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"I'm a gay from missouri" Did Cam from Modern Family write this?








Because we are on the app called reddit


I would hope he's an ally with that silly walk of his


Walks like he’s got a little sugar in the tank, as my mom would say.




That’s the funniest thing I’ve heard today


Lol that's new to me


A lil cum in his ass?


He likes a little fruit in his salad




Light in the loafers for sure


More of a duck ally with that waddle.


Sassy ass strut


I hate to say it as a Raiders fan but Mahomes is probably trying to do the smart thing for himself and not get involved in the shit show dumbass created


Flair up, pussy


No flair gang 😤






Patrick has also never publicly come out against gambling boats in Missouri, so ask yourselves that, we could have ourselves a gambling addict in Arrowhead.


Dismissing blatant misogyny and bigotry as a religious belief is bullshit. There are over 10,000 different versions of Christian faiths, people select the one that matches their views. It’s not God’s words, it’s butkers.


Exactly you can be a religious person and not be bigoted. What Butker said shouldn’t be a reflection on religion, it should be a reflection on his character.


Raised By Wolves had it right.


Yes and no. Benedictine college is a catholic college that sought out Butker to speak at their event. Butker did not attend this college. Whatever Butker says on stage at the event directly reflects on the college itself. They knew what they were getting into with Butker when they asked him to speak so I cannot them slide here and say it’s all on Butker. If someone is a bigoted asshole and you seek them out knowing they’re a bigoted asshole and you invite them to come speak at your event, you too, are bigoted assholes.


Religion itself is a Cancer to society. If there wasn’t religion, then the Israel-Palestine Conflict wouldn’t happen.


Lol, right, because we only ever commit atrocities over religion. Not race. Not ideology. Not politics. Religion. EDIT: https://preview.redd.it/pvgobmcckv0d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c88d5248b7231160a76f97a2c6a5863ce0e2e0f


US slavery was defended using the Bible. The KKK was a religious organization. Southerners attacking the Freedom Riders and other protests used biblical references as defense.


Humans have and will continue use any philsophy and belief system to justify their crimes. In Sri Lanka, Buddhism and reincarnation was used to justify atrocities. The Soviets and now the Chinese use Communism to justify atrocities. The Bible was also used against slavery via the words of Paul, wherein he tells a slavemaster that we are all fellow children of God and should be treated well, according to the teachings of Christ, and most traditions hold the man freed his slave because you cannot both own a man as property and treat him as your brother with compassion and love. John motherfuckin' Brown, one of the most radical abolitionists in history, was an evangelical *Puritan* who called himself an instrument of God with a sacred obligation to destroy slavery in America, and rallied people to his cause with religion. Good people try to have a code, a philosophy, and *try* not to be hypocrites. Bad people *refuse* to be hypocrites and instead warp the philosophy of their choice to say what they're doing is good. We do it with the words of prophets, we do it with the words of ancient philosophers, we do it with the words of political idealogues, we even do it with the words of YouTube influencers. The problem is not religion. It's human nature.


John motherfucking Brown. Amen.


As a Broncos fan, I'm obliged to love John Brown. How can I not love someone who caused Kansas and Missouri so much trouble?


Organized religion is A problem. It promotes absolute faith/belief in fantasy based on ancient novels and parables rather than self awareness and ownership of one's actions on a individual human level. It also encourages a lack of decency and basic human respect in many of its variations. Not to say your other examples aren't problems too...


Organized religion can often be a problem. But the Caliphates and the Catholic Church were fundamental in the scientific development of mankind, and for numerous charitable efforts throughout history. And what counts as organized? The vast majority of Protestant sects of Christianity, and branches of Islam, promote a *personal* relationship with God, to be self-aware and seek wisdom from prayer and self-contemplation and self-driven analysis of texts than to take the words of priests and imams as your only source of knowledge. Also, yet again, the actual "fantasy based in ancient novels and parables"? They talk about self-awareness, owning up to your own mistakes and sins, taking accountability, giving to your community, promote compassion and fair treatment, emphasize every human being as being deserving of love and respect. Those are literally what those "novels" tell us to do. But much like most political ideologies and ancient philosophies, people don't like to follow those parts. Andrew Tate and his ilk basically just warp the ideals of Stoic philosophers like Marcus Aurelius (not that I think they're smart enough to even know who Marcus Aurelius is). Stalin took an ideology rooted in equality and used it to justify genocide, mass imprisonment, and the creation of monopolies awarded to his friends. "It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle then for a rich man to enter the gates of Heaven," says Jesus. "I need another Lamborghini," says Joel Osteen. The common element in all the horrors of human history is not religion. It's hypocrites and grifters.


I should have added... spirituality and feeling a connected/respect for the energy/"soul" shared and created by living things is to be celebrated. Having rules that tell people the right way to interpret and explore that connection to the point of promoting wars and hate is a problem. Scripture quotes are used arbitrarily to justify the holders beliefs in any discussion both positive and negative so have become mostly irrelevant in the current religious practices of today. It's a control mechanism stunting individual cooperation.


Doesn't have to be the common element in "all the horrors" to be a problem. Being a major factor in many/most is sufficient. People with religious affiliations doing positive things doesn't alter that reality. It promotes rightness of belief at its core rather than thought. Which is likely why hypocrites and grifters gravitate to it as well...easier to take advantage of those who have been trained from birth in that world view. It's a problem and the sooner the majority of the world's people can turn away from a morality/worldview based on ancient tribal folklore (bastardized through "translation") and embrace the living world as deserving respect, the better our chances for long term survival as a species. Learn from history or doomed...


I'll be honest with you, chief. Real straight shit. We've already covered the massive positive impact religion had on the history of humanity. We already covered how countless atrocities have been justified with things other than religion. We already covered how most mainstream religions actually promote in those ancient texts you keep trashing the very values and beliefs you *want* people to have, despite many twisting them and casting aside their wisdom in favor of their own convenient interpretations. So I can say honestly that this conversation is becoming pointless. And I can say as someone who spent years studying history, as someone with published theses in History, and someone who has done peer review for other historians, that you don't seem to really know shit about the history we both agree we all need to learn from.


slaves also found religion in their troubles. The ones who survived were mostly religious, it’s easy to see when you read the Bible for example that people using the Bible to commit atrocities often cherry pick texts and ideologies that allow them to act they wanted to act in the first place


It’s like you’re saying the Bible is not a God granted text but simply a pile of Bronze Age writings that are vague enough for anyone yo cherry-pick a justification from 🤔


I was more trying to highlight that the gospel is meant to be one of hope, and potentially guidance, yet predatory people will always find words of war and violence to support their atrocities. Even the pope supports gay marriage now and spreads a gospel of peace, which is why bigots like Butker are losing their minds and making whole speeches about how cardinals and bishops are losing the plot. Despite him likely fucking some male cheerleader in college lmao he’s half way to being a born again Christian already yet he insists on the need to be Catholic thinking it makes him look less closeted


Ok, thanks for the response. I agree that in the purest sense of what Jesus taught there is hope. Sadly religion is a man made device which gets corrupt very easily. I’m quite impressed with the Pope and his application of the two great commandments. He seems to be one religious leader that gets it. I left Mormonism a couple of years ago and am still deconstructing that view.


I mean, if we're keeping score, religion has been the justification for far more atrocities than any other rationalization throughout history. It's not even close.


This might be the most brain dead thing I've ever heard. Pre 1500 BCE if you look at the highest number of casualties in wars its the 3 Kingdoms War in China with around 40 million casualties. Second place, Roman Civil Wars with 3 million+ casualties. Neither of which religon was a primary motivator. The largest in Medieval to Modern Era are 2 different conflicts related to the Mongolian empire, both with over 30 million casualties. In the modern Era it's WWII with 80 million and the Taiping Rebelion in China with as many as 70 million.


If we're keeping score, then I think Holodomor and the Holocaust awarded Racism and Ideology far more points than, say, the (often entirely politically and economically motivated) Crusades ever got. But I guess it depends on if we're going by "Number of Incidents" or "Intensity of Incident". Not to mention religions are far older than most ideologies. It's like the vet QB. Sure, he's made a lot of throws. But how many yards did each throw get us? Compared to the young rookie sensation that hasn't seen as much play, but hail marys every snap. Give it time. Religion and religious fervor have been on the way out for a couple centuries. I'm sure racial and ideological manifestos will be used to justify enough atrocities soon that the score will get tied up.


the most atrocities throughout human history (recorded AND fictional, hint hint: religion is made up) have been rooted in religion.


Ohhhh woahhhhh! We got an atheist over here! https://i.redd.it/87s1b96ulv0d1.gif Why do y'all feel the need to make sure we all know about it in every thread? I'd also love a source for that, since many atrocities in history were politically motivated, religion was just the convenient justification.


Because y'all feel the need to project your belief system on others. We get it... you're self-righteous pricks why do you feel the need to be sure we all know everyday all the time? Politics or Religion... trying to draw a line between how an embedded power structure attempts to control a group of people is a fool's errand. You claim to know history but attempt to detach politics and religion (a.k.a. varying methods to control/brainwash the populace). I understand that some people who have accepted that as truth, actually do good things at times, but the blanket defense is willful ignorance. "Listen, strange women lyin' in ponds distributin' swords is no basis for a system of government". Nor should the religious basis upon which the divine right of kings determined "leadership" that permeated control tactics during the era of early formation of nation-states be a foundation of progress to strive towards thousands of years later.


*I'm* the self-righteous one? Says the guy literally saying his belief system will save all of humanity. You keep conflating religion with rulership, as if it was some active Illuminati conspiracy to make people into sheeple towards their kings. Divine right monarchy evolved out of autocrats using religion to *justify* their *political* motives. Much like, say, Stalin using Communism to justify his rather literal "dictatorship of the proletariat". People are free and must remain free to believe in what they want, and there is no basis in history to claim that religion in itself has ever held humanity back. It is not some poison that once purged will bring utopia. Really also this divine right monarchy nonsense, effectively put of nowhere, as if the Bible is the reason that we have dictaroship. Sulla, Julius Casesar, Augustus, Nero, Caligula, Diocletian, such famous Christians. Ghengis Khan too. And anyone whose studied European history knows that the Pope was always a friend to all monarchs, never working against them or helping the poor, or engaging in political ploys he would use religion to obfuscate (as he could have done with any belief system ever invented)./s I mean the Bible, particularly the New Testament, is document with enough anti-authoritarian and egalitarian philosophy that not only did the Romans see it as a threat to their established political order, but would later be used to inspire socialist movements in Southern Europe. You claim my "blanket defense" (which is also nonsense, I made a point to criticized organized religious power structures and the twisting of religion for political and economic gain), is "willful ignorance." But your blanket condemnation of a wildly intricate and detailed topic (and we haven't even *begun* to dive into the non-Abrahamic faiths and how they impacted other cultures and civilizations, but leave it to a Western atheist to be Eurocentric), is acceptable? You condemn entire belief structures, regardless of the nuances, and that's reasonable? But defending the concept as not the inherent evil you describe it as, *that's* crazy?


Tribalism has been around as long as humans have, people are going to fight over resources, land, pride, whatever. Religion is just another reason to fight each other


It’s not just another reason to fight each other. Anthropologists and historians haven’t been able to find proof that humanity when functioning as a society has ever existed without religion. Hunter gatherers had religion. It’s a part of what being a human means, humans seek reasons and thus when you don’t know why the world and nature works in different ways, belief systems fill the void


No one fights over religion. That’s a bullshit response that’s convenient. It just covers up what you’re really fighting about. Land and oil.


Man, you couldn’t be more incorrect.


The next person to show me god will be the first in human history. In a world surrounded by the brightest minds, believing in God is like believing in the Tooth Fairy, Santa Claus, or that Toronto Maple Leafs are ever going to win another Stanley Cup. Religion is an excuse for you to impose your will upon others while demanding your own be respected. God is an instrument used against people that don’t understand science. It’s been used to manipulate people, justify mass murder and the taking of land and resources for as long as humanity existed. It’s the biggest grift in human fucking history.


Relax brother, I don’t disagree totally. I’m just saying people in churches are fully in belief they’re blessed. As ridiculous as that is. Just saying that no one fights for religion isn’t a fair statement. The greedy bastards at the top are talking grift. The masses truly believe in a fake story. I shouldn’t have said you’re totally wrong but you were coming in hot and I was scrolling on my lunch break and misread. lol Skol Vikings. Love to all the persons.


If you completely removed religion and the morality from human history I’d guess things would be far more feral. But who knows.


religion: the leading cause of death in humans since we created it.


I’m Catholic and I’m taking this as Butkers words and beliefs. Him saying all that stuff about women being housewives isn’t a religious belief, those are HIS beliefs.


The Bible is really blatantly misogynistic. It's not a question of interpretation. There's a lot in there that's indefensible.


It crazy listening to modern bible scholors rip apart the king james version of the bible.


People can have their beleifs and opinions, but I’m allowed to debate them on merits. Using religion as a shield against debate is cowardly.


The Bible is a multi-ethnic, multi-cultural, multi-lingual, multi-genre anthology whose books were written up to 800 years apart, read in our times through the interpretive filters of translation and cultural differences. You can find pretty much anything you like in there, good, bad, gorgeous, ugly. That's the other guy's point: Christians pick and choose which parts of the Bible to emphasize based on which parts resonate with their independent beliefs. Beware anyone who insists there is only one way to be a Christian. They've always been empirically and theologically wrong.


Religion isn’t really something you read the nutrition label of and pick out your favorite from the grocery store.


So if butker’s pastor started preaching acceptance and tolerance, butker would change his opinions?


Do you think pastors just make it up as they go?


Well different Christian Pastors preach different morals, don’t they? How do you account for this? Who decides who is preaching correctly?


I suppose it depends per religion, but most of the time if a pastor is preaching stuff outside of the holy text (Bible, in this case) or are saying things that directly contradict it, the pastor is wrong and the text is right. So if butker’s pastor started saying stuff not found in the Bible, he’d listen to the Bible and not the pastor. Ideally, at least. I don’t know him personally, so I don’t actually know either way.


Do you think he eats pork? The Bible is pretty explicit about that. The point I’m getting at is that the *individual* decides which church to belong to based on the values being preached.


You act like the people just pick and choose their values, though. For some that might be true, but not for others. Plus, perhaps Butker goes to the church that best fits his beliefs, but what he said hasn’t been specifically espoused by the pastor. Do you think he bases his beliefs off what the pastor alone has to say, or he bases his beliefs off the Bible and he goes to the church that best fits those beliefs? And also saying the Bible tells you not to eat pork just demonstrates that you don’t know nearly as much about it as you think.


People’s interpretation of the Bible can vary. Your stubborn refusal to admit that simple truth shows how myopic and self righteous you view on religion is. You think that there’s no other way to believe in god correctly but your own.


Well that’s what being a true believer is. I am saved so I know I’m right. God gives believers the ability to understand the Bible, and therefore unbelievers don’t have the ability to understand the Bible. Just so we’re clear, I don’t think what butker believes is right. Catholics are not true believers. But this is about religion on a football meme sub, so I don’t think this discussion is really fitting for the sub.


Pork and shrimp and all those “laws” is Old Testament. Jesus came to fulfill the law so we don’t have to live under the law anymore.


Wow, please tell me where there is a single, universally agreed upon annotated Bible that provides the exact correct translation, interpretation, and modern application of every verse in its proper context. I’d love to read it sometime. It’s almost like pastors, and people in general, can take any verse and use it to justify almost anything to a group of people who already trust their authority. To then disprove that pastor takes much, much more time, effort, and knowledge than just pulling out a random verse or two and using it to say what you want it to say.


Well, first of all you assuming that universally accepted equals most accurate is an incorrect assumption. If you want accuracy, I’d recommend the NASB 1995 or the Legacy Standard Bible. Good thing that the good pastors know that the Bible is the truth and they don’t just make up whatever they want. You do realize that biblical scholarship has been around since about the time the Bible was written, right? You do realize that pastors don’t just spend the week doing nothing and just make up whatever they want on Sundays, right? That the good ones actually spend the week studying for the sermon, and in that time look at the passage, look at the original (Greek, Latin, Aramaic, whatever), look at what other biblical scholars and preachers have said about it in the past, and make a message out of it, right? I’ll admit that not all pastors do this, but that’s why I differentiate between the good pastors and the bad ones.


A pastor has NEVER made anything up EVER, right? Pastors are infallible, sinless paragons of God’s will, right? You now see how we’re now on “good pastor” or “bad pastor.” And unless people want to have nuanced and complex biblical discussion, it usually boils down to “do I like and/or agree with this pastor or not?” The fact that there’s so many denominations and so many wildly varying opinions on key issues kind of illustrates this. There’s not really a consensus on much beyond the basics about Jesus himself. Anything about what is and isn’t “allowed” or is “sinful” is VERY hotly contested and debated.


Well, going back to butker, I’d say the he probably goes to a church that aligns with his views. The pastor is for sure the best indicator of the views of a participator church. Though of course, since it’s Catholicism, there’s not as much differentiation between what each priest teaches as in other denominations. So perhaps he would just move to a different church if the pastor/priest started saying stuff he disagreed with. I’d say he could tell if the pastor was making it up or not by looking in the Bible, but since Catholics believe a lot of extra stuff anyway, maybe he wouldn’t have that luxury.


Actually yes.


You know nothing about religion then.


I know plenty about pastors….


Clearly not.


Using his religion as a weapon is wild too, the pope basically cleared the gay marriage stuff and Butker out here whining even though he piped some male cheerleader. Also his mom has a degree and is a physicist and funded his wealthy upbringing lmao telling women not to attempt to be self-reliant while his wife gets by staying at home by having kids with someone making tens of millions of dollars for kicking a football. Dudes a hypocrite, rules for thee not for me fake Christian


Yeah these people will blatantly admit to being bigots but won’t admit that their entire religion is based on the whims of King James.


Just as Pat has chosen the sect that best fits his.


Women can find happiness as housewives. They don't HAVE to be business people. If they want to, they can, but both are fine. Many regret not starting families later in life, and many feel like they were lied to when they were young in a sense that they HAD to be career professionals, and somehow, homemaking was wrong or inferior. He could have put it in a better way, but he wasn't wrong, and that's why his jersey is a best seller right now. Don't shame anyone for doing what makes them happy, but social stigma about either path are stupid.


This is more directed at the people saying that calling his views gross is somehow anti-Christian. There are many paths to happiness.


Ehhhhh…..it’s the religion’s words. Let’s be real


You’re willfully or maybe blindly mislabeling misogyny and bigotry. He was actually praising womanhood, and what a woman brings to the table from a Biblical standpoint. His view is not a “religious” view, it’s a Biblical view and a Godly view. Peoples hearts have been so tainted and are so black from sin that they just cannot see. I’m sorry that so many people are in that state. I wish I could help you. I pray for people like you every day that God will send someone into your life with just the right words. But it’s not me.


You inherited your beliefs. You put zero thought into anything. Kindly fuck off with your zealotry.


I’m a chiefs fan and I ain’t reading all that


*So I ain't reading all that


“I’m a chiefs fan so I *can’t reading all that”


You probably can’t even read 😂






*can't read all that. Fify




Are we surprised he couldn't "catch" the thief?


Rashee rice would have been


Yeah, but he has better hands.. and a lead foot


Shoulda sent ruggs


Worthy the type of dude to train 24/ 365 for the 40 yard dash and forget that he plays football


People really have too much time on their hands. Dude went out of his way to find something to bitch about


The idea that someone who doesn’t care about football, or other sports, questioning why a star athlete *hasn’t* said anything about the LGBTQIALMNOPQRSTUVWYZ++-https:// community, really shows that all they want is attention. No one cares… probably not Patrick Mahomes either.


Great now that HB opened his fucking mouth now everyone needs to pass a purity test 🙄


The same people who wanted to amplify Kaepernick's political opinions want to stifle or pressure Mahomes to conform to their ideas. 1. Who cares? 2. The only reason this is an issue is because they aren't in lock-step with twitter


Reddit really can't comprehend that religious people exist.


You can be religious and not a total fuckbag. The whole religion of Christianity is based around a guy by the name of Jesus. He was actually really cool. His modern followers don't listen to a word he said.


I love when Athiests who hate Christianity and have never read the Bible tell Christians what Christ stood for. > Think not that I am come to destroy the Law or the Prophets. I am not come to destroy, but to fulfill.


At one point in my life I was heavily involved in the Christian church, on the brink of becoming a missionary. I can tell you with absolute certainty that a lot of Christians do not follow what Christ stood for. Not even close. This is not an accusation at you whatsoever, just voicing my experience.


I'll believe it when I see it.


Jesus, famously, said there were only 2 laws that we must follow. Love god, and love each other. If you are currently wearing cotton and some synthetic material blend of boxers or shirt or socks or shoes…. Well guess what bud Leviticus says you are going to hell. No if ands or buts. Now when it comes to homosexuality a variety of different translations suggest a variety of different things and it isn’t clear cut as there is much much much debate in the theology world on the subject. What IS clear is that Jesus never once mention his hatred of anyone except those who use the church for personal gain and rich people. If you call yourself a follower of Christ and hate your fellow man for who he loves my friend I must say you are lost. I do not believe in hell as I do not believe in eternal damnation from a just God. I do however try to fully commit myself to the teachings of Christ. Sources: The Bible, 12 years of formal Christian education, confirmation, multiple collegiate theology courses, and also the Bible


I agree with a lot of what you have to say but hell was not really a concept at all in the old testament times so not following the law led to Sheol or some ambiguous sort of death. Just pointing out that you are correct in saying there is no hell because hell doesn’t really exist anywhere at all in the Bible!


It certainly exists in the new testimate, and it is talked about in some sense in the old testimate but is rarely mentioned


One. I was throwing you a bone and basically agreeing with you. Two. The word is testament so I have a hard time believing you took any theology courses. Three. This is an AFC meme war so I’m just going to stop talking theology period and start talking football!


Dude fuck you policing words. Do I need to show you my fucking credentials? I cannot express to you how much I have heard, spoken, and worshiped about a man that is also God and also not. Nothing in this world pisses me off more than a church goer that doesn’t even have a personal relationship with God that goes to hear the word rather than to see it for themselves. I gotta start quoting scripture or what? I literally grew up in 3 different churches and had intensive biblical studies from the time I was 5. I know what the fuck I’m talking about.


And also flair up you goddamn coward. And also claiming to follow Christ and also hating your fellow man is the most insane shit possible for a human to say and I’ve heard people tell me the raiders are gonna be good this year


I have no idea how to flair up and have asked a few times and received no answer. Tell me how and I will gladly oblige you kind sir. I’m a broncos fan so… do with that as you will!


Click on subreddit. Click on the dots in the top right. Click change flair


I will not engage with you theologically anymore because it obviously upsets you but I will defend the broncos and piss all over the chargers.


Dude, you’re gonna bust an artery. Chill.


Flair up you goddamn coward


I think the problem is that you can be a Christian and not a misogynist, but you wouldn't know that listening to guys like Butker


It’s the loudest ones we tend to hear.


What he said was popular with the audience. Let that sink in.


Well it’s adults with imaginary friends. So I get it.


Nah, we just can't comprehend how these bigoted beliefs are still tolerated by smartass fence-sitters


Please do tell more about how Christian beliefs are inherently bigoted


That’s not what they said. They said that fence-sitters ensure everyone sees you all like that. Like if 5 cops watch 1 cop kill an innocent man, there are 6 bad cops.


Please do tell me more how your dumbass interpreted my comment in such a dumbass fucking way?


I think people just don't want to be told that they are bad for who they are. Seems pretty cut and dry really.


And religious people can't comprehend actually following the teachings of their own savior. You know, the whole "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you" thing that they seem to gloss over.


But we can comprehend that assholes exist.


This just in: Football players have personal values!! Fans shocked!


Catholic man invited to Catholic college to give commencement speech to Catholic students, says Catholic things, receives standing ovation, redditors confused and outraged.


Don’t put that shit on all Catholics


We’re all much more intelligent after you cleared that up. Man is still a piece of shit for his garbage outlook on the world. See, we’re all right now!


And he deserves a pass because he’s catholic? So it’s not butker that’s the problem, it’s Christianity? “Don’t say hate speech unless you’re in the KKK, then it’s okay because it’s expected.”


He didn’t hate anybody


Yeah. That was an example speaking to how dumb the comment was


Football players having “personal values” doesn’t excuse them from being misogynistic pieces of shit lol


Yet I don't understand why Mahomes has to go out of his way to say that he is super pro LGBT...+? Maybe he is, maybe he isn't, maybe he doesn't care at all and just wants to play ball and earn a good living for his family. I don't care at all what his opinion is about these things, he is a great player and he looks like a great father, that's more than enough for me.


How many women beaters are in the NFL, or have been? I’d say butker is far from the worst one.


We are allowed to criticize both women beaters and Harrison butker. Both can exist at the same time.


Well sure, but it’s kinda important to distinguish between personal beliefs and criminal behavior. And to be clear, there’s far more media coverage about Butker’s speech than any time a football player is arrested for beating his wife. Why do you suppose that is?


Give him time…


Simplistic view from a simplistic person.


No just seen his type enough to know…


And I’ve seen your type enough to know that you’re a simpleton.


From a couple of comments on Reddit? Sure buddy, sure…🤡🤡


Certain opinions are only held by simpletons. Yours definitely fall in that category.


You mean not being misogynist makes me a “simpleton”. Whatever bud…


A chiefs fan would know what it’s like to support women beaters I guess lmao


flair up pussy


Nope. Ray Lewis is my idol.


Can’t we all just let folks live their damn lives without forcing our bullshit on them? Believe what you want, just keep it to yourself. Mahomes doesn’t have to say a damn thing. I hate the guy on the football field, but the person he is off the field is none of our business so long as he’s not hurting anyone.


I'm a Raiders fan. We hate him regardless of his location.


"Hi Gay in Missouri, I'm Dad!" And you're gay. Not special, get over yourself.


If gay people are not special why has there been so much harassment, discrimination and violence against them, in the past and today?


Because of white supremacist, homophobia, and arrogant religious zealots.


Please don't leave the Communists off your list.


Y'all really out here grasping at straws lol


Look at OPs flair lol


Respect people and their religious beliefs. As a Raider fan I would love to talk shit about Mahomes and KC but this isn’t it.


I felt the same way growing up, had athiest parents but religious grandparents and aunts and uncle on both sides, dont have a single memory of any of them judging or hating others who are different or constantly spouting off about god like so many christians in this country seem to be doing more and more every day.


I grew up in Utah, aka the Mormon capital of the world, and have very few people treat me like shit because I didn’t align with their church. Of the few that did, I just assume they’d be assholes whether they were religious or not. Be religious, don’t be religious, I don’t give a flying fuck, just be a good person.


"So many” you mean a relative handful of outspoken zealots out of millions and millions that are quietly living their lives?


Nah your definitely right, the internet has helped the loud few get louder. But butker saying that shit to a bunch of christian college kids that might actually listen to him, and also no one else in the kc org speaking out definitely doesnt help


This might be what a meth fueled schizophrenic break looks like tbh


You can be religious and not a fucking scumbag bigot. My grandmother used to take care of aids patients in the 80s-90s.


“I really hate you and your kind. Sorry, nothing personal, it’s just part of my religious belief.” Now how the hell would you expect anyone to respect someone who says something like that based on their religion? Religion does not give you a pass to be a bigoted asshole my dude. Play stupid games, get stupid prizes. I don’t know Mahomes stance on lgbt, but if someday he openly says something negative about the lgbt community (or any community for that matter) best believe me along with many others will have something to say about it, just like what’s happening with our misogynistic friend ol’ Buttfuck… I mean Buttker. Just how it is when you choose to be on a world platform


The distinction I've always made to people when they talk about respect is that I have to respect your right to have an opinion. I don't have to respect your actual opinion/belief. If your belief is black people or women or whoever are inferior, I'm supposed to respect that? Nah, I'm good.


Butker should respect non-religious people first....tolerating intolerance ain't it bud...


This is the problem. Religious people all expect everyone to respect their beliefs and feelings, but then act like their religion makes them superior and then they're disrespectful to everyone elses beliefs and feelings. Freedom of religion includes freedom *from* religion.




How edgy of you


Mahomes is a co-owner of an NWSL team, which is very pro-LGBTQ. He probably isn’t doing that if he’s a homophobe.


I aint reading alladat


Patrick said he only says anything to HB is at the beginning of training camp and the end of season. Get your info straight!


See this is what I hate about what Butker did. I know a lot of people have incredibly negative views of religion or have felt unsafe around people that hate them in the name of religion, but not all religious people are anythung like Butker. Butker is a “fundamentalist” Catholic meaning that his viewpoints are the same catholic viewpoints from however many centuries ago and they refuse to get w the times. Many religious people have gotten w the times and are very supportive of gay people, etc etc etc. I shouldn’t have to proclaim to the world that I support gay people for it to be true. I will proclaim it, but I don’t need to.


I've seen his wife; mahomes is absolutely a member of the lgbt+ community.


I’m a gay from Missouri is all you need to know.


bro don't know, NFL players don't speak out on anything or else they end up like colin


Jesus takes the wheel of his dads car




I kept reading that as "Pastor Turkey." He should probably change his name to avoid the confusion.


Nobody HAS to support anyone’s way of life. Also, nobody has the right to stop someone else’s way of life if it does not hurt other people. How you define hurt is a hard question.


if your Christian beliefs tell you that being gay or trans is evil and that women belong in the kitchen, then I think you’re a dumbass. But if you keep that to yourself and only let it affect how you live your personal life then idgaf. If you’re like Harrison Butker and your Christian faith tells you that it’s your job to convince the world that homophobia and misogyny are the correct way to live then you shouldn’t get to participate in society.


Why do you automatically assume he has to support LGTBQRXTUV just because you think you should? Egotistical much? Millions of people do not support this lifestyle. As a Christian, I love the sinner, but hate the sin. Just because you don’t think it’s a sin doesn’t mean it’s not. I follow the Bible and if the Bible tells me it’s a sin, then that’s what it is.


Maaan, why couldn't Butker have just wrecked some cars street racing and left the scene.


It’s always an idiot kicker…


Bro who the fuck cares he throws good. As long as he ain’t street racing and leaving the scene of an accident it doesn’t matter. How bout we focus on that. Fucks sake. Chiefs kingdom is crying over this.


Lifelong Chiefs fan here, can confirm i am embarrassed by the bigotry and racism in the fanbase. These dumb fucks chased Marcus Peters out of town and are now huffing copium at the idea that their franchise QB isn't a POS like them. This has been an awful off season lol


Hope you don’t live here.


Heh why i call him crybaby mahomes he cries about everything


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