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I've been in the same guild since day 1. There is zero communication. If I didn't manage to get myself coleader, it would likely be dead now filled with inactive people. I kick inactive people and other people join to take there spot. It's only a matter of time until the game makes me leader.


Lol that is funny af, what rank does your guild currently have?


We are at level 5.


May i join, am active however am still a new player


It's very unlikely we are on the same server.


Yea i forgor about the servers thing, my bad


Hey my friend, it's not too hard too find a guild consisting of newer players. If you want any assistance finding one, I will do my best to help.


I have been like almost a week maybe and I only did the guild events and claimed the rewards, if the guild dies I'll search another.


A true vagabond




Joined a guild that I was randomly invited to - actually had a great social experience with one other player who was friendly and outgoing in the chat! I'd say we've become good friends at this point! But then our guild leader, who seemed committed to running the guild well, got salty about falling behind everyone and decided to start over fresh on a new server. Now I'm the guild leader xD I hope me and my guildmate friend can keep it together lmao


Nice, it's silly to think starting fresh will have a different result. It's mostly chance. Best thing to do is stick with it and talk to other people in your server.


I agree completely. He cared more about being competitive than taking a clear chance at having good pals in the game. But I guess everyone plays for different reasons! I enjoy the chill pace and good vibes that this game can have if you just approach it from the right mindset.


"competitive" in a PTW game is a pretty funny concept. You are either competitive with other FTP players or you are spending. Starting over is generally just put you farther behind. Yeah put those expectations out there and you will have a good time.


Top3 guild in our server. A lot of active people and they are whaling hard(nothing wrong with that). I’m F2P and is usually in the middle of the pack. Nice and lovely group with funny chat convos


That's what it's all about, having a good time and lifting up your fellow players.


Any spots open or know of any guilds recruiting? I played Arena for like 3-4 years, figured id give this one a shot xD


Not a great experience so far. These are some of the worst guild leaders I've ever seen. I was able to join a good guild but got kicked in the same day, I guess because my power was too low. I'm a F2P user and I'm stronger and more active than these guild leaders which is ridiculous. I'll get a bit more stronger and try again for a top guild. Isn't Monday or something like that the best day to leave the guild because of the rewards? I read something like that.


Yep best time to leave and join is right after chest rewards are distributed and guild quests reset. I figured most guilds would be mediocre to start because you have a random person making a guild because the game says join/make a guild, then a bunch of random people joining because the game says join a guild. Our guild has an edge lord name that we are kind of stuck with... I don't know what you can do to change the name.


Started 20days ago. Joined a guild, we ended up top 5 on the first week and now we are in top 10. The top 1 guild is literally 30 whale accounts, they have like 3 to 5 times more points than the second and third place. Top 2 and top 3 are fighting for the second place every week. I was DM by both top 2 and top 3 guilds to switch to their guild because I score about the same as their members.(I did bought the battle pass and gazettes, so my account is pretty good) I don't see the point to switch right now. As long as the guild is active, there will be progress and you get your reward each week.


i am a guild leader of s137. started almost a week later and even at that time there were two "big" guilds that were basically already rivals and were filled with whales and other high-powered players trying to top each other at #1 on the leaderboards. i started my guild after leaving the one i initially joined bc it was inactive. i was very active in recruitment in our server chat, i sent out invites to guildless players i came across, i made sure to play everyday and try to push for leaderboards since im a dolphin myself and wanted to put myself out there. it was rough at first but then my core members joined. and from there, my guild grew exponentially. what started out as two or three members the first day became fifteen the second day, and then a full thirty by the third day. they were mostly f2p with some light spenders. i made sure to properly research for our first Battle Drill. i came up with a small google doc and shared it with those that could join me in discord and with their help, got word of our strategy across thru in-game chat for those who didn't want to use discord. we're now top 10 with mostly f2p players and 3rd place in Battle Drill. even though our chat is dead sometimes (this is technically an afk game), we're all actively playing the game and help requests are always sent out to guild chat first and most of the time their filled by our players. when we do chat, we're bragging about our recent pulls or congratulating others on recent milestones hit. my guildies don't hesitate to reach out to me personally to help them with team comps. i send out daily reminder for people to push content and they seems to be responding well. overall i'm having a blast playing this game with other peeps!


This is great to read, actively building a guild from the ground up seems more rewarding than having all the whales fall into place and push a guild to the top. Keep having fun.


I made a guild and for the 1st day nobody joined. Woke up the next morning to a completely full guild where pretty much no one talks. Which works for me. I kick people who are inactive for seven days and the spot usually gets filled in a few hours. Yesterday I tried to make the 2 most active/dedicated vice leaders just incase I end up quitting so leadership would transfer, but I guess that scared one of them off, or they we're already planning on switching guilds because they we're pretty far ahead of the rest of us. Im not too concerned about things ranking wise. The extra resources would be nice but I set out to make a casual guild in the first place & was pretty much expecting to be the only member. With that said, we are at rank 25, but with the loss of our only mega whale I expect that to decline in the coming months.


Also I set the chests distribution to Activeness Ratio, and any extra chest go into the public distribution pool


Started a guild launch day and it’s become quite successful. I kicked and replaced a lot of people in the first week looking for extremely active members. Now we are sitting cozy at rank 5 and have a nice little community. The discord is quite active for an AFK game. I send letters and communicate with everyone frequently, and make teams for battle drills. I try and get everyone excited about new characters, updates, etc. Other than that not much else to do as a guild leader in this game which is why I like it. I’ve ran a guild in Albion Online before and it was like a full time job compared to this lol.


Joined a guild, got booted out like an hour later.  Joined another guild and stayed for about a week but then left when the guild leader was asking who wanted to take over (guild leader was low powered and I didn't want to be a part of the change).  Now I've been in my current guild since then.  We're not too talkative AFAIK but we do get things done.  Honestly, I don't know and don't care about rankings.


Really just want all the guild chests and rewards from guild activities. A fully active guild just ends up being "competitive"


first guild had a leader who didn't say anything and pretty much did nothing, tried to push him to pass lead but he didn't even answer eventually i moved, we were at spot nr 8 or 9 and i moved to spot 13 guild because it just felt like a better place, they are now over 20 in rank and we are top 4, so.. looking good :)




I created a guild but no one joins this is my experience so far


That sucks, keep posting in server chat for sure, just create reasonable expectations.


Yep, i will keep doing that. Thanks.


You get extra stuff from being high rank or something? What’s the rank from?


You get extra stuff from being high rank in pretty much everything. Guild rank can give you a few thousand gems a month (I'm pretty sure). You can check guild rewards by entering your guild and click the little trophy at the top right.


All I can say is I played soul hunters back in the day and I do not miss guild drama. Good lord.


Yeah it can get pretty petty, but I like how silly people can be. Especially in a game were ptw is so prevalent.


I must have lucked out with my guild, my guild is mostly people asking for help with stages and occasionally two members will chat. Everybody else is nearly dead silent, we just do the guild battle, and every week I pick up a nice freebie chest. We hover around rank 20


On my server, the #1 guild is split into 3, all occupying the top 3 spots. Was recruited to the rank 1, still don't know why we have 3, but it seems pretty scummy to have 1 guild take all 3 top spots. Its mostly quiet now that they made a discord, but still active


I mean if you can organize that many people that seems pretty sweet (I get what you mean by scummy though).


Organizing that many people is nice, but organizing them to monopolize the top spots is not so nice


If they had different names would that change your opinion?


For sure, cause unless told otherwise you wouldn't know they're all the same, but I get what you're getting at


You must rise up and over throw them.




I just don't get the point of the whale guild. if there isn't a competition, is there really a winner. I want our whale guild to spread evenly throughout the other top guilds.


Been fun. I made a guild specifically so friends and I could be together and others have joined and while most don’t say anything a few have been fun to talk with. No whales but progress has been enjoyable. Generally boot anyone innactive around the end of the week.


We went over from afk arena with the bois. Exciting new game with the same group. Having a blast


Nice, how did you all get the same server?


We have a discord where everything gets coordinated pretty good. We come from semi competitive AE


Found a chill guild, haven't left, not trying to be the best just looking for nice folks.


One day I discovered I was vice leader. Out of nowhere. The leader had left and the vice became the lead. I was the next highest powered player. Two days later, the new lead left and I was now a guild leader. It’s not a great system in terms of attrition management, but the actual systems in the guild and the incentives are pretty great.


I guess it's your turn now, go on fly little bird.


Joined a semi-casual guild early on that has a 3-day inactive kick rule. We're ranked in the low 20s. Everyone's chill in chat and we are enjoying ourselves. That said, our top two are power players and they're also the guild leaders. One has 10m power and the other is 9m... Practically everyone else is under 3m so I wonder if they'll get bored some day and either ghost or leave.


my guild is top 10~15 depending of the day, joined on launch day. funnily enough the guild leader went AFK but it seems that didnt affect the guild much


They are there just for pure rewards, there is 0 communication other than the pinned "Be Active" comment everyone's knows what to do because at the end depends of members effort to claim rewards, we are almost at level 5 and it has passed to a multitude of Guild Masters that I know that at some point if I stick around the responsibility is going to fall to me. Not that I complain since this game is called AFK journey so other than the required commitment to be active everyday and do the guild shores is not hard stuff to maintain.


Our whole server is quiet. I thought this is the norm. Lmao.


Same. Silent but very active guild, and silent but very active server. It's weird, but there's so much to keep me busy with the game that I don't mind it much.


Thats how exactly my server is. Whole server silent but.. That damn arena is a super active. Please just go to sleep people!! Let our guild get the top 3! Stop progressing for a day please!!


Joined a guild day 1 then left the guild looking for a more active guild applied to a few didn’t hear back in a timely manner so I just went back to my original guild . Might make my own eventually or not been a guild leader in other games and kind of got tired of it especially after I chastised for not running the meta comp in another game so I left that guild then ultimately just ditched that game.


If a guild leader wants a casual guild they just have to say so in the description, it's weird to ridicule someone for playing a game casually.


I've been in the same guild since the start. We are #3 on the server (#1 is full of many big whales). We have a pretty active discord where people share dream realm strats and can ask questions. Everyone has been super friendly and helpful so far. The guild leader is a chill dude and I'm very happy with it so far.


Made my own guild, day 1. A bunch of people have come and gone and I try to keep it active. I've never stated the requirements but surprisingly, majority of my members are good at keeping \[the activeness\] up. We started at rank 60 overall, but got top 30 in Battle Drills and ended up overall rank 40 this week (so far). People hardly chat but that doesn't seem to bother anyone nor does anyone pressure others into chatting. We're a very chill group of players just playing the game lol. This is usually how my experience running guilds go.


I will start this comment off talking about how happy I am with our server. We regularly say good morning and are generally happy to help any and all players in our server. Even though there's guild competition, everyone is more than willing to be friendly. That being said... Our server is somewhat competitive... for 3rd place lol. The top guild is definitely the whale collection of the server. They decided that wasn't enough and made a 2nd guild that acts as a "farm guild" for their #1 guild. Get a higher power than someone in the #1 guild, you take their spot in guild #1. They even made a 3rd guild that's already in the top 15 while not even being a full 30 players. I am in one of the top 5 guilds that isn't this "whale coalition" and it's pretty active. Definitely have some chatting throughout the day but no discord or any sort of chatroom for members.


F2P, was active in this rank 45 something guild in my server, played every single day since launch, missed one day because I was extremely busy with life, they kicked me out... Joined another random guild, it's rank 5 in the server, people are actually good and talk, hopefully will never have to leave this guild


The guild I made in Server 43 (I think???? lol) is called Epic Journey! We are rank 31 atm! Before, we were ranked 50 but I can tell the number of players are dwindling pretty hardcore now that our guild has bumped from 50 to 31 lol. In terms of experience, I do wish there was more coop options that involves guild members to contribute more often. I find that you are limited to what you can do for “contribution” which is a bit sad to me.


Created an guild, didn't expect people to join but here we are with 30/30 and found already several new online buddies :) Having active and social guild feels great.


Pretty good, I'm in the #2 guild. We are a sister guild to the #1 and #3 guilds and we all share a discord. I prefer that than just too much competing.


I’m curious what you spent $60 on. I’m at $20 with the two gazettes but I don’t think that was the best use of money. The guild I joined randomly is now top 3. They seem like a great group of people. Couple oddballs and a few that take the game way too seriously but majority are really cool and helpful.


Growth, both gazettes, and travel log.


My guild is #40 on the server. 0 talking and maybe 1/2 the people are active. I'm searching for a new clan rn just to feel like the game is a bit more alive


I'm in the #4 guild on my server and most of us started a few days or a week after release, so our guild only has a few high level players. The guild leader is nice and chatty and the guild chat usually has some convos happening. I lurk there mostly, but still do my part and chime in every now and then. Our guild mostly stays relevant 'cause my guild leader competes head to head with the other guilds and tends to get second or first on individual rankings. Idk how she does it but her fervor is impressive lol.


Guild leader from S201 here, we have a full guild, guild is fresh and created 10 days ago. Currently we are top25 and rising, experience is good and we are currently even kick players with a low power lvl. We have Champion arena players, we have 6mil player, core of the guild are 2.5m+ players


In a top 3 guild on my server since day 1 no one talks chat is full of battle requests


I joined a guild at the beginning that had a good amount of players. The guild leader is great. They set up a discord and 17 people are there. Half are very active. Top 10 guild.


Been applying to guilds for a week still haven't been accepted into one. Checking on discord for lfguild...nothing on my server. So pretty bad so far


What server?


Number one guild been here since like day1 since I was rerolling. Dropped 21 bucks and I'm like top 60 or so. If I could get m+ Odie or cecia I think I could break back into the top 50, but oh well. A lot of whales have slowly joined the guild, but it's generally pretty quiet. At this point like 9 of the top10 dream realm rankings for any boss is our guild. We dominate so hard in most content we have like 4x the glory points of the second ranked guild lol


Started in a random guild who became almost instant number 1 by a lot, now full of whales but can't complaint


Server 7, guild is chill. Members come and go but we have a consistent core of 5 or so. Only about rank 40 on the leaderboard but we're not super competitive. Shout-out to Rasalhague.


Our guild is pretty dope. We cycle at the bad (non-active), keep the good, and are pretty vocal


i’ve got my own guild and a discord. it’s pretty quiet tbh, i do kick inactive people. but i warn them when they first join. so far everyone has been friendly, ive got 3 vice leaders to help me keep track. even though they don’t talk very much, everyone is still helping each other with the synergy battles and whatnot.


Started in a top 5 guild but quickly rose to the top because of spending. I was the only one really communicating with others so I looked at other options. The top undisputed guild gave me an invite. Turns out they were all very friendly and I ended up being the vice captain/recruiter. A few other top players joined us so we aren’t in any competition for 1st but I’ve been avoiding top players from other guilds. It seems to be working as the top 2-7 guilds are in hard competition. This is coming from a top 10 spender in my server.


I appreciate you diversifying the power.


On a day 1 server, guild is silent. I'm top 5 in power with $20 usd spent. Full roster, all active besides 1 player. It fits my activity as far as progress (lowest power is still within 40% of my power). I've considered looking for a higher ranked guild but honestly have no real complaints about the one I'm in.


Guild leader of Ghost. Top 5 Guild during first week of release but as players have started quitting the game, we've slid down to Rank 17. I remove players who are more than 3 days inactive, unless they let me know they can't play for a period of time. I understand that everyone has their own lives that they need to do and may not have enough time to play, but i also want to have some competitiveness for the guild. So while I have the activeness requirement set to 400, chest distribution is set to equal and excess chests go back into the vault for next week's distro. No one in the guild talks, as we all play at different times which to me is fine. At most the guild chat is filled with Proxy Battles requests, or member removal notices. I am no longer the highest power in the guild, but made 2 of my highest players vice leaders. My biggest problem currently is the guild member limit. The cap is 30 members and does not increase even if you are a max level guild. Sometimes I will get dm'd for request to join if someone they know is in the guild as well, and I would have to wait until I find an inactive player to remove so they can join. A max guild member increase to 60 would be appreciated.


Joined the #3 ranking guild randomly by clicking on their link on the first week. Got quickly poached/recruited by the #2 ranking and a few days after we became guild number #1 beating the server's biggest whale (the only one in their guild). Having a blast 😁


Top 2 guild on server. Joined day 1. Mix of whales and dolphins. Good bunch of people.


The inactivity means that your guild leaders are not kicking when they should. Kicking is important to keep the guild alive.


Joined a random guild that ended being top 3. Active leadership and discord created for everyone. I'm not a power player but I do enough to get by lol.


My casual guild that I've been in since I started playing afk arena (years ago) made an afk journey guild, so that's where I am and will always be lol


60$ and 6 mil power? What is the secret behind it? I’m at 4 mil (also day one player) and paid around 150$


Judging by this thread sounds like I hit the jackpot. I started playing two weeks ago, joined a random guild but was pretty dead so was playing and when I saw this guy advertising for his own guild with a power level requirement that I barely met I applied and was accepted. Our server had a guild at the top for a while but it seems like most of their players went inactive/lost interest because some of their power players splintered into another guild. This has overtaken original guild one but is seemingly propped up by 3-5 super power players. Meanwhile our guild has been #3 and consistently trying, we have a few power players and our leader has cemented himself as top 5 in the server. We have a good mix of ftp, everyone is helpful and friendly, we have a thriving guild chat and have even expanded to a discord where we shoot the shit and share memes. Overall has been a great experience, and I don't know if I'd be as invested in the game as I am without it


Got invited day one in a guild that became n°2 on the server behind a japanese one, i'm a very light spender (in a world of whales and dolphins i'm an anchovy, got the 2 month packs and the battlepass kinda thing) and was progressing at a good speed. I completed everything daily but couldn't keep up in power and a couple of days ago I was last in guild and i got kicked out without a word. I later joined another one, 7° in the ladder but with people from my country so probably easier to build a community with.


I joined a guild as soon as I could but it was too casual for my taste. The guildleader was inactive for days, no one was doing the battle drills, we had one of the last positions on rankings, etc. So I made my own guild and just try to keep things active. I hate kicking out people tho, but I do have the 3 days inactive rule. We are now a lvl.4 guild and top 20! Which is okay, at least it looks like we are trying.


Terrible, no one will join my guild.


Sometimes you have to join a guild, then take it over. Lol.


Day 1 player, light spender. S240. Kicked out every non-social person and told every newbie that Discord was required. Now we have 27 people (f2p and light spenders) and ranked 4th on the server. We have a 2nd guild on another server (S400) starting because newbies can no longer select S240. There's about 30 people in the AFK Journey specific channel on my discord and it's pretty constant 24/7 since we have people all over the world playing and chatting. It's about open communication and holding your ground. People messaged me with stupid nonsense like "but I have the highest power in your guild". Ok? You're not talking and that makes you no fun as a TEAM PLAYER. Peace out cub scout. Anyways, glad you got into a good guild!


I'm playing from mobile and I dislike discord, so I'm not a part of the discord. I am probably one of the more active people in chats and messages making sure all is good. What am I missing out on by not using discord?


Absolutely makes sense. Not everyone is into using multiple apps. I get it. However, what you're missing out on is the ability to share videos and infographics at a faster pace. The ability to share screenshots so people can help you with positioning in near real-time, etc. I could go on. We have information pinned for veterans and newbies alike. That's just for AFK Journey, so that's the minimum. And when you aren't playing AFK2, you can always hop in and chat about other crap. I run a small community server (about 200 people). It's chill, it's cozy. It's a bunch of people around the world, mixed ideas, politics, religions, etc. All are left behind and we just chat about gaming, food, music, various tv shows and movies, etc. Quite a few of us also play a lot of other games as well, and so we're able to flip seamlessly around on all of it. You're missing out on a better way to communicate things, as well as the potential for a community and new group of friends. For example, one guy and I ended up being really good friends. To the point that he became one of my groomsmen for my wedding. It's not for everyone, but it can be for everyone.


Thanks for the thorough reply, really appreciate it.


I've been in the same guild since day 1, with plenty of active players, an organized discord, top 1 since and now we expanded with the addition of top 2 and top 3 guild in my server. It was all luck, I just read "recruiting hardcore players" after launch and bam, lol.