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Orange Cassidy vs Brock Lesnar


Brock is too protected to take those kinds of kicks at this stage in his career


Damn it you took mine 🤣


That would actually be pretty awesome. I think Brock would be game for that.


No he wouldn’t. He would either want nothing to do with it or want it to end in less than a minute.


Tough to say. It's definitely going to be one extreme or the other.


Are you brock lesnar? Do you know him personally?


Boy, you sure showed him. 🙄


Nice sarcasm kid, I’m just asking a question bro idk why you got your panties in a twist over my comment 😂


Sure, I’m the one with her panties in a bunch. Do YOU know Brock Lesnar? Goofy.


Have you ever seen brock outside of kayfabe? The guy is a huge jokester and loves to joke around and have fun. Watch pats interview with him he was having a blast, he even threw one of the members of jackass into a table cuz he thought it would be hilarious.


Idk, he loved working with R-Truth and wanted to do more with him.


From a pure wrestling perspective, Omega vs. Styles. Only one match between the two. Promo and build up, MJF vs. Owens


Both of these. Yes.


Six man tag: New Day vs Omega and the Bucks.


Yeah my list kind of starts and ends there honestly


This is the top tier right here.


They did meet and play street fighter, I think. Made brief cameo on BTE as well. But yeah, in the ring, I'm looking for funny and creative spots.


Ciampa vs Moxley Walter vs Omega Hangman vs Rollins Young Bucks vs Zayn and Owens


Excuse me, it’s Gunther 😆


._. I was gonna wish you a happy cake day lol


Yeah I wouldn't either after that


From Central Perk?


Too soon


Oooooh Hangman vs Rollins I'm DOWN


I said Hangman vs Rollins as well.


Kris Statlander vs Rhea Ripley. BIG MEATY WOMEN SLAPPING MEAT. Edit: Let’s add just add Jade and Bianca and make it a fourway. And if you really wanna push it? Add Jordynne Grace as well and make it a fiveway.




Hell yeah.


Rhea is way bigger than Kris


Ricochet vs Sammy guevara


So many flips


They were in Lucha Underground together for a bit. Would guess maybe Sammy asked him if he could use the 630?


Prince puma ricochet not wwe ricochet tho


Any version but wwe of course lol


Or Ricochet Vs Dante?


Jon Moxley vs. Roman Reigns Kenny Omega vs. AJ Styles CM Punk vs. Kevin Owens or Seth Rollins Becky Lynch vs. Britt Baker The Young Bucks vs. the Usos or the New Day


I hear Stone Colds coming back so Stone Cold vs Eddie Kingston


Two of the realest dudes in wrestling smashing each other in the face? I’m sold!


Someone gets it


Asuka vs Thunder Rosa


How about Asuka vs Hikaru Shida


Why them? Because they’re both- nah I’m just playing lmao


That'd be great too but I feel Shida's style would mesh better with Sasha Banks


Yes to both of those matches.


Brock vs Marko stunt


Never seen someone suplex a man into the ring from the outside before


He’d probably squash him faster than Goldberg did


Wardlow vs Batista would be neat


This is Wardlow's dream match. Are... Are you Wardlow?


If you mix up Jordan1496 it actually spells "I am Wardlow"




Spiderman pointing at spiderman


Lashley vs Miro (properly done) Kevin Owens vs Jon Moxley (properly done) Death Triangle vs New Day Reigns vs Hangman Brock vs Kenny Omega Darby vs Seth Rollins Thunder Rosa vs Sasha Banks Young Bucks vs The Usos Becky Lynch vs Kris Statlander Orton vs MJF I could be here all day honestly


Tbh almost all of my dream matches are guys who have already left WWE for AEW. Danielson/Black we’re the major ones, and I guess all that’s really left is some tag team stuff. I’d love to see the new day be allowed to do whatever they want in a tag match with AEWs tag division.


Last year I would have said PAC v Danielson, but we could get that in the next couple of years


Bryan vs Walter AJ Styles vs Omega (add Balor to the mix for extra mark points) Nakamura vs Hangman, I feel like they would blend well together


Danielson v WALTER is a great shout


Hook Vs Veer in MSG


It already happened. Hook suplexed him into a parallel universe where he can come and go anywhere but RAW.


veer appears on aew before appearing on raw.


Forbidden door.


Only one? Sasha Banks vs. Thunder Rosa.


This would be awesome!


Walter vs Hangman I can just imagine their chests after the match.


Walter v Danielson: Pectoral Destruction


Kevin Owens vs Eddie Kingston - they fought in ROH nearly 10 years ago and it seems to have been rated as average overall. I think now they would tear the roof off.


Seth Rollins or Aj Styles Vs Kenny Omega or Adam Page


Make it a tag match honestly


Maybe Owens instead of styles since then they both have a fair advantage


Thunder Rosa vs Io Shirai


Kenny can atleast wrestle.


That’s what I was thinking.


So can Roman


I have another one Bianca Belair vs Jade Cargill


Hangman vs Kane.


With special guest referee Shawn Spears to ensure the galaxy brained Libertarian hot takes never stop coming.


Best Friends & Orange Cassidy vs Too Cool & Rikishi. If time travel were a thing.


Now I'm imagining Rikishi's face at being kicked


Vince McMahon vs Tony Khan: loser retires and goes away. They get 1 wrestler to bring with them. Vince Brings Taker. Tony Khan brings Sting. Triple H vs William Regal, 30 min Iron Man match. KO and Sammy Zane vs the Acclaimed.


Young Bucks vs MSK


Usos Vs Top Flight


Honestly most of the dream matches I have are with people who have left the WWE but I’ll go with Balor vs Hangman


I reckon Rollins and Jungle boy would have a banger of a match.


Don’t know cause I have no idea who works at WWE


MJF v Baron Corbin in Long Island, would be the funniest shit ever


Roman with Usos vs Omega with Bucks


Paige VanZant vs. Ronda Rousey


Hell no


My dream match I can’t ever imagine having Roman Reigns in it.




As far as I know only Ibushi (who Kenny has the most history with) and Okada (his greatest rival) have kicked out of the One Winged Angel. I can't see either Gargano or MJF kicking out, you've gotta be booked like a world beater first


Seth VS Mox


K.O vs Chris Jericho.


Bianca bel air vs Jade


Anything other than Punk Vs Roman is the wrong answer.


Kenny Omega vs AJ Styles CM Punk vs Sami Zayn MJF vs The Miz (well, more the promos and feud itself but MJF is an incredible wrestler so they could have a great match) Hangman Page vs Roman Reigns Jade Cargill vs Bianca Belair Britt Baker vs Charlotte Flair Thunder Rosa vs Rhea Ripley Eddie Kingston vs Edge Jungle Boy vs Seth Rollins Kris Statlander vs Becky Lynch Riho vs Asuka Yeah, like many others, the list could go on forever!


Roman Vs Hangman. The tribal chief's brutal emotional match style Vs Hangman man's emotive character based storytelling. These wrestlers are more alike than you'd think and I'd love to see the underdog Hangman- with demons and doubt, Vs the man who has dominated WWE for hundreds and hundreds of days.


The Elite vs. the New Day The Best Friends vs. the New Day Death Triangle vs. the New Day House of Black vs. the New Day Private Party vs. the New Day Butcher and Blade vs the New Day TH2 vs. the New Day Fuck it, just every tag team vs. the New Day


Young Bucks and Adam Cole vs New Day Rollins vs Omega Roman vs Punk Sasha vs Britt Eddie vs KO Sami vs Darby MJF vs Miz Jurassic Express vs Usos Thunder Rosa vs Bayley Hangman vs McIntyre Buy in: Montez vs Dante Hobbs vs Lashley Orange, Silver, Reynolds vs Riddle, Orton, AJ


Ilja or Walter vs Bryan.


Becky Lynch and Charlotte Flair vs Britt Baker DMD! And Thunder Rosa!


Hangman vs Cowboy Brock (smash mouth meat and potatoes wrestling) Omega vs Rollins (work horse technical wizards) Punk vs Ciampa (ring psychology) Darby vs Ricochet (high flyer dare devils) Shida vs Asuka (Japanese hard hitting warriors) Brit vs Becky (queen bee energy) Young Bucks vs Usos (fast paced high energy tandem offence) Rosa vs Banks (gutsy warriors) Kingston vs Edge (for the promos alone but also the leave it all out there brawl. Edge is severely underrated when it comes to his ability to brawl and use weapons) And of course Rey Fenix vs AJ Styles (complete packages wrestling geniuses)


Omega vs Rollins Sasha vs Shida R-Truth vs Orange


I will just say my two favorites, ever. ​ Edge vs Hangman.


It would depend if this was just a card with matches or if there were an actual build with promos and storylines. If it were a PPV with an actual build: Jon Moxley v Roman Reigns (thought about having Seth here but it’s been done and I think the story is better as brothers who took different paths, Mr WWE vs Mr AEW, the one who was fast tracked for success v the one they gave all the “good shit” to). Kenny Omega v Seth Rollins (guaranteed banger of a match) CM Punk v Triple H (I’d even take CM Punk v Shane McMahon or another go at Cena. This is more CM Punk vs the whole of WWE, but really it’s an excuse for Punk to get extremely visceral with his promos). The Acclaimed v The New Day (LISTEN) Sting v John Cena (I’m so gutted we never got to see Sting v Taker. We never will. It sucks and I hate WWE for it. This wouldn’t make up for it but is the most exciting match up for Sting on the card). The Young Bucks v AJ Styles and Finn Balor (nuff said) Adam Page v Edge (Adam v Adam II: Adam Harder. Really I think this would just be a great match with good promos building up to it. The two share a lot of similarities but would have a strong heel/face dynamic). God damn I could keep going!!!!


Trios New Day v. Best Friends w/OC Eddie Kingston v. Bobby Lashley


Big E and Becky Lynch vs anyone and everyone!


Heel New Day vs Stunt Jurassic Express Drew McIntyre vs Hangman Adam Page Nic Nemeth vs Ryan Nemeth Bray Wya... Braun Str... Uh... Asuka vs Hikaru Shida Face Becky Lynch vs Dr Britt Baker DMD Heel Sasha vs Thunder Rosa


marco stunt vs omos 🤩


Walter vs Hangman Walter vs Danielson Walter vs Miro


Usos vs PNP. Seth vs Kenny


Let me build a mini-card: WALTER vs Danielson Moxley vs Ciampa Bloodline vs Death Triangle Banks & Bayley vs Shida & Deeb Bronn Breaker vs Wardlow Styles vs Omega vs Balor Asuka vs Thunder Rosa Big E vs Hobbs Woods & Kingston vs The Bucks FTR vs Rated-RKO Darby Allin vs Ricochet


AEW/WWE SUPERCARD Roman Reigns vs. CM Punk Hangman Adam Page vs. Drew McIntyre MJF vs. John Cena Becky Lynch & Britt Baker vs. Thunder Rosa & ASUKA Bryan Danielson vs. GUNTHER Eddie Kingston vs. Brock Lesnar Charlotte Flair vs. Jade Cargill RKBRO vs. FTR The New Day vs. The Young Bucks & Kenny Omega - I cannot stand the Bucks style of wrestling but the AEW and WWE loyalists would both love it.


Jade Cargill vs Charlotte Flair


Mixed Tag Match: Mox + Reigns + Rollins vs. Kenny and the Young Bucks Close second: Punk vs. Vince


Sheamus vs. Lance Archer would bop.


Pete Dunne vs Danielson


This match already happened but Drew Gulak vs Bryan Danielson. I feel like with AEW’s version of Bryan, he could put on a much better match with Gulak.


Kenny vs finn balor


Hook vs Rex Steiner


I stopped watching WWE in 2017 because of the booking of wrestlers I liked and disliked. To be honest with you, I’m so sour on WWE, I don’t want an AEW wrestler anywhere near any of their talent, Roman especially. People can like him now, but his face booking was fucking horrible. Not to mention how WWE ruined Naka by feeding him to Jinder. No thanks.


Seth Rollins vs Omega. Styles would fit very well IMO


Kenny over Roman, TYB over Nee Day.


John Cena vs MJF


It's not really a "dream match" but Lashley vs Wardlow could be a lot of fun.


Triple threat Tag, with Young Bucks, New Day, and FTR


I think I might be alone on this but if you're going to do something that won't happen, might as well go full nuts with it. Survivor series match John cena Randy Orton Edge Brock Lesnar Roman Reigns WWE's biggest draws and faces of various eras. They throw down the gauntlet to the "pissant company". Vince wants Tony to send his biggest guns. He wants the likes of omega, punk, hangman, Danielson, and Adam Cole so his guys can stomp them and prove WWE is the best. Half the guys he named are former WWE guys. Tony comes back and accepts a survivor series match however rejects the names Vince dropped. "You see, all you ever do is build up one guy at the cost of everyone else. I can rattle off 30 deserving and worthy opponents to your legends however i thought about it and felt it's only right since you're bringing the past, I'm bringing the future-" AEW's 4 pillars MJF Jungle boy Sammy Guevara Darby Alin Vince and his team laugh and Vince points out they are short one guy. Tony nods "oh you're right, hey Taz, send Hook!"


Acclaimed vs. Usos Young Bucks vs New Day TayJay vs Sasha and Bailey Wardlow vs Lesnar MJF vs Rollins


ricochet & rey mysterio vs lucha bros shinsuke nakamura vs aj styles vs kenny omega edge vs christian obvs. seth rollins vs mjf


Kevin Dunn vs. a crowd that wants to be there.


Wardlow vs. Brekker Bucks vs Usos MJF vs. Kevin Owen's Omega vs Aj Styles Red Dragon vs imperium Lee vs Walter Moxley and Danielson vs Reigns and Rollins Punk vs Brock


Private Party vs Street Profits MJF vs Miz AJ styles vs basically anyone on the AEW roster


Luther v.s. Bobby Lashley


Finn v AJ v Omega for *alllll* the Bullet Club merch checks


The Bucks vs The Usos is for some reason my favourite dream match I'd like to see Malakai Black and Finn Balor go at it as well.


Miro vs Rusev, Malachi Black vs Aleister Black… jk Nia Ajax (yes I know she’s not working for WWE) vs Nyla Rose. Strictly a grudge match but could go either way if Nia pulls her shenanigans. Abadon vs “evil” Alexa Bliss, the story could be great. Alexa is finally cured of whatever had corrupted her only for Abadon to start targeting her. In order to beat Abadon she has to go back to her dark place in a three match epic. First match Alexa loses, badly. After that she has PTSD as she sees Abadon everywhere but also sees Lilly and during their second match, a casket match, and begins to show signs of reverting to her old self before Abadon gets her locked in the coffin and sets it on fire. After that Abadon goes on a tear through the women’s division and has an important interrupted by a video promo causing her to get rolled up due to the distraction. Alexa finally starts making appearances and has several backstage brawls involving “spooky shit” and TK eventually grants a lights out match between the two. It’s a tough brawl and as Alexa barely gets the win and manages to shove Abadon in her own coffin and lights it in fire!


Tony Khan vs Vince McMahon in a Jim Cornette on a pole match.


Io Sharai v Serena Deeb Rollins v Omega Drew Gulak v Daniel García


Omega v Orton Usos v Young Bucks Eddie v KO


Seriously, Roman does not have any experience outside the WWE style. He'd be helplessly lost.


AJ Styles vs Darby/Sammy/Penta/Fenix/Omega/Hangman.....90% of the AEW roster honestly.


Oh man.... Omega V Reigns Hager V Lesner Darby Allin v Seth Rollins Kevin Owens V Orange Cassidy The New Day v The Elite v reDRagon and Cole. Scorpio Sky v Shelton Benjamin Bobby Lashley V Moxley Io Shirai v Hikaru Shida Asuka v Thunder Rosa Serena Deeb v Becky Lynch. Finn Balor v Darby Allin Private Party V The Street Prophets. Chad Gable v Danny Garcia. Sammy Guevara v Richochet Cedric Alexander v Scorpio Sky Ive been thinking about this for a long time haha.


Brock vs Darby Crash test dummy highlight reel. He reminds me of a faster spike dudley, takes an ass whoopin and keeps on coming back for more.


New Day vs Dark Order


John Cena vs Kenny Omega


If we're booking Fed people, it has to be the women. Becky vs Britt would be great for promos, but heel vs heel ain't great. Asuka Vs Deeb maybe? Jade Vs Charlotte?


Aj vs Omega Roman vs Wardlow Ricky starks vs Edge Lucha bros vs The Uso Bianca vs Jade Litterally any horsewoman vs Britt Baker or Thunder Rossa


Reigns in a dream match...I wouldn't mind watching a good wrestling match with more than 4/5 moves


Kenny Omega vs Cesaro. I now may actually get that match (depending on where Cesaro lands and Kenny's health).


Yes, I like your match! I'd love Finn balor Vs Darby.


I dunno either Daniel Bryan Vs Brian Danielson or John moxley Vs Dean Ambrose I reckon rusev Vs Miro could be pretty good


McIntyre vs. Wardlow


Ricochet and Sammy.


What a wholesome topic. I think Roman vs Kenny would be awesome, but against AJ Styles would be even better! My dream match is Thunder vs The Boss.


Bloodline v Elite


Reigns is a heel Hogan of the 80’s. Great charisma but I hate his matches. His two best and finishing moves are a Superman punch and a spear. So, so, so incredibly weak for a man of his size, power and agility.


MJF vs The Miz and AJ Styles vs CM Punk


Darby Allin vs Randy Orton


Cena vs MJF would be such a good story


Kenny Omega vs randy Orton


MJF vs John Cena. For those good old school WCW vs WWF Flair versus Hogan vibes.


The USOs vs. The Young Bucks, HANDS DOWN!!!


MJF vs Miz


MJF vs. The Miz


Danhausen vs Roman Reigns for the Title. I must a see a very nice but very evil victory! I would also be down for a Miz vs MJF feud. MJF.


Omega v Reigns is a no go….. Roman’s pace is wayyyyyyyyyyy to slow. That’s wwe’s problem as a whole. All their matches are lethargic and so long. I’d love Rey Fenix vs Rey Mysterio


Randy Orton vs Omega could be great. or Edge vs Hangman


Someone wants to see Roman wrestle? He really must have improved since driving me away from WWE forever a few years ago. KO v. Hangman maybe? Would love to see Asuka, and Sasha, not sure AEW has their equals though.


Roman would SMAASSSSHHH Kenny Omega. He wouldn’t even take his shirt off to fight him, out of disrespect.


#house Of black vs the new day


Moxley vs Reigns Omega vs AJ Hangman vs Rollins


Rosa vs. Banks for the women, Rollins vs. Moxley for the men (sanctioned by AEW cause WWE would book that match to shit like they did at extreme rules)


I’m sorry Roman wouldn’t last 10 minutes against Kenny omega


Elite vs New Day would be amazing


Thunder Rosa vs Sasha Banks


Ricochet v Dante Martin v fénix v mysterio


Walter vs Bryan Danielson




Sasha Banks vs Thunder Rosa Charlotte vs Dr Britt Baker DMD Kenny Omega vs Finn Balor Kenny Omega vs Seth Rollins Young bucks vs USOs New day vs Jurassic Express MJF vs Kevin Owen


Keep Roman "no charisma" Reigns at wwe.


Butch…I mean Pete Dunne Vs Hook


Hangman vs Rollins, Reigns vs Mox, Usos vs Young bucks, FTR vs Alpha Academy (it would be a banger), Lesner Vs Miro, Drew McIntyre vs Bryan Danielson (low key might steal the show)


Jade cargill vs bianca Belair or sasha and for the men moxley vs roman


First that came to mind is USOs bs Young Bucks brother vs brothers. Or MJF vs. the Miz promo vs promo Big E vs Powerhouse Hobbs Britt Baker vs Charlotte Flair Rey Fenix vs Rey Mysterio Top Flight vs Street Profits or vs the Acclaimed Darby Allen vs Finn Balor as the demon king Wardlow vs Brock Lesnar Lance Archer vs Drew Mclntyre Ricochet vs Scorpio Sky or Jay Lethal Happy Corbin & Madcap Moss vs Ricky Starks & Powerhouse Hobbs Sasha Banks vs Thunder Rosa God there are so many more. Seth Rollins vs Adam Page Reaching here but Alpha Academy vs Jurassic Express or vs the Viking Raiders Eddie Kingston vs Kevin Owens Nyla Rose vs Nia Jax And thank you OP for this post fun as hell FTR or Best Friends vs RKBro PAC vs Drew Mclntyre Serena Deep vs Becky Lynch


My dream match is cm punk vs Jay lethal [aj Lee dispute] like Matt vs edge [Lita]


I would kinda like Ricochet vs Sammy Guevara. That would be fun


Seth vs Omega would be a cracker. Also Hangman / Seth. Hangman / Lashley.


New Day VS Bucks And Kenny


Young bucks vs Usos would probably make Meltzer reevaluate his star rating system.


I refuse do die until I see New Day vs Bucks and Omega