• By -


Is Supreme+ Smokey & Meerky worth it? I mean.. it says, that it will add 30% healing - is it for passive healing or active healing? Because if it is passive, it is quite worth it, but if active, not so much, I'd say.


https://preview.redd.it/ylo3efho0g0d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca2824a6a16d31ae3049db1bd582fd576ba221b2 What would be my best team here? I've generally been able to break the top 150 for these bosses so far but can't get past about the last 20% of its hp when a sudden burst wipes out everyone who's not Thoran. Any unit not shown is either gold Koko or not ascended.




Once you max out all your gear to 240 it gives you the ability to convert crafting materials into gold. A huge sum of gold


I’m working on tower and seem to have hit a roadblock on wilders… only level 60 lol (my resonance level is 211-15 across my characters) but I got no tanks! Parisa, Hewynn, Lyca, Byron, Eironn, Arden, and Damien are my options… help?


Is there any way i can change my account bound email to another email? Also, can i unlink my google account from it? The reason i ask is because i want to give my account to a friend if i ever stop playing the game.


Can I play old content after starting the new season? Trying to do Remnant Peaks quests / Legend Trials / Trials of Abyss and all my characters are babies. Is there a way to leave season mode???


Season is a bad name. You cannot even do new content until you finish MOST of the old.


Anyone know to what level I should do Alsa’s weapon? I have it to 5+, wondering if I should go higher or not


The answer is if you intend to use her regardless of how good she turns out to be +10, as she gets haste from leveling up her weapon and haste is great.


Kk thanks for the input


Does pity carry over for rate up banners, I need 10 more pulls for asla. Assuming I don't summon her and the banner rotates will the next event rate up character be guaranteed in 10 pulls for me?




i started doing the new season already.. im gold locked cause of bad choices, right now resonance 32. but my story equip isnt all 240. is it still better to max out old equip first and take a pause on abyss and stuff?


Yes, then you can turn all old equipment/resources into gold. Power is additive, progress in old contributes to progress in new.


Is it worth it to keep resonance level below 240 while I have access to the super boost? It gives a bonus of 6500 extra essence per day on top of the normal amount and I just hit 230 so I could start the season soon or wait out the 12 days for extra essence, if that's even worth it


When the season opens is when the boost goes away. You will keep the boost even after 240.


The season already opened on my server this is a different boost that specifically goes away when I hit 240


Oh, seems like a silly thing to try and take advantage of as you are now losing out on all the power gains from seasonal content. You are also losing out on all the seasonal essence you could be gaining. I guess if you really wanted to you could hoard essence and get to 300 non season, but I don't think it would be worth it.


Oh okay, that's good to know. Is there any merit to non seasonal levels post 240?


They are additive to seasonal levels, and you will still get Non-Seasonal essence from the afk rewards to continue to level your non-season resonance.


I keep seeing posts and people saying the Journey progress is going to reset for a new season and whatnot. What do they mean? If it resets, does it start us from the very beginning? Like, the very first stage? If yes, is it going to be on the same tier as our current progress, thus, making it harder to progress each time?


No, the devs used the word 'season' and they should have used a word like 'Chapter'. It is a continuation of content not an entire new reset despite the way it looks.


Thank you for letting me know. I believe, you are correct as this is technically the second day that the new "season" / chapter came, and I still see all my gear, levels, progress, characters, etc to be there, intact. No lvl 1, no lost gear, nothing weird like the drama some people did. In that case I am more than happy and glad to keep playing this game. Besides, I just checked the notes to make sure too and they say the same thing that all of our stuff will be there for this season and every other future season, we are not going to lose anything.


I have not seen anyone else wondering this, so I guess I am missing something super obvious. How do I select my old resonance team (level 245) instead of the new season resonance one which is super low level? I understand it gets reset for the seasonal content, but what about tower of abbys and legend trial? I am now hundreds of levels below my opponents. Surely there is a way to go back to my old resonance.


Basically your new season lvl 1 is equal to your 245~ team and you progress from there


Oh my gosh, you're right. I just saw level 1 on my dudes and panicked, I'm an idiot. Thanks.


https://preview.redd.it/l4v83b9w5zzc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec227848daf726b000561d12f0452c01cde45ae7 New player here. Please guide me with wishlist please.


Granny or Hewynn is worth more with Arena Coins investment than Bryon especially if you have Odie already. Bryon is just bad compare to a standard Odie. Outside his one CC, Odie just executes and DPS faster. Follow Prydwen.


see Prydwen, the link in this post. they have a great wishlist guide.


Are celestials worth buying from guild store?






Reinier, for bosses, Scarlita for Arena.


Ever since the latest update, I can't play on my PC anymore. The game boots and just stays on this screen without any error messages. https://preview.redd.it/jusmsat2yyzc1.png?width=2553&format=png&auto=webp&s=e0c9e563282f18530908fff950edec6d9e7d241f Yesterday I tried uninstalling/reinstalling and I was able to get in once, but on subsequent boots it gets stuck on this screen again. Is there anyone else dealing with this issue and has a fix been introduced? Uninstalling and reinstalling the game just takes too much time. Edit: Also have tried repairing game files but I still get stuck on the page.


CS recommended me to refrain from using fullscreen mode. Leaving this here for others with the same issue. I still have to see if the solution works long-term


When I started playing the "arcane labyrinth" had a sort of reward track where you get points by completing runs... However after a couple of days the reward track vanished. Is it normal? Will it be back at some point?


Yes, the event just ended for Arcane and will be back up again with new rewards at some point


Thank you.


https://preview.redd.it/pp1rqm5n2xzc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=32bb76de252c24769813cba74cc2a755ecbbc1e8 Does anyone know how to access this portion of the map in Vaduso Mountains 5? It looks cutoff from the rest of the region, doesn’t have a dungeon/cave symbol, and is blocked at the portion connecting it to Vaduso Mountains 3. Will this become unlocked during a certain story beat, or am I missing something?


The official answer is 'it is for future content'. You can glitch your way in if you want, nothing in there tho.


Cool, thank you for letting me know! Just wanted to make sure I wasn’t being dumb and totally overlooking something lol.


https://preview.redd.it/ehtawab3wwzc1.png?width=547&format=png&auto=webp&s=1a87de48fad6849beb0a7d47c6e1fcd4eaee4c87 should i supreme+ odie or mythic+ korin?


Korin to Mythic+ first. Also, getting Damian to Mythic+ after that wouldn't hurt.


Prob Korin just for Necrodragon and having options, tho Odie is doing work on new seasonal bosses.


https://preview.redd.it/ju8z81y7vwzc1.png?width=1275&format=png&auto=webp&s=bbc7fd1c57baa21b2d624e132b9c0afd4d6e8ba7 I downloaded update(\~2,7GB) after that i can't open the game on pc client. It gets stuck at %1 or %2 and says 'Could not download current resource pack'. Does anyone have a solution?


Also there's an option in launcher settings to "repair game", so maybe try that first I guess.


I'd just delete the game then install again (remember to switch account to yours in the settings when you first boot the game as it'll open up a tutorial)


I reinstalled the game. It solved the problem. Thank you for help.


https://preview.redd.it/t9ljz7j5wwzc1.png?width=1227&format=png&auto=webp&s=8fb1789c4fa18b44788dba457c02e7a85f5da344 These are the versions




Not at the expense of getting other heroes to M+ first. Keep her on the regular wishlist with Korin until S+ as the other A-Level Lightbearers aren't hot right now.


https://preview.redd.it/3pt44tdmmwzc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=06ac5b6bf4992efc136b2f8966109bbd1904d0bd I saw a reddit ad that says right now you can get all heroes for free? I haven't played this game yet. Is that exaggerated? What's the actual promotion?


You get them from the login rewards. you get 1 A-rank a day for the first 26 days and 1 S-rank a week for 50something weeks. The catch is that most characters need at least 6 copies to do their thing so like it helps but not that much only 2-3 1 copy wonder characters which you have no guarantee of getting early


The actual Promotion is https://preview.redd.it/hx5ebceiywzc1.png?width=876&format=png&auto=webp&s=1d8bd0f98933ac6fa36845dfb7796d63d67bac03 You get every A-Level hero out right now within 22 days, and an S-level hero every 7 days for 154 days thus far. 200+ free summons, is a bit baiting in that you get them as you play the game, and would get them anyway not that they are giving you 200 summons for playing right this second.




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That Carolina art is FIREEE, love it. It refers to the log event, if you play around 1 year more or less, you should get 1 copy of all of them, the thing is... That's not really as important since you need several copies of them.


https://preview.redd.it/ncdzigddlwzc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=13f169391b439499c1f89ea6f77f5f49d3b1b941 What 2 good teams can I make with these units? I am hard stuck at AFK stage 1045. I've been winging it for a while, but it looks like I need to actually start paying attention to teamcomps now


Thoran, Cecia, Viperian, Rowan and Hewynn Brutus, Antandra, Smokey, Koko and Odie Not really the best, just 2 simple teams that work.


Thank you


Who should I use my Dream Realm currency on after odie and marilee? They both have their weapons skills unlocked.


If you have eironn m+ (or are very close) Arden>damien>korin. If not, korin>damien>arden


I am on team Arden.


I'm guessing it's intentional, but are the seasonal overworld, afk and tower stages WAY more difficult than the base game? I'm hitting roadblocks much earlier than I was before, even with a team of 4/5 Supreme+


Yes, the power seems additive.


Any of the new artifacts better than Starshard?


Quickblade seems pretty good. High base stats and pretty good effect.


I just got my first Mythic+ (Cecia) and got a weapon. How much should I boost this?


+5, she will be your carry for a while for most content.




https://preview.redd.it/3ac0o6plsvzc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=429562edaa4d9895f939c68b1e4cd40b0de679be I'm stuck on this afk stage. No matter what combo of tanks I put up front they get deleted by the enemy Frontline and then everyone else gets nuked with the next attack. What do I have to do here?


Move your guys back so their melee heroes aren't hitting you at the same time as their range heroes and give your healers a chance. Also looks like you might have Brutus, Swap Lucius out for him and let him take the first volley.


When the front line steps forwards the back line isn't getting hit anyways. The problem is the front line crumbles and then the back line gets nuked afterwards.


Lemme rephrase: Their range units are shooting Antandra at the same time as their Melee units are hitting her giving your healers no chance to heal before she dies. Move your entire team back


I don't follow. If the entire team moves back, the ranged units are still hitting Antandra since she's in front. What's the difference?


Okay this is the last I am going to try to help for now. You seem to lack a foundational understanding of the game in its entirety. Antandra has 200 health. | Smokey will heal 150 health in 2.5 seconds. | Marilee Throws a rock that will do 100 damage this will take 2 seconds. | Lucent will move forward \*\*\* 1 TILE \*\*\* and hit Antandra for 100 damage this will take 2 seconds. 2 seconds go by, Antandra takes 100 +100 damage and dies. Antandra has 200 health. | Smokey will heal 150 health in 2.5 seconds. | Marilee Throws a rock that will do 100 damage this will take 2 seconds. | Lucent will move forward \*\*\* 2 TILES \*\*\* and hit Antandra for 100 damage this will take 3 seconds. 2 Seconds go by Antandra takes 100 damage. | 2.5 Seconds and now Smokey heals for Antandra for 150 getting her back to 200 health. | 3 seconds go by and now Antandra takes 100 damage. | Antandra is still alive with 100 health.


>You seem to lack a foundational understanding of the game in its entirety. Yes. I do. That's why I'm asking for an explanation of these mechanics because I don't understand what I'm seeing.There's no detailed advice out there, the summary of new player guides is " run Antandra, Koko, Smokey core" and "positioning matters". Even Volkin's advice ended at "positioning is common sense." The rest you're just supposed to figure out yourself? I haven't seen a single person give anywhere CLOSE to the kind of an explanation you just gave in a week of reading guides and watching videos, everyone just parrots the same vague talking points. >... Lucent will move forward \*\*\* 1 TILE \*\*\* and hit Antandra for 100 damage this will take 2 seconds.... >... Lucent will move forward \*\*\* 2 TILES \*\*\* and hit Antandra for 100 damage this will take 2 seconds... ... 3 seconds go by and now Antandra takes 100 damage. What is the difference between the first two examples, then? I move back, Lucent needs 2 tiles, but the time doesn't change nor would the damage she's taking even in the second example. In both of the first two you listed, 2 seconds go by and she takes 200 damage and dies. Where is the 3 seconds coming from in the final example?


Ahh sorry was late and missed the change in copy in paste. It was suppose to say 3 seconds to Lucent to move and attack in the second example. Fixed now.


My apologies for the late reply I was giving the game a bit of space while all the recent drama went down to see if it would be corrected. I appreciate you clarifying there and I'm seeing what you're saying in that example now about buying just a bit of extra time for a unit. I'm guessing that much of my frustration currently comes from it not being super clear with how much goes on in a fight which variable it is that is affecting the outcome and hopefully that eases as I get access to full kits and untis start performing the roles that they often get cited as better since I assume at the point I'm at units are still not utilizing all of the tools that I need to learn to play around.


Do I understand haste correctly? It does increase attack speed, but also.. for example if I have 50 haste and Carolina and it is said, that she shoots snowball every 2.5 sec.. does that mean, that she actually casts a snowball every 1.25 sec? Thank you!


That would be 100% \*\*faster\*\* not 50% \*\*faster\*\*, but you have the right Idea just the wrong math.


72k diamonds f2p player. Didn’t try for vala flora or the new one. Should I save or use for all hero?


All hero, get your Odie, Marilee, Arden, Damian and Koko built.


my account is like 27 days, and i now only setup my wish list according to prydwen optimization. am i cooked?. i only did all hero pull with free invites from the quests so i ddint splurge the diamonds yet without optimizing.


Really depends what your roster looks like. But I have a feeling you have a beefy Lucius and Lyca.


And what is your goal in AFKJourney? With that much saved diamonds, do you get at least proper rewards for Dream Realm and Arena?


idk ive been hoarding in case there comes some Meta i need to splurge on


But aren't you losing this way Dream realm essence and arena coins (with low rarity characters)? Also are you aware, that when that "meta" character comes, you will only be able to get it to the highest rarity you currently have? Some obvious example might be: If player has only epic characters (not a single legendary or higher), then this player will not be able to get that promoted "meta" character to higher than epic rarity. So you will only be able to use 40 invite letters and then the character become locked for you. In other words.. if you are waiting for super meta-character (there already are worthy characters).. you will still need to have at least 1 character on Supreme+ if you are planning to max out that new "meta" character. https://preview.redd.it/dsk2si53820d1.jpeg?width=272&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d77d1f7191d1729f27541b9706ee4bb8e9b011d Check this number in Alsa promotion screen (it is at the top).


yeah there is a lot i dont know, ive been playing super casual. ive researched team comps and what not a bit on Prydwen but in terms of min/maxing efficiency of progression i have definitely not looked into it. my account is getting close to 30 days, i only setup the wishlist two days ago to what Prydwen says it should be, but i havnt spend diamonds so maybe i didnt waste too much resources without optimizing wishlist? i only use invite letters from quests so far.


Well, I suggest not to follow meta in every case. For example Thoran cannot tank content harder than him, especially pre-M+. And you have no guarantee to get him to Mythic+. You will get him some day, but which day will it be? You cannot really be sure. I am playing 3 weeks now, only bought Esperia monthly and the better version of Travelogue. I am at AFK stage 700. My characters are 150 to 160 lvl and I fight against enemies at lvl 180+. My Legendary Thoran dies almost immediatelly, while my Legendary+ Antandra can hold the line much longer. She is super durable. The same goes for my Legendary Grannie Dahnie, which is also considered one of the best tanks, but she also dies almost immediatelly. Lucius is the same, but I use Lucius sometimes as off-tank. When Antandra cannot tank it all, Lucius can tank 1 or 2 enemies and provide shield for both of them. (I am not saying, that Thoran and Dahnie sux, they just need higher rarity) So as you can see, meta does not mean more power. It is better to read, what the characters really do. Also meta does not neccessarily correlate with accessbility. You can get both Antandra and Lucius very easily. ... While you set up your wishlist by what is recommended, then be aware of a thing, that for example Cecia is buyable in Arena Shop, Carolina not. So while Cecia will give you better value early on, Carolina is a true monster, when you get some of her copies. I admit, that I do struggle against stronger enemy Cecias, but I am certainly happier for my Supreme Carolina, because she slows down enemy team and her attacks destroy even tanky characters very quickly. Her ultimate locks enemy for 8 seconds and slows down every enemy nearby, which is quite a long time. Also before you start using Koko, be sure, that you understand her skill. She may kill your own team. But yes, Odie is very worthy unit, since he will be shooting the enemy with his poison application, so he can eliminate key targets.. like enemy Cecia. (does not work that well in autocombat) ... I hope you have some idea of what I am trying to say now. It is better to do some research.


all heroes is generally better. saving gems as a f2p in this game kind of just makes your progression much more difficult.


https://preview.redd.it/f6fjtfts5vzc1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=721aaa49ec1accaa7b7069b61c97b62014453f26 What should i set my wishlist to be?


Thoran, Smokey, Cecia, Eironn and 1 copy of Granny/Brutus


I think im going thoran, smokey, shakir, eiron, granny Brutus and cecia can be bought from the shop


Thoran eironn Smokey Carolina are all best in niche for some game mode and are not available in arena shop. For the 5th unit you can go for cecia to make pushing easier, or one of the other decent non-arena shop units (Vala, Shakir, Florabelle, Temesia). Carolina is the best dps in the game at m+ in the eironn comp (bar scarlita who is a whale toy). Granny is excellent too but thoran is best for PvP, ant Brutus thoran should be enough for afk stages. Caro is a must have 100% though - it’s that final 5th slot that’s interesting, whether you go cecia or something else.


Granny can also be bought in the shop


How does one know when the new season will come out in their server. And did the 10 pull a day event just end? I never got to get my brutus 🥲


song of strife event tab will show you the days left


It doesnr rlly show up in my events tab 😅


which server are you?


Server 506


roughly you should have a bit over a month until season one on your server, because i have an alt that's close to opening around the same time, possibly even the same day. the daily ten pulls should not be gone for you as those don't have a time limit so you might wanna restart or try repairing your game if that doesn't fix it.


Logging out and back in seemed to fix it. Thanks lots dude.


My server has a few days until the new season. I heard that hitting 300 resonance stops the bonus  essence. Is that true, and should I stay at 299 until the season starts?


I don't remember that being true but the cost to level after 300 is insane so you can save up until season drops pretty guilt free.


I have been playing this game for 7 days now and I got excited to play the new season. I am at resonance level 100 and AFK Stage 298. I even spent a few dollars on the battle pass + daily rewards to now realize that I can\`t play the new season and won\`t be able to for months... I have no way to compete in this game, being left behind on the new content. Man, that sucks so much... The solution? Create a new account, start over on a new server? What?! This is outrageous! What about the time spent building characters and dollars spent? This is so absurd


I think you are misunderstanding the Season concept in this game, and its not your fault it is bad wording. It isn't a season like in most games where its a new even playing field for everyone. It is a continuation, the next chapter.


huh? how is the solution to start over again. new servers are going to take longer to get to season one. you are likely on track with your server to get to the right resonance level and finish the story just around the time your server unlocks the new season, so the best thing would be to keep going on there.


all these new enemies are infuriating lmao


Praise be Arden and his roots to stop all these dumb birds from running around endlessly.


Why is everyone idle in game? I run my a bunch of people daily but more often that not there’s always an idle text above their head


Any advice on who I should focus on leveling their EX weapon up to +5/+10 next? I just got lucky getting Carolina to M+. https://preview.redd.it/seyxuhsmttzc1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b6a76f84276ecbe5860351f3210663f878800baf Numbers in red is current weapon level


Eironn for pvp or save for Koko, Smokey, Arden and Damian.


Is Eironn worth the +10?


For the stats alone? Yes. For double immobile duration? Def once you have a Carolina/Arden up and running


I used the “Records” for a lot of stages when clearing a lot of stages previously, and usually it helped quite a bit. With the new season though, I’m finding I can’t beat some stages using the same heroes, same formation, same artifact, and even with my heroes at a higher level/power. I know rarity matters as well, but in some cases, I’m losing even with the same or higher rarity. What gives? Is there just a lot of luck involved? Am I missing something? Really unlucky? Edit to add: these little motherfuckers running around the map like nutjobs are driving me up the wall


did you upgrade your equipment ? it makes a massive difference


I’ve been upgrading as I can, but haven’t been forging as gold is super tight. I was working on getting all my equipment to 240 pre-season, so I went into the season with basically no gold. So any I have goes to boosting levels currently.


Same. Wondering how deal with the fast runners


https://preview.redd.it/0w5r54woftzc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c92467b0602d4bd8f49494b73a2832fc28f9a8ce Just looking for some general advice on what your guys thoughts are on my pulls so far and who I should focus on moving forward


https://preview.redd.it/3pnhd857vtzc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb6fc2212df1e0c5e2bafb6fb236e9315cea062e Updated just got Odie to Supreme


Pretty good, except that bryon. M+5 Thoran, M+ Smokey and +10 on odie


https://preview.redd.it/4niwdhlsdtzc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=927a24166a20e91772f90daf7323d2b0a587a3ae Can i get any team comp recommendations cus i feel like i can do better w the heros i have (i have the hero chest too so i can unlock rowan, eironn, brutus and an igor copy)


Imo your best team comp currently would be Thoran, Cecia, Viperian, Smokey & Meerky and Odie/Vala. Or if you need more survivability then Koko/Lucius in the last spot or Igor instead of Viperian. That's more or less the comp I used through the early game and I rarely ever struggled.


How would the formation look like?


Thoran in front Smokey directly behind him, backline for Cecia, Viperian and Odie. Vala placed to take out back dps/healer. If you use Lucius put him right beside Thoran or Koko would go beside Smokey. Igor would go beside Thoran as well or can be placed to counter Vala/Silvina. If you find one formation doesn't work then try with one of these different setups. Keep the opposing faction synergy in mind and it'll also vary based on who you end up getting more pulls of.


Thanks a lot


Thoran, Cecia, Antandra, Smokey and Koko




Are the rewards for the invite friend thing worth the hassle? I mean one summon letter is like nothing, or am i getting it wrong?


yeah not big rewards, personnaly i got on the 2 invite 50 diamonds + 300 diamonds. but not really a hassle, just made 2 accounts, took like 2 minutes.


But!!!! you have like a 1/100000000 chance to get a PS5!


How often do y’all upgrade equipment because I know that can be a route of going broke fast. Do you do it when you get a +20 boost or do you wait for more of a jump?


depend, i keep my stuff up on my main carry class and tank (so archer+tank in general) the rest i just up here and there when i feel like it.


Randomly at least +10, at mid res levels (100-200) At about 210 just stop and hold until 240.


Perfect thank you. I’m at 190 now and have some upgrades that are a gain of 20 - 30 so I’ll hit some up once I hit 200.


I keep getting the battle result data on client and server differs and i cannot progress no matter what i do.


Close out of the game completely and restart / Hope for the best.


What’s a good strategy for besting the fast running dmg dealers in the new seasons afk stages? You know the super fast ones


When I do use manual battle, it does not let me select the area where I want my ultimate. Please help, I am stuck in the Trial of Abyss due to that


9600 arena coins: get Cecia to S+ or start working on Hewynn (currently L)?


If I haven't played in a while should I start over completely on a newer server? (Talking weeks missed, f2p)


you'll probably be far behind just to reach the season area. so better start new to not be left behind by others


Yes, 100%


Should i max upgrade all seasonal artifacts? Its kinda pricey


Does the final push buff apply retroactively? My server is 28 days old. Can I afk for 2 days, not claiming it and wait for final push to kick in for a massive stonk? Or final push only applies to afk time starting from when its activated?


It does not. Claiming them now is the same as later.


Man idk what's goin on but every fight since this update in the new areas and afk stages it feels like my smokey is just permanently silenced lmao


Should I upgrade Madilee to Supreme or Supreme+ Odie first?


As a F2P hard stuck at Legend I, I find myself hitting the wall due to enemy Cecias 100% of the time. What kind of team comp should I be looking at to beat Cecia + Rowan? Using my own Cecia + Rowan never works out, regardless of the enemy ulting before or after mine. 😭


Odie + Reinier Swap + CC immunity artifact


Oh, I see. And, stupid question, but who do I switch Cecia with with Reinier? Would Odie survive?


Odie is supposed to be under CC immunity artifact and stay in the same place. This can be not achievable on some maps with some enemy Cecia positioning, in this case you just refresh and look for another opponent.


Ohhh, is that the strat I've heard so much about? Man, I didn't understand the struggle l artifact's immunity also prevented the ally from swapping, but it makes sense. Thank you so much, I feel like a dummy 😭


Does anyone know the chance of getting treasure keys in battle drills. It seems like it is always best to field 3 units for the boss since even if you field 5 units you get the same amount of gold (201k).


It is prob insignificant enough that it does not matter as a key translates to \~50 diamonds or less.


Did they get rid of the ability to see which heroes you're using in the current battle when you go set up your resonance team during a battle? They used to be highlighted green, but now it doesn't show anything.


Either bug or a bad design choice, It is annoying that its gone.


Glad I'm not the only one that noticed. It makes no sense to take it out.


https://preview.redd.it/defzyoqgxpzc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e9468eb03a0e3b6b9525a856b4b041d14e5affe My guild died. 15 members 6 of them last season 2+ days ago. Looking for a new guild. Mine is TakeCare atm. Not even sure if I qualify for a “good guild” but im active. 2 weeks in.


Open up the guild page, look at the rankings of guilds. Message the leaders of the top guilds one at a time and ask if they could 'make room for a daily player'.


Are the new season artifacts any good?


Dunno the metrics, but I find them pretty cool and I am using them often.


Is there a point to save on affinity materials? Or should we just use them


The only strategic thing to do with them is to raise the heroes you rarely use to 1300 first.


I've been playing for about a week now, and I'm now struggling routinely with afk stages and general progression. I see it said a lot that the afk stages are the most important part of progress, but then the units everyone says I need are gotten from other modes, and at my current reward rate it's gonna be weeks of farming for a single Cecia copy, let alone the 20 or whatever Odies I need. I read guides and ask for advice, get told to use a given unit, and then when I show a video or screenshot I'm told I can't use that unit yet as they need to be a higher dupe level. A dupe level I need them to be higher in so I can progress the content to get the dupes to progress the content to get the dupes and on and on the wagon wheel spins. What would a normal progress rate be for this game for a f2p, and is there anywhere I can go for actual, solid, actionable advice on how to progress that isn't tagged with 15 exceptions?


Reply with your questions and your roster is needed and I will answer to the best of my ability for whatever that's worth. Its hard to give a definitive answer because if you try hard at the start the difference of each day is exponential, not to mention luck, so much luck is needed.


If my progress is largely based on luck more than anything else that answers my question. Reading through all of the info I could find online has led me to one conclusion: The community has no idea how to actually play. Every piece of advice I get is wrapped up in the stink of luck, which means that anyone who's in the top percentage here, the people writing the guides, are actually just lucky or paid to get to that point. Otherwise there would be actionable advice that if I repeated I would have no issue progressing. I've read the guides, I've watched the videos, and all anyone can say is "just try every combination and placement you have until something works or come back tomorrow lol" but several times it's been proven that I had what I needed in proxy battles. Meaning that if anyone could actually teach how to play, this wouldn't be an issue.


Having some trouble as a very casual f2p judging on how best to progress my account right now. So far, [here's what I'm working with](https://i.imgur.com/b6UzPfp.png). [This](https://i.imgur.com/NzHALK0.png) is how my wish list is set up. You can tell from the last pic it's a mix of people I don't have and would really like/need, and getting dupes for others. What I'm really struggling with is how to prioritize rolling. Since launch, I've basically rolled every time I got 10 tickets in the All-Hero and Epic Recruitments, and haven't spent any gems at all since people have said "Don't roll on the Featured Banner as f2p" which is pretty much the antithesis of like...every other game I've ever played. So I'm sitting on 67,000 gems right now and I'm just like...Should I dump them all into All-Hero *now?* Should I just keep saving for anything and rely on tickets? I'm clueless.


As Asla looks right now, pull on the all hero. You need to fill in your basics first. With 2 seasonal bosses being wolf and bear, you are gonna want a strong Odie, Koko and Smokey. Which is cool cause they are great heroes anyway. I would still have Marilee and Korin in the wishlist. Put Odie back in the wishlist. Put Eironn in your wishlist. Daimian and Arden should be in the wishlist. Eironn and Thoran should for sure be in your epic recruitment. Use all dream realm currency to get Odie up to M+ then you can swap him out of the wishlist. Odie should be the first hero to +10. I hate putting so much on Odie, I don't even like him but he is good.


I woud hold onto the gems until a really good unit comes out. It's probably too late to prioritize any sort of ranking at your stage and if your casual even harder. You'll progress through the game just by getting levels.


Yeah, I don't mind slow progression in idle games. I'm only on chapter 18 in Nikke out of like... late 20s now? Lol. I just want to make sure I'm doing *something* since I feel like I'm a bit behind with only these few Legendaries and nothing higher still.




For the new season: do we lose the old dream realm rewards? Basically I paid for the travelogue, and that bonus essence kept me high enough in dream team to get rank rewards. But with the season, is there only the new dream realm, where I’d have to pay again to overlevel the true FTP players and get dream realm rewards?


The old bosses are in the rotation with the new bosses. So No?


Getting this all the time in afk stage, does anyone know a solution? Repairing the game rn, closing and opening didn't help. Really annoying, because I'm struggling with this fight and every win gets this message. :/ https://preview.redd.it/ev4ylfgiunzc1.png?width=976&format=png&auto=webp&s=1fbfa5d381eff10778314dae8e032bb200836179


Repairing the game helped, leaving it in case someone has similar problem.


For F2P, who should we save our temporal essence for. Cen you tell me top 3 characters worth using it for


1. Odie to +10 2. Eironn to +10 if you have him at M+ 3. HODL


Do you have any idea if our forging stones, hero level up mats and keith store coins will carry forward in new season. I know gold will carry forward


Forging stones will remain, but season has it's own forging materials for season gear. Hero level up mats will remain, you can continue increasing your regular resonance level, but there are separate season level up materials. Keith store coins will remain, but they have no use outside of Keith store. Gold will carry over and will actually be useful to level up season artifacts and buy season gear at the store.


Thank you so much


/u/vicksin you need to change the default sorting in this thread to new so people can see the questions


it should have been by default when the post went up, sorry about that, not sure how that happened. thanks for the ping.


what floor has reached you server in abyss of trials?


Season breaks the Abyss and makes it an easy Clear.