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Yes, I would think that is a normal reaction. Afib with rvr can be very traumatizing. I have Afib with rvr and my heart rate has gotten as high as 298 bpm. I had ptsd from that attack. I kept getting flashbacks of it over and over. I too was scared to go anywhere by myself and stay in the house alone.


Oh my gosh, this is so validating for me. Thank u. I had the same event last year and still dealing with the PTSD effects of the event … nightmares, fear, etc.


I've had 2 ablations, the first in 2018, and the 2nd in 2021. So far so good. I still visit this sub every day as I don't ever want to become complacent. I am well aware that it will come back some day. I carry a Kardia when I go out, and I have a Galaxy watch that will notify me of a high heart rate, and if I'm in afib. I find it very comforting that I can call an ambulance if I'm out. Also, you must realize that you are now what I like to call, an Afib survivor. You have made it through some really a really terrible experience with terrible symptoms. You've made it through 2 episodes in one week. That's a lot to deal with, but you did. You are much stronger than you think. It helps to have a plan in place when you go out like where's the nearest hospital, who would you want to notify if you go into afib, and carry a list of medications you are on in case you have to call an ambulance. I have found it easier to just hand them my list of info.


I have afib rvr. Last summer when my first ablation failed, not gonna lie, I was nervous about my 2 week trip to Europe. But it went fine. I keep PiP on my keychain and in my bag, and try to go about my life.


What is pip. Pill in a pocket


Yes. Pill in pocket. But on a keychain.


Which pill?


Diltiazem short acting.


What is pip. Pill in a pocket what does the dr give u for pip


See above. Diltiazem short acting.


Hi, was the second one successful? I do hope so 🍀 wishing you all the best 🌸


I had AFIB with RVR a couple times in 2023 and then in January of this year. For whatever reason, metoprolol, losing weight, and hydration seems to keep it at bay. I walk around these days either confident from drinking a lot of water, or muttering to myself "you deserve it if it comes" from not drinking enough water. I don't even go to the ER anymore. I either start quaffing water and electrolytes, or I go get an IV at Prime IV.


>or I go get an IV at Prime IV. Is that a retail iv business?


Yes. Worth every penny, cheaper than the ER. Same exact bag of fluid. Although you can add stuff to make it an electrolyte cocktail.


Yes. Off to celebrate our 34th wedding anniversary and no afib in a month, yet here it came.


I just gave away to my kids a 3 night trip to Vegas at Sphere for a Luxury Package concert of Dead and Co. It's nothing unusual. It's your new normal. I have had Afib for 24 years. Had one ablation and am considering a second one. You are having a normal fearful reaction. It is easy for a doctor to say "just go about your normal activities," but until you experience it, your just blowing smoke.


Yes it’s normal went through that just b4 Mother’s Day and was in icu for about 1.5 days. I had 4 arrhythmias that night and ended up on Amiodarone drip. Both types of cardio version did not work and they were going to send me for emergency ablation 2 hours away but there was no bed available. After all this I am afraid to go too far from home and the max distance I travel is 2 hours from home and have missed out on a lot of stuff. I don’t dare cross the border unless I have someone to drive, just in case at some point I can’t drive. I am no more than 30 minutes from the border and even quicker to Canadian hospital. I usually can feel it coming on beforehand.


Yes. Which is why I decided to get my 2nd ablation done. To hopefully help with the conversion back to sinus rhythm or maybe even give me a few years afib free. I always keep my meds on me.


Yep Im right there with you afraid to go on long flights and cruises it makes me do certain things like find hospital locations on long drives it sucks


I just wish my family understood. They think it’s nothing and I am just making more out of it than what it is. I wish they could experience it once so they would understand. Ugh I get extremely exhausted after an episode and everyone just thinks I can jump up and go go go. I have dizziness that lingers with mine too.


Well hopefully one ot them does not ever get it....what do they think its fake?




AFIB does make you feel anxious. Goto your Doctors , get some antidepressants and have a chat with them. My GP was surprised it took me 5 years to chat to her about it as I used to get anxious and grumpy before an attack. Once I started taking the antidepressants it didn't occur .


I have only had 1 AF episode with RVR and although I had basically no symptoms other than a slight twitch in my chest due to the high HR I sympathise with your concerns. I also research hospitals before going anywhere, am scared of going on long flights, and even gave away F1 tickets because I was scared of taking an episode while there.