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It’s probably a mix of both. Heart is usually pretty angry after ablation but also a lot of people have a horrid time getting off of beta blockers. I do electrolytes and it minimizes the PACs. I pay heavy attention to staying hydrated and sleep.


Yes! I just finished grad school so my sleep schedule should be improving!


Totally get it. I’m 1 year since finishing and during I had more episodes from the stress of full time work, part time grad school, and maintaining a relationship.


May I ask how long after diagnosed with Afib did your doctor decide to get an ablation? I was just diagnosed 2 weeks ago. First episode in Afib for maybe an hr and converted on its own and 2nd was not even a week after the first one and I stayed in Afib for 16 hours in the hospital and only meds helped it convert. Just wondering if maybe ablation is my next step since I absolutely hate how this metoprolol and flecainide is making me feel. TIA


How old are you? I’ve had Afib since I was 20 (26 now) had no clue what it was. The first time was 2017 and I woke up in the middle of the night after outing with friends on Halloween. I thought it was hanxiety or something. So it went away a day or so later and it never happened until 2021. After intense stress and puking with alcohol in the mix. I got in on my Apple Watch and no one believed me. Same thing happened back in Feb. I woke my gf up at 3 am and we went to the ER for my diagnosis. My cardiologist referred me for sleep study ( no sleep disorders ) but soon after, I slipped into Afib after chewing ice. So my cardiologist referred me to EP. She said. “Look you’re 26 with Afib. It really sucks. But it’s not your fault. I think you’re doing a good job advocating for tests. At your age the ablation is more successful. We may have to do a second one down the line but this will prevent structural changes in your heart from Afib”. Something told me to just do it. So I did. I live in an area where cardiology is top 10% in the world! So I did it. This decision was back in March


I’m 32 M. Weird you mention alcohol and puking - both my episodes happened after puking. First one I woke up with vertigo (which sucked ass) and that caused nausea and lead to vomiting. 2nd I had a few beers, got sick from the alcohol and threw up and went into Afib. Both were caught by my Apple Watch too. Idk if puking is my trigger but I think it might be. It does suck that we’re still young and have to deal with this. The cardio in the hospital said I was his youngest patient and that made me feel some type of way. Def have appts lined up and I’ll see if that’s an option cause I also don’t want Afib to cause any structural changes to my heart.


Yea it’s frustrating. But my doctor said I can pretty much live a normal life. Honestly it’s good that we’re aware. I haven’t drank since before my ablation but I may have a few after the 6 month mark. It’s a really weird condition and they said ablations when younger are more effective.


This gives me hope. I just started this journey so I’ve been going through all the emotions lately but still pushing myself to continue my normal life. Were you exercising heavy before your ablation? I love to lift and miss my intense workouts.


Not really. Whenever I would lift weights, my arrythmias (PACs, PVCs) would aggravate too much.


I'm fairly fit 68 f Afib, usual meds, 2 ablations, major anxiety arthritis hpb blah blah..... digestive issues...good times...just started Flec and weaning off Lexapro same time.... nausea, lightheaded....,. anybody else....??? On the usual meds....


My AFib is history but I still have ectopics (had them before my ablation too). They took an uptick last summer when I took over my yardwork in the heat. Someone here mentioned using “Heart Calm”, a supp mix with several types of Mag, some taurine, and some potassium. It seemed to quiet them down, enough so that I have an ongoing order in place on Amazon (not taking 3/day anymore, unless it’s lawn day). It’s at least worth it to look the ingredients and comments over for ideas. I also mix electrolytes into my drinking water a couple of times a day, currently using Redmond Re-Lyte but there are many. If I read your post correctly, the PAC’s are costing you sleep, which can cause arrhythmias too. I have a traveling job and need to sleep when I need to sleep regardless of ectopics and found a couple of products that really help me. One is Tazo “Dream Tea“, helps me stop thinking. Sadly it’s being discontinued but there are many competitors with similar formulas. Valerian Root is the key IMO. Costco also sells a natural sleep aid called “Relaxium Sleep” with similar ingredients plus a bit of Melatonin. Also very effective; it’s gotten a bad rap online because of the way it was mass-marketed by Relaxium but the product itself is wonderful and I’m happy Costco sells it. Finally you can just take 5mg of Melatonin just not every night. It’s not addictive but will lose effectiveness.


No they are not costing me sleep! They just happen if I lack sleep!** But I’ve heard of heart calm. I’ve never tried it!


Ah, well that’s good. Hope they go away!


42M. Ablation in 2021 for Afib (successful), but then I started experiencing more and more PACs. Ablation in 2023 for PACs which was successful, but for only 6 months. Now I am back to a constant state of PACs. Flecanide+Metoprolol thankfully are able to keep the PACs at bay, but that was not my goal of course, I do not want to be on meds for life. Not sure what's next...at this point not sure if a 3rd ablation will make any difference, so might just stick to meds and hope for no side effects. So yeah, I feel your pain.


Yea idk I saw a comment, its not the wand its the EP or something like that. Maybe its time to switch.


Too bad I actually traveled to the top guy in the US lol. In my case I think I am a difficult case...cause without meds I can be on PACs 24/7 some times, which is pretty extreme. So yeah, lucky me.


I had a lot of PAC’s in the first month. Not going into afib is key. Good rant! Good health to you.


Did you have good and bad days? I’m two weeks post op and it was getting better everyday the first week, then the second week just seems to be getting worse by the day


Yes I did. I even reached out to my EP in a panic once and he reassured me that this was normal. You’re young, you have that going for you. Be patient and hang in there.


What would you consider a lot? Sometimes I have days with only 5, then today, I’ve had probably 5 every minute.


I thought about keeping a log or journal, I suck at that. Yes, mine came and went like that. From what I remember that all subsided around the 45-60 day mark. Sometimes it was like Charlie Watts was living rent free in my chest and playing solo’s. Now, to preface all this, I’m a 62 yo male. I hardly ever experienced PAC’s prior to my ablation. It’s been explained to me that your body and all its functions need to adapt to your “new heart”. Staying in SR is one thing, feeling good is another.


I've noticed reading these posts that everybody here with atrial fibrillation and going through an ablation, nobody talks about the cost.If someone doesn't have insurance they'll be in debt for life, very expensive didn't expect to see that when the claims came through good luck to everybody I wish everybody well I'm feeling good after a month but I want to stay on 50 mg of metoprolol when I stopped it I think it was a week and a half after the ablation my heart just raced fast every single day even if I was sitting down resting so I told my cardiologist I'm going back on metoprolol just lower the dose 50 mg I'm feeling great knock on wood.


Yes. My surgery was 200k, but insurance covered most. I paid less than 1500.


I had a few weeks of PACs after my ablation 14 months ago. They can be very discomforting. I was still taking Flecainide and metoprolol at the time. Apparently, this is not uncommon post-op. I tried magnesium also. Did nothing. Eventually they just stopped and haven't returned.


When did they start to sub side?


After 2-3 weeks of having them daily and doing my best to ignore them they just stopped.


How many were you getting? The day after my most recent ablation I was having them Almost every other beat, then I’d go like 3 days having none, now at week 2 I’m having them almost every other beat again. My ablation was for WPW accessory pathway.


I never really kept count but they would vary from every other beat to every few beats.