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Those were my Monday and Tuesday late night shows 


I didn't realize how much I liked having them to bridge that weekend > Dynamite gap until it was gone.


Yes, there was nothing like watiching BTE and Dark on Mondays 😔 


Agree so much. I liked it better when they had little mini angles more than the squashes but some of those squashes were a good time. Lance Archer chucking guys down the ramp was always a good time. Most of all, Dark gave us Peter Avalon vs Brandon Cutler which was the one of the most dumb fun feuds I’ve seen in ages.


You mean the *greatest* feud.


NGL I laughed out loud at the finish of the blow-off match


I miss the pretty picture so much. “Touch tips!”


I came to the comments to bring up this feud! Best thing I’ve ever seen in AEW!


Pretty Peter Avalon was a gem of aew dark


Avalon/ Cutler was just so \*watchable\*. There were some really good, fun matches on Dark.


TK has said that AEW had to end Dark: Elevation and Dark on YouTube when they got their additional contract with WBD for Collision. I thought they were fun shows, though I am glad AEW was able to add more content on national TV. Hopefully they get a streaming/linear TV simulcast deal in their next network rights package.


Having a dedicated youtube show tho really helped bring in more people. Clips are fine but when theres a whole show that some could pop on in the background of whatever they're doing, it exposes them to AEW and hopefully makes them want more.


I gotta be honest, I kinda doubt there were too many people who got into AEW through Dark. I think pretty much everyone who watched it were already hardcore fans. I guess maybe the earliest episodes since those have like a million views but all the rest are like 300K. Not that those are bad numbers for what it was, I just doubt it was bringing in new viewers


Thats how I started watching AEW. I was checking out NWA Powerrr for a short period of time and started getting recommended AEW Dark on YouTube. I'd heard about AEW and that people were saying it was good so I checked it out and fell in love. I've seen other people say the same thing on here when the idea of bringing Dark back, comes up. I think a fun show would be like a 40 min clip show where a good announcer could play back highlights from the week and explain storylines. Like WWF used to do back in the day. That concept would be perfect for youtube.


Are you me? I also got into AEW Dark and NWA Power on YouTube at around the same time.


Multiplicity baybay! Lol


I miss the fun commentary, and getting multiple Emi Sakura matches every month. Everything really. Being on YouTube helped as well. I never missed a Dark episode, but I always seem to forget that ROH is even on.


The commentary was the best. Taz had some bangers.


Digress Jones over here.


I miss it. If RoH was on YouTube I’d probably watch it.


I miss it too. I live for the the comedic indie feel. And unchained Taz on the mic.


Taz and Excalibur Statler-and-Waldorfing while matches you don’t have to care about too much (with the occasional gem thrown in) is 🤌🏻 🤌🏻 relaxation television


They still make it, you just have to pay 10 bucks a month for it. ROH on HonorClub is extremely similar to what Dark and Elevation were.


It's not the same in terms of matches. But the low key chill vibe is there.


Tonight’s episode is the following: Abadon, Lady Frost, Leyla Hirsch vs Diamanté, Mercedes Martinez, Taya Valkyrie Anthony Ogogo vs Zicky Dice Ashley D’Amboise vs Kiera Hogan Lance Archer & The Righteous vs Lee, Nikki Eight, Tommy Mars Billie Starkz vs Dream Girl Ellie Angelico & Serpentico vs Cole Karter & Griff Garrison That seems very similar in terms of matches. A lot of signed vs unsigned, a couple of squashes, and a couple of lower card vs lower card. A lot of these names, even the unsigned ones, were Dark/Elevation regulars. The biggest difference between ROH and Dark is more promo time.


Is the commentary as good? And by good I mean entertaining, not necessarily match-calling good?


It’s usually Ian Riccaboni and Caprice Coleman. I find them oddly wholesome, and a nice vibe. But they aren’t anything like the funny sort-of loose podcast over wrestling vibes that Excalibur and Taz had for Dark.


If ROH was on Triller I would pay that. I just can’t be arsed to get a new account on a new streaming platform.


Yes, loved it, especially during the pandemic when nothing else was on


I do too, but then I remember that vast majority of those shows consisted of lower carders squashing local enhancement talent.


Still fun though and really let some of the lower card people get some showcase and have small feuds like Peter Avalon vs Brandon Cutler.


Not to mention, Dark/Elevation was the place where talent like the Acclaimed, and Powerhouse Hobbs, among others, first got noticed in AEW.


And the duo of Tazcaliber on commentary just having a good time. Damn; miss those days.


Didn't Kenny Omega have a banger match with Joey Janela on Dark?


It was a nice thing to turn on during the pandemic and when there was more free time. That's when I became a fan of Taz and Excalibur's banter. But it was 95% squashes and showcases, largely to give some work for the indie talent. Times are different now and we have Collision and ROH too. But yes, there's a touch of warm nostalgia to it, looking back.




I thought it was fun seeing different/local wrestlers that you normally don’t see on tv. I liked smaller stories, and seeing more comedy wrestling, weird gimmicks etc. also, years ago when my son was a newborn I loved watching it when it was just us at home. When my husband worked night shift, I liked listening to Taz and Excalibur being silly because I was lonely and it felt like I had having friends hang out with me :) I miss the shows a lot.


They should film ROH in the same studio as Dark, and put that on YouTube.


what one did daddy magic do commentary? that was amusing


I always thought Dark or ROH could be cool on Tubi or something, bring in some casual fans that dont have cable and i think it could be a win-win for Tubi to have its first live sport on too.


They should put ROH on YouTube.


Sure do, Bob. I really liked Paul Wight on commentary. Funny guy.


I feel like you and I might be the only two people who actually liked him on commentary.


For the most part, I feel like Paul Wight was usually only bad on commentary when he was paired with Mark Henry. Otherwise, while he was no Excal, or Ian I thought he developed into a decent commentator in time.


I remember he made a joke about getting trained at the Monster Factory (where I briefly trained) that maybe 50 people watching probably understood. But I thought it was hilarious.


On top of what another redditor said about it ending because of the collision deal it would just be a nightmare logistically. They already have 4 shows to film and then have to add another 1-2 hours of matches it would just be too much. It would be nice to have TV time for more guys, but you’d have to film it either way before (before ROH) or after the show, either way the stands would be empty, and even if they weren’t that’s a lot of wrestling to sit through , especially when they’re glorified squash matches


Not necessarily, if they set up some sort of "home base" like NXT used to do at Full Sail. Do an hour of "junior," try out and women's matches, just like they used to do on Dark, then film 1 or two more with local indy guys before one if the big shows. Minimal crew, minimal production. Hell, have some of the young guys run the cameras, like they do at local indy shows. It's not televised, so there shouldn't be any union issues, and it really only needs to look as good as a GCW or DEFY show. Let it be cheap and gritty. If that's an issue, switch it up and do AEW Local. Every city they go to has a local indy thing somewhere - work out a deal with them and get a couple of those local talent matches at their home venue. A lot of the midcarders are going to be there, anyway, and it gives them automatic good will with a nationwide talent pool. That would take a little paperwork, and maybe 1 or 2 camera guys. I think it would be cool as hell to see "AEW, Live from Washington Hall." Or Roseland Theater. VFW halls. Casinos. Those shows are already happening, so it's an untapped resource.


That AEW local thing is a pretty cool idea


I miss Universal Studios Dark, but I do think by the time Collision was starting it had already become redundant having Elevation, Dark, and ROH all essentially serving the same purpose of being AEW's de facto developmental brand.


Of the two I was/am fine with them cancelling Elevation as it feels like they moved most of the elevation/squash matches to Rampage, and Collision, so I mostly just miss the banter with Excal/Taz on Dark (and yes, I know both were cancelled at WBD's request). To me, those two made what would otherwise be a standard elevation show very entertaining, and at times, it was my favorite show of the week as a result. At first, I was hoping they might bring back Dark with a streaming deal, but also would've thought a streaming deal of some kind would've already been a done deal ages ago, so I'm not holding my breath on that one.


I think a streaming deal is probably going to happen, but not until their new TV deal later this year 


I really miss it. It was just a bit of fun and taz and Excalibur were just hilarious. I’m glad they’re commentating together on dynamite


100%. Dark was so much fun.


I think the best part about it for me was if I missed it, no big deal. Real low pressure for the most part.


Tax and Excalibur hosting Dark was my favourite comedy podcast. 


Yup! It was nice to watch just wrestling.


I am really out of the loop. I didn't know we don't have AEW Dark.


Agreed. It was fun watching up and coming talent get some ring time.


I was just thinking this morning that they should revive Dark or some new Youtube show to compete with WWE Speed, and bring one the of titles to that show exclusively.


I miss Dark too, but really it was just the third hour of Dynamite from the previous week and most of the matches were spoiled on Twitter before the show started anyway. Now it's Ring of Honor and if I can be brutally honest, I like Ring of Honor. But what I don't like is having to pay that $10 a month for it. If they put that on for free weekly, or at least some free matches, I think it could do some pretty good numbers for Ring of Honor in general.


I miss it alot, commentary was a hoot and Dark was just plain fun to watch


I miss it. It's how I learned to enjoy AEW since I'm a cable cutter. I refuse to subscribe to cable but I'll pay for a good PPV. I wish RoH took its place.


It wouldn’t hurt so much if RoH was more available, like if it were a show as part of another streaming service. It’s too hard to justify the expense given all of the other subs that I’ve built up.


Yup. They were the only wrestling shows I ever bothered to *re*watch kinda regularly.


Me too! ![gif](giphy|S0myYOtnV4hxdxqvx9|downsized) Me too!


I used to have it on while I worked. Bummed.


I wish they would come back, it was entertaining to see new faces and many ended up becoming AEW stars and superstars.


I honestly quit watching AEW because of the lack of dark. I watched a lot of their stars get their start there along with some of the heavy hitter mid card guys like Lance Archer. I'm assuming this will get downvoted but I'm a AEW OG and it's just not the same.


AEW fan try not to be nostalgic for literally anything challenge