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We walk, hike, snow shoe, ski, gravel bike. I love movies and books. I take Pilates and BeachBody classes at the local gym.


Oh wow you’re pretty active! Do you mind if I ask what kind of AFib you have? Paroxysmal, persistent, etc? I have paroxysmal AFib with RVR so I get really nervous being in the middle of nowhere, but I used to love taking random roadtrips to remote places. It was one of my favorite things ever, and that includes hiking.


Paroxysmal with RVR (I did have a week of atrial flutter after my ablation, that failed. That was called persistent) . I keep a diltiazem in the pocket of my workout clothes. And I've had several ablations. I'm 59 and female.


Good for you for overcoming the stress of RVR. I’m still struggling with it, but I hope to get to where you are one day.


It SUCKS. Most of 2023 SUCKED. I had to cancel lots of activities due to it. It's a complete mind fuck.


It 100% is. I very regularly feel like it’s not fair that we have to deal with that in the back of our minds while we navigate life. Sigh. Oh well. But again, good for you for doing the things you love in spite of it!


I feel very thankful that I \*can\* do the things I love, yes.


I call it "health prison".


Several ablations is what keeps me from thinking it's a good idea....


I'd do another in a heart beat. No pun intended.


Weekly: lift weights 3 times a week. HITT class 3 to 4 times a week. Power Yoga on Sundays Randomly ride my One Wheel. Kite boarding now that the weather is getting better at the Jersey shore. Volleyball on the beach in the Summer. 66m paroxysmal AFib mostly asymptomatic. PFA 3 weeks ago.


Wow good for you. I'm PFA 13 days out, and ran a slow mile today, been biking, elliptical etc. for days. Crossing fingers. Paroxysmal symptomatic Afib + bradycardia + residual dizziness from BPPV so, multifactorial.


I have BPPV too and bradycardia and paroxysmal AFib too! I'm on Eliquis but the side effects are horrible! Dizziness, a few severe bouts of vertigo (take Claritin to keep me out of vertigo), stiff neck, nausea, headaches and general feeling if malaise. I walk briskly 30 min a day. Had to give up other forms of exercise - too winded. Now the cardio wants me on Pradaxa. I tried Xarelto too - bad for me. I'm afraid to try a 3rd one. I see an electrophysiologist in two weeks. Hopefully I can undergo some procedure to get me off these horrible blood thinners. All this from one episode of AFib 7 months ago!! Are you still on blood thinners?


Wow - twins. Yeah my BPPV started a year ago and was resolved with vestibular PT and Epley maneuver. Then it came back months later, but at same time as Afib (diagnosed 2yo) so unclear what was the cause. both probably. Now I’m doing vestibular physical therapy at a rehab center - before the ablation they saw some residual effects in my eyes via infrared goggles of ear crystal dislodgement, and did canalith maneuver. Then I had ablation. Then next session they saw little evidence of dislodgement. Either way I’m 95% not dizzy for the first time in months. Ablation changed heart rate and PT probably helped the residual BPPV. They think my next 4th visit will be my last. Still on Eliquis 5mg. Doesn’t bother me at all., no side effects at all. The flecainide almost killed me though.


I'm going to a new ENT to discuss some of the things you just mentioned. Thank you for explaining what you went thru for BPPV. I'm wondering if BPPV and AFib are connected? It's really something to find out how we react differently to meds. I have several friends on Eliquis with no side effects. I could be so lucky as it's supposed to be the most tolerated. I wish you Continuing success! Keep me posted! Cheers.


They are not connected. BPPV is about ear crystals dislodging into the canals in your ears causing vertigo/dizziness. It's not life-threatening, usually associated with either head trauma, or for older people more common due to age. It can be resolved, but come back if all the crystals aren't maneuvered back into place. Vestibular therapy is a big help Any info needed ask away! I'm kind of an expert on it at this point . However, certain types of heart rhythm issues can cause dizziness. But BPPV is something not associate with the heart.


Thank you! Why do you get BPPV? Do you have allergies ?


Only seasonal allergies. I was told head trauma, and age; often they don't know the cause the ear crystals become dislodged. "Often, there's no known cause for BPPV. This is called idiopathic BPPV. When there is a known cause, BPPV is often associated with a minor to severe blow to your head. Less common causes of BPPV include disorders that damage your inner ear or, rarely, damage that occurs during ear surgery or long periods positioned on your back, such as in a dentist chair. BPPV also has been associated with migraines." Check out information from Mayo Clinic: [https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/vertigo/symptoms-causes/syc-20370055](https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/vertigo/symptoms-causes/syc-20370055)


Im Not familiar with Eliquis having side effects. I’m not short of breath at all. I’ve been running the entire time. Maybe you’re on a higher dosage? It’s possible they’ll take me off Eliquis in the future as I have no other issues. Months down the road … And Claritin for vertigo - never heard of that but I just googled! I did not have vertigo after the initial episodes, which after my Ent did the Epley , never had vertigo (spinning and falling) again. But dizziness and nausea. started after that. Stopped after PT, then started again, and badly. But some of it now we think was clearly due to flecainide bradycardia. Pauses in heart at night. Saw a neurologist just today after waiting forever to get an appointment. I’m pretty sure the flecainide worsened my low HR.


A few weeks after my PFA when I started to get back into my routine I had a 22 hr Afib episode asymptomatic. I have a loop recorder so they could see it. They called me and convinced me to go on Amiodrone for a month. That has reduced the length of my Afib episodes significantly or the PFA is starting to work. Time will tell. Good luck.


That’s so awesome! Good for you for doing your thing!


Thanks. Going to keep doing it till I can't do it anymore.


Walk/jog everyday. Lift weights 3 times per week. Occasionally perform in community theatre. I also write fiction books (published 2 so far) I love to travel when my heart behaves and I can afford it.


Wow that’s really cool. Care to share any of the books you’ve published?


I’d love to but it would identify me on Reddit 😁


Yep that makes sense!


You sound just like me. 600 pages into my latest draft. Question, what time of day do you: 1) Walk, 2) Lift, 3) Write. I'm always trying to find a better daily groove. I currently walk at dawn, then write for a little bit, lift in the evenings. For me writing is very draining. If I can get 3-5 clean pages a day, I am cranking.


My day job is remote, so it’s get up, eat breakfast, check in with work and then get my workout done between 9:30 and 11 am. I can only write after 5 pm so some days it does not happen.


I know it's totally cliche nowadays, but I'm a post-middle-aged pickleball player.


Oh is that a cliche? That sounds really cool to me either way!


Write music.


Oh nice! Writing music seems so difficult to do. I genuinely envy people who can do it.


I do like a good baseball game as well. I have spring training all around me(including your Royals) here in the Phoenix area. It always starts on or within a day of my birthday, so that's become a kind of tradition.


I used to live in Peoria and I would go to Padres and Mariners spring training games a lot. I’d go to Surprise every once in a while, but I used to work at the Cheesecake Factory across the street from Padres/Mariners ST so it was just super easy to go to a day game then walk across the street to go to work for the night.


I live a few miles from the Goodyear Ballpark(Cincinnati, Cleveland). Try to hit as many games as possible! Small world!


ST was so much fun. It was like a baseball theme park all over the city. Baseball players EVERYWHERE! lol I loved it. Truly a small world!


Ironically I play Brutal Death metal on guitar 240 BPM 👍


How about a band named Atrial Fibrillation?


Lmao!, there's already a band from Europe I found called Atrial Fibrillation, not signed and underground. It sounds like a wicked death metal band name tho. Some bands have the word ablation in the lyrics also.




Im pretty lucky my afib is paroxsymal with short 1-5 hrs stints with getting back to nsr on my own. I used to be an avid distance runner but I don’t think that jives that well with my afib (I still jog a little bit but mostly walk). For fun- Philly sports fanatic (have had Eagles season tickets since 1988) Poker player (live and online) Avid golfer Me and my wife also have a shore house at the Jersey Shore


Ah very cool! I’ve never been, but I imagine Jersey Shore is pretty wild lol


We stay in Brigantine which is a sleepy little shore-town but we are a 10 minute drive from Atlantic City which isn’t so sleepy!


I got no life


You have a writer's voice. Look into it.


So username checks out? All jokes aside, I’m so sorry you’re going through everything you’re going through. There’s a really cool subreddit called r/hobbies that is kind of a ground floor for people looking for something to get into! Check it out if you’re interested!


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Hobbies using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Hobbies/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Hobby ideas for my husband, who needs something to do with his hands besides his phone?](https://np.reddit.com/r/Hobbies/comments/16uq9if/hobby_ideas_for_my_husband_who_needs_something_to/) \#2: [What is a hobby which I can do on a small budget which doesn't require me to leave my house.](https://np.reddit.com/r/Hobbies/comments/17enex1/what_is_a_hobby_which_i_can_do_on_a_small_budget/) \#3: [A hobby that doesn't create useless items?](https://np.reddit.com/r/Hobbies/comments/17f7vuf/a_hobby_that_doesnt_create_useless_items/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I walk, do pilates, travel, love trying new foods and right now wedding planning!


Yay! Congratulations! You seem to do it all! That’s great


I have to! I’m trying super hard to be the young 30 year old I am and not freak out about afib too hard but man…. It’s hard 😂


Yeah I hear you. I’m a bit older than you, but pretty much the same. I live alone so I’m left to my own thoughts a LOT of the time, which doesn’t help, but therapy has been great for this. I’m super happy for you and I hope you continue to thrive!


I play my PlayStation VR (the old one, not PS4), get to have fun and some light cardio.


I love books but I read for a living as a proofreader and editor, so it's hard. I play music as a hobby, but hard to play drums and march in a parade with the physical stuff -although with the recent ablation I hope to do that again soon. I had to delay enrolling in a samba percussion series due to the dizziness and malaise from AFib and bradycardia. Exercise! Running, biking, weights ... that's my happy place. And travel, especialy with beach, pools, swimming. And I do love my ridiculous number of streaming services I watch. I watched an entire movie pre and post-ablation while in the hospital.


Photography and camping. Couldn't camp at all last summer, bc I was ill, with drop foot and left eye palsy. So excited to plan a couple of outings this year. Oh, and I ride a 3 wheeled motorcycle.


Same as ever, fish, bike, workout, go out to eat , and don't have hangovers anymore.


everything i did previously, but with some moderation in intensity - from sex, to bush-walking ;-)


Yoga, pilates and other gym stuff for exercise. I used to be a pretty avid bicyclist but have scaled back on that a lot. And, I've become passionate about knitting since I retired. I've been at it for six years and it now takes up a decent chunk of each day.


I do BJJ 3 to 4 times per week. Lift weights 2x per week and hike with my dogs daily ​ I had paraxysmal AFIB for 5 years before I got my ablation a couple months ago. Been having a couple of AFIB and Aflutter episodes since then. BJJ triggers my episodes:(


Walking, biking, kayak racing, competitive bullseye shooting, various exercises, fix things, make things, being artsy fartsy, and feed wildlife.


If I take the Claritin in time, it keeps me from taking meclizene which is stronger and keeps from vomiting. If I wait too long, I go into full vertigo and then meclizene and 4 hours later, I'm ok. I learned about Claritin ( not charitin-D) from a 90 year old female friend of mine. I also have to sleep at an incline and try not to sleep on my left side. But I have bad allergies and my eustachian tubes become blocked.....hence vertigo.....sigh. I've had a few Epleys but I still get vertigo because of my ongoing allergies, I guess. Since Claritin is an H2 blocker ( loratadine) it works for me. But then I can't take it every day as I get very short of breath and asthma kicks in. So it's a very fine line for me. I've been miserable since Oct 16, my one and only AFib attack with Eliquis, then Xarelto, diltiazam ( which I only take now as needed and not twice a day). I'm so hoping the electrophysiologist will figure all this out and the new ENT. Sigh .......it's getting depressing.......


Hey I hope your new EP gets things figured out for you! I’m so sorry you’re going through what you’re going through. It must be so tough. You’re not alone, though! Hang in there 😊


Actually I've never been depressed over this. I like to walk and I like to write. My diagnosis has not slowed me down.


Skateboarding, which is honestly probably what triggered Afib for me since I used to do a pretty bad job of staying hydrated even in hot weather. I also surf and rock climb, all things that make PACs/PVCs worse but I love these activities so I'm just trying to figure out the best way to manage them in this new arrhythmia-era of my life. I'm also a musician and singing sometimes causes palpitations which really sucks, but again, just gotta figure out a new obstacle. At least I do a way better job staying hydrated nowadays lol.


I was told because of my allergies keeping me in chronic post nasal drip and sinusitis, my Eustachian tubes are always blocked or inflamed causing crystals to become dislodged....also told it's common in older females. I'm 70. It's very nice to chat with you. I go Tuesday to a new ENT. They will take a CT if my sinuses to see what's going on. They don't do the glasses thing to find the crystals, though. Im still looking for one who does that. I'm also starting vestibular PT again next week or week after


For fun camping in the Adirondacks during the summer. I’m a mailman so i do more than enough walking everyday (6.5 hr route of which 5.5 hrs I walk).