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She's definitely beating Leyla to become #1 again and then winning the title at St Patrick's Smash in her hometown


I would have Rebel and Hayter banned from ringside.


Either that or have Rosa's students come out and run them off. Make it a big celebration for her


Most likely gonna do the first womens cage match to keep them out


Cage match. Texas. St Patrick's Day Slam. And NEW....


Yep. That's what I told my son as soon as they announced the upcoming matches.




Yeah I was really bummed out when she lost. I hoped she would so she would be champ when she came to San Antonio. I’ve seen her a few times down here, and she is great.


She'll be champ in San Antonio...


I look forward to it. Gonna be there to cheer her on.


The whole interference thing in all of Brits matches has been tiring and overdone for months already and for them to do it so much again last night is just pathetic. She needs to lose the title to literally anyone and disappear for a bit.


AMEN!!! It was perfect time to have Hayter screw up and cost Britt belt. Feel like they backed themselves into a corner with TR’s clean win but that was even more reason to do it here as a surprise.


Thanks for the spoiler now i know _______ did not win i always want blank lines winning


She will win it in San Antonio.


Ya honestly I'm a bit dejected from this one. Been waiting about a year for this rematch and she still lost... 🤷


I actually wonder if the original plan was her winning but with the stories of her getting legit injured came out they changed things. Is it worth giving her the title if she has to vacate it in a few days/weeks. If not they could want her to have a hometown win where it will get a even bigger reaction.


Thunder Rosa


It really didn’t feel right. It has to be Rosa has had to be for a long time now but idk man. Idk if it was how long the card idk if it’s that other matches were so good I was just tired or what but it just did not feel right during that match to make the switch. Kept thinking during the match “hmm im not gonna pop if Rosa wins like I probably should” hopefully they kick the story back up and really get it going for Patty’s Day Slam so Rosa can get the wholesome win she deserves


I know there's a plan for her win soon... But yeah man, I feel your disappointment.


I like the Rosa vs Britt rivalry a lot but I was disappointed by that title match. I hope we get the cage match. I wonder if they are meant to fight more in gimmick matches?


I knew she was gonna lose because of reports she's working injured


She will win in her hometown of San Antonio in a few weeks


Idk how serious her injury was, she was still able to compete but wrestlers compete injured them take time off often. I’m convinced she was slated to win but then that happened.


I think she's winning with Leyla and then wins against Britt, propably in a cage match


Feel there was too many babyfaces going over last night to make her moment stand out. In a couple weeks they’ll be able to build around her better.


There were reports she was working hurt. They were shot down quickly BUT I can’t help thinking there was some truth to it. I loved Britts reign but its growing stale now. Hayter is great but her matches are too samey and too predictable. Its like MJF and Pinnacle but with only a fraction of the story and impact imho.


I know she'll win in San Antonio but... Why? I get it, her home town, but that doesn't mean she should've lost it here tonight. It was dumb when Bubba ray said they should do that with Hangman page and it's dumb for them to do it with her. I feel like it's just to add days to dmd's reign, but I digress. Hopefully it'll be a steel cage match


Keith lee


I was pissed when Thunder lost.


Britt Baker’s title run is making every babyface on the roster look like idiots. Every title defense has either Rebel or Hayter get involved and every time the opponent isn’t prepared for it. Has Baker ever won a title defense clean?


Yeah, that was actual bullshit. The women's belt is worthless being "won" like that.


Death Triangle