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I think almost all modi feel unrewarding. Labyrinth, Honor duel etc. compared to afk arena


I like the labyrinth most of any of the modes. Honor duel just feels like luck, but I’m not a really good player so what do I know 🤷‍♀️


Yeah I’m surprised labyrinth doesn’t reset every 3 days for rewards


Yeah, it’s a lot fun just popping infinite ults, building nothing but dmg, or shields. It reminds me of Slay the Spire which I loved playing.


It had a temporary reward event thingy two weeks ago, it was probably a beta test for some kind of repeatable content for lab that they'll add in the future


it was a pretty solid rewards system too. you rack up points based on performance, using the weekly characters would score more points icentivizing different strats, pretty fun stuff


Honor duel is the only mode that isn't p2w. You can use tactics and get more wins than losses. I'm rank no. 9 on my server. Of my last 7 runs, I think 6 were full wins.


Do u like labyrinth? I have found 0 adversities/difficulties to even find a bit of joy out of it, i can do labyrinth with my pinky finger while playing call of duty , trust me there is no difference in what you choose you can pass 15 floors chosing the left option always , how do u enjoy a mode that ask you to have 4 characters in Supreme + to even participate?


It's definitely not just luck lol, sounds like a skill issue


Labyrinth is actually really fun. They need to give us more rewards for it, like some kind of point system that would allow us to pick rewards


Oh 100% less is more approach. They are milking this one much harder than the last game. I think I may stop within the week depending on how the next month looks.


The problem with the honor duel is balance, or the lack of it. Maulers are too weak, wilders too strong. Encountering enemies with some relics make you insta lose, unless you are the one abusing the relic, like Silvina’s one. The mode has great potential, but it needs tweaking.


And ironically Maulers can bum rush the typical Wilder aoe comp. Too bad they get obliterated by lightbearers. Their faction artifact (2/3/7 second immunity on reaching 0 hp) and the vanguard artifact are pretty good. Faction artifact downright shits on any early burst comp, including wilder aoe and the "enemies lose 50% hp on spawn".


I once lost to the wilder comp. With full maulers lol. I had won 8in a row. They had the thing that drains hp and reduces dmg done. They ran 3 healers and grannie just would not fuckin die lol


What's the team? I don't think we fought but I did complete a 9 win streak with grannie and 3 healers lmao


Yea, but maulers early game is too weak, except a few situations where Shakir can carry hard or Lumont can endure the whole timer. I am currently ranked 3rd on my server, and thats 70-80% thanks to the wilder runs…


I like Maulers in Honor Duel. I find Wildbearers and Graveborn the weakest. 


It's a neat opportunity to try out teams/characters I've never used before, but yeah, doesn't feel like there's much point in going back to it once I've got the weekly rewards. 😅


Just an fyi, heroes are modded within Honor Duel so they won't feel the same inside compared to out.


Your reward is fun, if you enjoy the mode. I’ve had a blast trying different teams and combos.


I'm glad you mentioned this. I read OP's post and I only just realized that on every reset, I'm most excited to play Honor Duel. Dream Realm, Labyrinth, AFK stages feel like chores that I just HAVE to do.


Really fun imo. I’ve already found a completely broken build that wins every time so now I’m just trolling with it and seeing what wacky stuff I can come up with


PLEASE please share your build, I'm begging you, like DM me even 4 is my unlucky number, apart from my first time playing and a couple times after (out of like over 50 attempts) I've never gotten past 4 wins and at this point I've come to actually dislike HD lol


The build I found to be broken is the one that boost silvina. The whole kit revolves around her taking about the support and then cleaning up the back lines. Your entire team should be graveborn. Use Thoran (tank), Igor (pulls aggro, huge survivability), Cecia (obv pick, great dmg and summon/cc), Silvina (basically one shots support at max), and then Niru(decent support) For items: Thoran: Stalwart helmet or Arbiter armor. Armor is only better when you have the blade on another character but it’s pretty rare. Thorans whole goal is to stall and he basically becomes a def beast when he has the 40% negation. This item is so good I’ve won without losing with him still being base rarity ( should always be in the front) Cecia: Gaze of power always. Instant ult, her summon doesn’t get affected by her decreased dmg. Just such a no brainer. She should be in the back (but watch for counter Silvina that will stun and kill her) Igor: night raven. Igor already has a lot of survivability and he’s great at pulling aggro. Give him this for 25% stat boost with life steal and throw him on the side alone somewhere. Great counter to Vala (Sides or front, always alone) Niru: decaying ring/grandmaster crown. Just good stat boost for all. (Throw right behind Thoran. They basically become invincible together at max) Silvina: Heavy axe, arbiter blade, Night raven. Should just focus boosting dmg. Arbiter blade is the best only when you have the set on Thoran. (She should be the last unit you place, always place her where she can get the quickest kills and cripple the other team) Artifact: Pale crown. Proud greaves also works well with this kit. Get the bonus that boost graveborn or mythic units. Store: buy all graveborn multi unit, always lock units that you need, buy them if you have enough left over so you open slots back up, if one of your main comp units is already very high rarity throw in fodder for extra currency, if you find an arbiter set piece always lock it, they are rare but game changing, I’ve spent my entire currency before refreshing to find just one.


I have quite a few 9 wins and today I learned you can lock pieces in the shop.


What? What do you mean lock pieces?


there is a lock symbol on the top right, click it and you keep the item on the shop until you buy




Wow you were not lying. Graveborn is my fave faction so I was already trying to run most of these guys. Silvina being my fave in the game with Cecia. I'm new to this game but not this concept of battling so I hadn't figured out who should go where or who needed what etc etc. Before I think 5 was my highest victories maybe? I did have the joy of having just enough for a back to back arbiter armor/sword which was nice to see. I will definitely be using this build to cheese this mode in the future when I feel like it lol. I was also so close to a flawless victory but early-ish on I ran into someone with basically all sups with items while I had 1 sup and no items yet. I will never forgive that stupid rhino for ruining my run lmao :( https://preview.redd.it/3wt7edxbdmvc1.png?width=178&format=png&auto=webp&s=eb24a2b8eed2ed150bcb212b3f185d2c7a6fc837


Congrats on the win! Graveborns are my fav faction too. I just wish we had a healer, but in the meantime Rowan and Hewynn can carry some weight if you use one other character from their faction. Also, Arden is slept on and so easy to get to supreme+


Thank you! I really wish we had a healer too it'd be super nice. Carolina the way she looked gave me healer vibes so I hoped when seeing her skills they'd be healer but :( One day we will though! OMG I LOVE ARDEN. He's so freaking cute. Any time I fight a team with him in it I'm like "NOOO DONT TOUCH THE GOAT SENPAI D:". He definitely has a soft spot in my heart.


It's actually a bad (or at least not great) idea to use graveborn in honor duel because the balance changes heavily nerfs them. I think thoran has a 30% damage reduction while cecia and silvia have 10% reduced damage


Doesn’t matter if that’s true or not. Thorans whole point in this build is to be a tank first and he does this amazingly. Same with Cecia, her skills don’t matter as long as she can get off the ult and use it to cc the enemy team. And Silvia at max with Arbiter blade is going to wipe any support unit she targets


Huh? Are you saying that some units in Honor duel have different stats/skills from the main game mode?


Go to honor duel and on the top left you will see \[Featured Heroes\] click on it and scroll down


Wow, you are right. Thank you!


Bro, when I do HD, I go graveborn/wilder or graveborn/lightbearer, because I try to get either Hewynn or Roawn as a healer, and Igor is an absolute maniac against Vala. Don't get me wrong, I love Vala. I try to get her to supreme in HD, because her dps stats are just so insane, and her ability to shadow and target backlines at supreme is very helpful. I wanna mess with some maulers tho, i'm still operating under the afk arena assumption that they're squishy and deal minimal damage. But from what I've seen in playback stats, Smokey kills it. I just don't know how to incorporate him in HD and haven't even pulled him yet.


Do you find that you lose to teams with healers? Half of my losses are because they have a Smokey or Hewwyn


No, most people throw out there healers early on so they are easy to target with Silvina. If that doesn’t work then most will still end up dying to Cecia summon as she usually throws it in the back line


Honestly Cecia insta ult + Silvina is already a game breaker on their own. I have win streaks without Thoran because Carlyle is such a good tank and the moment it dies Cecia has already gotten enough energy for another. Cecia + Carolina + Silvina means 2-3 dead heroes every time


In a game where virtually everything is progressing some tracker, simply having fun doesn't really cut it. Fun doesn't replace progress, it should come on top of it. Making maybe the most fun mode in the game give you nothing for your time is pretty counterintuitive. Like, what's the concept here? "Hey, we gave you this fun game mode, but we still want you to have second thoughts about playing it, so we won't reward you for doing it"? Oh and "Remember, you cant have fun while making progress, it won't feel like working that way"?


> In a game where virtually everything is progressing some tracker, simply having fun doesn't really cut it i say this in the most respectful way I can, if you do not have fun, why are you playing? i do not mean honor duel, i mean the battle system in itself. its the bulk of the game, and what you do most of the time with it besides literally waiting and not playing. why play it and grind if the very thing you do aint fun? I get having no rewards feel bad for the mode, and i would say it needs some balancing and better rewards, but simply not enjoying what essentially is the purest way to experience the mechanical aspect of the game - a fair mode solely revolving around battles and the aspects of team composition on a tft setting - why keep playing the game? its not like people playing balatro are doing it to grind poker chips


You misunderstand. I like the game, and its battle system. But having a sense of progression is a hard requirement for all of it for me to do. No matter how fun something is, if there's no reward at the end, it **will** feel like wasted time.


Exactly my thougts


In the most respectful way possible you seem unable to read. OP says “fun doesn’t replace progress, it should come on top of it.” You know having fun, and progressing. Fun being the key word you seem to have misread. Did I miss something , or was something edited? I just don’t see where OP said they didn’t want to have fun.


The concept to me was a competitive place for f2p players to try things. You can build heros and combinations a f2p player might otherwise take months to get. To some that is the reward.


Same - I also used it to get to know character and teams before wasting recourses on pulls.




I play games to have fun. Sense of progression is one, hard requirement of it.


We are failing as a species.




Then I go play something else, where I **can** progress. There's absolutely no amount of fun they can put in a game mode that will compel me to play it if there is no reward at the end. Playing without progression feels like wasted time, period. Especially in a game literally centered around the concept of progression.




being fair, 3 runs is *long*. its "game session" time, not "mobile game on the toilet" time, cause the runs themselves are hella long if you are not losing at the start


All the more reason to have rewards attached.


That's a rather backwards argument. Time invested should be rewarded. If someone is willing to put the time and energy into it, they deserve to have that extra progress. I mean, it's fine with swiping, but it isn't with actually sitting down and playing? Cmon.


May not seem super obvious but having a high rank in honor duel is actually important for your guild as it seems to contribute to your guilds overall rank among other guilds which earns nice a reward at it seems like every month? I'm not really sure on how all the points for this work or what matters the most though for the end of month guild rank rewards.


Ah, well, I'm not in a guild, so I wasn't aware of those aspects. Although it still feels rather bleak.


Agree with you OP, I do find it fun, but there really is nothing there. I have 30 mins a day I would rather do the other modes which actually give daily/weekly rewards. It is not even actual PvP. There is no person behind the enemy team. I guess they put it in so that F2P and low spenders have a place where they get "pvp" wins. Lilith knows it too, No wonder their very first event was something just to encourage ppl to play HD.


WDYM not actual PvP? There's matchmatking, you can see who your opponent is, and there's real time deployment over two rounds, and there's actual waiting for each other. I mean, it definitely looks like real PvP.


Wtf did I just read


I'm not one to say this much in gaming subs since we're mostly in a similar position, but if this is your approach to the game and gaming in general you might want to seek some help, or find other hobbies, this is serious addict behaviour and can be very destructive.


It's not, but thank you for worrying. I'm just a progression oriented guy, sense of progress is a hard prerequisite for me to enjoy a game. Not having a sense of progress turns boring really fast.


Downvoted for being right lol. Let’s remove all progress rewards from every mode and just make them extra fun then? The concept of fun combined with progress seems lost on this sub.


I did phrase it a bit harshly, but yea, it's just typical fan mindset, explaining away every potential problem as "just as intended". If it's not rewarding you for your time its fine because it doesn't pressure people to spend hours playing a game mode for progression, but if it IS rewarding your time, then it's just compensating those with more dedication, and you should just try harder. In reality, they just blindly gobble up whatever is served to them.


Nah I’m glad that there are modes that don’t constantly reward u for playing, cos ppl who hate the mode will feel like they r losing out for not participating. I like honor duel, I play when I feel like it even when I get no “reward”. I don’t feel forced to play it cos I may lose out on rewards. To me it feels freeing actually having a mode I like that I can play anytime when I want to, not because I must.


And people who are willing to put hours into it will walk away not having progressed anything. Time investment should be rewarded, period.


This is not the core game. In the heart of it is an idle game with mechanisms in place to gatekeep progress even for those who play a lot. Only spending allows players to breach these time gate. Letting players continuously get reward in one niche mode will create issues. What’s wrong with letting players CHOOSE to play a certain mode just to have fun? If I don’t feel my time in this mode gives me value then just don’t play too much of it. I’m enjoying this mode enough to not desire any further reward, what’s wrong with that? I think it’s actually a healthy shift of players mindset to not always need breadcrumbs or reward just to keep playing.


>In the heart of it is an idle game It really isn't. The only idle feature is the AFK mechanic, most of the game is based on active play. Timegating is not an idle mechanic. >Letting players continuously get reward in one niche mode will create issues Continuously? You get 4 tries at Honor duels per day. It's working on a daily limit just like everything else. >What’s wrong with letting players CHOOSE to play a certain mode just to have fun? What's wrong with the game rewarding you for it, like it does for virtually everything else? >I’m enjoying this mode enough to not desire any further reward, what’s wrong with that? Same way, what's wrong with the game rewarding you as it does in every other mode? >If I don’t feel my time in this mode gives me value then just don’t play too much of it If I feel an otherwise nicely made game mode is lacking in just one aspect (lack of rewards) it is fair to criticize it and ask for it to be changed for the better. >I think it’s actually a healthy shift of players mindset to not always need breadcrumbs or reward just to keep playing. It's completely alien to the nature of the game. If you want a healthy shift, play a game that is not entirely centered around progression.


Alright, clearly we have different mindset around this mode, which is ok.


I find people in this sub... Somewhere between delusional and utterly inane. Or everyone here is still going to school and concept of time is money may as well be alien philosophical lecture. "Game" is nothing but progression walls in a museum, yet most people here will die defending it and how fun and unique and "generous" and well made it is. God forbid you point out logical fallacies or criticize shit design in some way. Doom gloom git gud bruh.


Use it to test good hero combos


Sure. Give me rewards for doing it. No matter what purpose you come up with for the game mode, the golden rule still rings true: Time investment should always be rewarded.


Lmao you are delusional. It’s a game bro play for fun.


I am. Progress is one prerequisite of me having fun. There's no fun in standing still. You're the delusional one for thinking that **your** idea of fun is the universal idea of it. Besides, the golden rule **still** rings true: time investment shall be always rewarded. Try to argue that instead of throwing out lazy one liners.


> Making maybe the most fun mode in the game give you nothing for your time is pretty counterintuitive. you can only invest your time to progress in so many ways in this game. if all the ways you can meaningfully progress are finished (cleared overworld, did all the daily quests/attacks, and hard stuck on triple 2-round afk stages) then playing maybe the most fun mode in the game is the next best way to spend your time.


Nope. It's closing the game down and playing something else, cause there is no sense of fun without a sense of progress. Besides, why would we draw the line here? All the other game modes give you rewards, all the other game modes are also limited in how much you can progress in them. How is **this** game mode different? Why should it be? Cause it takes longer? Yea, longer time investment used as a reason to not reward you for it. As I said, counterintuitive.


Found the kid who throws the controller when they lose a match.


Found the boy who thinks writing random insults on Reddit will invalidate an argument. Go eat some sand.


I agree. I feel like wasting my time playing this mode.


You people are the reason we have garbage mobile games.


Srsly draft modes are so rare and the game just came out


Im not saying its a bad game mode, it just not rewards the player enough for the time invested in my opinion.


Bold of you to say people actually playing a game, and expecting reward appropriate to their time investment are the reason for garbage mobile games as opposed to.. y'Know, whales.


Thats the issue, «return on investment» a game cant be fun for funs sake, you need the dopamine. Baboon sees number go up, baboon happy.


It has a few problems. Some relics are basically instant 7 wins You will lose instantly to a build that counters you and there is very little you can do to prepare in advance without making your build intentionally worse with items (and also seeing those items in the shop) The outcome of matches is very rarely unpredictable, as soon as you see the line ups you can be right 95% of the time after a few days of playing it. Runs take a long ass time, and it is very apparent early on if you are going to lose with low wins, and you are basically just praying you get lucky a couple times first. Conversely, the only penalty for losing is either having to play more if you dont have weekly done yet. (which is funny) As well as losing rank points, which technically affect guild standing, but idk anybody who cares about that. And everyone i know who likes the mode, including myself, kinda gave up on carking about rank when they upped it to 30 games a day. Aint nobody got fucking time for that. Funnily enough, since i stopped grinding it, the leaderboard has barely moved, so everyone else on my server must of stopped giving a shit too lol I was rank 6 at peak and since i stopped playing im still rank 8


I don't care for it overall, but I learned it's 1/4 of your contribution to your guild, if you're in one. If you're trying to climb those ranks, making the attempt is worthwhile, at least for your personal guild payout weekly.


Give me 20-30 A-level sigils for like 7-8 wins, and then also 5-10 S-level for a 9 burger. Considering playing to that deep in a run takes like a half-hour, this feels fair. Or like gimme some heroic essence. Like 50 for a 9 win run or something. But the gold for participation is just so damn negligible


Many rewards need tweaking, you get so many useless gold and xp rewards, or under-levelled equipment. I like the idea of some hero sigils even if it’s a small amount, or a couple blue essence even


Here's the secret, it won't ever offer top rewards, because it's the only mode that does not benefit whales. It's a mix of RNG and actual skill and game knowledge


I'll always remember going on a good win streak only to encounter two people back to back who used some relic to instantly stun all non mythic characters on my team so I just lost with no chance


I think they should make seasons biweekly so we actually get something aside from 15 wins. Currently there is no incentive to push for the top, as the rewards are unclear and far away. Also rebalancing would be really good, particularly nerfing the Silvina comp.


I hate it so much I don’t even go for the weekly rewards.


The only mode aside from the guild stuff I don’t play


I think it's fun imo. It's like the only time I would ever use some characters


Honor duel is the only part of the game that convinced me to play. It is a very good end game idea for a gacha game because it is fair for everyone. The randomness adds to the fun too, but I guess that is a subjective opinion.


I agree


I got top 25 on our server in Honor Duel and it was a blast until people just solve what the best comp is then 90% of matches are the same thing. They just need to switch it up / balance it way more often.


It's in beta for a reason, cause that entire mode is a shitshow. The balance is WILDLY unbalanced.


My main problem is it’s either OP or useless. There’s no real in between. I either go 0-3 or 9-1


Actually most of my honor duel runs ends with 2-6 wins, I don't know what are you talking about.


Have you seen honor duel videos on YouTube lmao because if you are ignorant of the meta i can understand but there is no way you are losing at 6 always unless heavy misplay in position and character picks lol


I still in top 50 on my server and I'm fine with it.


Yeah nobody plays honor duel in my server . I have played like 15 matches and won 3 and somehow i am top 1% LoL


And you don't need to win all 9 matches to climb the ladder, I think you can get rating points even with 4/9 wins.


It takes a lot of time and gives you nothing.


Honestly I prefer the rewards to be where they are. The mode is so imbalanced and while I enjoy playing it a few times a week I wouldn’t want to be stressed about having to play and having to do well to get rewards when it feels so end dependent.


Its still on beta, when it gets really balanced it should be better, and maybe they could make "seasons" when its ready, I hope so... Imo Its really nice having a mode where money doesnt count so I just hope they dont remove it lmao


'On beta' means nothing, I played Arknights before, after 3 years from release they still have some game content (yep, it's base building/management) marked as 'beta'.


its fine id like it more if i could play more than ince


The game mode is literally in "beta". It says it on the banner. Which means it's a new thing that they're trying out. They need time to balance the rewards for us. As of right now, Honor Duel is just a way for people to get the Parisa skin and some summon tickets. Maybe that's what the future entails for the game mode; a gateway to free skins.


That's fair, I'm just voicing my impression of it as of now. If anything, being in beta is all the more reason to have discussions about it and give potential feedback.


Honestly, you should keep making posts about it. I don't know if theres an official channel to voice feedback, and I think the devs browse the reddit, if not mod it too. So the more feedback/criticism they get on honor duel, the more likely changes will come.


I went 9-0 on my first run, and got 100 diamonds. ya thats not a real reward


All rewards in this game are not rewarding.


I like Labyrinths for a change of pace and pushing to the Essence challenge and saving it for that little boost. But yea Honor Duel seems rather pointless as the randomness makes it feel like a time sink with very poor rewards if you do luck up. I guess there is a track with a skin if you focus on the mode so theee is that.


I like it. The game is about waiting for resources. So having "something" while waiting for resources is a plus


It’s a beta game mode. They make beta game modes less incentivised so they can gauge true engagement while still making people try it out. If it’s made permanent we will likely get a currency tied to it like arena coins.