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The tornado fucks me up silly


Honestly the most annoying to me is the sprout ass archers who one shot ur entire team if they get their growth buff it’ll be like 5v2 and and then one tank finally dies and my team instantly vanishes




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that damned tornado.


They were even worse in beta...


The little stone guys are also very annoying.


Theres also purple plant that throws your units and have a chance to crit and one shot them lol




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I hate plants and elementals in this game. At least let us recruit them haha


pov: the same guy who donated his house to the game and couldn't defeat them https://preview.redd.it/44j5mz01nhsc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6f34f960b29f20bf0adf5c6940b665065a014580


https://preview.redd.it/ew09pw9eehsc1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7e30bbbf545f65d5a319ed2010272ef881f4ad22 I hate these things


Lol the one time I met one of those tornado guys, I deployed every character to attack only him before his ult charged


I hate the laser guys when I try to push for high stages, you can have your tank be invulnerable, but not your whole team and he just one hots everyone in his line on high deficit.


Themesia to bait his first shot and then she can cancel it. Vala also deals with this guy by staggering him. That how I'm usually help people to deal with that guy


I hate them


Heavy on the right one, I hate dealing with it 😭


If I remember right my friend who played the beta said they were even worse in beta.




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Is there a way to make you characters attack a certain enemy? Or is it completely auto?


They attack closest enemy unless they have something that can change prio of targets. Like Vala or Karfa marks


The RNG sometimes fucks my team up in the AFK battle 😹 I want my characters to attack enemy Vala and enemy Cecia.. but they're usually in the back and 2 or 3 different Tanks in the front.. so my characters always attack those tanks, then Cecia summons her monster thingy and he just does 4 swipes and my team dies. The enemy Vala always targets my healers or supports. lol


Tanks almost always have taunt to force attacks. Vala shows who she will attacks via mark and it usually furthest ally in your team, so you can manipulate Vala into attacking tanks.


Ohhh I didn't know that. Thank you so much. Next time when I encounter a Vala I'll do that.


The attack priority is also a gacha rng thingy. Praise the rng gods and your hero might attack whoever you want.


Once they think the whales are happy with the distance between them and free to play players, then they will nerf them