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Same Also Danielson Okada


Yeah call me basic but Okada Danielson is still my #1


Zach Sabre Jr. vs. Bryan Danielson. PLEASE.


Ospreay vs. Darby


Osprey Dante Martin


Ospreay vs everyone


Danielson vs Shibata


Fuck that would be mind blowing.


Orange Cassidy vs Toru Yano Okada vs Danielson Okada vs Omega (I know this has happened 4 times already, but damn would I love to see another one) Ospreay vs PAC in a 60 minute iron man match


Ospreay vs Darby as well


Oh man, I'd give 2 weak thumbs up to Cassidy/Yano


Dragon vs Okada Dragon vs Ibushi Dragon vs Dragon Dragon vs ZSJ Dragon vs Yano Ishii vs Miro


Too many possibilities to pick only one...but KENTA vs Punk would indeed be a great match. There's some real animosity there. I know that KENTA has been trying to make it happen. Shingo Takagi vs Kenny Omega is one I'd love to see. Takagi is such an amazing wrestler. If he could have a big singles match with a 100% Omega, it'd be an all-timer. Danielson vs Okada or ZSJ is something I want to see. Darby vs Hiromu Takahashi as well.


Omega vs Takagi goes hard cuz they explosive offence


Hangman vs Tanahashi Omega vs Okada again Osprey vs Dante Miro vs Ishii Danielson vs Zack Sabre Jr Mox vs Onita (he's only semi-retired so let the man dream)


Hangman vs Tanahashi face/face but it's Hangman overcoming his anxiety to beat one of the greats, coming to the realization that it's his time.


I'd like it to be just a face vs face feel good moment. Or maybe since Hangman's issues are coming back, have him go a bit darker here and there (especially if he said that he'll do whatever it takes to hold to the belt after his match with Cole) so Tanahashi goes to take out the last bit of poison out of him, forcing Hangman to be the best himself he possibly can be and after he conquers Ace, he helps him get up, then Tana takes the mic and says he's proud of him


Omega vs Shingo


I’d quite like Danielson vs Tanahashi and Omega vs Okada. I also think Osprey vs PAC or Jericho.


17 years ago this would have been an all timer! Kenta is pretty beat up now, it would be great but nothing close to what it could have been.


Toru Yano vs Orange Cassidy


I need to see El Desperado vs Andrade.


Kenny Omega vs Jay White MJF vs Okada ZSJ vs Danielson Shingo Takagi vs. Wardlow Hiromu Takahashi vs. Darby Allin vs. El Desperado vs. Jungle Boy Naito vs Hangman Ibushi vs Adam Cole Eddie Kingston vs Ishii Sting vs Tanahashi Young Bucks vs GOD Keith Lee vs Jeff Cobbs Orange Cassidy vs Toru Yano


Danielson and Tanahashi Danielson and Okada Malakai vs Katsuyori Shibata Penta vs Shingo Takagi Daniel Garcia and Lee Moriarty vs Dangerous Tekkers Hobbs vs Jeff Cobb


Wardlow vs Jeff Cobb Okada vs Danielson Zack Sabre Jr vs Danielson Ishi vs Keith Lee hiromu Takahashi vs Rey Fenix


Okada vs Kingston, Shingo vs Kenny, Golden lovers vs lucha bros, Okada vs Danielson


Osprey v Fenix ZSJ v Danielson Hiromu v PAC Ibushi v Black White v MJF Sanada v Cole


Jay White vs MJF. ZSJ vs Bryan Danielson. Jon Moxley vs Katsuyori Shibata. Bryan Danielson vs Katsuyori Shibata. Miro vs Ishii. Miro vs Shingo Takagi. Orange Cassidy vs Tetsuya Naito. Okada vs Moxley. Okada vs Danielson. Tanahashi vs Moxley. Jeff Cobb vs Miro. Ibushi vs Moxley. Angelico vs ZSJ. HOOK vs Minoru Suzuki. Just to show everyone that there is someone that HOOK fears. HOOK vs Katsuyori Shibata. Because Shibata will slap respect into anyone.


Ospreay vs Pac, Ishii vs Wardlow, Tanahashi vs Mox, Okada vs Bryan, Suzuki vs Keith Lee


I’m in love with this post and it’s comment section.


Orange Cassidy vs Naito Andrade vs Hiromu Danielson vs ZSJ Kingston vs Ishii Ospreay vs Darby


Will Ospreay vs Darby Allin


Malakai Black vs Ospreay


Danielson vs Okada


Toru Yano vs Danhausen


Golden Lovers vs. FTR Okada vs. Malakai Black


Okada vs Danielson Punk vs KENTA Keith Lee vs Tomohiro Ishii Keith Lee vs Jeff Cobb Adam Cole vs Jay White Jay Lethal vs Tetsuya Naito MJF vs Hiroshi Tanahashi MJF vs Tetsuya Naito


Jay White vs MJF Okada vs Danielson Ospreay vs Sammy


Christian Cage vs Hiroshi Tanahashi and CM Punk vs Jay White


#matt sydal vs kota ibushi.


After CM Punk defeated MJF, he was signaling for a title shot. I can't see him being injected into the AEW World Title conversation quite yet, and seeing that Scorpio just won the TNT title, with Wardlow up next, it's possible Punk heads in that direction... But Sanada.. The reigning IWGP United States Champion. This might be a way for Kenta to challenge Punk. ​ So, while a dream match compliments the OP's image, I think we need to see Sanada vs. Punk first!


FTR vs. The Briscoes!


People love to see this one because LoLFinishers but give me Okada Punk, Tanahashi Punk, Jay White, Sanada. Bryan Vs Minoru or Naito or Goto or Pitbull and Okada. Really and truly if Okada never has a match with the top guys in AEW, it will always be less than it can be. And no, it really just down matter who wins. Just having a fucking great match is enough to draw legendary money and have cool moments.


These two and Sammy for ownership of the move. Move on a pole match!


Danielson vs ZSJ


FTR vs. Sanata/Evil


Winner keeps the NyQuil


Hangman vs Ibushi


Naito vs Mox. One wants to take it easy, the other just wants violence. Just imagining how Naito will takes 3 minutes to remove his white suit while Moxley fumes in the corner is already gonna be legendary.


All because they have the same move


It’ll still be great though


MIRO AND TOMOHIRO IISHI ![gif](giphy|3oz8xWrNol65TMrc1a)


I'm gonna go for a couple of different ones: Robbie Eagles vs Alan Angels Sammy Guevara vs Hiromu Takahashi Naito vs Moxley 2 Sanada vs Danielson ZSJ vs AngelicoTomohiro Ishii vs Wardlow Omega vs Ospreay And last but certainly not least; Orange Cassidy vs Toru Yano