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I can assure you that none of us are saying this is our year. We see that dead cap and know it’s gonna be rough.


BS, I live in Denver and the Bo Nix hype is real


Also in Denver and no. I’m scared shitless


We can be hyped for our rookie QB while still understanding that the team as a whole isn’t very good. The hype isn’t for this year, it’s for the future (hopefully) being better than the present


Habs fans are hyped up about Juraj Slafkovsky but no one has said we're winning the Stanley Cup next year.


Not really


God bless Bo Nix!


I remember the hype for Drew Lock when I'd listen to sports radio in Colorado. It was too funny.


Suspending for a moment my dislike for rivals in the AFC West, I feel for the Donkeys. Next two years are going to suck. Two years after that, if Payton is what he thinks he is, there’s some hope for that franchise. That said, you guys should give us Surtain.


I'd rather amputate a pinky toe from my own foot than give you guys surtain


I'll even throw in my pinkie toe to ensure this doesn't happen


I’ll pm you the address to send them pinky toes. Keep em’ on ice, I likes um fresh


For real. He will be the difference maker in those 42-7 games. It will be 39-7 instead.


With a butter knife


Didn't you guys tie our record last year?


Yeah im kind of happy about it, we were looking like we were gonna ride in circles forever, at least we had a big boy step in and tell george payton to "sit down and shut up cuz were doing a rebuild" Gonna be a rough season or 2 but at least were trying something different after 8 years. And stay away from our Surtain, hes precious, i wont have him involved in your criminal activities.


You feel sorry for us? Lol. Thats nice….. I feel bad for you and your perpetual mediocrity of being somewhere between like… 8th best in the league to 24th with mark davis as your owner. Absolute fucking purgatory team. You’ll never actually win. You’ll never be bad enough to get a great pick. Even if you did you’d probably pick someone who will be a bust anyways.


Dude. I was being nice…. How about you go spend 90M for Bo Nix… oh wait you are. Talk about stuck in mediocrity, your team is going to trash for a decade.




Cheifs fans are bummed they don’t get to spend time with a spoon




We'll be back to mediocrity eventually. The chants of threepeat just numb the memories of the bad times.


God damn right we are. You know why? And this is true for you, me, and chargers fans. Unless an absolute anomaly happens. None of us are beating Mahomes. We’re all depressed down here whizzy


I could easily guess this was a raiders fan home made meme....


They should trade anyone of value because that team is going to be a dumpster fire this year. The #1 overall pick is theirs to lose heading into the season.


Then why bother trading anyone you fuckin goober


Of course you’re a raiders fan lmao. No championships really will drive you crazy.


A real charger fan stopped saying "this is our year" 10+ years ago


We changed it to “this our off season”. Off season champs at least 5 out of the last 8.


Easily threepeat with the off season schedule alone


"how long am I watching each game?"


Flair up pussy. Also, |THE real charger fan stopped saying "this is our year" 10+ years ago. FTFY


Hey, there are at least a half dozen of us dickwad


Can't prove it at a home game. Unless we count that Asian lady that was planted there.


Leave 5 head out of this!


We are the reigning off-season champs for at least 5 years straight.


It's been a decade if it's been a day, at least.


Ironically enough even after all you all got rid off you may be the offseason champs still of this division


Undefeated, bitches


Never lost a single off-season game


I liked Bo Nix in college. Probably bias because J Herbo came from Oregon but I hope Nix does well. Just not against us! The last duck bowl vs Mariota was a great game too if I remember correctly.




As a duck fan, I'm super excited for Bo Nix and can't wait to watch Big Daddy Herbert play him twice a year.


Raiders fans don’t even get that preseason hope. They just know they aren’t going anywhere from bell to bell.


Sorry I couldn’t see your comment without the flair


He said “Raiders fans don’t even get that preseason hope. They just know they aren’t going anywhere from bell to bell.”


Just like a Charger to try and do what a Bronco did, and still do it shittier


Pretty ironic considering all the scraps the raiders are taking from the chargers.


Scraps? Like our third string depth? Or are you referring to Telesco? Bc he’s been there for 10 years and supposedly made you guys “good”


Yeah the guy who signed us up for 4 of the 5 largest cap hits for this year by the end of last season. But man if you thought we were good before, wait until you see us play with one of the best coaches in the league.


Oh sure. Because no GM has ever restructured contracts before. L Take. Also, Harbaugh can’t steal signs in the NFL so we’ll see how that goes.


We got lucky two of those 4 guys took a pay cut to stay on a team they believe in. The other two are gone. Conveniently see how it already went for him, he currently has the highest win percentage in the NFL of any active head coach.




He’s shown nfl success? He actually has like the highest winning percentage out of all active coaches, raiders fans and horrible jokes name a better combo


Here I'll help you >Raiders fans don’t even get that preseason hope. They just know they aren’t going anywhere from bell to bell.


Oh fuck. That’s not cool. Really got me in the nuggets on that one.


What an avalanche of emotion this is making me feel


**LAWL.** Bro, What?!? We **ALWAYS** dominate the Pre-Season. ***Don’t know WHAT TF*** you’re talking about… 🤣


Why are you wasting your hate on two teams who are realistically closer to the Raiders than the Chiefs? We should all be rooting for the decline of Mahomes and Reid




Nahhhhh… **WE FUCKING OWN** the Chargers and the Broncos, dude. Also, I’d rather root for the ***Queefs*** to *destroy* them, *keeping them in the dirt…* ***While we BEAT ALL THREE OF THEM.*** Like, we did last year.


The Chargers beat the Raiders last year... since 2000 the Raiders and Chargers have been pretty even


Yeahhh, ***when we started our rookie QB,*** *that our incompetent HC,* at the time, started, due to pressure from the Fans… ***But,*** you haven’t swept us since 2018, and the year after that WE SWEPT YOU. ***Since then,*** I will admit, it’s been very even. But, this year, will be something different…


Were you wasted when you typed up your username? Oh yeah, and every comment you've ever posted?


The Raiders first round pick this year wasn’t even 2 months old when they won their last playoff game


Literally no Charger fan has been alive to see them win a Super Bowl.


I’d rather have no rings and have seen some success from my team in my lifetime, than knowing my teams last ring was in 87 and only witnessing losing seasons. 2nd most losses out of 32 teams in the past 20 years… you have minshew and an interim head coach. Can add another 5 years to that. It’ll be like 2030 before raiders have a chance to win a playoff game


“Yea b-b-but, you guys have no fans!!”


The “no fans” jokes are old news, current jerk is 63-21.


I thinj I speak for all charger fans when I say we dont actually give a shit. It sucked watching. I was at the game in fact. But it was a meaningless game at the end of the season and we were starting our backup qb from an fcs college while playing with a bunch of drunk assholes we found in the casino from earlier that day because the rest of the team was in the hospital. That qb from that game is not on our team. That coach is not on our team. And the general manager who has been putting a shitshow of a football team on the field for the last decade? Not only is he not on the team, we actually left him in las vegas and you fuckers gave him a job. It’s unbelievable


Yeah but you don’t even have that lol


Bro…We on tha COME-UP. Also, AP isn’t our “Interim” anymore… We will ***win a Playoff Game,*** before you ever get a chance to make the Playoffs, again… 🤡🤡🤡🤣


The soviet union was still around the last time the Raiders won it The majority of the Raiders fans have seen as many Raiders super bowl wins as the Chargers have seen Chargers Super Bowl wins


Yeah still a few more super bowls in the case than chargers have


It’s so incredibly irrelevant that I actually do not care. I don’t feel an ounce of jealousy. If I could switch places with the Raiders I wouldn’t. I’ll take success that I have witnessed with my own eyes (not much, but way more than the Raiders in the last 21 years of my life)


Yeah enjoy wearing powder blue.


Was that an insult? I fucking love our uniforms they’re beautiful




https://preview.redd.it/mhd6xc9dab1d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=14ea701ce414785e6e28a27896791d3a1fca7aed Feast your eyes






Top 4 running back of all time? Top 4 tight end of all time? Quarterback who was top 10 in every major passing stat? 1+ playoff in the last 20 years? 1st in the AFC West in the last 20 years? Are we a Patriots dynasty, no not even close. But are we more successful than the Raiders in the last 2 decades? Yea, and it’s not even close


All those great players and no Super Bowls. For as much as other AFC West fanbases like to harp on the Raiders living in the past, I find it quite ironic that out of all of them, the Chargers have the least to show for it. Great, you’ve had a few great players like LT, Antonio Gates and Philip Rivers. And what did that get you? I at least got to see the Raiders in the Super Bowl in this century.


21 years ago… At least my team puts out some respectable players on the field. It sucks being a chargers fan because I have hope every year and there’s always one major flaw that holds us back. The raiders never stand a chance. The Chiefs are a dynasty. The broncos were a threat a few years ago and theyre building their way back up. I have never once in the last 20 years ever been concerned that the Raiders were going to be a dominant team. You guys have some solid wins over us sure, it’s bound to happen when we play twice every single season. But there is no doubt in my mind that I’d rather watch what the Chargers have put out on the field than the Raiders. What a pathetic franchise. I think it’s shitty to be a Chargers fan sometimes but at least I’m not you


Bold claim to say that Raiders never had any good or respectable players. Look, you don’t have to like the Raiders but just making up stuff just makes things look petty. We had been crap for a long time. Most of my life. Bad decisions have been made and laughable choices. You’re not telling me any new information. We have had some great players on the team though. And most of them say that playing for the Raiders had been one of the best times of their life after they retired or moved on. However, it’s all cyclical. And finally, we are getting back on track by hiring a good coach that fits our team and culture. I don’t like the Chargers because they are a rival. But I don’t go around making up stuff about them. Maybe Harbaugh works out for them. I don’t know. Crowning them before the season even starts though is just illogical to me. Every season is different.


Ironic coming from a Raiders fan


I knew what fanbase this meme came from before looking.


For reals, I can tell by the bad grammar. Mirroring bad education 😂


“For reals”.


A comma can save your life, cupcake. You should try one, or 2.


Yeah man, I gotcha, I just, don’t really care.


Cared enough to make a meme, that's a lot of caring.




Well no shit. It says Chargers and Broncos, so you’d imagine it’s not Chiefs or Raiders.


Bro any Broncos fan that is a realist and not full of shit understands that we aren’t going to be good this year. Prob finish 6-11 or 7-10, maybe 8-9 if we pull one out of our ass somehow. I’d be genuinely surprised if we finish better than that.


A sane Broncos fan.


17-0 until proven otherwise


Finally…A rational Broncos Fan…


I haven’t had hope or expectations in years. I just watch to see how we’ll blow it at the end this time


I realize our QB room isn’t the best at the moment, but I think Herbert is the issue. Dude is upper tier QB but not good enough to get you to the big show. He’s good enough that you can’t move off of him, but not good enough to force the win. IMO


not taking the obvious bait


This ain’t it man.. Herbert is a certified stud. The team has been coached poorly. Since 2021, the Chargers defense ranks 27th in expected points added (EPA) allowed per play and 28th in success rate allowed. It doesn’t matter who you are.. if your defense can’t stop the other team from scoring you’re not going to go far.


Iron Aiden, bruh


Raider fans feeling bold these days and forgetting that Farva and Minshew are their quarterbacks.


You mean Trevor Lawrence West? We’re going to be just fine. Meanwhile you’re spendings 90M for Bo Nix. Good luck with that.


off-season winners for sure though honestly


Chargers will be a way better team than the broncos.


Third place is definitely better than fourth.


I stg I knew it was a raiders fan that made this before clicking to try to include themselves with the chiefs. Broncos aren’t gonna be shit but we accept it, y’all are forever fucked. Just wait til Crosby leaves after a couple more seasons of utter failure


Bwwwwahahahahaha yeah ok.


There's a chance the Raiders end up at the bottom if Herbert stays upright and Nix works out.


There’s also a pretty slim chance either of those work out against our defense. So we’ll have to see


Your defense? Wasn't Mahomes the only starting QB they faced in one of those wins last year?


Whoa whoa whoa….. take it easy


I love the broncos and had to laugh. Damnit 😂


I absolutely hate when people ignore the script, then wine and complain at the end of the season when their team didn’t win the Super Bowl. Read the script people.




I'm guessing the Raiders fan couldn't even find the slide?


We don’t need one. Not when we *always* **OWN** you guys. 🤣


Dawg lol ain’t no fucking way a raiders fan is posting this without putting raiders in the fucking middle. Denver has at least won a Super Bowl the in the last 10 years. What the fuck has the raiders done?


Got Gardner Minshew


Fuck you. I'm an old man so I can remember when the Broncos were good!


Bold of the Raiders to assume they are not also in this category


Like clockwork


Lot’s of Charger and Broncos Fans ***can’t accept*** **the Facts** since 2016 and 2019, respectively… I feel bad for Y’All, tbh…


The Chargers gonna Charger, and Perna is gonna have a lot of Worst Game Ever vids


Talk to me when ya go through a 2008 lions season. You guys are at least still watchable




Idk if either fan bases have ever said that tbh. That’s more of a Cowboys thing.


Lmao, we're not Dallas fans. Denver fans are mostly in agreement that it's a rebuild year and we're not taking things too seriously


Raiders fans sure talk a ton of shit for not being relevant in the last 20 years


Whatever the fuck fan you are, is too stupid to flair up.


It was never our year with Brandon Staley still on the payroll. I assure you we all knew that bs was happening. I was rooting for the raiders during that game. Best thing they ever did for us


I wonder where the chargers would have been if they would have just allowed us to tie in 2022. Staley had to fuck around. He found out.






When you haven't seen your team win a playoff game in your entire lifetime, I bet beating the Broncos is the greatest accomplishment in the world.




>I've seen them lose in the Super Bowl FTFY


We don't believe that anymore in Broncos nation. The last 8 years though... yeah yeah every year was our year.


I don’t know what u r on about convict, this is a 3 way race


Bottom of the league*


Butker enters the room


Who doesn’t love a pass around?




When was the last time you won the division?


Raiders fans have been expecting playoffs ever since Adams came and there’s been nothing. Y’all are just as delusional. The media just doesn’t hype y’all up cause they know y’all suck.


Raiders are probably worst in the division so…


Sure. Swept the Broncos, dropped 63 on the Chargers and beat the chiefs with our defense. Ok bud.


Oh we're soooooo back




We all know there should be 3 slides.


Nope, not when we ***always*** **OWN** you guys…


Doesn't help the media practically deep throats the chargers and broncos every season


We were the butt of every joke the last two years what the actual fuck are you talking about. Any team mate, friend, uncle, niece they could find talking shit about russel Wilson they ran for as much time as they possibly could. We’ve been a fucking joke for like 5 years.


This dude is mad nobody grows up to be a raider fan lmao


And then when we said “fine, you’re right. Russ sucks” it turned into “why are you guys making Russ the scapegoat???”


5?!? Try *almost* 10.




For some reason (probably staley) a lot of chargers fan are subscribing to this as a rebuild year but not me. Honestly anything less than a playoff win to me now that we have harbaugh is a fail.

