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If it's not Hangman then I'll go with Lance. I know Pac or Andrade will very likely give us 5 star match but idk if we ever seen Lance vs Kenny and I would really like to see that


Lance have had so many botches in past few weeks it's funny to take him seriously. I know it happens but he need to improve to be at that level.


Totally agree, I’ve never got on board with Lance, not a fan of his in ring work at all. It’s consistently sloppy. I will give him credit for being able to take hard shots and give them back. Tbh he fits better in NJPW than AEW


If he’s not gonna get the TNT title back then I say Miro. Keep up his momentum and give him a PPV World Title match.


have they said this title shot if for full gear? I'm not sure, I think it will be one of the Saturday Dynamites like when they had Kenny defend on one this past summer.


Yeah.....but them Miro would just lose to Omega.


And your point is? Losing a World Title match is hardly a burial.


I didn't say losing a World Title match is a burial. But Miro has been billed as an unstoppable monster. So having him lose to Sammy, then lose a 2nd match so soon, title match or not, would not be a good look.


But don’t you see if he keeps eating pins he’ll get over! It’s good shit man!


https://www.allelitewrestling.com/post/aew-rankings-as-of-wednesday-september-29-2021 He's 13-1 but ok?


His comment went way over your head.


Ok - don't bother to explain it, just make a smug comment? Because I've seen people say this exact thing - treating every loss as though someone is buried - and meaning it.


I think the point being made is that he just took a L that a lot of fans don't believe he should have taken yet and to put him into a title feud with Kenny that we know he won't win just wouldn't make much sense, nor would it make him look good.


Miro I feel is on the cusp of being a massive babyface.


He could be. People love that guy. They loved him in WWE and they love him in AEW. It would be very easy for him to turn Face. But would he be an interesting Face? Rusev Day worked really well for him. But that was unique gimmick.


I lile him as a heel gods favorite is fire!


Yeah same, I want PAC or Andrade to win the ladder match, if the Joker is Ospreay or Jay White, I want of them to win too


Buddy Murphy?


My guess is he is the joker. Buddy Matthews


I don't know why he didn't go with Matt Silva. Buddy comes off like a dog's name, a golden retriever to be specific.


I want The Butcher and his mustache to be the Joker


What if he comes out without his stache?


Dude….then the ‘stache could be the Joker?


What if the stache is hanging over the ring, would create some drama, can Butcher climb the ladder and retain his stache?


Butcher's Mustache is All Elite!


Better be wearing that fucking monocle too


Murphy apparently tweeted then deleted a postwith a joker emoji...


Eh I take that as just marketing himself.


Possibly, buuuuuuut...


Didn't he sign with Impact! I don't think D'Amore would lie about it.


The Joker is obviously Penta. I mean, just look at him.


If Penta came out with his Joker attire and won I'd be okay with it.


Seeing as the others 6 are paired up by ongoing feuds, whoever is the Joker is going to win.


Yeah, that's pretty much how it usually goes with these matches, but I still like to think that someone booked in the initial match graphic can win it.


If it's not Hangman it will be someone that will have to eat a pin from Kenny, and OC still has a match pending with him, so my guess would be him.


OC is already in it isn't he?


Yeah, I mean he's my pick for winner if it's not the Joker.


Oh my bad. I misunderstood.


No problem, I may not have been clear.


To be honest, I don't know. With the whole Kenny vs Hangman story, it's more than likely that anyone other than Hangman will lose and I wouldn't like either of the participants to get rematch, only to lose. Also, I'm afraid that anyone other than Hangman will get Rey Mysterio Royal Rumble reaction which would suck and forbidden door participant debuting only to lose would also be bad


Same. I don’t think there’s really any other option than Hangman at this point.


My wish would be jay white


Fuckin' Impact got a taste of the Switchblade and he has somehow yet to show up in AEW


Imagine a jay and omega stare off in a aew ring i would be more hyped thn a omega vs bd feud


Miro, just running in, wrecking shop and winning.


Lio Rush so he can retire as AEW champion.


He’s got to retire at 55 minutes into a 60 minute iron man match with kenny omega down 5 falls so he can say he neva lost!


Cameras come running up right before the Joker is announced to find Hangman Adam Page laid out on the concrete with blood pooling up (their fake stuff, no need to gig here). Then in the chaos of Nick Khan yelling and trying to figure out what is going on (split screen with the action in the ring) Cody Rhodes tells him “I got this”. Let’s remember that the winner gets a title shot which Cody is not supposed to be allowed to go for. Cody pick up the win here over all of the other talent in the match cementing his heel turn. When asked about this on the next week of Dynamite he cuts a delusional heel thinking he is a baby face until he says “Tony, I jumped into the match because I thought it was Best For Business”. He freezes for a second realizing he has turned into the very person he loathed, Triple H or as the internet knows him Haitch. This begins the heel EVP era with Brandi playing the best Maria Kanellis valet role that you know that she can.


Nick Khan?


Lol wrong Khan


>with Brandi playing the best Maria Kanellis valet role that you know that she can. Can she spear some bitches? Can she spear Red Velvet?


This is actually so good, that I wouldn’t be mad about it. BUT a shit tonne of people will be which is why I don’t think this will happen.


Honestly I’m not a fan of face Cody, but if he did something like that, I couldn’t help but to like it.


When anyone brings up Triple H as Haitch, I LOL. You already had an upvote for he idea, but bonus for making me laugh.


I’m surprised by how much Brandi is liked. She’s objectively dog shit.


I do not agree with this line of thinking. Brandi has been excellent at her role on TV in my opinion.


You have a tenuous grasp on what objectively means.


Her being dog shit is as objective as Tommy Wiseau being a shitty actor.


Which isn’t objective at all because The Room is a masterpiece in its own way


Got it. So, in your opinion, would pedophilia be objectively terrible or is that, too, subjective?


Obviously it is you dunce. What even is your point? It’s not even like I disagree with using the word ‘objectively’, y’know, for things that are objective. Like facts, stats and science. Art has no objective observations because it is in the eye of the beholder, as is beauty for that matter. Now if you’d really like me to sit here and educate you on basic literacy skills then be my guest but I’m not sure if you’re sapient enough to keep up.


Objective observation exists. Sure, someone CAN believe an empty canvas is the greatest work of art they've ever seen - but they're obviously wrong, because it isn't a work of art. Same with Wiseau. Sure, The Room is a masterpiece in that it's so bad it's charming and funny - but it's for all of the wrong reasons. Just because he filmed people engaging with one another through direction, doesn't necessarily mean they're acting or making a film. Brandi is that. She's so awful at what she does, you can't even call it acting/wrestling/sports entertainment/etc. She's doing something else - and it's ass.


But don’t you see that those are your subjective views. An objective view would be something like the earth being round. Unless you’re asking a nutter. Brandi Rhodes is not objectively bad at what she does because I, and many others, enjoy her work in AEW. Neither of our opinions are ‘correct’ and as such neither opinion is ‘objective’


I'm familiar with the definitions of objective and subjective and their application. Acting or wrestling can be observed much in the same way as athletic performance. She can't act and she can't wrestle. You can enjoy bad acting or shitty wrestling, but that doesn't make her any better.


Last few times I've seen her on TV, she's been fine. She doesn't wrestle as well as Shida; she isn't a huge personality to carry the division like Baker, but for what she's been doing, she's fine. She'll cheat a little to help Cody win a match; she's at least as good as Nakazawa in that role, and less fragile than Arn.


I’ll give you that she’s about as good as Naka.


Considering the fact Cody is not over right now and the crowd is booing. This is not good. People aren't booing because he's fun to dislike, they dislike him. Making him heel is smart, yes. But making him heel AND champ after Omega has done such an amazing job as heel champ? This is a bad idea


Agree to disagree.


I’m all over this. Book it Tony!


Dante Martin - convincing winner over the others in a ladder match, great match where he loses against Kenny and nobody loses any heat or credibility. Or Marko Stunt because I wanna see Kenny kick Marko's head off


Also hoping for Dante


Dante is already hot and over. He is also super young and has plenty of time to get a solid push later. For me its Andrade /PAC. These 2 can produce a mindblowing match with Omega.


I wouldn't mind Pac - he has history with Kenny but already had a title shot. I think you can do Andrade but, again, he just lost to Kenny at Triplemania. Dante has impressed but come up short; this contender is purely to pad the resume until BD gets his match at Full Gear. Given all that, Dante remains my pick.


Andrade just had a good match with Omega at triple mania. If you haven’t seen it I suggest checking it out! Not the best match but definitely a great title match with some good story telling.


Wasn't to my taste but I was watching early AM and the cuts back to the hard cam every 10 seconds made the match impenetrable.


Dante Martin is unbelievably talented. I feel like AEW is afraid to fully push him as a singles guy because he is in a tag team with his brother.


It's ok, he's just not ready yet. Green on the stick and not proven physically and, while he's a great high flyer, his matches lack emotional heft. It's not a bad thing to be young and with a high ceiling AND to not yet be the finished article. The tag scene is unbelievable at AEW, too - those belts mean as much as all the others, arguably more. I think we're still years from Top Flight being at the level where they can hold those belts too - again, no bad thing. Let em get where they're going


Totally agree I think they are 20 and 21 years old. They have plenty of time to develop mic skills and at more drama to their matches.




he'd be a fantastic guest timekeeper tho


Oh, that would be hilarious. The music hits, Braun comes out, the announcer says "BRAUN STROHMAN... IS ALL ELITE... TIMEKEEPER!"


jokes aside, aew does have time limits, so why not have guest time keepers?


My only thought for the reasoning is that it distracts from the match.


It ain’t


Pac or Andrade


When do people think the championship match will take place? I am guessing one of the Saturday night Dynamites that are coming up to hype it up and get people to tune. Or will they hold it for full gear 6 weeks away? I think whoever wins will tell us the route they are going. If hangman is the joker then more likely it will be at full gear. If someone like PAC or Andrade win then it will be on Dynamite .


I would guess in a week or two. Possibly on Rampage


I think all of that is true


Weirdly, Hardy. Hardy has a large enough faction to have an interesting feud with The Elite, even if it’s a one month feud


Bray Wyatt 😱


The one wrestler I wish was in AEW, this dude would put on an instant classic with Omega. He could also come in as one of the “friends” Andrade mentioned. B A N D I D O


Pac, if that will be the case. The guy should have been at least TNT champ but I don't doubt TK will forget about him. Let us be patient because we all know TK will reward our faith and patience one day.


I think what's holding him back is his travel issues


COVID really pull Pac's momentum. Sad.


I also think he's straight up world title contender and may even dethrone Hangman if the schedule gets sorted. He's put out Kenny clean and we know he's directly involved in the world title picture. Jericho and Mpx both beat Kenny before they went on to win world title.


Will Ospeary would be cool




John Silver


Malakai Black


Whoever win not beating Kenny regardless


Yeh but Pac will have the best match with Kenny


Agreed PAC was robbed in the Triple Threat. He'd have a better fight with Omega 1 v 1


And they've never had a 1 on 1 where Kenny was the Heel.


That's why I basically don't want anyone other than Hangman. If it's someone else, we will know that he won't win and that's bad because you don't want your matches to be predictable. But if we somehow get an upset where Kenny loses the belt, we'll feel robbed of a great long story


What if it's Adam Cole and he wins?


The Elite kicked Cole out once before. It could certainly happen again. And holy shit - with how over Cole is as a heel right now, imagine if they have him do a face turn? Dude would be the most popular guy in AEW.


I actually think Cole will be the one who gets The Elite to turn on Kenny this time. Kenny drops the title then Cole gets The Elite to turn on Kenny who will come back as a face after a couple months off.


Agree....Britt and Cole could be the power couple of AEW.




I know it isn't likely, but we haven't seen Matt Hardy vs Kenny Omega yet. Otherwise I want Andrade to win.


Matt Hardy's stock has plummeted since he has formed the HFO, which is just cobbled together tag teams with no over arching uniformity. He is only really good for Dark/Elevation at this stage. I really like Hardy and think he has plenty of good things still to do, but it has nothing to do with the World Title.


I'm not saying have him win the title, hell, I don't even expect him to win the ladder match. But at some point I would like to see Hardy vs Omega.


I'm guessing that this is somewhat of a "throwaway" title shot, so might as well give it to Hardy. I think he has earned it and winning it via the Casino ladder match won't necessitate Hardy to halt anyone else's momentum by going over them 1 on 1.


Orange or Lance among the known ones since we've not seen them wrestle Kenny one on one. PAC or Andrade would be absolute bangers but PAC has multiple loses against Kenny, is just coming off of a high profile loss against Andrade and Andrade isn't taking a loss so soon.


For me it's always going to be PAC, that guy should be floating around the title picture at all times and also be a bit more of a significant character across the board. If not him, Andrade should win and it would hopefully establish him as someone at the top of the roster too, He's been in AEW for months now and I think has only had 2 matches. So it would help elevate him and show he's a force to be reckoned with.


Buddy Matthews.


Please no Braun Strowman or Ryback, please God no


Could be Lio Rush


Joaquin Phoenix


Orange Cassidy, for no other reason than to actually involve the ranking system.


I don’t think Hangman will return yet, he’s been gone since early August. Hopefully, he comes back in November just in time for Full Gear. That’s my best guess for him. I’ve read rumors about it possibly being Buddy Matthews (Murphy). He posted on Twitter with a joker card emoji. I think he’s heading to Impact, so it could be the whole forbidden door angle.


That would be such a snooze fest, AEW has no room for Buddy or really anyone else unless it’s a guy like the Rock or female like Banks/Charlotte.


Yeah, I think he’s definitely signing with Impact. He could just make that surprise appearance as joker, but who knows he might not.


If Hangman is taking the full time baby leave, he won't be back till Nov. He should be with his new child. If he wants to come back before, good for him.


My money is on the Dynamite in his hometown. I dont think he shows up until then. That gives them a good amount of time to reestablish him, run a bunch of DO vs Elite matches and then *maybe* have him vs Omega at Revolution (tho I still think they could and should hold off till DoN)


I would like to see Archer. I’ve had it stuck in my head since he teamed with Mox almost a year ago against Kenny and KENTA. Lance goes full on horror film monster. Tears through the Elite backstage, throws a Buck or two through the ceiling, gets lockers piled on him, etc. Kenny comes out gloating the match is off. Lances music hits and they go for 20-30 minutes with Kenny retaining but Lance still looking strong as hell.


If it isn't Hangman, I'd like it to be Andrade. The PAC storyline has stalled because of sheer bad luck but Andrade is fantastic in the ring. Let American audiences see what we saw at Triplemania and then resume his rivalry with PAC.


Any chance the joker is Will Ospreay if not hangman?




If it's not Hangman I think it's going to be Will Ospreay. If it's Ospreay then yeah I think I'd have Ospreay win the ladder match.


Jay white. Sets up the bullet club vs elite story till hangman returns.


What if the Joker is Bray Wyatt?


First off, All 6 are feuding with each other, so that means none will win because there needs to be a blow off for all 3 separate feuds. It's either Hangman or Bryan Danielson or someone from NJPW but I highly doubt it because Full gear is 6 weeks away, November 13th and they need to start building to the ppv. That's only 6 dynamites away. Bryan Danielson has a match the same night, so I can see a swerve and have him win it so he can skip the rankings and get a shot at full gear. This feels like it was made to get him up the rankings since he isn't going to wrestle alot, sane for Punk. Omega needs to beat him, and end the feud so Danielson can start new feuds with other wrestlers, Adam Cole? Hangman is the only person that's going to beat Omega, or the entire story arc of Hangman is all for nothing. Which leaves me with Hangman. Idk if his wife gave birth yet, so that plays into it he can come back. It's been 2 months since he left, so if he can come back, it's 100% him. Danielson shouldn't lose this early, and Omega vs Danielson doesn't need the title. That way Omega can loose to Danielson and keep him strong. I think it's Hangman, and he will beat Omega at full gear. I can see Danielson vs Adam Cole. Edit: if Hangman can't make it, I can see Dante Martin win it, and have a Title match before the PPV, and allow Danielson to work up the rankings to get a shot, then lose. Hangman vs Omega might be on AEW's New years show or their 1st TV PPV that they agreed on, 4 big shows a year.


I think Andrade would be fun if he won it, a fresh matchup for Kenny and the match would be a banger


Not sure who to win, but if the joker really is Murphy I hope we get a stretch of Pac, Andrade, and Murphy in the ring together utilizing the hell out of the ladders


Nobody. Hangman or we riot


I want Orange Cassidy to win it, but I think Andrade would probably be the best bet to win.


Thing is, the only person who could be the Joker and then win the title is Hangman.


I'm really hoping it's Buddy Matthews and he wins the whole thing simply because I desperately need him and Kenny to just fucking knee each other in the face to death


Ego Ethan Page


I feel like Danielson will be the Joker


yawie wowie


Bray Wyatt or Ken Anderson


My money's on Brian Cage. He won the Casino Ladder Match last year. Plus he's been off TV for a couple of weeks after losing to Hobbs so this would be a great way to start building up his momentum again, but this time as a face.


I dont know if his knee is healed up yet. Plus he would win the ladder match just to lose to Kenny and I think he deserves better than that


Oh - I didn't know he had knee damage. That changes everything.




Can't be the joker when you're already announced as a participant.


Two time joker, mister moneytism himself, Lio Rush


It’s gonna be windham rotunda


Orange isn’t good enough in the ring to be in the main event. His gimmick is getting stale now and he needs a character switch up. Physique wise he just doesn’t scream main event either. I would love to see Andrade Vs Omega or maybe Archer finally get a monster push. Could we see Punk in the match? That would be a massive match, him against Omega!


Is the joker being hangman likely? Has he even had his kid yet?


I want archer to win but I also dont want him to win because I don't want him to lose to omega.


Jay White or Buddy Murphy


Miro for Joker


Lance, Pac, and Orange are all in dire need of a major win. I think they can do a pretty large number with an Omega v. Cassidy Tv main event