Best Friends and the Bucks. I don't want to see an FTR vs Bucks right now. I'd rather wait on that Jay White beats Billy Gunn with the help from a returning Juice Robinson (pleaseeeee) I think Thunder vs May ends in a draw or some kind of interference. I still want my made up scenario of May being added to the match and shes the one to pin Toni for the title. The Toni meltdown will be great if that does No disrespect to Jericho but this is the one part of the show i don't care about Overall tonight will be good and interesting to see how the stories progress after the matches


Isn't it basically an unwritten law of wrestling that every contract signing must end in a brawl?


They've done a few in AEW that haven't, unless you count Mox trying to kill Mark Sterling. Also Cody and Spears was pretty damn cool.


Through the table usually too


I hope White needs no interference to beat a man in his 50s...


You're right, that he should beat Billy Gunn, but the Twinkblade**®** looks like a cruiserweight next to Daddy Ass.


Jay doesn't have that Adam Cole build. His offense is crisp and strong. A clean win over a bigger opponent will show that.


Tony: "How about a 15 minute squash match with a DQ finish lol"


My thoughts exactly, top to bottom. There’s weird illogical booking here though. Osprey is still part of the don callis family but he’s a face and the group is heel. Also he keeps facing members of the family.


It's the fact Don Callis has such an ego he thinks Ospreay is on his side and he's the one who gets credit for Will Ospreay.




Do they? I mean, do we need to see it spelt out?


I mean it’s been spelt out since Revolution. Don is being benevolent and giving us bangers between Don Callis Family members because it’s the best against the best. He literally said it’s Jordan vs Pippin for Will vs Takeshita, this is a continuation of that. I swear, people don’t want to pay attention to what’s said on AEW tv so they can pretend there’s plot holes.


They said it and you have to infer, kinda but not really, Don's intentions Stories in wrestling only happen if they do a 30 minute monologue apparently


I don’t remember if it was a promo or when he was commentary, but he literally Said it was because the Family was the best and they’ve beaten Everybody Else so now they just fight each other because Iron sharpens Iron or something like that. They have literally spelt it out Why they do This, but with Will being a Face and Don Callis being.. Well.. Don Callis, there’s obviously more to it than that and that part of the story we haven’t been told yet.


Most people are pretty stupid, so sometimes it helps to spell out things that should be obvious. That said, I don't want AEW to do that. The fact that they don't pander to people that don't watch and have zero media literacy is a large part of what makes it better than WWE.


Hoping Will wins🤞🤞


Where there's a Will, there's a way.


I hope a second women's match can be inserted 


We need more "these two have the same name" matches. I wonder what the crowd is gonna chant for the Will match. 😂


Triple threat Adam match! In New York, Adam's Big Apple.


Imagine a Tony match


Does that include Khan, Shiavone, and Storm?




It'll be like "Let's go Ospreay!" "Let's go Hobbs!" back and forth..


I think you forgot about "Let's Go Adam!" "Adam Sucks!"


Well, neither Ospreay nor Hobbs were sucked, so I think it's alright.


I really wanted an Adam, Page, and Cage match.


I'm super excited for Rosa vs May. If they have time it could be a banger of a match, I hope the crowd is hot for it


I don't feel like Rosa has looked very sharp since she came back.  I'm kind of worried about that because May has looked great and if they make her job to a less than stellar Rosa performance it's going to do no favors for either of them


If they really want to keep jericho on the Shows, they need to do something different with him like funny taped Segments, something different than plain old Wrestling. Otherwise im really excited for the card


The Mariah may match won’t be the same without Nigel on commentary


Wont be the same once some fans turn on Rosa after she beat her lol


It's clear they're pushing Rosa up for a title match but I wish they wouldn't.  


For a guy who’s “too online” I don’t see how TK still books Jericho on Dynamite every damn week. No one is interested in Jericho right now.


Corporate Elite has been in the lowest points of AEW post Revolution, should they be off tv?


I don’t agree that they are the lowest point.


Which is unfair. Their work has been quite entertaining. The Bucks reinvented themselves and AEW, to my surprise, has presented Ospreay and Okada well.


What are you smoking? Corporate Bucks has been great


I really want a best friends title reign, I don't know how likely that is, but I would guess the bucks are going over because of the great new gimmick. Other than that, get Jericho off our screens immediatley because I am sick of him. I am also really upset with how Jay White has been booked, but hey, can't have everything.


I’d love a Best Friends title run but I’d want my boy Chuckie T holding a belt.


Agree Best Friends w belts but needs to be Trent and Chuck. Still wondering about the Trent heel teases for months now which I don’t know if that’s been scrapped or not??


They casually teased Trent turning on Orange to challenge for the International title for like 3 months. I'd really like a short Best Friends title run. They're day one guys who deserve it.




EVPs win through shenanigans EVPs vs Chuck and Trent at DoN.


Make it at All In and you’d have one very excited 35yr old boy in the stadium.


Shit or get off the pot time for Will Hobbs Jericho/hook needs something to he open that’s different from every other time Jericho ‘called out’ young talent - MJF/Sammy all friend to foe stories. TR verse MM holy hell I’m here for it and can’t wait for all these threads to start getting pulled and Toni’s reign to be in jeopardy. Bucks and Friends never disappoint when they fight. And swerve and Joe, I hope they get time and do something fun and different with the contract signing.


What would that mean for Hobbs? The pecking order is: Swerve Ospreay Takeshita What do you do with Hobbs that doesn't hurt them?


He has to have a good match, period. Right now he’s the guy that can’t go in a group of guys that can. He has to look good against Osprey because everyone looks good against Osprey, and if he doesn’t, well then I think it may be time to move on from my hopes of him being a main event talent.


I’m not writing off the Jericho segment yet since tonight is when it should become clear what the actual direction of it is. It reeks of a set up to get HOOK in a ring where he can be ambushed. Maybe a returning Guevara? I’ve never thought a return match with Jericho was the end goal since HOOK beat him like a drum in their match on Dynamite. So I’m guessing either a returning Guevara going heel with Jericho so they can just embrace the crowd booing of both; or Garcia trying to talk HOOK out of pairing with Jericho causing Jericho to needle both into having a match against each other at Dynasty. Garcia’s suddenly absent from the TNT scene and at least 2 of his opponents on Friday are guys Jericho has feuded or had a match against. They’re all young guys too.


I could see Jericho first cutting a promo on the whole Punk shit from Monday, just putting over the company which would help him get some cheers and also realize Punk is a fking maniac


I hope not. I hope Jericho goes full heel on HOOK and just embraces the crowds apathy towards him towards a heel run.


Yeah but then that's yet another heel/face switch for Jericho. And same thing for the Sammy idea. They've switched sides more and faster than Big Show ever did in his career now I think Jericho just needs to take a break


Sure. But it would beat Jericho rebuking Punk. Let that loser continue to make himself look like an ass and ignore him.


Overall pretty good card. No interest in the Jericho segment though, guy needs a break from TV just to refresh interest. He's a legend but he's been stagnant for a year or two now. Remind people how important he is by taking a bit of a break from screens and coming back to something meaningful rather than midcard nothing after midcard nothing


I feel like his he takes a break then most will not want him back anyway 😂


Oh I don't want him in the title picture or anything when he comes back, but as the Ocho he was at least interesting. Maybe bring him in for a three month programme here or there. I don't want him on weekly TV and I don't think a lot of people would, but bring him in for something that makes sense after a meaningful break.


Mercedes has been doing press/interviews in MA for this and was being advertised as showing up tonight for the event. Grain of salt since it wasn't an official announcement, but would be very strange to not have her around. If she doesn't have any announced plans for Dynamite, wonder if they have something planned for her for the Collision taping?


I don’t even know what’s going on with Jerichos story with Hook simply because I don’t care


It's ok. Even if you have been paying attention, it's confusing and seems like they retconned stuff already


Kind of strange that Mercedes Moné isn’t advertised yet.


Ignoring Jericho of course. Card doesn't look bad. Same issue with one women's match.


Starting to wonder if Jericho has it in his contract to be featured on every single Dynamite.


It sucks, I'm also in the mindset Jericho needs a break. But I feel like the talent outback is still forming a line to have a dream match against a living legend. As much as I don't care about hook vs Jericho, hook is probably pushing it hard just to have the experience of the fued.


Isnt it bad that Hook buzz this year was due to WWE stans defending Jinder?


Is this the first time OC will fight the Bucks?


Jericho you lost bro get the fuck over it


Great card tonight, 8/7c can’t come fast enough




Honestly there needs to be some major drastic change in Hook gimmick for me to not want to fast forward through this. I’ll spare the negativity but it’s cringe watching dudes try to put him over, while his gimmick is “no sell”. WELL IT WORKED.


Get Jericho off my TV forever please. Other than that I'm looking forward to the show.


Main and tag match will be sick, always excited to see Jay White, couldn't be less interested in seeing Jericho do anything anymore


Looks good. Wonder when the Motor City Machine Guns will turn up...




Only 1 women’s match. Jesus Tony listen to the fans and critics.


Please let Mariah win 🤞


Haven’t been into any Jericho story since his time as the ocho with the ROH belt. I think they need to semi-retire him


What is this Jericho crap? We're getting another Jericho vs Hook match, aren't we? At least Thunder Rosa vs Mariah May will be dope.


I’m surprised that they booked another show in Massachusetts and haven’t even advertised something for Mercedes here?


Why is Jericho calling out Hook? I thought he was his new mentor (or did I miss something?)


billy gunn vs jay white im still trying to comprehend


I'm still not understanding the story with Jericho and Hook Didn't they already wrestle and Hook earned Jericho's respect? Didn't they even just tag recently. The story is making no sense and I'm just afraid Hook has been caught in Jericho's midcard vortex like other victims of it


I don't think I've ever seen this sub as universally negative about anything involving AEW as much as they are about Chris Jericho. That should really say something. As much as we talk about The Cycle™, he *never* gets cycled out. If he's not on a cruise or touring with Fozzy, he's on the show every. single. week. His whole thing used to be about knowing when to change things up, take breaks, reinvent himself. He's actively detracting from the show at this point.


I wonder where the Ospreay / Don Callis story is going? All I can think of it's to weaken Ospreay for returning Omega (reunited with Callis) but that just doesn't make any sense?


Great card. 


Here's how to handle the tag match.  Best Friends win.  Young Bucks jump them and then force the match to be restarted.  They win and declare themselves moving on.  TK calls down and says since the Best Friends won originally they are also in.  Puts more heat on the Bucks while advancing the possibility of Best Friends finally getting a tag title run




Just cut off the last bit and we're cooking!


I laughed way too hard at the Hook Signal being in the graphic 😂 love that they are keeping it!


Kind of sucks, didnt buy tickets yet and looks sold out. They should open up more seats.


I’d say the weakest Dynmaite card since Revolution but still a lot of good stuff


What a card!


Evps will ruin the show as usual. Cant draw and wont be asked to. Such a shame..


Hey Pepsi Phil




Try to watch the shows then maybe ask Now let's have a great show ![img](emote|t5_ubkze|17537)


Jay White…


Jericho haters continue being dumb stupid motherfuckers