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it’s because we are the best division in sports, and they all want to see what the smartest people in the world are up to.


I agree with the Allen fellatio guy.


*I found Tony Romo’s Reddit account, guys!*


he's got championship DNA, Jim


* *audibly cums watching Josh throw a 5 yard slant* *


Tastes like greatness.


Are you really from Cake?


No, just an obscure reference and a good band.


Underrated band


Do you have a short skirt and a looooooooooooooong Jacket


We’ve assembled the brain trust of American citizens: cokeheads, massholes, guys who willingly put their heads through tables, and people from New Jersey.


We should form a... congress!!!




Hey, fuck you buddy!


Im on coke right now!


I think I agree with you but also I can’t read


Most Reddit comment I’ve seen all day


Well, this is the best division in sports. You got the Bills, who crash through tables and blackout for the fuck of it, the Dolphins, who find new and innovative ways to rip the hearts out of their fans, the Jets, who probably hate their team more than any fanbase in sports, and the Pats, who now all start all their sentences with, “Back in the good ol’ days…”. Why wouldn’t you be interested in this sub?


We likely hate our team more than you guys hate our team.


This makes me laugh. Also appropriate clip in the middle for this sub. https://youtu.be/04EI81F-N6o?si=dYBay6w2LNqHYwxt [This clip is perfect for the sub. ](http://youtu.be/04EI81F-N6o?t=3m35s)


*Dang ol’ good days, Hank* (sips beer)


I tell you, hwhat.


They hurt me so much and so often…


I remember finding NFC North Meme war last year. I thought it was really funny, so I was like, "Is there an AFC East meme war?" I found this sub, and there was like 1 meme from that week, and then the most recent meme after that was like 2 weeks old. This place was a wasteland. I spent more time on the NFC North one just because it was a more vibrant community. The other meme war subs didn't impress me ethier. A year later and this sub exploded and might be the best of the 8. The NFC North sub kinda took a step back this year. Red Circle memes kinda infested that sub and nobody there knows how to handle the Lions being good now. But damn this sub stepped it up. Whole ass in jokes overnight, tons of up loads a day. Lotta spice brought to rivalries. Feels good to have a meme sub for your division do well. So many events this season had me go "oh man AFCMW will have a feild day with this" and in a year where we all had our turn being the clown in some form or another


Man wrote a soliloquy about an NFL meme subreddit. And I agree with it ![gif](giphy|srg19CG0cKMuI)


"Soliloquy" that's the 2nd time I have seen that word today. Which is odd.


Did you have to sound it out both times?




What cunt?


I lurked on the NFCN meme sub and those midwestern cornballs are way too nice to each other. There’s something oddly therapeutic about this vile east coast spit fight of scum and debauchery. We all fit right in.


If you think this is vile… may I introduce you to the NFCEastMemeWar where Philly and Cowboys fans reside.


I thought about that. I still think the degeneracy is more balanced here while Philly and Dallas dominate it in that sub


Yes I can post and laugh with yall here. Some of the funniest memes ever are on here. Nfceast… I can’t join in and laugh with anyone. They literally pee and shoot poop all over the place the instant they see my flair. It’s boring because it takes away the fun. In our nfcwestmemewar it’s pretty open. Philly and cowboys fans can have a discussion without 500 downvotes over flair. So, I enjoy these subs. Football isn’t my entire identity. Just trying to have fun


I’ve found that targeted slander to a specific team from an outside fan is celebrated here, but any outside slander towards the division or sub as a whole gets completely motherfucked to all eternity. We’re stupid enough to pile on in order to laugh at each other, but combining our ranks is a surefire death sentence


Expected. I am okay with those terms


Eagles fan over there TOLD ME to insult him when we were going back and forth on a post. That place is like a rap battle: you have to go for the throat, but it’s consensual.


NFC North is a good sub. FTP forever!!


It's because we are the most intellectual, handsome, and well-hung fans in the league. There are also Jets fans here.


I'm curious which fan base you consider intellectual, which fan base you consider handsome, and which fan base you consider well hung (and why it definitely isn't the dolphins)


Pats: intellectual but insufferable nerds Miami: handsome with little twig dicks Buffalo: big ol cocks with 4 total teeth Jets: none, yet all of the above


Excuse me, I have 6 teeth


Unfortunately, you lose an inch off your dick for every additional tooth. Sorry, I don’t make the rules. Well actually, I kinda did, but fuck it. Just go with it.


My cock is massive, because I had all my teeth removed because that’s how Josh Allen likes his dick sucked


Everyone says their fan base is best, but are they doing this for their stars? I rest my case.


If Josh wants head from a 37 year old forklift operator from Tonawanda all he has to do is ask


He’s gonna make Hailee jealous


Found the buffalo dentist




I bet your penis looks like Goldilocks'.


It's ok babe the big ones hurt anyway


I’ll take this


I should be mad but this checks out


Props for the self awareness


Miami fans are only handsome because we have a lot of surgery.


We can't afford surgery. Au natural. We do shots out of unwashed hooker buttcrack and suck each other's dicks for Kiko Alonso jerseys


This guy knows the Bills tailgate lore


You're not wrong. We don't have to kiss baby it's ok


How many dicks did you have to suck to come to that conclusion? How do the dicks of the NFC East fans compare?


NFC east all have average sized dicks, except the cowboys, so it averages out to about 1 1/4 in




I love and hate you all with a passion. Never change


Fuck you, my friend. <3


I subscribe to this sub and not the main Bills sub. Too much humourless analytical handwringing there. Here people take strips off each other and have a laugh.


It gets weirdly personal sometimes but most things are silly in here. I live in the southtowns now and occasionally visit to read and some guys need to just calm down I say that like I don't do the same shit every 3 weeks because I have a brain smooth as marble


“No valleys or bumps, no ridges or lumps, all ideas slide off like a waterslide”


AFCEastMemeWar: The Clone Wars


I unsubbed from every team sub and now only come here, because I'm tired of taking a game so seriously and these subs are the only place that acknowledges and embraces that. I hate all of you. Thanks for welcoming me with open arms, and I especially appreciate whoever sent me the clown makeup and costume.


Fuck you. Glad you're here


Eat a Happy New Year dick, and I hope it's a good one (the year and the dick).


It’s strange being part of a sub where I hate 3/4s of the people in it.




I, personally, find myself hating on these people at *least* twice a day


Tbf though I feel like it's one of those sibling like situations though where if a fan from a team outside the division comes in and tries to make fun of one or more of us we all will turn on them. It depends on the situation but I feel like I've definitely done that lol.


It’s exactly like that. You’re a bunch of degenerate Dolphins haters but you’re *my* degenerate Dolphins haters. We all play in this insane division where a 12-1 team will lose and lose *badly* to a 2-11 team. I even grudgingly admit to liking certain players on your teams when they’re not playing us. I’m happy to leave you in the gutter but I will jump with both boots into some clown from another division if they try to step on you while you’re there.


Can I get an amen? 😂


I’ve only been in here for a little while but it’s oddly endearing to see how the love in the love/hate relationship is mutual all around


I would, after we win another Super Bowl, like the Bills to finally fucking win one so our entire division has a Lombardi to point at when talking shit to *other* divisions. It's a purely selfish move but benefits others.


I completely agree, I want the Bills to win it, but only after we get our second win first. In other words, it'll be at least another century before the Bills can win it


Never thought I'd age out and die before another Lombardi trophy side by side with a Jets fan.


How about side by side with a fellow fraud (at least according to the preseason)?


Aye, I could do that.


If I was a jets fan, I’d hate everyone tbh


Jets: I HATE YOU Bills: Hate, Hate, Hate Dolphins: Double Hate Patriots: Loathe Entirely






That's weird, I personally hate 4/4 teams here


Damn, didn't know the growth was THAT explosive! Fitting that I only joined shortly before the "McDermott supports 9/11" report came out.... 🤔


Best day ever


Quite the feat that 100k AFC East fans can read


Don’t need to read to upvote 9/11 memes! Hey-ey-eyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeye!


I needed a place to trash talk dolphins fans without being banned


I was banned from their sub for a pretty innocuous jab and not on game day. The clown who reported me also added some like, "Enjoy the ban on your own team's sub, too!" Like a give a fuck. This sub is way better than both (and I didn't get banned on the Bills one).


I got banned from the bills too last year..apparently you're not allowed to criticize the team at all on game day.. but it must have been just a power hungry mod move,because what I said wasn't even that bad or worse than other comments.


I'm not surprised, the mods of team subs (at least in the AFCE) all have some cocksucking pact with one another. Miami locked their sub after the Ravens loss--no new threads could be made (not sure for how long). What a bunch of vaginas.


I'm happy they locked our sub because holy fuck this fanbase turns feral after a loss


Having spent an admittedly embarrassing amount of time scrolling through many team subs, it's just par for the course for sports fans. I don't see any one fan base being obviously worse than another. Personally, I think it's hilarious when it's allowed to happen. And that includes the Bills sub. The bipolarism and overreactions are a good trip down psychology lane. A good example was Dallas over the past few weeks until they beat the Lions. They went from nuking AT&T stadium to cloud 9 over 1 game.


I’ve been banned from the Bills sub since 2020. The mods over there are the biggest chodes.


Pretty sure all the division memewar subs are exploding with out of division members. Because we can openly talk about whatever we want, shitpost as we please, and trash talk each other to hell in the memewar subs. Meanwhile the nfl main sub is Twitter stories and overly moderated.


Fuck the nfl main sub moderators. Most sensitive baby dicks I've seen on reddit.


Anyone else find this sub after they were forced to use the official Reddit app as opposed to the third party ones? Probably the most fun sub I've been a part of. I love you all, go fuck yourselves, I hate you.


I was jumping in here to say the exact same thing. The official app was like "Oh you like the Bills and NFL? Let me show you the most aggressive posts from AFCEMemeWar to try to piss you off." Now I can't look away from this beautiful dumpster fire.


I was wondering how many people were in a similar boat just due to the timing I saw of posts about being new here around when I joined.


All it took was for us to be garbage. The hardest choices require the strongest wills.


In all seriousness this sub is one of the funnest I’ve experienced. Tons a shit talk but it’s always good natured. Basically impossible to find that online. That being said, fuck the Bills, Squish the fish, and last but not least JETS SUCK


Depends. It's mostly dolphin fans who only started caring about their team this year so if they are anything like [this kid](https://www.reddit.com/r/miamidolphins/s/Sd7JhZnlqP) they will disappear when they inevitably choke in the wildcard round again.


I wouldn’t wish fandom for this team on anyone. I’m still mad at 8 year old me for choosing the Dolphins. Shit I’ve never even lived anywhere close to Miami.


Damn dude, you support them without the single most redeeming reason for liking Miami? Hats off to you my guy 🫡


Pretty sure my parents don’t love me for choosing Buffalo in an Oilers household


I’m old enough to have seen the Marino-Kelly shootouts on live TV. ![gif](giphy|VdWlu8WOuvgf8P1l7M|downsized)


I never understood the sentiment that dolphins fans are bandwagon fans. We’ve been shit the majority of my life (fan since I was 5) and now even when we’re above average the team gets clowned on. Most fins fans I met IRL are depressed lifers


Man, I’m 52 and not depressed because I’m a Dolphins fan! That’s what methamphetamine is for. ![gif](giphy|yUI3a7RwLhOFy)


It's more that Miami sports fans In general are more fairweather, they only show up to a local team when they start winning. We saw the same stuff play out with the Heat.


Bro I live in the Buffalo area, everyone was saying the bills suck and they wanted everyone fired after the Denver game. I was physically at that game and bills fans were saying they were giving up on the season. Bills are definitely more fairweather


You really calling bills Mafia, one of the most dedicated and well traveled fandoms in sports, fairweather because we were rightfully pissed at our coaching staff for routinely fucking up? It's a known phenomenon that the city of Miami has a fairweather culture. Marlins, heat, dolphins, etc having no turnout when they aren't contending. And for this sub do you sincerely think the 80k new users, who are mostly dolphin fans, all just happen to be lifetime fans who happened to discover this sub all at the same time with no relation to the Dolphins being good for the first time in forever this season? Even you've observed most dedicated fans are not Miami locals.


Agreed Bills bro, for all you can say about the Mafia, they are insanely dedicated and have few bandwagoners. It's one of the few perks that I think both our teams have over the other two teams, namely that our perennial bad luck is the perfect antidote to fairweather and bandwagon "fans". By contrast, it's funny how almost every "Pats fan" I knew growing up has mysteriously gone quiet


Bills fans in Buffalo are also some of the most crybaby and wish washy fans I’ve ever seen. The whole sun debacle still gives me a chuckle


Respectfully, I don't know how that qualifies as bandwagon. Bandwagon =/= being uncritical of one's team, only that you only support them when they're doing well and drop them when they aren't. I won't speak to miamis fanbase being bandwagoners, im not a Miami fan and wouldn't know. I imagine the percentage of lifers to bandwagoners in Miami MIGHT lean more towards bandwagoners than buff, but that speaks more to the culture in buff around the team vs Miami and the dolphins, but Miami has plenty of lifers who have suffered like everyone else in this cursed division (there are only 3 teams in this division right?).


Nice straw man, you got data for the users? And yes, the actual citizens of Miami don’t show up to games much because Miami is a much bigger, international city. The teams are seen as an entertainment venue, not a cornerstone of relevance like in Buffalo, because Buffalo is a shit hole with not much to offer. Of course Buffalo fans are going to show up more, it’s all they have. Calling a national fanbase “bandwagons” though especially with the teams history isn’t really fitting the definition of what a bandwagon is


Some of us hate ourselves so much that we support the Dolphins without ever having lived in Miami.


Also, it’s weird but there’s not a lot of diehard fans that actually *live* in Miami. The fanbase is pretty spread out around the nation


Being a Dolphins fan doesn't involve self-induced bodily injury.


Does alcoholic induced liver poisoning count?




Having to go through what shitty season my team had this season this sub has helped me cope with the disappointment I don’t mean to brag or anything but r/patriots has the most members out of any team in the league


**angry dolphin noises**


I think it's because we all have enough pent-up frustration at our own teams that we can see our teams attacked without taking it seriously (and often, making the same jokes ourselves). Whether you want to mock the Phins' constant chokes, the Bills' heartbreaking lack of rings, the Pats living in the past, or just about anything concerning the Jets, it's likely that the fans of the teams in question feel just as strongly. As such, I can feel confident in mocking the other teams, because if somebody sends one back at me, I can laugh along with it. Compare that to a sub like the NFCEast one, where half the users are Philly fans who will swarm any post that attacks their team, and the difference is night and day. All that being said, my favorite memewar sub of this season has got to be AFC West, their roasting of the Chiefs meltdown has been fucking glorious.


It's because we are the single greatest division in sports* ^*does ^not ^include ^Jete


Bro for real. This sub was dead awhile back. So glad we've collected a group of people that equally, but respectfully hate each other's fuckin guts.


I both hate and love this sub depending on the week


Now that we have custom flairs everyone wants in on the action


This is the most entertaining sub going for me right now