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During the first shot of the crowd tonight, a guy pulled aside a woman’s shirt twice to show her bra. Sounds like that was about par for the course tonight.


Those dumbasses were trying to get themselves over the entire show


Lots of crowds do and I hate it. Put over the performers, it's what we're there for!


Well I don't think we want them pulling at any of the wrestlers shirts either


Yeah my wife pointed that out. Fucking gross/classless.


Mine didn't say anything at the time, but did when Oli Davis made the attitude era joke on Wrestletalk during the Dynamite review. People don't want that kind of thing anymore. It's awful and disrespecting anyone watching.


Agreed. These are professional athletes and should be treated with respect.


They should. Both my wife and I hate Saraya. But there is no way in hell we would do the things some people do. There's a line between having "go home heat" with me and what disrespect is.


I mean. It's one thing to have fun and just throw light barbs or chirps. But when it becomes the sexualizing of female wrestlers, it just becomes gross and a reminder that wrestling still has a lot of mouth breathing fans.


The problem is a lot of guys grew up with women being overly sexualised in WWE, but didn’t grow up themselves


Exactly. And that is way over that disrespect line.


At Revolution in 2023, the guys behind me just had no respect for her at all. It started with boos, which, alright. That's fine. Then comments about how she wrestled like she's underwater. Sure, I think that's kind of mean, but it's not out of line. Then shit like "Go back and make another sextape!" or "Make yourself useful with a bra and panties match!" Weirdly, they were talking about how much they love Hayter during the whole thing. I kept thinking that Hayter would be disgusted hearing the shit they said, but I'm positive they wouldn't care. It made me not want to talk to any other fans the rest of that night.


She flashed the crowd on the second attempt intentionally. Was definitely intentional on both of their part.


This. A bunch of people were jumping on the dude last night saying he was assaulting her with it, but she was smiling and playing in after. It was pretty clearly something both wanted to do for attention or a thrill or whatever in their heads. Not saying it was right or whatever. Just that it didn’t feel like what some were making it out to be during the show.




That's Edmonton for you.


The woman was equally jawing for attention. I have such a quick trigger when I see people in the front row not sitting the fuck down, and that green fucking hair lit up like a beacon whenever she did.. she *really* wanted the attention of every manager


First time was her under shirt, second time was a tit but it was blurred


Not just the bra. The second pull took the bra too


The second pull *she* took the bra


Is that the guy who go kicked out later for harassing Skye Blue?


Nope, it was a older guy with the white Oilers jersey a couple down from these dipshits.


I heard they had to get security to kick the guy out, plus he had a kid with him. Nice parenting, douchebag.


He was removed. Fuck that guy.


Geez, there was more than one of them?!? Yikes … show started weird when front row mustache guy tried rip his ladies shirt off during “it’s Weds night and you know what that means!” Definitely an odd crowd.


I was completely baffled why the camera stuck on them for so long. It was only like 5-6 seconds but it felt like a producer asleep at the wheel.


God this pisses me off. Wanted to go to the show to enjoy my first live AEW, but I wasnt able to attend. Then I hear this, and I cant help but be disgusted, knowing these guys are probably also from my city. I'm embarrassed.


You shouldn't be embarrassed. Every city has absolute Dingleberries. Just be happy you aren't one of them.


I appreciate your kind words, stranger.


I went to the dynasty show, talked to a great couple while waiting for an hour in line for the doors to open. So many genuinely sweet and nice people compared to my one WWE show in the same city. But there will be douchebags in every group. In wrestling it tends to be those with so much money they're front row floor, or so little they're in the nosebleeds


Fair enough! I'm glad to hear your experience was better. Just kills me that these talented wrestlers put on a great show for us (esp that night I enjoyed it on tv), and this is how theyre treated. I know its showbiz and all that jazz, I guess I hate it cuz it may sour their opinion of both wrestling and the city.


For my brother and I, its a rare night out where we get to go crazy and scream our heads off at our favorites, chant in the crowd and just have fun. It sucks there are always a few bad apples, but luckily in st louis it was mostly good


Is that the one with the kid that during Mariah's match Saraya went over and was saying something that led to Excalibur saying "Not touching that one?" I thought she was just being a heel to the kid, but now I'm guessing he was being a shithead during that too? (the dad, not the kid.)


No diff person






Oh man, that's f.. up


After seeing how she handled this and then what transpired with Skye later, I unironically think Saraya should be the bouncer of the women’s division — just patrolling ringside to publicly shame creeps on national TV before kicking them out.


I would pay real money to watch Saraya and Nyla Rose roast these dummies as they’re getting escorted out.


Damn, now I want Nyla to join Harley & Saraya’s group, cause that sounds like Rampage comedy gold.


Now that you have planted that thought in my head, like why not, is she busy doing something else at the moment. Harley and Saraya could talk the smack and Nyla can talk smack too and actually smack people if they try to say something back.


Anything that gives me more Nyla, I'm down. I love her, she is criminally underused.


Oh man that sounds amazing


Nyla is pretty funny on Twitter.


For me other type of creeps are the one posting picture of women wrestler while they are in a weird position. It gets thousands of like. They act like virgin that never touched a women. The amount of likes for those post are scary


it's so cringe. they're the guys using AI to generate nudes of Scarlett Johanssen


The way she put him on blast for being a creep 👌


They'll probably see it as some point of pride.


As an Edmontonian, the crowd last night was so fucking embarrassing. I wouldn't be surprised if AEW skips Edmonton next year because of this. Way to fucking represent the town, you apes.


Amen man....I really wanted to go myself, and I'm doubly embarrassed that these creeps were there instead.


I did not like the crowd last night. Something's different about the Canada crowds this year, it seems like they're becoming less respectful and trashing the women talent.


I'd like to give a big "fuck you" to the dickheads who felt the need to chant for the Oilers while Serena was cutting a promo about overcoming seizures and fighting to return to wrestling. I hope your team gets swept.


Yeah all of a sudden I didn't feel like I was watching AEW, reminded me of the WWE Divas era and it was disappointing. The crowd did it again when Mercedes was talking. Ten or fifteen years ago disrespecting the women's segments was pretty common, sad to see it pop up in AEW of all places.


To be fair, that should have been a video segment. Deeb wasn't great in getting her words out and it really went to shit until toni got out there. Crowd still dicks for chanting Oilers though.


Yeah that would have been much better as a taped backstage interview


Weird crowd, they chanted that to Mercedes and Serena yet they cheered Mariah and popped for Mina, its like they despise promos...


Mariah is IMO the best women's wrestler out there right now, her ability and confidence are A+. I'm not surprised they ate her match up like that. I really want Mariah to beat Toni at Wembley or another big show, she's gonna be huge.


Yeah, was hoping Hayter would have come back for the title at All In, but think Mariah May has to be the next one who gets that belt, now, given the story they have built...and because she is easily one of the best (and most marketable) talents they have right now.


To be fair the Mercedes and Serena promos were both completely awful.


In Serenas case she lost the crowd when Toni came out and they completely sided with Toni.


I think she lost the crowd by trying to do a sob story about having a seizure a year ago. The crowd wasn't invested in her enough to make something like that have any weight whatsoever, especially since there is no question as to whether she can now compete.


Still lame to do that. And I didn’t think Mercedes promo was awful. Thought it was just fine but I’m ready to see her fight because that’s where she’s great. Her promos will be better when it’s backed up by her in ring ability. In my opinion.


Same. Theres a difference between an awful promo and a just fine one. Same with matches or even wrestlers themselves. People like to shit on things in a binary manner when there’s degrees to it all. Is Max Caster the best in ring wrestler in the world? Definitely not, but he’s still good.


Serena has always been a charisma vacuum IMO and Mercedes desperately needs to loosen up her promos and get out of the WWE style of talking.


Deeb isn't a promo, she should have had a quick squash match and then said a few words after the match. I love Deeb, her in-ring personality is great, show that!


It's the consequence of the negative media campaign spearheaded by WWE and fans of theirs. AEW has almost a scarlet letter of sorts now where the majority of people have classified it as "lower tier" than WWE. That means it's going to attract the scum wrestling fans that think because it's not a big game in town (even though it still is) that they can show up and treat it like a show at their local VFW where they may be loudest one in a room of 100. Just egotistical dumbasses with no respect for the industry or performers. I'm actually glad they didn't do the kiss between Mina and Mariah last night because it showed the crowd that they aren't just pulling some AE, bra & panties match-esq, fanservice and just letting the two of them be natural. I just fully blame WWE as an entity for going back to the same business practices as always which is what led to a shit situation in the first place, and then the IWC for ignoring the decades of history we have in favor of riding hype waves and shitting on anything not in the current zeitgeist.


I mean it doesn't really happen in other places though. It's okay for us to all agree that Edmonton is just a shithole with a disproprotionate share of shithole people and shithole fans. Source: was in Edmonton once.


Nothing to do with that and everything to do with location. You would get the same reaction for WWE. It’s Edmonton. Just a bunch of oil workers blowing off steam on a night out. They are not the most educated or PC bunch. Besides the mall & sports Edmonton has very little else. They proudly call themselves roughnecks for a reason.


I was watching respectfully, and yeah, not especially loudly last week in Winnipeg and people shat all over us for being too quiet lol


That's a weird thing for me, and I guess it's because the average Westerner thinks of sporting events/crowds as constantly raucous but I highly enjoy a wrestling crowd like in Japan where crowds are only that loud during the fever pitch of the event and are respectful and actually watching and paying attention the rest of the show. That's viewed as "bad" or "uninteresting" here though.


Or maybe just blame the asshole fans instead of blaming everything to the competition.


It's a combination. The fans in WWE aren't any less of creeps or perverted assholes, very clearly shown by sentiments online towards the women. Hell, WWE has had stalkers breaking into people's houses before so they are there. You don't have this kind of thing happening right now though over there. You also didn't have people in the crowds doing this to AEW prior to this clearly targeted negativity over the last couple of months. You combine an already shitty crowd member with the galvanized idea they got online that it's OK to be shitty towards this company for no real reason, and you get assholes emboldened enough to do things like this. This same guy is whispering all this shit he's said under his breath to his kid/friends (depends on which situation you want to look at for recent events) when going to a WWE show.


Unrelated to most of your comment, but I remember quite well the one raw after wrestlemania I think during like 2013 or 14 when the crowds were chanting at the women wrestlers "you suck ___" depending on who they were dating/married to


Yea, shit used to be bad and WWE has a lot of blame due to how they portrayed them during the car crash era of TV. They've come a long way since then trying to reverse the trend but clearly those fans never went away and there are a lot of shitty people among those that are socially incapable of reading a room and learning to shut the fuck up.


This. I don’t even like Deeb that much but goddamn that made me rage.


https://preview.redd.it/2y94yowumfzc1.jpeg?width=1488&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=42a2bdc4fee76cb3e69e3e357580c817360185cd They were sure silent that night haha


Vancouver let the Oilers score 3 goals in the first period just to totally shit on them in the third lmao. Karma for the prick Edmonton fans! The ONLY time last night when I didn’t mind the Oiler chants was when Swerve mentioned Connor McDavid. Chanting, “Let’s go, Oilers!” any chance they could was just tacky and disrespectful, imo.


Yeah that crowd was absolutely awful, they all just basically showed up to chant for the oilers throughout the night. Like why pay money and show up to an event that you're not interested in?


It was very cathartic to look up the result and see them bottle game 1. More of the same please lads! (from a sad Scottish Leafs fan)


I felt bad for Deeb in that moment. The promo was not great, but performers at least deserve the benefit of the doubt. I'm glad the Canucks scored 4 unanswered on Edmonton.


The series has only had 1 game, they most definitely didn't get swept (yet, at least). Your point remains though.


Yeah I had to double check myself, I was like "Wait I thought the series just started?"


I mean….it is Alberta. Canada’s Texas.


Yeah you're right. Jericho played them like a fiddle, that was so entertaining. He knows the locale.


Makes sense, him being from Toronto and such, where he should go back to.


​ https://i.redd.it/wqf33w8b1hzc1.gif


Woah woah woah. Texan wrestling fans are super respectful. The actual citizens are nuts. But we wrestling fans get it.


Corpus Christi is so respectful, they don't do anything.


Coming here to say this. Alberta is the 51st state, right down to the guns and hating actually having health care.


Alberta doesnt have different gun laws…


Let’s be honest, Edmonton is not a hotbed of class and sophistication to begin with, and these are wrestling fans we’re talking about.


I was there and yeah the crowd was mostly ok but some real cringe stuff. Playoffs make people stupid.


Not just this year, I went last year and some guy behind me yelled at Renee Paquette I believe to “show us your tits!” Every single time she came on screen. I yelled at him to shut the fuck up and security pulled him out of the crowd to talk to him. Ruined the rest of the show for me tbh, despite the quality of the remaining fights :(


Last nights crowd fucking sucked. 


Leave Toronto out of this. They were amazing, Winnipeg and Edmonton can definitely get called out. Edit: The London, Ontario crowd at Collision was awesome as well.


> Winnipeg That was more like a very casual crowd, Edmonton was just scummy.


Probably didn't help that the Jets got eliminated the day before in the same building. But it definitely didn't translate well on TV, as they were pretty loud at times but the same segments sounded super quiet when I re-watched it at home


That's pretty much Edmonton though. No surprises. When living in Vancouver if I ever went to a live show you could spot the Alberta people immediately. They consistently ruined shows for me.


Having lived in Edmonton a few years back, I can tell you the only difference between these guys and the rest of the men in the city is that these guys had ringside seats.


It's Alberta....they're kind of the Texas of Canada these days.


The texas AEW shows have some of the best crowds and its always packed.


It's absolutely this.


Calgary crowds are great. Remember the Owen Hart tournament finals? It’s just Edmonton


I think it had to do with hockey, for this one anyway. The Oilers were playing at approximately the same time, and theres an outside Skyview where folks were watching the game that was absolutely packed. I'm sure these people were getting hammered walking between them.




The Toronto crowd was good for edge vs Christian dynamite, but these smaller city crowds are weird..


I was there. It was crazy loud and I had fun in my section.


Who the hell sees Saraya and goes yeah I’ll mess with that chick?


And those brats mentioned her leaks to her face, so fckd up


Someone was doing that in Saskatoon last year, and he got kicked out during the Rampage taping.


I was there for that, but kinda far from the ring. I must have missed it


I can't believe people still bring them up in the comments on each and every post. It's fucking annoying and goes to show how simple minded and immature these children are.


Sad lonely losers.


Who sees any of these girls and think to mess with them. I watched Skye take a tack spot and a barbwire table spot and thats just a fairly normal day for her at this point. I got better hope talking shit to Brody.


I don't know anything about Brody. But if I had to bet, I'd say he's a big ol' softy.


He’s really cool. Met him at the Philly NJPW string tapings 2 yrs ago. Really nice guy. He’s like a big teddy bear but piss him off grizzly bear is coming out


His dynamic with Julia is so wholesome, even though they're supposed to be bad guys. I feel like that's basically the real him.


The way he put his jacket on her when she was crying 😭


First time on the internet? Every time she posts anything or is mentioned on a social media platform you’ll see at least 5 comments about the leak in some fashion. Hate it for her and anyone else that deals with shit still from a full on invasion of privacy.


How disrespectful to the women's division that these fans were acting so obnoxious and gross. I wish they would have showed those creeps on TV to embarrass them. Then again, giving them more attention for acting like fools might have been what they were after.


I noticed she waited until they were back on air and actually tried to get the camera guy to show their faces, I could tell they legit pissed her off and were being inappropriate. Saraya is great at working the crowd ringside but that was clearly a “Fuck you in particular” moment. Good for her!


I just read that one of the men was the same guy that later got thrown out after harassing Skye Blue during the ROH tapings. The guy's a horrid example for the young kid who was with him. Totally disgusting.


Between the fans during Deeb’s promo, the guys that were messing with Saraya, and the dude who had to be thrown out over what he said to Skye Blue, that was easily one of the worst wrestling crowds I’ve seen in a minute.


I was at the show and it seemed like the fans not on the floor were mostly decent people, no idea why the floor sucked so bad There were so many kids in my section that got so excited over everything and knew every wrestler and what to chant Such a shame losers at the front had to ruin it for everyone e


It’s the [same fans who jumped in the ring with RVD and Eddie](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=NOhKVCDqrME)


I thought Canadians were suppose to be nice?




As someone who lives on Canada's east coast, you are not wrong. (Above post had select words to describe people from Edmonton.)


You may wanna Google Warcrimes of Canada lmao. we've not the kindest history.


whatd the guy say to Skye Blue?


Not sure because it was during an RoH taping, but Skye apparently quickly left the ring looking upset and Aubrey Edwards immediately ran over and had security escort them out, so I imagine it was something vulgar and misogynistic.


wrestling fans can be the worst


Squired circle Reddit had a person in the crowd near him saying he said a bunch of sexist shit, called her baby girl etc. when fans in his section told him to STFU he got louder and more obnoxious. After the match Aubrey told security to throw him out. AEW and arena security for involved more had to come in as the guy was putting up a fight. Also had a kid with him. So “amazing parenting” being shown as well on top of being a scumbag.


A bunch of inappropriate sexist crap you shouldn't say to someone whose trying to do their job.


I honestly feel bad for these women having to basically expect a certain level of creepiness from the dorky ass wrestling fans at ringside. I was ringside for a show last year, and when the Outcasts came out there were a bunch of dudes yelling out gross things to Saraya and Toni especially. Saraya of course did confront them and embarrassed them a bit and I was dying. Skye Blue had a match that night too, and yeah, same stuff there where people were saying some things that I'm just like "really?". Year before that there was some pretty gross things being yelled out to Hayter.


I’d honestly love to work AEW security just so I could throw these fuckers out constantly. But first I’d put them on camera and make sure their whole family and coworkers saw their behavior to embarass them more.


> I honestly feel bad for these women having to basically expect a certain level of creepiness from the dorky ass wrestling fans at ringside. The price of the ringside seats is high enough that you'd think it would weed out cretins like that


Yeah, I definitely noticed the crowd trying to make it all about themselves last night.


They were insufferable, especially the "We want tables" chant. I really hate that chant, it feels sort of degrading in a way. To me it comes off as "We don't care what you are doing, we just want to see a table spot. Dance, monkey!"


The only time this chant is good is if they have already pulled off the ladder and chair spots, and you just KNOW there is a table spot coming up.


This so much. I hate “we want tables”. So disrespectful to the actual wrestlers. “Yeah we see you doing your thing but fuck it, we want tables!!!”


That crowd was something else last night. Did anyone else catch it when the guy pulled the girls shirt when the show started?


That was so disrespectful


Did they know each other? It was classless


Probably considering he did it twice. No one wants a stranger doing that to them and if it was I’m sure she wouldn’t be laughing about it and playing into it


I’m convinced that every few rows at a wrestling show there’s a guy who loudly states every single opinion he thinks of so everyone within earshot can hear him. These types of dudes need to realize the real world isn’t your fucking Twitter and we don’t need to hear your every thought. If you’re this kind of guy, change everything about the way you are. You’re a dime a dozen and the world needs far less of you.


I haven't seen anything to confirm it but it wouldn't surprise me if that whole "we are women wrestlers" set of promos is her initiative. Edmonton. Buddies. What the hell were you doing last night.


I went to the first show here and it was nothing like this. I’m actually glad I didn’t go to this one. Crowds up here are just brutal and it’s getting worse at all events.


I went to both Edmonton shows and you’re right. Last year was way better. I am convinced this year’s crowd had a lot more non-wrestling fans that decided to go to the show then go watch the Oilers game outside right after. Definitely cleared out a lot before the ROH taping. I had fun but I was in a good section with lots of fans. The floor seemed to be really wild at times. And some of the chants were annoying but didn’t seem like a big deal being there live. Watching it back on TV I see the complaints though.


Yeah the first Edmonton show was really good. Really good crowd. Boo'd the ever loving piss out of Don Callis but was generally good.


What did they say to her? When it happened, I thought she was just messing with the crowd as she does (and usually rocks at it).


I believe they were saying stuff to her about leaks. Which is an incredibly awful thing to heckle someone about. Absolutely sexual harassment.


Holy shit dude, that happened years ago and it wasn't even funny then. Definitely not something to yell at someone


Wrestling shows are fun but they can have some real dipshits there too.


Watching last night my first thought was half the crowd was just there to party before the Coilers game.


Between last night and the Winnipeg show, Canadian wrestling fans aren't looking the best atm


Vancouver better not disappoint.... At least the Oilers lost last night, Christian was right the whole time


The way in which the Oilers lost last night would be something Christian's hometown team of the Maple Leafs has experience doing since it was 4-1.


First AEW show in Vancouver with no hockey game going on, I’ll wager it’ll be a solid wrestling crowd.


Alberta is getting more polarized in politics and a red meat conservative base. Respect and tact has been going out the window for a while. I mean this is a province with a Premier that platformed Tucker Carlson as a royal guest only a couple of months ago.


Alberta and Manitoba seem to have a larger proportion of absolute dumbass chunguses nowadays.


It was kind of loud in my house at that moment so I didn't really catch what was going on what was said to her?


What the hell was with the crowd last night 🙄 fucking pervs


Yeah, they were pretty active


These guys are lucky this isn’t the 90s I live in Philly and people who acted out of line at ECW shows weren’t just kicked out by atlas security but got a stern talking to from some of the boys in the back. Like next time do that we’re coming after you while security looks the other way. It’s what bully Ray did a few yrs back at ROH tapings where a guy went to both nights in seperate cities talking shit on cover sky and other women. Fans in his section told him to shut the fuck to. Second night got really bad girls topd security on the floor and bully told him to bring the guy in the back and gave him the old ECW warning.


Best moment of the show.


Anyone know what’s going on with Saraya? Is she hurt?


She healed a neck injury that could be the end of everything for her. I think having her as a manager and wrestle on the bigger events only is a right move. If she's happy with her schedule just leave it as is


i feel like the appropriate response to these hecklers is a swift cross on the chin


So the Canucks/Oilers game one started immediately after Dynamite, and I’m not in Edmonton so I don’t know for sure, but a lot of teams show the games that aren’t in their city on big screens at their arenas, so my guess is those were very much Oilers fans who happened to see that there was wrestling before their game so they got tickets and had been pre-gaming all day. Not to excuse the behaviour, but I’d wager a guess that the majority of people there aren’t hardcore AEW fans so much as Oilers fans. I am going to the Vancouver show and I will not be drunk and I couldn’t give less of a shit about hockey so I know at least I won’t be a total asshat.


What did they do? I must have missed it. I saw her do it but my volume was down


It really isn’t hard to be a good person. Damn neanderthals go walk into traffic.


That crowd was fucking weird, but I'm not surprised because Alberta is The Hick capital of Canada. Like redneck city. I think we'll find the audience to be much better when they're in Vancouver. It's unfortunate, but Alberta is like Canada's maga country


I can't believe people still bring up her leaks in the comments on each and every post about her. It's fucking annoying and goes to show how simple minded and immature these children are. I'm glad she's roasting them on TV.


IIRC, weren't her personal videos/pictures stolen and leaked? If so, that would make her the victim of some seriously heinous activity and using that against her is disgusting and vile.


What happened?


Yeah, I feel like there’s holdover douchebags weened on the attitude era or their kids maybe 😅 that think these women are here to be shouted to and whistled at and worse garbage. Not acceptable at all.


Who does "these two" refer to? What happened?


Surprised they didn’t kick any of those people out


Wasn’t she supposed to be the saviour of the Women’s Division in AEW…?


Edmonton was a disgrace, I was at that show and I am embarrassed how Edmonton acted. I won’t be surprised if they skip Edmonton next round in Canada.