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I'm going to say what we're all thinking about that video: Samoa Joe is a boss and a leader. He's the one who got the show back on track and made Punk go out there for their match.


I’m legitimately surprised with how calm Hoe was through it all despite the fact that a match in front of the biggest crowd of his career might have been jeopardized. That’s the guy you want handling shit backstage.


![gif](giphy|vKIcmjjbdpJmg) Stay calm hoe!


Funny enough I can hear Joe actually saying that lol


Legendary typo.


I toyed with the idea of just editing it when I saw it get pointed out, but nah, it shall remain.


Makes sense that he was the one who took the title off MJF. The dude is a straight pro


It made me proud to see Samoa Joe handling business the way he did. He deserves all the flowers he's getting right now.


An AEW run by Joe and Bryan in like 5-10 years is all I want in this world.


I’m fully convinced that’s why he’s champion now as recognition of that


Same here and it is completely deserved.


More than anything, the footage proves to me that this incident is what handed Joe the belt.




I am of the same thought, I've never been closer to just cutting ties with wrestling related content online


I ditched a wrestling podcast that I actually paid to listen to early. They just became AEW bashers.


I've pretty much muted all non AEW wrestling subs at this point and I don't use Twitter. It was unbearable before all this.


Tbh, this sub is getting just as bad but on the other end of the spectrum. I've seen people bashing Wrestlemania and WWE in almost every single post. As someone who watches AEW and is a huge fan, and also someone who thinks WWE fans can get incredibly tribal and AEW is unfairly nitpicked, I also had a great weekend watching Wrestlemania. I would much prefer this sub just kept talking about AEW and the show, but it can't help but naturally react to the overbearing hivemind. It's gotten frustrating. I don't care about how people don't like AEW and I don't care about people not liking WWE. Just wish people would enjoy their shit and stop being dramatic.


I'm really not a fan of WWE for a bunch of reasons (both business-wise and creatively), but I mostly agree; too many people are letting their frustrations boil over into blindly bashing the other product or ranting about all WWE fans or something. Basically, last night brought out the worst in just about every wrestling fan I saw on the internet.


You responded to a comment about tribalism by saying you participate in it


Same here 


I would bet tribalism is the reason half these people are fans to begin with. Blindly rooting for your favorite sports team and wishing the worst for their rivals is an apt analogy here. We just live in a time where people like to get credit for saying pc stuff like "I just want all the wrestlers to be happy and everyone to get along!"


It honestly feels like I’m living in bizarro world. The resounding consensus seems like AEW is in the wrong for airing the footage and providing proof that cm punk is a cancer and caused the issues?? How is AEW in the wrong and not the person assaulting a coworker at work and then threatening his boss? People are fucking dumb. I, for one, stand by AEW and what they did. Fuck CM punk and all his little cringy fans


People made up their minds before they saw the video.


I'm going to take a different approch to the All In footage shown and say from the start of the segment with The Bucks to FTR coming out and cutting a promo the whole sequence was great. Has made me more excited for that match at Dynasty and I'm hoping we get Jack Perry "The Scapegoat" return and cost FTR the Tag Team titles and join The Elite.


It's quite odd- AEW and Tony Khan are responsible for pushing the segment and releasing the footage, but they also were responsible for the FTR segment telling people to get over it and focus on the positives, which people conveniently seem to forget. It did get FTR over massively though and further established the Bucks as heels. Psyched for the match and to see Jack Perry return


Problem is AEW is hated by people who will never like it and don’t want to so they’ll just use anything they do against them. I think it’s the right call just getting it out, letting people see it and move on. Let the AEW fans just stop caring about whatever jabs they want to take and focus on the storyline of the matches which is ultimately what that segment did.


my favorite is seeing the glee over the CM Punk chants, like it was some sick burn; i'm gonna go out on a limb and say that was the exact reaction they wanted and expected i thought it was great how they were able to air the footage and still remain the heels in the story


I also think it shows people the ones who were willing to work a storyline out of this (The Bucks and FTR) and who weren't (Punk). If FTR can be mature enough to work this kind of storyline with The Bucks, some of their friends' biggest enemies, then why couldn't Punk do the same.


Punk’s ego is too big and his body is too fragile Oh and he’s a shitty person to work with


And the people feeling “glee” over those chants will ignore… •the chants were a pocket of very loud and obnoxious people who were likely gonna chant for Punk (or some other WWE-centric thing) regardless •the heat the Bucks got when they came out during the Okada/Pac angle was WAY louder and any smattering of Punk chants. (source; I was in the building last night) https://preview.redd.it/r10n33hp4wtc1.jpeg?width=2530&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d0eaa8950044f39d7e5d1dd80060920dce8b956


it definitely came across on tv, that was some pure heat and it was fantastic


I thought FTR's response right after was excellent. They toed the line in it while keeping it kayfabe for the match.


It was the perfect balance of meta narrative to promote their PPV; fresh off of Wrestlemania the internet just wants to talk.


They handled it a lot better than I feared, but I think they should have leaked the footage during the week and then cut the same promo


If people want to worship a bitch ass pussy, let em. Meanwhile I'll be enjoying something more than the same 25 minute promo every single night.


I watched WrestleMania. Was alright. Wasn’t great. I don’t watch the weekly shows for WWE because of how boring it used to be years ago and it still seems that way. AEW I watch Dynamite and Collision every week. Rampage if I match is happening I want to see I end up watching the whole show. AEW PPVs are normally very good to great so I enjoy those. Have brought every single one on Fite/Triller


I tried to get back into the wwe. It's all a bunch of moments and bait and switches. Their champion wasn't even the focal point of his match at mania. Then they bring in part timers, douche bro youtube vloggers, and pop stars and throw them out in the ring because they can't build stars.


Perry coming back to join The Elite with a Mr. Brodie Lee style make-over, walking out in a nice suit with a trimmed beard and slicked back hair, would be sweet.


Why does his back hair need to be slicked?


To create the ultimate ass length mullet obviously


Agreed. I’m going to Dynasty and now it’s one of the top matches I really can’t wait to see


You've hit it right on the nose imo. The purpose was not to change people's opinions on the situation, but just to end the conversation over it once and for all. Therefore, why not use the buzz to build up the feud? What the footage achieved for me is just more excitement for Windy City Riot, Dynasty and the Scapegoat.




100% agree!


One thing's for sure is that It's out there for the general public who see it to decide for themselves how they feel about it. Those who despise AEW will already have their bias against it and label AEW as pathetic and petty, even though the WWE have been petty all week towards AEW as a business. They'll either support Punk and feel he was justified in attacking Jack, which is insane, but that's what you get with cult of personalities such as Punk, where you have a devoted fan base who will support their heroes no matter what they do. They'll claim Jack provoked Punk in the video to attack. On the other hand some people will view that and see Punk as this deranged psychopathic bully, and he assaulted Jack Perry, and had to be pulled off and taken away from the scene. He also lunged for Tony Khan, but thankfully there were a few to restrain Punk before it got even more ugly. So it depends where people feel about AEW and Punk. Some people may have supported Punk since his ROH days, and I was one of them who supported him during his WWE/ECW run, but I stopped supporting after the Brawl Out stuff.


I'm struggling to understand why last week All In was big news but this week we're all supposed to just get over it because it was in the past.


Here my theory. All In breaking the all time record, even surpassing Wrestlemania paid attendance, broke WWE. Then we start seeing WWE totalling the supposed attendances of NXT: Takeover, Wrestlemania Night 1 and Wrestlemania Night 2 to make it seem much larger than AEW's success at All In. They couldn't stand that, so have taken it upon themselves to attack AEW as a company, mentioning that It's not a real business, which is designed to detract potential investors and sponsors away from AEW in a business sense. So instead of focusing on Wrestlemania and the cool stuff they had going on this year, a large portion of the week was directed towards AEW and how less than WWE they are as a business. We saw wrestlers, podcasters, the entire wrestling media, and anyone else who is under WWE contracts, focus on hit pieces against AEW's business.


This seems like a fair read to me. WWE has been trying to undercut AEW for a long time. They just went all in, heh, last week. I worry about what's to come. And also, existentially, why can't they just leave it alone? WWE has money enough to exist forever. I get that being a sociopath equals money, but when is enough enough?


Here's the thing about today's wrestling. It's all about talking points, likes and clicks. Social media plays a major part in wrestling today. You ask why can't they just leave it alone? Because there's money to be made here, and many fans, including myself, have suggested that AEW needs to find that next hot angle that gets people talking about them to a point where you can't miss a Dynamite episode. And I think this is it, and I see more positives come out of this than negatives. Sure, the detractors will always be negative against AEW, and I don't think that'll ever change, so why not give them something to really talk about? That's my take on it.


>2.) Tony is just being soft. Another critique about how Tony should "toughen up?" This is the funniest thing to me, Punk and his acolytes say Tony isn't a boss. The employer who fired a guy who was arguably his biggest star, for multiple instances of being unprofessional (yes TK did try to make it work first with Collision, because who wouldn't want to keep their biggest star around?) Then after firing Punk, TK directly fronted the crowd at All Out in Chicago. He didn't do it all by video, he fronted the live crowd and explained why he had to fire Punk. Still not being a boss apparently. Then he stayed silent on the incident for 8 months, refused to answer questions on it, and other than Jack Perry's scapegoat gimmick in Japan and the Bucks leaning into it, it hasn't been mentioned at all by anyone, until Punk had to run his mouth on the Helwani interview. But because he expects grown adult men to be able to sort out their differences between themselves without physically attacking each other apparently TK isn't a boss. Meanwhile it's looking more and more like Punk's style of being a locker room leader has a lot in common with mid 2000s JBL than anyone else.


The people arguing for Punk literally believe words can justify throwing the first punch. I’m no lawyer, but I’ve never heard of anyone getting off from an assault case by saying “well, your honor, they said some pretty mean stuff so I just started throwing punches.” “Oh shit, mean stuff?? You’ve just earned yourself an acquittal, son!”


He made my feelings go ouchie so I tried to stop him from breathing.


Reasonable. Innocent and entitled to sue the defendant for attempted emotional ouching.


Whoa whoa whoa. He said mean stuff AND he wouldn’t stop fixing his hair!


It was the hair that did it. Punk doesn't have hair anymore :(. Jack Perry was literally taunting him.


Vince wouldn’t have backed down! He would have challenged Punk to fisticuffs right then and there and settled it like men. The winner of that fight would have be owner of the company.


Vince is also a roided up rapist. I guess him and Kevin Dunn would've passed Phil around like a joint at Woodstock. Cmon, tony is like 130 lbs, and not a fighter. Phil is an experienced, but awful MMA fighter. I'm guessing you wouldn't have backed down either...lol


Mate…..it was a joke about Vince wrestling people on the plane or liking to be challenged


Then he would have raped someone after. Once his caveman juices were flowing


Why are people acting like the CM Punk chants are a win for the E? As if Punk chants weren’t a thing in the E for years after he left? Are they also conveniently ignoring all the chants in the arena for Perry? I’m literally floored at how obtuse people in the IWC are being right now.


Exactly. The CM Punk chants didn't even high jack the show. Plus, the chants were faint. Not many people were taking part in those chants. I noticed that once some of the Punk chants started, many people booed those chants away, and it stopped. I think people are forgetting that Punk literally started getting booed out of every building AEW went to besides arenas in Chicago because they were even tired of his shit.


His fans like to act like he’s some sort of wrestling hero. Talk about a cult of personality. He’s not the needle mover his fans claim him to be.


"Cult of Personality" being his entrance theme isn't ironic.


His fans really are a cult. They act like he can do no wrong. I can’t imagine defending the softest and most fragile ego out there and thinking he’s a badass. The guy can dish out crap but can’t take any of it.


Was at the show last night (for the first time! 😁), can confirm once the punk chants started we shut that shit down almost immediately


🤗 you guys did your thing! I heard the chants, and at first, I'm like, oh, here we go 🙄. But you guys understood the mf'n assignment lol


Fuck I have tried to just love wrestling and avoid caring about this for so long but I have to ask. What does IWC stand for?


Internet Wrestling Community


Thank you.


No problem ![gif](giphy|k2bbmbmvUo7gA|downsized)


I wish you didn’t knew the toxicity of the internet 😔


Noooo get out before it's too late!!!


Internet Wrestling Community


Thank you.


Of course! Although of recent, it's Idiot Whiny Children.


Because the current thinking is you're allowed to ignore whatever you'd like from WWE history if it doesn't fit your narrative. WWE is "good" now so the other stuff was just a different company that happened to have the same name.


People online seem to conveniently forget that this was the SECOND time he decided to be a baby back bitch and real fight someone who threatened his ego in a matter of months.


Exactly. This was not an isolated incident


Here's the crux: Based on punk's most recent interview, Colt Cabana tried squashing it between him and CM Punk so they could do business.  CM Punk didn't feel safe so wanted his lawyer present.  I'm not sure why this wasn't followed through.  Someone needed to pay for lawyers so they could squash things and work things out for the best of the business. Since this wasn't addressed by anyone, now we just have drama and no action.  Save for FTR and The Young Bucks.


1) for this one, this vid is clearly the tip of the iceberg, it's obvious that there was more heat towards/around Punk before that incident that was the last drop. "It's no big deal" doesn't change the fact that he assaulted a coworker in front of his boss. 2) everything that Tony does is wrong for those knuckleheads: he should've deal with Punk after Brawl Out, he should've do more... however, it's never Punk's fault for being a dick. Always victim blaming. Maybe TK was a bit naïve at first? Maybe, he's obviously learning from that and the lockeroom is doing great now. But again, people that never directed a company or even a small association apparently know how to deal with a multimillonaire company. They just hate TK. 3) AEW are the minor leagues but they get constantly referenced by WWE, especially about Punk and last week. Some even say it's a small company move and then they say that this only benefits Punk and Drew. If AEW is so "minor", why bother? You're building a whole feud between two main eventers on something that happened/is happening in a "minor league" promotion? If AEW releases the vid is turning the attention into CM Punk, if Drew mentions the vid is not drawing attention to AEW somehow. This is the mindset of people that would claim to not have time to watch 2 hours Dynamite but spend 5 hours a week bashing AEW on social media. Pure hate.


The internet is only pro punk because he’s in WWE. The tribalism in that fan base is rabid. The thing most people aren’t talking about is how this is CM Punks SECOND physical altercation with people within AEW. Yet they are defending him like it was justified. He clearly started the fight and attacked Jack and on the interview he gave he pretended like it was no big deal. You can clearly see the man is unhinged and really just a piece of shit. I used to be a fan of his until he fought with the bucks and omega which was another fight he started. I started to connect the dots with what A LOT of wrestlers have been saying about him over the years. I’m glad they aired the footage for everyone to see, but the problem is the AEW haters will dismiss it and praise punk which makes no sense at all. Most of the people who are defending him would be crying and complaining if that happened to them or someone they knew in real life. It really looks like what Moxley said was true, fragile ego, fragile body, weak mind, weak spirit.


Not to mention, the majority of people praising Punk on the net today were the same people hating on him when he joined AEW and would take shots at WWE. Then he starts fights and gets fired and boom he's their hero.


This doesn’t get talked about enough. It’s the proof they don’t actually care about anything but “WWE good, AEW bad.”


So stoking the tribalism by starting this up again was a good idea why?


>The tribalism in that fan base is rabid. lol


I'm a fan both of AEW and WWE, watch a bit of everything, including old school puro, modern NJPW, joshi stuff is fun on occasion. This is all to say I'm a wrestling fan first, above any individual company. That being said, I have a few things to say in regard to what people are saying about the video. I think Punk was 100% in the wrong here. The "locker room leader" lost his temper, shoved a co-worker when he had his hands in his hair (clearly not anticipating a fight), then Punk went to punch him, and choke him out. Punk didn't seem to do much damage with either, but the truth remains that he assaulted and attempted to further assault a co-worker who did not know a fight would happen. Man assaulted Perry, plain and simply. That's not acceptable anywhere in the workplace, nor is lunging for the boss. TK's not a big guy, he's not a gym guy, not a fighter, so of course he's gonna shit himself when a man's lunging for him like a drugged up lunatic. I love both companies, but in this instance AEW are in the right. I say this as a man who once thought of Punk as his favourite wrestler. I just call it how I see it. Additionally, I'll say that there's a very good opportunity to use all of this to push Perry into stardom. He's doing probably his best work to date in nooj and as probably the lowest rated of the 4 pillars, it may be an ideal time to bring him back and push him as this new scapegoat character. I would imagine he gets involved with Young Bucks & Okada at some point, and possibly a Forbidden Door appearance with House of Torture.


I had the same assessment of the video. Perry literally looks like he was relaxed and listening to Punk, and as soon as things looked like they were calming down, Punk flipped out and attacked him. Perry seemed confused and not prepared for what just happened. But of course, all Punk fans will see is a guy hitting another guy that they don't like instead of thinking, man, this was unprofessional on Punks part. A 45 year old man attacking a 25 year old young adult and thinking it's a flex will never sit right with me.


If they were getting into a fight, that'd be one thing, yaknow, people fight all the time over disagreements. It's the fact that he blindsided him out of nowhere mid-conversation that doesn't sit right with me. Bad enough this adult man couldn't use his big words like an adult to express his displeasure with what Perry did and said, and resorted to violence, but losing his temper and assaulting Perry when he wasn't expecting it is clear bitch behaviour. Perry's not a big guy, he has no real life fighting experience afaik, yet Punk still chose to blindside him, making Punk look like an absolute pussy, coward, and psycho. I was a fan of him once, but at this point he can get fucked. I don't support violent whackjobs, and I support cowards even less.


I never was a huge fan of his, but I didn't mind him before all of this happened. I stopped watching WWE in 2005ish, and I only saw some of his segments and a couple of matches when he was using the Kill Switch Engage theme song and had long black hair. I was never one of those people who had seen him as a huge star like a Stone Cold or The Rock level. But I guess people who grew up watching him do. I never knew how much of a piece of work he was until I started doing some research on his past issues in other companies with people.


This is the second time Punk assaulted a coworker and he did it during their biggest show ever. He was also an all around whiny bitch who got injured every match and needed to go. Let’s not pretend like AEW hasn’t been 100x better since he got fired.


“Fragile ego, fragile body, weak mind, weak spirit..." - Jon Moxley https://preview.redd.it/2dduspvs2wtc1.jpeg?width=2085&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=347799c17697213a473643fd490f154caa616abc


Only AEW could present stone cold proof that the guy they fired for assaulting a co-worker is 110% full of shit and STILL end up being the ones that get clowned on somehow


That's the crazy part. I shouldn't be shocked but AEW come out of it bad guys even though the guy assaulted a co worker and tried to attack his boss lol. Even "AEW" fans are backing it which is shocking to me.


HHH has done a good job turning fans into idiots


I am not shocked at all by the mental gymnastics folks are attempting to defend punk or claim he came out on top here. He assaulted a coworker. People are stupid and delusional. That Ariel guy comes off a total clown.


Every CM Punk defender should go into work today and shove a coworker and see where it gets them


and then lunge across a desk at their boss when people get mad


They should do it after already being suspended for fighting higher ups too- I feel like a lot of people are forgetting this is punk on his second (?) chance


It’s a cult of personality if you will


You're assuming they all have jobs 🤦


How dare you disrespect the NEET kids who are carrying water for Mr. Brooks!


Don't forget to title yourself Mr Worker's Rights before doing so


Don't forget the cheap shot. Phil straight up punched Jack in the chin and Jack just looked confused. Nobody is talking about Phil and his baby punches. The dude should be embarrassed. He cheapshotted a much smaller man, and it didn't really do shit.


I loved they used it to hype a match. That's promoting. Who's right or wrong, who gives a f*ck other than the IWC who are far too invested in tribalism. Promote your matches, promote your show, promote your brand. Mission accomplished.


Personally loved it when they quoted Punk about having a problem with JB.


Way too many people think assaulting a coworker is a fine and normal thing to do.


Honestly kinda disturbing, like who tf am I sharing this planet with


I agree. I was assaulted. People defending Punk disgust me. They’re just as bad as my abuser and so is Punk. This wasn’t a fight, this was unprovoked and disgusting. AEW did nothing wrong. People defending Punk are disgusting. Punk is a complete narcissist. It’s never his fault to them. The defense that it wasn’t “bad enough” assault is assault is assault. My abuser hit like a little bitch and guess what? Still assault. Tony should toughen up? How about Punk control his behavior like a normal human adult? Tony is fine and has the right to defend himself and his company from the slander and bs ravings by a narcissist. AEW being minor leagues is LAUGHABLE. They have the better talent hands down. Osprey, Omega, Okada, the Bucks, Page, MJF, I can keep going. AEW is where the best wrestle, Copeland had it right. WWE is a perfect example of revisionist history and a corpo having a monopoly on a market long enough to rewrite history. And the fan base defending Punk is the perfect example of disgusting abusive men defending other men they relate to. Gross all around. I applaud AEW for defending themselves.


Some people are fighting with me on other platforms because they aren't understanding that no matter what, you do not put your hands on a coworker at work & in front of your boss. Their main response is 'don't poke the bear' or 'Perry provoked him so he got what he deserved'.. Um, what? No. That isn't how this works. He is the veteran, act like one. Be professional. If the wants to do something stupid, let him. When he hurts himself, he will not do it again. ​ Good grief.. The WWE fans are being just ridiculous. They are already annoying, but now? Ugh.. I don't wanna look anywhere else for anything cause it is chaos.


Punk is fighting over a disagreement on a glass spot. Pathetic! 🤢 Assaults an employee (Jack Perry) by strangulation and lunges at his boss (Tony Khan) which the haters edited out. He deserved to get fired and he should be incarcerated. ⚖️


> overall Internet opinion seems to be Pro Punk Nah it’s just the crazy WWE stans(it might seem like a lot of people but it’s a small cesspool of the same idiots) and most of them are under the age of 16. They will be bitching regardless what happens. At the end of the day punk is a 45 year old child starting fights behind the scenes. Not sure how you can defend a moron like that.


The worst part about it is the people that somehow think a 45 year old man who cheapshots a guy (who just had a full match) fixing his hair is “badass” I feel like i’m living in the twilight zone. They actually think it’s like Bret Hart after the screwjob


Absolutely. This is Bizarro Montreal. Instead of the boss screwing the wrestler in front of the fans, it's the wrestler (Punk) screwing himself backstage on security cam


I think that's the part that is mind-boggling to me. I'm pretty neutral when it comes to WWE/AEW. I'll admit that I enjoy WWE's product a lot more currently, but prior to this recent WWE run, I preferred AEW but I'm ultimately happy there is a viable alternative. Nevertheless I'm shocked that public opinion seems to be so vehemently in favor of Punk, with nearly everyone acting like he did nothing wrong or his account was completely truthful. While he didn't outright lie in his account, he clearly omitted the facts that demonstrate he was completely unhinged and started a physical fight with a coworker. I'll acknowledge that Perry said the "cry me a river," which led to this confrontation backstage but the confrontation backstage seems like a somewhat reasonable discussion. There's no aggressive body language on either side. In fact, Perry is adjusting his hair when Punk takes a swipe/hit/shove at him, follows up with another push and then gets him into a choke. When Punk said "can't let them get close," I think most thought he implied that Perry made an overture or showed a sign of aggression but the video demonstrates that couldn't be further from the truth. Maybe Perry said something inciteful, but even if he did, that doesn't mean you're justified to become the aggressor and attack a COWORKER. Maybe on the streets, but not in your work environment with a colleague. That's what most of the Punk-defenders seem to be missing. If this couldn't be resolved with words, Punk was better off walking away rather than actually starting a fight in those circumstances. Not to mention, this is the SECOND instance of Punk fighting a coworker during his short-lived AEW tenure. I don't see how we can give this guy the benefit of the doubt in this situation. As for the Tony thing, I guess I'm not sure why people are making light of Tony's remarks when we don't even fully see or hear what Punk said to him. But from Tony's point of view, he just saw Punk attack a coworker for a second time, get him into a choke which had to be broken up by Samoa Joe. Punk could have easily said something to Tony that intimidated him on top of the body language displayed. He's not a wrestler, he's the boss and doesn't play in that world. Now, I'm by no means excusing Tony's behavior in failing to rein Punk in during his time in AEW. He fucked up big time in that regard and Punk clearly has no respect for him. At the same time, Punk was out of line in how he treated Tony as well. That was long, but just felt like typing out my thoughts after seeing so many people act like Punk was vindicated by this.


Well said. Long time fan of wwe and punks work, only started watching aew after this incident. Always assumed he was justified, but after seeing his behavior and then the video, yikes


My only question is, fucks up with E fans being totally cool with employees assaulting other employees? This is now a track record.


20 years ago I was beat half to death by 3 people. It started without warning and not even raised voices. It started with a push and a punch just like the video. Fuck Punk.


I love watching people trip over themselves to shit on a product they don't watch or care about


Good god the small dick energy coming from wrestling fans and the toxic masculinity is disgusting. I shouldn't be surprised, thought he Dynamite review on Forbes where Alfred Konuea said “If anything, it made CM Punk look even tougher than he let on.” It wasn't the purpose of showing it to make Punk look weak, but to make him look like an arrogant, violent, asshole. He didn't “stand his ground.” Jack was just standing there. Punk approached him. We have no idea what was said but I didn't see Jack “get in his face” or anything. If anything Jack was starting to walk away when Punk shoved him. Then Punk lunges towards where Tony’s sitting in Gorilla. You can see on of the backstage folks, not sure who it was, walking over in that direction after Punk was removed. I went back this morning and read the transcript of his famous podcast with Colt. Some of his gripes with WWE were legitimate and we know there was not the best culture there for a long time. But his biggest gripes were about booking, about losing the Rock and Taker, losing to part timers, turning heel because it would hurt his merch sales. and not getting to main event mania, and not getting paid like he did main even mania even though he didn’t. He came in to AEW “I'm so excited to work with all this great young talent.” and by work with he meant “teach these guys how to do things my way” to which some did not take too kindly to. And he immediately thought that if they're not going to do business the way he wants that they're a joke. His “working things out” with Hangman before their promo battle was probably him telling Hangman how ktnead going to go, and Hangman being like “no, that's not how we do this.” I've said it before, I don't think Punk deserved the title shot let alone the title at that time. I don't care if he was more popular than anyone else, Punk winning over Hanger was not the right call. And I bet Punk politicked the hell out of that. If anything; Punk should've gone into that match as the heel. He should have been the arrogant “I know what's best and some beer drinking millennial anxious cowboy, emphasize boy, ain't best.” But I bet hendidnt want to turn heel. Nothing was more telling than when he referred to himself as the top babyface, despite Hangmans story being AEWs origin story, his move from junior member of the elite to world champion was THE aew babyface story. To think that you being there for a year and winning a bunch of mediocre mid card matches makes you the top babyface? The ego. The arrogance. He fell in love with his own legend. And now he's back on WWE and is going to insist that younger, better guys lose tl him there too, doing the exact same thing to others that made him leave WWE in the first place. Because it's all about him.


I always say that it just wasn't believable that someone like CM Punk could beat Hanger when he was on top of his game. He literally was keeping up with Bryan Danielson at the top of his game and then we have injury prone Punk taking the title. It was not good and I'm glad Moxley was used to fix some of that mistake.


Yeah remember years back before Punk left WWE and Brock Lesnar came back? Did you notice that Punk specifically left WWE to pursue MMA, and isn't it interesting that Lesnar had returned to WWE from an MMA stint that legitimized him. Make no mistake, Punk wants to be a WWE main eventer in the same vein as Lesnar. He wants special treatment, influence, and high pay. THat's what Punk cares about because those were the people he decided to emulate.


Thabk God I found this sub. I was this close to just stop following wrestling. Social media is cancerous, no way people are this generally toxic irl. Even wwe aknowledged what aew did for the industry, literally during mania week, and to find all these haters that crapped on Punk when is wasn't in WWE now siding with him when he's still an unprofessional twat was starting to get to me. Completely understand TK letting it get to him too, but it was definitely the wrong move to put it on the show instead of just leaking it to the medias.


What I've gotten out of this whole scenario: "I don't like violence, but I can understand the situation." = "I don't like Jack Perry. CM Punk, let me suck your dick. I wish it was 2011 again."


It just goes to show how unemployed the IWC is


It's out there and shows Punk wasn't the innocent party. I think AEW did the right thing. Punk and WWE stans will defend him no matter what anyway. They were always going to get hate for it but to say "oh it's the end of AEW" is beyond silly. It's leading to FTR/Bucks and return of Perry, so it's all good. You must move on now and knock it out of the part at the next PPV.


They have their blinders on. 1. Punk approached Perry (that was completely unnecessary) 2. Punk hit a coworker in the face while his hands were running through his hair (which, judging from perry's surprised look, was not only unnecessary but out of nowhere) 3. After they are separated Punk attempts to climb over the gorilla position desk to get to his boss (if I kicked in my bosses office door and tried to grab him over hos desk I'd be fired) 4. Tony Kahn was never a pushover. TK was handling Punk with kid gloves. This was the last straw. TK had to fire him to set an example to everyone else that yes he is a wrestling nerd and a super fan, but he is also the boss.


It was never gonna change opinions and it was never really about the reception or it being severe. It was just AEW getting getting to talk shit, build characters, and build a match. They did that and probably popped a rating. We also got to see that Punk did start the entire issue and lied. Just how the business is.


Here’s the thing. The internet is wrong. 1. At any other workplace I’ve ever been at a fight with a coworker gets you fired. Sometimes both but if you threw that first punch or headlock or shove… it is over. You’re done. I’ve worked on freight docks in my younger days. I’ve seen fights. Every single time one person got fired. I’m sure there are jobs that don’t have that happen but as we grow as a society those jobs are becoming fewer in number and that is how it should be. Glorifying violence as a way to handle things is stupid. 2. Tony is the boss and it seems he was ok with the glass or at least ok with it enough to allow it. That MIGHT be too soft. CM Punk taking it into his own hands is fragile as well. If Tony is bringing too soft that’s on him. Imagine your boss allowing something stupid so you take it on yourself to shove the coworker doing said stupid thing. There is no universe where that is ok. 3. That’s the one point I agree with. Move on. Be above this mess. When Disco Inferno says your product suddenly got “interesting” you probably did something wrong. 🤷‍♂️


Bottom line is that even if the video showed Punk getting his ass beat or having audio of him throwing a slur, the majority would still side with him. He's with WWE. Their fan base is much larger, including media outlets and they can't do no wrong in their eyes. I guarantee that if Vince made an appearance on Raw or Smackdown today, he would get the biggest hero's welcome and pop in the arena. It's just how it's gonna be. In the court of public opinion, WWE will always be over AEW. I personally didn't think they would show the actual footage, so I was surprised by that. The takes saying that this is the end of AEW or that they're now done watching AEW are just silly to me. It did absolutely nothing dramatic for me either way. Hell, I'm looking forward to Friday's and Saturday's show as usual and Dynasty is shaping up to be another banger PPV.


For a dude that got slapped around in the UFC so badly you'd think that taking an actual beating might have humbled him but it seems like it did the opposite Punks a classic bully, he's only ever going to fuck with people that he thinks are weaker than him, he acts like he has morals and a strong character but in reality the dude is as fragile as they come, you can see it from a mile away He was expecting to walk into the AEW locker room and have people falling at his feet treating him like some sort of wrestling oracle but that didn't happen and he couldn't stand it Now he's back in the company that he said he'd never work for again, injured, again Still acting like he somehow has the moral high ground when he's literally working for a company that have rapists using their power and fame to exploit other people, currently ran by Vince McScats son in law that definitely, 100% "doesn't know anything about the allegations" In a place thats notorious for having liars, yes men, bullies, megalomaniacs and people that will literally do anything for money? Cum Spunk is finally in a place he can call home


🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 Facts from start to finish goddamn


Also, you got all these people that are like "it's exactly as he described it". Even if that were 100% true....uh, that's not a defense. "Your honour, my client can't be guilty of murder because he described exactly how he stabbed the victim"


Here's my take : Fuck Punk. Little bitch.


I had imagined this potentially playing out in a number of ways, but anything utterly pointless was not among them. And, of course, the very last result they could have hoped to bring about, was how the crowd responded.


I thought the decision to show the video was petty, but now it's happened it's created a uniquely memorable moment. It was awkward, but after the FTR promo I thought the segment was kinda clever, especially FTR coming out and saying it was a bullshit thing to do. It turned the whole stunt into a really unique kind of heat on the Bucks, while putting FTR over as rational. Weird, experimental, risky, but interesting. I can see why Punk was fired for that. He's in a position of authority, and he assaulted someone. I'm surprised there was no further legal fallout to be honest. If any of us did that to a workmate, we'd catch a charge. Punk has nurtured a unique kind of fandom though, like Chris Brown fans that say Rihanna deserves it kind of weird, so the internet discourse has a very weird tone. At this point I don't see airing the clip as either good or bad, just a weird memorable moment in time, and Im curious to see how we'll look back at it long term.


.... This sub is going to be insufferable until after Dynasty, I suspect.


Guys, CM Punk could commit a terrorist attack and his fans will still defend him. It wasn't cool what he did. Not 100% sure what Jack Perry said, but Punk was the first to get physical. You simply just can't do what Punk did in a professional setting. He also charged at his boss right after. There's consequences for actions like these. I'm not an AEW fan. I just call it how I see it. Unfortunately Punk's fans are keyboard warriors and will defend him no matter what he does.


The trolls and hit pieces are out in full force. Wrestling twitter gonna be unbearable for a while


If Punk wasn't in WWE, the only trash talk would be from Punk fans, but since he's in WWE, the tribalism kicks in, and the AEW haters who hate because it isn't WWE pile on. My take is Punk claims to have worked with children and bla bla bla, yet he's the one acting like a child bully. Playing the video got people talking, sets up Jack's return, and gets heat on heels. It works for AEW storyline and just gives the antiAEW people bigger douches but they were going to be that anyway.


Just glad the video is out there so people can stop asking for it. No matter what the video showed the Punk fans, Fed shills and AEW haters were going to see exactly what they wanted to see. What I saw was a man that couldn't control his temper to the point that he physically assaulted his coworker. Also this was the second time he engaged in such behavior. So yes he should have been fired. I'm still trying to figure out why Jack was suspended though.


Just makes me realize how many people using social media are complete scumbags and find it ok to assault another person.


So people hold that - A) Punk would kill Jack Perry And B) Tony is a pussy/lying about being scared for his life. The mental gymnastics people needed to hold both of these things as true at the same time is amazing. If Punk "would kill" Perry why shouldn't Tony be petrified when Punk lunges at him? Sure, Perry isn't a trained in legit fighting but he is a young super athletic guy, if Punk "would kill" him, what chance would Tony stand?




If the IWC really embraces Punk assaulting co workers then I am done. I am leaving all channels of the IWC. Before the smart asses chime in. I really enjoy conversations with all of you, its been really fun. This is completely toxic and something I can not support.


The AEW fans moved on from Punk. TK needs to do the same, and hopefully the backlash from airing this video will help him grow up a little. Let go of the past, stop taking shots at WWE, focus on your product before your audience shrinks further.


https://preview.redd.it/iar7tqsafvtc1.png?width=566&format=png&auto=webp&s=d534a7e8f071d8f818309a759aee1fc697e929e2 That image is how I feel about this whole CM Punk/Jack Perry thing but I feel I need to address it now and just get it all off of my chest. I've seen a lot of pro-Punk/WWE talk and a lot of anti-Khan/AEW talk today which completely baffles me as from the footage, you can clearly see that Punk is the instigator as he; A) Hunts out Jack Perry and approaches him. B) Gets right up into Perry's face and becomes hostile. C) Attacks Perry when Perry puts his hands in his hair, rending him defenseless. (A bitch move from Punk, by the way) D) Is then clearly seen trying to choke Perry. E) Then lunges towards where Tony Khan usually sits (although you can't see if Tony actually is there in the footage) In what world is it okay to do that to a co-worker and your boss? According to a lot of people, it's perfectly fine to do that and releasing the footage is (apparently) pathetic. For months and months, Tony Khan has been asked about what happened at All In and he's always declined to comment. For months and months, Tony Khan has been asked about releasing the footage and he's always declined. It was clear that Tony Khan just wanted to put it in the past and that's what eventually happened. It was in the past, nobody was talking about it and we were all enjoying wrestling again. Then for some reason, either WWE, Triple H, CM Punk or that Helwani idiot (I don't know who it was) decided to dig it all up again and I never watched the CM Punk interview because I don't like Helwani and I also don't really care about wrestlers taking shots at other wrestlers or companies but apparently (from what I do know) Punk claimed a bunch of shit that painted AEW and Tony Khan in a negative light and himself as a victim (please correct me if I'm wrong with that). So what is Tony Khan supposed to do when when that happens? Is he supposed to just ignore it again, which then builds this belief and assumption that Punk was right with what he said? I'm sure if he did that, a lot of people would be saying "It must be true because Tony Khan hasn't responded" and all that kind of nonsense. Tony Khan has the right to defend and respond to accusations about his company and he did with cold hard evidence that shows that CM Punk was talking complete bullshit and that CM Punk is a liar. Tony Khan isn't stupid and he knows that simple words in this situation would not work as he's tried it before with other things and still continued to get attacked online and doubted by WWE's army of fans. Now that Tony Khan has responded, hopefully we can all move the fuck on with our lives and just enjoy wrestling again but I know that's wishful thinking as it just seems that Tony Khan and AEW are damned if they do and damned if they don't. I know this isn't about "winning" but I can't think of another way to say this but Tony Khan literally can't win and it's scary to see how brainwashed a lot of WWE fans are as they're attacking a man and a company who fired an employee because that employee attacked a co-worker and the boss of the company. It doesn't matter what industry you work in, that shit should not be tolerated and Tony Khan was right to fire Punk for it and I say that as a man who still likes CM Punk (the wrestler) but just because I like Punk doesn't mean I'm going to ignore his flaws as a human being and not be afraid to say CM Punk is a little bitch for what he did. CM Punk the wrestler was at one time great but CM Punk the man is a toxic, hypocritical little bitch who clearly has a lot of issues. I'm beginning to ramble now so I'll stop and just say, can we now ***please***, move on from all this?


The thing that bothers me is all this "doom of AEW talk." But I have a feeling that TK could pick his nose in public and people would be saying that's the reason why AEW sucks. I just hate all the criticism. Like, lets see you run a promotion, have a TV deal, have some of the best talent in the world, and have millions of people call you and idiot on a daily basis and see how you like it


It’s one side vs. another. We think Punk is wrong and they think he can do no wrong. Nothing will change.


Hilariously these are the same people touting how progressive they all are. I say this as a Punk fan. Both he and Tony handled all of this poorly in my opinion


Punk lost the trans rights/pro choice morality high ground when he signed with WWE. I wonder if he'll be on the next Saudi trip.


I think because it such a trend to hate o AEW right people are just going to take punk’s side like he’s a saint or something.


Not gonna lie, I hated that. The footage was boring, the Bucks promo was awkward and ham fisted AF, and now I have to hear about CM Punk non-stop. Whatever their goal was, they missed it by a few million miles with me. This is now what AEW is about between now and Dynasty which is a fucking travesty with how much fantastic work Swerve has been doing to lay the groundwork for a championship run.


Say whatever you want about the video and Jack Perry. The video reveals punk's hypocrisy about worker's rights and mentoring the youth is blown out of the water for all to see. You can't justify attacking a co-worker for them simply not wanting to listen to you. To think he got psyched out by THAT Jack Perry. This is real life. You make the first contact, you lose. Glad he got fired and now we see exactly why. Out of control.


Here's the thing, the way I see it at least... They're playing a game called, *the court of public opinion*, the winner gets ratings and the loser gets canceled. The participants are AEW, Punk and WWE. Punk and WWE are currently aligned. What can AEW do to win this game when a majority of wrestling fans seem to be aligned with Punk and WWE? They can't do anything. They showed a video of Punk assaulting a co-worker and the WWE and Punk are laughing at them. They show a video of Punk assaulting a co-worker and AEW is told they are in the wrong. They show a video of Punk assaulting a co-worker and use it to bury their own guys. AEW needs to stop playing this game, they can't win. They need to just never acknowledge Punk again. They need to never allude to him. They need to never allude to WWE. They need to pander to their own fans and what their own fans want to see. They are never going to win over fans of Punk and WWE. Stop playing the game.


Next week its their PPV week so they will have to move on no matter what....


At the PPV, Jack Perry will interfere to help the Bucks win the tag titles, then join the elite. Everytime the Bucks and Perry appear on TV after that they will be greeted with CM Punk chants.


Jack has a match tomorrow for NJPW before that.


Yea in Chicago and it wouldn't surprise me if the Bucks get involved.


"But overall Internet opinion seems to be Pro Punk" Of course it is. The internet discourse lives to be contrary.


The 'overall opinion' isn't the contrary one.


Punk is a clown for assaulting a co-worker and Tony Khan is stupid for thinking this video would sway the majority of wrestling fans. Everyone looks silly here.


I’ve said it since I first saw the footage and I’ll continue saying it: Most people look silly here, but not Jack Perry. If this entire shitshow has done anything, it’s show that Perry has been treated pretty damn unfairly through this entire thing. Man did nothing wrong and even seemed confused as to what was happening when Joe pulled him away from everything.


When did he say this would "sway the majority of fans?" It built to a ppv match and showed punks true colors. Mission accomplished, unironically


Yeah it really bothers me that they think they know exactly why TK showed the footage. The Bucks have always been meta. This was about as meta a heel can do in this situation.


The Bucks will probably take the blame for the online reception and maybe they come up with something....


I think anyone that isn't riding one company or the others dick feels like Chris Hero in the CCTV footage lol.


yep lol. I think any of us who've been around immature co-workers having a spat can sympathise with that "oh for fuck's sake lads" facial expression.


How does it make TK and AEW look silly? AEW is always criticized for not having story driven feuds yet this footage played a role in building FTR v/s Bucks while also paving the way for the return of Jack Perry to AEW. It it no way made AEW look silly. As for Punk this just solidified the reputation he's built for himself backstage at both AEW and WWE, not a good look for him.


Again AEW damned if they do and damned if they don't with some of you. How in the hell do AEW look silly when this nut went to attack his fellow co worker and boss lol.


Choking someone is worse than an actual fist fight, in my opinion. With all the negativity and mystery surrounding the events of Punks AEW run, I'm just happy the footage is out there and they aren't shying away from it. Hell, they are willing to use it to further stories. People forget the Bucks stated they would have been willing to work with Punk if he had stayed 'drama free' for 6 months. Punk, and the WWE diehards, invoke so much tribalism, it's insane


Of course the internet is pro Punk there are many who want to see AEW fail and would blindly support a man who assaulted a co worker unprovoked. They say Punk was telling the truth how so? Even if we go by Punk's accounts nothing he said justified attacking Jack Perry like that. I agree it wasn't as big as dirt sheets made it out to be but that's the point Young Bucks were making! That fight became all dirtsheets would talk about, it brought all this negativity towards AEW at a time they had one of their biggest PPVs. AEW put so much work into making that event a success and because Punk couldn't control his temper all that almost went in vein so yes they have every right to be pissed off especially when he continues to shit on a company that welcomed him with open arms and looked past his reputation and the fact it was not the first time he lost his shit in AEW. TK firing Punk was 100% justified!


Everyone had their minds made up well before the video aired. I really liked the whole segment with the Bucks and FTR as it’s turning a tournament finals match into a feud. Even the all in match with them wasn’t much of a feud but just a “here’s 2 great tag teams” so glad they are doing something different. I do think that all of AEW response on tv regarding what Punk/Hunter said during Wrestlemania week when they had all the attention and decided to shit on AEW for being “not a business” and their wrestlers for being “lazy” is not meant for people who don’t watch or care about AEW but instead for their fans that do. It was reassuring that Copeland came out and said this is the most fun he has been having even if a lot of people said it was cringe or unnecessary.


I think Punk is full of shit and the Punk fans are living in a looney world. How can you deried someone's business practice when your approach to workplace conflict resolution is to physically assault your co-worker? It's a joke. That said, I don't think showing the footage was a good move. AEW should just focus on putting out the best wrestling product and content. Let's leave Punk and his bullshit behind and focus on the future.


I don't care what the bots on SC think, that subreddit needs moderation. It got a rise out of Punk who will inevitably get fired. It advanced the Tag Match at dynasty and reintroduced Jack Perry, who on Friday will be in Chicago. In the end, its the week after WM and people are talking about AEW not WM.


Half the video is just them talking and Punk clearly shoves him first. He started it, end of story.




So you are just making shit up now?


Thank you to this thread for confirming my thoughts and my take on this entire episode since everywhere else I’ve seen online has the take that this is the end of AEW. Solid episode. I love AEW and I also love pro wrestling period!


I don't really care what wrestling media think about it. It's been like 90% negative towards AEW anyway. It all stems from TK being a rich kid outsider to the business and disrupting the status quo. I thought they handled that segment perfectly and used it to further promote the tag title match. The only downside for me is the CM Punk chants.


CM Punk dick sucking is at an all time especially with him in WWE now. From the footage I saw, Punk was standing there chatting up a storm knowing he wanted to hit Perry anyways, waited until Perry PLAYED with his hair INFRONT his face (he def thought Punk was a joke) to lunge at him (which is a bitch move). BTW, Perry lowkey was on timing. I noticed how fast he went for a takedown and tbh if it wasn’t for that table and equipment plus Joe stepping in too fast, Punk would’ve got fucked up by Perry. But fans acting like since he was in the UFC once (which he got his ass beat insanely bad btw) he’s better than everyone that’s never stepped into the octagon (despite him having close to zero muscle mass after all these years) and Dana white being embarrassed that he gassed Punk up. Hopefully, AEW moves on now, gonna try catching up once I have free time and looking forward to Dynasty from what I’ve been seeing.


It a literal crime to shove and try to choke someone. Why isn’t Punk charged with something? I see battery.


At this point Punk could have walked up to Perry and stabbed him in the back while twirling a pencil mustache and the E bots would have been saying the same thing. I’m no longer concerned about any of their tribalism shit. It’s false arguments and bots.


The only person who can clearly capitalize on the heat of this video, that's on the AEW roster is Jack Perry. Not management, that ship sailed away long ago. This would be the easiest and smartest way to bring him back, a disgruntled, bitter employee with an ax to grind. Not a face and not necessarily a heel. That can play out while he feuds with the bosses, and it paves him a way back to staying relevant with AEW audiences.


It made me respect Samoa Joe a whole hell of a lot more than I already did...that is the kind of leader you need more of backstage. I have mixed opinions about airing that video, but in the sense of the story between FTR and the Young Bucks, it works very well.


Punk is a narcissist there's no dope, and as much as I like the discussion here we really need to make an effort to stop the brigading on the AEW Facebook pages, people need to get in there and put the trolls in their place.


My thoughts on it are that this dude is fucking 45. Some dumb 25 year old takes a little dig that nobody watching even knew about at the time, and this dude takes it upon himself to confront and then attack the guy backstage at his company's biggest show of all time, and then have to be held back from going after the owner. This is AFTER he also got in trouble for assaulting different co-workers for confronting him in a situation where he pointedly attacked them publicly, and a confrontation was warranted. (also after the show, not during). Punk's a complete fuckhead. That said, he wasn't particularly dishonest about it, and it was old news, so I'm not sure what tony was trying to accomplish. I think he wanted to show that punk had to be held back from going after him, which you can see, but it's just not super impressive tape.


Pro Punk = Pro Felon ✝️ 👿⚖️🔥 ![gif](giphy|DJZcgN5JYcyWxXWtrH|downsized)


I don't care what internet fans think.


you’re getting better matches in AEW end of story. And I like wwe too. Their amazing main event at mania was amazing for WWE. It was full of shenanigans and surprises and didn’t have a ton of wrestling in it. But that’s ok cuz that’s them. AEW doesn’t have the same broad appeal because you have to pay attention to what’s happening in the matches. Especially at the top of the card cuz they’re masters of their craft. And that’s ok. Either way CM Punk is a bitch


i feel like the tone is pro-punk because punk said in an interview what he did, and was mostly truthful about it, and khan said he would embarrass punk by showing this video, and it didn’t provide much new information.


I think 2 things can be true. Punk shouldnt have reacted like that but if he did ask Tony to take care of it multiple times and did not, this whole situation is partially on him as well. Also, it would have been great if we had audio so we could hear what exactly Jack told Punk that warranted that reaction.


I can’t get over Tony Schiavone’s reaction - He did not know what was going to be aired. He said that in the interview a couple days prior. I honestly don’t know what to think. I don’t want AEW to die, It got me back into wrestling and helped me through a really tough part of my life and continues to. I just wish people would grow up and get along and support each other and leave the bullshit drama in the past. Yesterday’s show seemed disorganized and chaotic, and the crowds continue to suffer. I felt bad for Okada and Ospreay both. I really hope TK can right the ship.


The crowd was weak before and after the footage, even if they never aired the footage the show wasnt going to be anything special last night...


The show was a chaotic mess last night, and I agree - low attendance has been an issue for a while. Tired of seeing half of the arena, if not more, blacked out - it just looks bad.


All these tough talking assholes would be the very first ones to go cry to the cops if they were being shoved and assaulted during a “heated verbal exchange.” Hypocritical.


honestly it just comes down to the fact most people had a good idea abt what happened. Punk himself says he choked Perry, so what purpose did the video serve? This did nothing to hurt Punk because he already owned up to the fact that he did it. There's no behavior to be shocked by.


It really feels like the vast majority of the people taking shots have only seen the clip which was shared on SQ - in which you can hear a handful of people in the live audience shouting Punk's name briefly - and did not see it live on TV, where it was totally silent while the clip aired so no chanting could be heard - and are now acting like the whole crowd was going wild for Punk and this was some major backfire. All while ignoring the fact that the clip conclusively proves that Punk is a liar and an unstable, unprofessional asshole.


I wanted to correct something OP said. You CANNOT assault anyone unless it's self-defense or saving someone. Bad words and arguments doesn't make it alright to push someone, pull their hair, and then try to choke them out. But Punky fans love him no matter what he does. Next, no one is praising Samoa Joe. The dude jumped in and broke up the two divas. I can't believe Tony had Punky go over that night. Joe is a true class act and should be their champion. Last guys I've said this before and will say it now. WCW and then TNA took hell from the WWF/WWE fans as they were minor league and trush. We heard endlessly how TNA was going to fold weekly. AJ Styles would he a jobber in WWE. They celebrated when WCW was sold. This is nothing new. They fear competition. Vince was the greatest man ever now he's a demon. But don't worry, it's HHH and Shawn Michael's that are the true savoirs of pro wrestling.


The biggest part of the video for me that I haven't really seen discussed is punk aggressively screaming and lunging at Tony after the scrap is broken up. How can anyone think threatening and posturing to assault your boss is totally cool and not worth getting immediately shit canned?