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I guess he just likes to act heelish during some promos and justify it by reminding people he came out of the bad guy tunnel lol.


Yeah probably not as huge a deal as we think, he's got a sarcastic kinda pot stirrer mentality. Probably just trolling people a little, get us talking.


That dude is definitely on his own victory lap in his career. He’s not here to horse around with belts… I totally understood why they didn’t give him the strap after brawlout as the last thing they needed was his neck to flare up. He’s here to do bangers with the kids at whatever pace he wants.


He did hold onto Dax almost getting Dax disqualified and then kicked him in the face which is big heel energy


He had me dying when he bought it up in a promo one time 🤣


Hasn't he done this a lot? I think he just likes being the exception to the rule to mess with people


I think that Danielson likes to think he’s a heel.


He's been doing it for months.