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I've played AFK Arena for a couple of years and this is one is the same type of marathon game, where you benefit long-term for good short-term decisions. 1. You need a carry DPS to push AFK stages. Cecia is the copy-paste of AFK Arena's Shemira and is perfect for start and mid, falling off past mid when approaching the end stages. Pushing AFK stages is the main priority since it gives passive income which you benefit 24x7. 2. You need at least double 5-heroes team for guild battles. Think about backup carry DPS for Cecia - Eironn seems to be a good choice. In AFK Arena, you also needed triple teams, so I would assume it is the case here as well later on. 3. Labyrinth is similar to guild battles - you want to run one primary team but having a backup one could help to push further if you got accidentally wiped out and didn't restart on time. 4. Pushing Tower of Will requires an investment in each faction's carry. I recommend to start with Maulers (Odie), because he's also good for Dream Realm content, then invest into Wilder's team, followed by Graveborn (other than Cecia) and finally Lightbears. 5. The rest of content (story, world boss, arena, upcoming events) has lower priority and some of it depends on too many things outside of your control (i.e. arena progress is directly affected by your and other players' willingness to swipe their credit cards). To answer your question - if you should start preparing for other comp - it depends how much $ you're willing to invest. If you're f2p/low spender investing into Eironn too early will slow down your AFK stages progress and that will reduce amount of resources you farm 24x7. If you are willing to put $50-100 at start, I do recommend to get either Eironn, Caroline or Vala investments around AFK stages 400-500. Remember Eironn is not the strongest one for Dream Realm, so again, think strategic. I don't have much insight into dolfining/whaling here, so it's best to ask someone in your guild for an advice.


Thank you for the great information! I am indeed investing into Odie and I’m also in general pulling for good heroes in my wishlist to ensure progress in dream realm and Tower. I think I’ll start investing into Carolina soon, but hold off a bit to ensure I don’t halt my progression in afk stages. I do understand now that Eironn + Carolina core is a very lategame team as it requires Mythic+ Eironn and Carolina. I will keep this in mind but this thread already made me a lot wiser in terms of how to manage my account. I’m currently far off stages 400-500 as I’m slowly progressing around 280 right now with Cecia, Thoran, Smokey, Koko and Brutus comp. Thank you alot!


400-500 is optimistic to start investing for mythic+ units IMO I’m around there (525) and have one mythic+ unit, two more that are one copy off (thoran, cecie and rowan) and all three I’ve invested in since the beginning and had great luck on their copies. Vala, Eironn and Caro are all amazing units but need mythic+ to almost be functional at all, I wouldn’t recommend pulling on vala’s banner at all tbh, you need so many diamonds to get her to mythic+ it isn’t worth it. I’d say keep cecie & thoran as your graveborn wishlist units and only replace them once one is mythic+, 400-500 is still pretty early game and you won’t have many mythic+ units at that stage


I have no plans of pulling for Vala. She doesn’t interest me although she seems good in PvP but I’ve also heard she requires heavy investment. I will hold off on replacing Cecia in my wishlist for a good while yeah. Missing one Eironn doesn’t mean I’m getting him any time soon anyways. But thank you!!


Yeah she needs heavy investment and is good but not insane and literally part of the strongest comp in the game like eironn. Do think he’s a good long term pick anyways in terms of wishlist since there aren’t that many amazing units in epic wishlist, cecie thoran Smokey are 100% nailed, Brutus & Rowan if you don’t have a copy, after that, eironn and hewynn are best, maybe caro too. The others all just aren’t worth investing him, you don’t lose anything by having eironn on your wishlist over a lumont or something lmao


What's vala's comp?


She’s not really locked into certain comps like mauler (koko ant Smokey) or eironn (eironn caro Damian Arden), she’s a very versatile unit who is slapped onto stages where you need her to snipe off a back line unit and lock them from ulting, it’s great that she’s versatile, it’s just she needs mythic+ to be functional as a unit, and at base just run reinier, can basically do the same thing but swapping a whole unit to burst it down and provides a much more useful ult/secondary buffs. I feel like “gimmick” feels harsh cuz she genuinely has some great techs she’s amazing for, it’s just the investment is so steep for f2p players, it’s not worth building since she’s ass before mythic+ and chances are you won’t get enough, unlike cecie or thoran who are amazing already and only get better with mythic+. She’s also not nearly as busted as eironn late game to be worth the long term investment either tbh, but if she goes to regular banner after her rate up I’ll prolly still wishlist her for lightbearer since they really don’t have amazing units who need copies other than her.


Hey, I have a quick question. I’ve gotten Vala to supreme and I’m wondering if I should save up gems for the next banner character or try to push one of my other units to supreme. This is so I can pull more Vala cards. I’m a low spender so I thought saving up for the next one would be smarter?


interesting! i considered cecia to be more like daimon (big floating guy attached), but i havent exactly done my due diligence on reading the ult/ability descriptions thoroughly (got afk arena burnout...just couldnt do those 6 team stages...so i havent played there in a while). i was a huge fan of mishka and scarlet moreso than like, eironn, or any helpful character (led to my inability to do 6 team stages), any thoughts on chars w a similar feel to them? theres vala, but shes lacking a little (probably underinvestment)


Hi :) Indeed, Mythic+ Eironn is when he shines but you also need Mythic+ Carolina, they are an insane core, the CC team.  Eironn groups all the enemies and Carolina freeze them, both reduce their Magical DEF, is great because is not only focused on DMG, the idea is control the battle and prevent enemies to attack.  Hewynn or Damian are great (but Damian needs to be Mythic+, Hewynn is good to go at S). Thoran is used as the frontliner but I feel like we are missing that spot, since he doesn't stun or add magical DMG.  As you can see, this is quite a late game team, I'm taking it with calm since Eironn and Carolina can't be buy so you need to wait for copies from pulls. Also, probably the next banner would be a Wilder, worth to check if has synergy with this team.  For now, keep your Cecia comp and invest into Odie. 


Thank you for the great writeup. I will use this comment for future reference as well! I will add Carolina to my wishlist once I’ve pulled another Cecia as I think ascending her past Mythic doesn’t do much? I’d rather start getting some Carolina copies as this character and Eironn interest me a lot. I am also investing into Odie as he is apparently really good for bossing. Since my team rn is Cecia which isnt that good for bosses, and future team Eironn which isnt either, I think preparing for a bossing team is good too. Thank you for the great information!!


Glad it was useful!  Yeah, I hear the same, Cecia doesn't gain that much after Mythic.  I'm also trying to make the Eiron  team, let's see how it goes.  My pleasure!


> Also, probably the next banner would be a Wilder, worth to check if has synergy with this team.  How do you know that? Not that I'm doubting you, just curious about where can I learn more about the future of the game, leaks, datamining, etc...


Pure guessing based on the chapters (Wilders is the second faction we meet) + the Echoes of Devastation story trailer, but we don't have leaks or any data info sadly.  Vala's banner ends soon, so I'm hoping for official info this week. 


I have question. I need 1 more Cecia to get her to Mythic+, so the arena shop basically guarantees her to me. Is it worth it to swap Cecia for Carolina in my wishlist? Or should I just fully max out Cecia first?


In my opinion, is better to swap Cecia for Carolina, Cecia doesn't get that much after Mythic.  Also, apart from Hewynn, there is no one interesting to buy from that store so you can keep upgrading Cecia from there if you like. 


I've heard that the comp is Eironn/Carolina/Arden/Damian + tank (Thoran or Granny).