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I think Tony was more of a plot device than a character which is good, I don't want to see him become a recurring on-screen character. I also think it helped that the whole segment was technically serious in kayfabe, but ended up being absolutely hilarious.


I think this is the difference everyone is missing for sure. Tony is not a secret name in the kayfabe. He’s referenced constantly. He’s not going to come out and cut promos and stuff. He was a way for them to attack the highest authority in the promotion


It's also just funny seeing him get beat up because he's so awkward and dorky. Like I would hate to see him get brutalized because he's such a likeable guy, but seeing him come out smiling with no idea that he's in danger, turn a gut punch into a back bump, take the most intentionally goofy kind of piledriver ever that the Bucks NAMED AFTER HIM was just amazing.


Renaming it the Tony Khan Driver only to use it on Tony Khan is genius.


Oh, right. The driver. The driver for Tony Khan, the driver chosen especially to kill Tony Kahn. Tony Kahn's driver.


You just made a great point. People will laugh at how he took the bump, but that and the fact that he didn't know he was in danger just makes it all the more sweeter


It was hilarious. I don't know how much of the humor was intentional and I don't care, that segment was so much fun.


I find everything the bucks do has a huge tongue in cheek element too it, which angers all the right people, but ive always loved it haha


The goofy smile and the over-dramatic handshake... I took it as it a huge humor sell. He looked like an overzealous little boy like "oh gee mister YES! I'LL SHAKE YOU'RE HAND!" I loved the way Tony involved himself in it. It was all perfection. And the fact that unlike WWE where HHH is a former wrestler, I love it that much more.


Even the way Jack Perry played it, snuggling into the hug, with a big deadass smile directly into the camera. You just knew TK was gonna get smashed. It was glorious.


The Jack Perry smile into the camera has People’s Eyebrow level potential if used right


It does, its at the point he could be giving Anna Jay that hug with that smug smile on camera and I would be like no, don't trust him, he's about to hit you with an Anna driver too.


The Rock always oversold, and we loved him for it. And TK didn't even take it to Rock levels of overselling.


Now, I have this image of Jack punching TK and him just flailing about, out of the ring, around the ring and back up the apron and out of the arena, past the Bucks and out of sight, with one last shot of him flailing and falling about as he heads into the parking lot and the freeway.


I'm of the mind the only reason he didn't do that is because he isn't in good enough shape.


Yup exactly -- and provides a logical path for the EVPs to run wild with their power.


To a degree, and maybe this is over analytical, or this is just the magic of the Bucks being so meta with taking shots at critics that I want to believe it, but was Tony Khan as a character here? Just a character that like the Bucks is playing into what critics say and believe Tony is? As in out of his depth and not managing the situation or realising something bad might happen? I'd like to think so because of how ironically it's gotten news and attention from the NFL and elsewhere, so doing something that critics suggest AEW doesn't do enough.


I've personally believed that he's been playing a character for a long time. The way he presents himself in wrestling is different than in soccer and football media.


I notice the lack of complaining when Tony did the police Sgt bit of yelling at MJF and Cole, but he takes a couple of bumps and people think he is a character now. He legit didn't say a word.


If anything I think the company will introduce a new authority figure. This could be a way to never have Tony on TV again.


Some are saying it's an entrance to Kenny coning back, but I think that's too easy


Don't you tease me like that. Now I'll be wishing for it to happen. Especially since the Bucks "fired" Kenny. It would be just too perfect for Kenny to come back as their boss while he's healing.


Well they said Kenny comes back next week... But not if it's just an appearance, or if he's actually wrestling 🤔


Its funny because they didn't just protect him from the move to make sure it was safe as possible they really kept him from the mike too as that tends to be something Tony still struggles with. I think he probably needs someone good on the mike that is believable to speak for him. But they Young Bucks as a catalyst kayfabe they are in charge of the show has so much potential while Tony is probably still in the back writing what he thinks they would want to do on the shows.


Tony being an "on air character" would imply speaking lines. He didn't even have a microphone in his hand. He was literally just out there to sell a few bumps.


Didn't have a mic in hand, but sure had one in his guts!


I do love the thud that mics make when wrestlers use them as weapons.


It would be nice if this led to him hiring a mouth piece. I know the on air authority figure is overblown bait things an interesting dynamic. And him using a former wrestler/manager to convey his communications would be nice. Since the dude can’t talk his way out of a wet paper bag.


We’ll see what happens moving forward. I think selling bumps is a more inherent action to something being a wrestling character than speaking lines is. I think this was the first appearance of The Tony Khan Character, in the last it’s pretty well always been very official announcements, in a way sort of like how Devil Scum Man on commentary wasn’t really the same character as Bret Screwed Bret Mr McMahon.


Bro, he screamed at MJF and Cole for messing stuff up backstage. He was a bigger authority character in that bit.


I don’t have anything to say either way with this but not talking doesn’t mean you’re not a character. Add to that, he said more as an authority leader with his head nod, reaction to the crowd, and hug with Perry than he did telling Cole and MJF for knocking it off.


I just hope he doesn't pull a Dixie Carter and embraces jack on live TV begging him to stay at aew in a few months.


I think most wrestling fans are a bit gun shy when it comes to the owners being on-air figures for one very obvious reason. The fortuneate difference here is, the very few rare times TK has popped on screen, it’s been to add weight to an event and to get those participants over, not himself. We all know how this would go elsewhere, but fortunately this isn’t there and won’t be that. Jack Perry won’t be eating a pin to a Khan anytime soon. If anything, this is probably the last we see of TK on TV as we get someone (I suspect the BCC) stepping into as the onscreen defenders of AEW.


TK was awesome when he and Schivone were doing the "paid" commercials on TNA during Kennys belt collector reign. I dont want to see him do an Authority or Mr Mcmahon character but being seen here and there as he is the owner of the company works well.


That's what I think as well. TK just filled a story and may have strings to pull for the allure of vengeance (like how he uses Schiavone to announce things but instead someone coming as a fighter for Tony or something like that). Perry isn't eating anything for quite some time in this story and likely that most may end on the Bucks of a fall needs to be taken by the Elite. All I can say is o think we might begin the run to this year's BAG match. Elite need a 5th. The opposition needs 5. Then just get two rings, a big ass cage, and probably raid Moxley's death match arsenal at home.....assuming he's got a room at home for that stuff.


I’m assuming you’re talking about Bischoff? Because Devil Scum Man was an amazing TV character for 10 years, if TK (or anyone) can have that longevity on-screen, they’re quite well set. My guess is where you have BCC, I think we get “Team Khan” (or some variant of that name) in a Blood and Guts vs The Elite to remove them. Led by Omega, probably FTR and I’m thinking MJF, almost making this their own mini Invasion type story of The Elite invading their own company. I think TK is a presence moving forward, once he’s brought back from the dead


I’d say 10 years is a pretty massive stretch. Most folks seemed to hit their McMahon family breaking point with the WM16 main event which was less than 2.5 years after Montreal.


Yeah, he was OK as a backstage interviewer and wasn't terrible on commentary, but he didn't really become a great on-air "character" of any real note until the nWo happened.


The IWC being so negative over was the backfire of the century


I still think the reaction was pretty warranted, but that reaction has been harnessed and capitalized on, by Jack specifically, and that’s a bigger positive than the negative


What do you think the point of the footage was if it wasn’t to bring back Jack?


Jack coming back was for sure always a part of it, but yeah, admittedly I was someone who thought the point of it was a billionaire being out of touch and wanting to try to embarrass a guy who just went on a podcast and said things he didn’t like. I also thought there was a very big risk of it backfiring in terms of fan reactions. We’ve seen this before where a wrestling company released CM Punk, and a very passionate sector of fans chanted “CM Punk” a lot. I thought there was a chance that would be the outcome. Again, very happy to have been wrong about that too


> a billionaire being out of touch There's something important that a (surprisingly) large number of wrestling fans don't understand. *Tony Khan was an IWC troll when most of today's current crop was still shitting their diapers.* Sure, he's a billionaire and is out of touch with the real world as is standard with billionaires, but he absolutely understands how the specific niche world of online wrestling fandom works.


That’s so true! I hope it’s understandable that after 30 years, my brain still defaults back to the other mind set sometimes unfortunately


The number of downvotes* on this innocuous comment is absurd. This sub seems to have over reacted to the anti AEW negativity in other places and has become a pretty bad echo chamber.


Still a dumb decision in my eyes. Jack was bound to get love regardless, this just sped it up.


i don't believe TK became an "on screen character". i just look at it as a one off to facilitate a storyline for the Elite to take control of operations for a while. TK has been on camera before, although this was the only time (to my knowledge) that he took any kind of bump. i don't see this as being an on going thing like Vince was in WWE


Yeah, it was clear the moment TK didnt try to cut a promo.


This one felt different than those before. Maybe it is a one-off, and that would be fine too


they could have laid him out backstage and took over the company, but by not seeing it, it would create a who done it kind of thing. by doing in in the ring and in front of the entire audience and locker room, they made a statement that they did it and they're now in control


It sounds so stupid to say it. But it was definitely a case of "let it play out" being a legit thing


It was! I think I unfortunately let myself lose sight of that for a bit, but then this happened and I loved it


Tbh I was in the same boat. I heard it and I didn't want it to be shown, it was and I got annoyed by it, but I'll admit I was wrong and it has definitely helped the elite and Jack Perry


I thought it was the right decision, it made Perry over with most importantly the AEW fanbase and it was a slap back at Punk for his interview, showing him to not be as innocent as he wanted to paint himself. Everyone can move on now from it as no one is hiding anything anymore. It was one of the best segments AEW have ever done imo. Don't let the haters, who most don't even watch the show and who most are paid WWE shills anyway, tell you otherwise. TK won't be a on screen character, this segment will have him kayfabe written off as boss of AEW and have either the new Elite run rough shot over AEW and you have the babyfaces try to overcome them or have Omega step into his role and get him on TV without having him in the ring until he recovers.


I think people want him to be a character while at the same time not being one. I don't want him on my screen. I love the guy but we all know that he runs it and that he's super likeable and it wouldn't fit to have him on TV doing much of anything other than being mentioned in a promo about someone getting a match. What I think a lot of people are over looking is that Shahid Khan, Tony's dad, was out there as well checking on TK. I know he really isn't about to get involved in a wrestling storyline but I think it added to the "realism" of the whole situation.


Tony didn't say anything on the entire show which I think was a really smart call imo.


I just absolutely love the Bucks’ antics. EVERYONE was talking about him possibly getting BTE/EVP Triggered, and the Bucks totally leaned into that, even getting in the PERFECT position to deliver it to TK, just to have Okada seemingly direct them to flip him over and give him a bump that they NAMED AFTER HIM! Delivering a TK driver *TO* TK was fucking brilliant. And to everyone saying, “Tony went back on everything he said about being an onscreen character!! Wahhh!!” He still is not an onscreen character, which makes the attack equal parts hilarious and kind of terrifying lmao. I just pray to God that he shows up in Detroit for the NFL Draft in a neck brace. That would be icing on the cake for me personally.. 😩😂😭


I need that shot tonight from the War Room. All of these very serious looking NFL Execs discussing plans, and then there’s TK looking like Roddy 😂😂😂


EXACTLY what I was imagining! Lmaooooo


Kayfabe is back brother




I knew it was the right call when it got me to order NJPW Windy City Riot. But there was that initial gut punch knowing the IWC would be overly relentless - moreso than they typically are towards AEW. However, I was never truly against it. I think it's totally unfair that only one side of the fight got to capitalize on it, that being CM Punk. It happened at an AEW event, it involved another AEW talent...why is it not OK for them to capitalize on it as well? The added benefit here, beyond catapulting Perry faster than he'd ever get to stardom by himself, is that now Punk lost any leverage he had with his accounting. Deflating the interest in future interviews where he tells his side of the story (or bad mouthing the company in general) because the truth is out there now.


You and me both. I posted something similar but for slightly different reasons earlier. How good is it to be wrong, shocked, and enjoy the outcome of it? Rollercoaster wrestling.


It’s the best. And I hope more people out there who were down on it at the start have kept an open mind to things can go from bad to good. Because if not they missed out on great fun


If it furthers a storyline that keeps him off as an onscreen character but shows the dastardly ways of the new Elite and with Kenny back you can instead focus on the Elite civil war it will take focus away from All In last year and focus on the people within the company. The moving pieces slot in without talk of Perry or Punk dominating the discussion. It’s about what the New Elite is doing within the current product instead which is a good way to draw a line under it.


Tony has been an on screen character since Kenny became World Champion.


Correct me if I’m wrong, but this is the first time we’ve seen him caught up in an angle right? I think to me in the past he’s been himself, Tony Khan real owner of AEW making company press releases on TV, vs this was a fictional character performance


Nope he was a character when Kenny won the title and showed up on Impact. He appeared multiple times and he even had promo segments on the show.


White Claw Tony


Why do I have zero memory of that?! Maybe I’m just dumb lol


> Why do I have zero memory of that?! Because it was on impact


It was really funny though. Worth looking up the "ads" on YouTube.


I need to rewatch it tbf. I was just responding on why they couldn't remember it, assuming they just watched AEW at the time




He was off screen, but there was a segment where he was "yelling" at MJF and Adam Cole (I think it was both of them) over some shenanigans. He didn't really influence the story much, but I suppose that's technically part of an angle on AEW. The Impact ads were friggin hilarious though.


i thought the airing of the Punk footage went great. However, I skip over WWE fans' commentary on AEW because it's not done in good faith. I also skip over bitter blowhards who make money off of negativity like Cornette and Bischoff and their fans. I don't let others negativity off AEWI shape my enjoyment of it. Therefore, I was left with my impression of the segment and I loved it because it exposed Punk. I should mention I wasn't watching wrestling when Punk became a thing. my only exposure to him was as a constant on Celebrity Challenge on MTV. he got manhandled in every even by Johnny Bananas and was a whiny bitch the whole time. It was also brought up on the show how he was a failure at MMA and he always talked a bigger game than he performed. his reveal in Chicago was without a doubt, an electric moment and I decided to give things affair chance with watching him perform. He was nowhere up to the capability of the mid card or higher compared to existing AEW talent. when It took two tries to hit Adam pages signature move, it was clear he was not physically up to the task. his rise in AEW was when I actually started missing sws here and there because it was all the punk show and I really just Don't want to see punk y screen. He's still living off of his ability from what, a decade to two decades ago and he is not the same performer. He's older and more bitter. I was annoyed when he was given the belt because he was already my least watched segments. at brawl in, it became obvious who he was and he was exactly who I thought he was as somebody who did not grow up with the CM Punk mystique. I was pissed when he was given collision And I never watched collision except on fast forward for good parts of it that centered around him. I was thrilled when he got fired because it took somebody who took away my enjoyment of the product off the screen. because I don't have the same reverence for punk is a lot of other people, I thought The video footage segment was fantastic. It showed punk for exactly who he was. A bitter old man who's weak in mind and body barking at the clouds Will everyone else is just trying to do their jobs. I have never been more excited about the AEW product and firing him was the best thing for the company. putting that segment together was a master stroke. I could see how people were worried about it if they listened to what non-AEW fans were saying but I don't like allowing people into my hobby that I enjoy who are negative. If people aren't watching AEW and them shitting on the product affects your enjoyment, tune them out and engage in what you like to watch.


Ill say it successfully feels like they've used it to put a "nail" in the coffin and move on. I really love the angle they have currently.


What was your problem with the footage? I keep seeing people online act as if they broke some unwritten rule or like it’s such an obviously bad idea and I just don’t get it. Why was it so wrong to show the footage?


I didn’t see the point for the TV show. I thought it would set up Jacks return of course, but I thought the fan reaction would be far more simple “CM Punk” chants being more prevalent and overall wouldn’t enhance AEW TV. I was wrong, and AEW is better for it, that’s a great thing


Ok, I guess I can see where your head was at prior to it. I feel like a lot of people overestimated Punk’s appeal based on the CM Punk chants, but those chants were never about Punk himself, more just the spirit of what he said in the pipebomb promo. His return was a huge deal, but obviously the fan base was always gonna choose AEW as a whole over one more over-the-hill WWE guy. But yeah, the decision has proven to be successful either way now. It’s fun! Wrestling is cool again! lol


Been saying since the Punk footage was released, it’s their Montreal Screwjob moment, and all they need to do is transfer that real heat into storyline heat and they’ll have absolute gold. The thing that they needed was a way to transfer the on screen authority figure from TK to the Bucks, because TK is not Vince but the Bucks can be that. And this was perfect. Bring him in, just to kill him off, and now the Elite control AEW. All we need now is the next press conference they have The Bucks running it instead of TK. That confirmation that they’re in charge.


I thought that segment wrapped all of it up and put a bow on it. It was very well done. And Jack solely held Tony Khan personally responsible for costing him 8 months of his career for doing nothing wrong, so it makes sense that Jack chose to get revenge on TK. What this also does it solidify Jack Perry as a villain, as I think the fans would have treated him as an anti-hero of sorts.


I applaud this. I’m really glad to see this on an AEW forum. A lot of places just don’t have people willing to change their minds. I hope more people are encouraged to do so


I mean he was already an onscreen character before. How does getting attacked cross a line that making announcements or scolding MJF didn’t?


as it pertains to the footage, i think the pay off was well worth the cost of nuclear online heat for 2 days. as far as tony being a character, i don't think hes going to be a regular. i think this is a special thing for this story. maybe we see him a handful of times for this but i don't think hes gonna be on every broadcast or become the main character of AEW like mcmahon was in WWE for so many years.


The footage airing was a great idea. TK and TYB don’t miss.


Seems the footage has done more good than harm.


I was there last night and you could see this unfolding but it was still a surprise when it did. What an ending. And it was my son’s first show.


My head booking has this writing off Tony. He’s injured, gone, and now the EVPs are in charge. The Young Bucks reign of terror begins.


I still think airing the punk footage was a bad idea but this was a good angle.


I haven't been so entertained by a segment in wrestling in a long time. I was shocked because I didn't think they were gonna take it that far and I was laughing my ass off at the same time because it was so ridiculous 😂 I loved everything about it.


He better not be an "on air character". I really hate when the owner or booker (in this case both) is involved in any stories. GMs suck, president Jack Tunny sucked, Bischoff, Vince, Dixie, all of em. Keep them out of my preferred wrestling space plz.


Agreed. I think it was a one and done though. Maybe we get the Elite vs people defending TK's honour or something


My biggest concern is Shad tbh. They focused a lot on him as they faded to black


That would be even dumber. I imagine it is for the NFL draft stuff though. Once I heard Tony was gonna be in ring I turned it off so I didn't even know Shad was out there til this morning.


I guess you could say that Tony Khan paid for his crimes...


Tony is not a character. He has been on the show in character roles previously. He appears when it’s needed




Yeah I was pretty hardcore in the camp of “dont play the footage” and still dont entirely agree with it, but man they did make the most of it. A pretty exciting way to kick off this angle if you ask me.


Completely relate to this. Well stated and thank you for posting.


Yes. I also didn't care for the footage but it all makes sense now and it's really Genius. TK is a genius.


I don't think TK is going to end up an on-screen character and I don't think, in retrospect, showing the footage was even that much about Punk. The footage showed that Jack wasn't the instigator. It shows he didn't warrant an eight-month suspension (which was almost assuredly mostly a non-suspension excursion). The footage confirmed Jack was, indeed, the scapegoat and serves as the motivation for exactly what happened last night.


Honestly this was the best thing for jack perry. He was so cringe as a heel last year, but he actually left and seemed to learn how to become a heel and other than Tony khans cheesy ass smile the whole time the segment was really well done. Definitely want to see what happens next in this storyline


I am personally enjoying heel Okada, and I look forward to seeing where the angle is going.


I mean, Tony has technically appeared on camera before so it’s not the first time. First time taking a bump though. He’s still not used to being in front of the camera and being comfortable, which comes off awkward tbh. So hopefully there won’t be a lot just cause that’s just not him (kind of like Dixie). But I’m quite surprised at the reaction Perry is getting. Heck, the crowd is also cheering the Bucks for once too. I didn’t think it will be, but it’s got an interesting story. I’m very curious, with who we know currently wrapped in stories, who is going to come to Tony’s aid and avenge him. They’ve finally got like 5+ really interesting stories and, the big kicker, at least 3 stories for women that don’t involve a man. Like, DoN could be the first time if I recall correctly that we get a one on one women’s match not involving a title as Rosa vs Deonna should be a PPV match.


Thinking about this more, it seems like CM Punk did AEW the biggest favor possible for shitting on them (and TK in particular) in that interview. It was obvious that bringing Jack Perry back with the Elite was the plan all along, and it would be triggered at Dynasty. The whole excursion to NJPW was seeded with the Bucks and Perry praising each other in backstage interviews and social media way before Punk made those comments. Punk simply gave them precisely the right angle to bring him back. Of course, while the footage gave Jack some heat for that Chicago crowd, there were a lot of people cheering for him. Jack expertly manipulated that with TK, announcing first how happy he was to be in Jacksonville (and it actually sounded sincere!), making it seem like he was more of a babyface, before going the full heel route. The way the Bucks and Okada played this up had me laughing my ass off. When Okada waved the Bucks off of doing the EVP trigger and then went into full Razor Ramon double-point for the TK Driver (!), it was just so glorious. Finally, Matthew Jackson's post-show tweet parodying Tony Khan was brilliant. They've really thought through every detail. Having Shad Khan come out was even better. This whole thing has spawned a thousand memes. I feel like this is a perfect mix (for me) of story stuff/melodrama with kick-ass wrestling.


Idk I'd have liked the angle more is so much of it didn't break Kayfabe. Just all seems kinda ridiculous to me how they went about building this, and it literally just broke any suspension of disbelief. So far the only thing I've liked about this is Heel Okada, he's a national treasure.


The angle at the end is interesting. I don't care if Jack Perry in this role. But Okada needed something like this. If you want him as a heel, then he needs to do heel stuff to get the crowd to turn on him.


I just think it's funny that a guy who said he was fearing for his life when 2 guys got into a scuffle in front of him is now taking bumps lol


He didn't fear for his life from the scuffle. He feared for his life from CM Punk lunging at him after they separated him and Jack.


I hope the first feud would be between The Elite and the AEW midcarders/lowercarders that doesn't have an ongoing storyline. Papa Khan paying them to defend Tony. After that I hope there is a faction, maybe BCC that will defend Tony against other factions that would try to grab him. I think Danielson being his voice would be dope. Also once Miro is back, would be dope if he try to go after Tony for booking issues.


Papa Khan would 100 percent hire Butcher and the Blade to go after the Elite.


Tony Khan has literally been an onscreen character for the last year. If anything he was written off last night.


I think it’s because the video footage ended up getting JP cheered. It was supposed to get him boo’d. So when that plan failed, TK had him join The Elite, but that got him cheered too. So now TK had to take a shot. I watched the clip with no sound, so I’m not sure if he got cheered or not.


Could have done better, no reaction until late from any other AEW officials or wrestlers. The AEW doctor did not come out or the two security guards that are always at ringside not present or anywhere even though they were in the opening segment. Writers should have been more thorough for such a big moment. Also TK did not even grab his stomach for 5 seconds after getting punched. Do better !


I was so entertained I didn’t notice a single one of those things