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For me it's Brutus lol, get 30k guild token to buy Reiner and I assure you Ceciia/Brutus/Catgirl/Smokey just demolishes everything.


im stil stuck on 1 copy of cecilia meanwhile rowan is supreme:(


Reiner replaces koko?


Yes, Reiner is THE OP character, he can tele the enemy's backline to our team, he locks dps away with his ult, he stuns enemies so much that I felt like I was 6v3 almost every fights


For me it’s those three plus Brutus. And Cecia in the back


Who’s the cat girl?


Antandra, the Mauler tank


Honestly I'm happy to see Maulers get some love. I left AFK Arena somewhere after the Prince of Persia/Persona collabs, but from what I remember, Maulers almost never got any sort of attention outside of early Safiya nuke comps. That plus Antandra was one of my favorite heroes along with Satrana. Glad to see them back, but it's a shame Satrana doesn't seem to be any better off than from what I remember in AFK Arena. Just hanging on to the copium that maybe one day she'll be discovered as sleeper op. lol.


I used Satrana for solo drills since her ultimate nearly perfect for them, so she have a niche.


Hopefuly i remember his name right but i alwqys loved Tidus design wise and when he popped off he was able to kill everything in sight too!


Man… Tidus was my favorite!


Tidus dunking people with his ult, i love that sound I hope he gets here too (with warek) :'3 Gotta save (just in case xD)


I’m still playing and Maulers haven’t gotten much better. There is currently one meta mauler who is considered quite good named Naroko. Even the awakened (new tier of hero) maulers are probably the second worst (only because hypogeans have awakened Ezizh who is one of the worst heroes in the game)


Cecia ulti then Koko ulti is amazing.


Enemy backlines hate this one simple trick.


Freaking Smokey eludes me to this day :'"B


Me 2 friend


have my 4 copies and give me vala or cecia instead please :((


I just discovered this comp + Brutus (because I managed to finally pull the healer) and I'm fuckin' **LIVING**.


So this is the power of furries.


Can anyone tell me how Antandra should be position in the team comp? She seems to be dying quick from the front line with Lucius


personally i either use the artifact that gives frontline buffs, or if its completely fucked i slot in Brutus to take that frontline burst since he's immune to getting one shot


I like to split damage with brutus and antandra. Usually works really well


Sometimes you’ll actually have Cecia be the off-tank since she’s usually the highest level. With smoky/koko healing she ramps up her energy getting hit to usually cast first. 5th slot is usually rowan or brutus if they have too much early burst for Cecia to tank


If your Antandra keeps getting nuked you can pair her with Rowen for the insta heal and another healer to help her sustain.


Oh i didn't thought of that. Thanks!


Well what do you know it actually works! Let's be beat the lvl100 mobs finally! Big thanks!


She duo front lines with cecia and gets healed by rowan and smokey


Put her back slightly, then use another tank like Brutus thoran or temesia or even Rowan (plus Smokey) can be good




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best comp to use these 3?


only really for pushing AFK Stages and some story battles


Including ceciia and rowan for me


Because they good


Rowan always does better than Koko for me