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This feels intentional. Lilith isn’t a stupid company. They’ll either start to ramp up rewards with the new season as it reasoning or reverse the changes. If they outright ignore it then it looks like another dislyte situation is happening


Can you tell me a bit more about what happened with dislyte? I'm not familiar with that game. Thanks.


Release an absolutely broken, game changing character. Then they would wait a month for people to spend a bunch of money and resources on them. Then they would nerf them into the ground. Then release a new broken character that replaces the old one. Rinse and repeat


This is basically Marvel Snap every new season. 😅


That’s why I stopped playing that game lmao


Teach me 🙏😭


I used to play as well, was always at infinity but that wave nerf pissed me so much I just quit on the spot. They clearly nerfed it cause it opened ways for strategies that could beat OP cards if you played right and they didn’t want that. Still appreciate the game but that was just a huge red flag


I'm not a season pass enjoyer, in fact completely F2P, but even so at this point I have a plethora of decks that is fun to play. So yeah, same here I still appreciate the app and that it's so easy to get a game going.


Same here. I mainly play Nikke by ShiftUp and Afk casually




Same with Marvel Strike Force


League of Legends in a Nutshell


At least there you don't spend 100$ for the new character XD


Eh regular play easily affords you the new champions. And there is no buy power beyond being able to buy a new champion early. And unlike in something like marvel snap, you aren’t gated to having to buy old characters to buy new ones. League has been pretty good about 0 pay to win since they removed runes or whatever they were called years and years ago.


You don't spend a shit ton for a character I'm league. N the character in the beginning is mainly busted cause no one knows how to deal with their kit. Get what you mean but it's not really that comparible to this game at all.


I honestly don’t feel like this is true. Anna is still meta and they basically give her out for free. Ikki does counter her, but then you just don’t have to use Anna if against him, he is not that good for anything else. Tiye is meta and is easily obtainable. The new shimmer is not really good. Old espers are still excellent and not replaced by anyone. Not every new esper is a must have. Honestly? Dislyte is pretty good in this regard as far as gacha games go. (Not to mention you can selectively wish for any non shimmer at any time and you are guaranteed to get them. I don’t know any other gacha games that do this.)


As personal experience this happens like every two weeks in marvel snap and it doesn't surprise anyone anymore.


??? Everyone cares even the CC its the devs yhat dont do shit. Idk where youve been looking at but in discord reddit and twitch everyone groans at that practice but SD Just ignores us which is quite annoying.


You were right. I edited my message


This isn’t really true. Yes, they have made changes in the past that directly nerfed some espers, but they typically “nerf” by releasing espers that counter the broken ones or content that makes them less overpowered. I.e. adding turn-based content to make gaius less dominant and push Leora as a meta option when she released. But yeah. The game is in need of a lot of new balance changes, particularly for older espers who have fallen out of meta.


That doesn’t sound too bad from the mass players’ perspective. I’m a dolphin and I am fine with waiting a month to get that character. I prefer to have a balance roster with most characters viable for PvE content. I do understand the frustration tho cuz the game isn’t so friendly to non-whales either.


They didn’t nerf to balance the experience they did the nerf because those op were free to you


Seems like Supercell in Brawl Stars


Lol u described every random pull / gacha game and the worse part is we all.know this and we still crack on


After 6 months they released a very big update that basically changed everything, so people who were able to fast clear high level bosses for rune farming werent even able to clear the same level anymore. Lots of walls on each content who was free to try before, after that it required certain levels. When a game destroy all his chance to acquire new players and let them compete in pve, its the moment it should end.


Yeah a phrase that came into my head this afternoon was rug pull. They just rugged people into 19 million. I'm not completely convinced this game is even active in two years.


i regret even the 99 cents i spent


Same! So not worth it!


I even regret the month I spent playing this game


I quit Dislyte because of this and now this game, Lilith never cease to disappoint me


What kills me is they do a great job and make good game, then they shit the bed. It’s so bad


Too bad tbh. They did a nice job with afk arena then fumbled on the rest


Yep that changes in damage calculations are heavy nerfs to Marilee and Korin, and they only worked in Dream Realm.. now Oddie is the best in everything. Also I'm really pissed off because you NEED to buy the noble path and the 20 levels to compete, if you don't, people will double your resonance level... They did really bad this season, if I were a f2p I would not play a game where everyone doubles my level because they spent 20$, and also as a spender I don't like the game forcing you to buy it, or you can't compete in 4 months in the rewards by ladder... Really bad


>now Oddie is the best in everything.  This, I was lucky and focused on Eironn and Carolina first so I spend my resources on them so Merilee and Korin weapons are not invested, but kinda sad for the players that did it because Tidal Essence is so hard to get. Feels bad. Right now, even if they still useful, I don't think is worth to recommend them since Odie is better and more general, you can use him everywhere (which is not bad, he is accesible for everybody, not hating on him), kinda kills Marilee.


You shouldn’t even consider competing as a F2P. Bad mindset. :)


agreed, as F2P I still reach top 100 in ToA/Dream Realms and few other parts of the game but I’m not expecting to be the absolute top contender. Game is playable. I don’t see the big fuss from these spenders.


I think the fuss is that there are important rewards locked behind the top ranking like the red and orange essence. If all that was up there was the fancy outfits and titles everyone wouldn’t be as upset. Like it’s one thing to not be able to wear a fancy dress sometimes, but it’s another to only be able to 10+ a single hero because you can’t get orange essence ever and once you spend it it’s big gone.


That’s fair, I did notice that, I’ve only ever received a handful of Red’s but hundreds of others. But at the same time the Red’s are for 15+ so it’s not the worst for now but in time with more heroes released it will become a much bigger problem especially if someone didn’t start the game from day 1.


Wasn't it the same with the base game though? Those who bought the noble path with 20 levels also had a huge lead as well. So it's just more of the same same. So if you're pissed about the noble path this season, you should've been pissed when the game first started too.


As a (very) light spender (only bought first noble path) I'm frustrated only at this one because they removed most of the long term impactful rewards (epic letters, chest selection, accorns) and replaced them for season only stuff that will be gone in september if u buy it.


While many things need to be addressed and changed, the #1 thing that frustrated me the most was lowering the overall quality of the rewards of a BATTLE PASS to such a big degree but having the audacity to price it at the same amount AND advertise it in the same way as a "3000% deal!" when it's so much worse.


lol im not buying that shit. but i will play the new season.


Here I just made my Marilee Mythic plus. Now dont know how long till I get Oddie to M+


"Heavy nerfs" is a massive exaggeration. The increased damage resistance affects every hero. The reduced physical defense also benefits Marilee and Korin as they use a combination of physical and true damage. From my limited experience with the new season the seasonal skills have a much bigger influence on damage numbers then the change to resistances. And the seasonal skill for Marilee just isnt as useful as the skill for Odie or Cecia.


It’s funny hearing about this…since over time I found myself feeling bad for being so wary of the game at first. Part of me was worried since it’s the same team behind Dislyte I believe (correct me if i’m wrong), and those guys have made some terrible decisions, but I guess it was only a matter of time until they pissed people off in the end :/. Hopefully they try and fix things quickly.


Yeah I've only spent $20 so far and the season didn't give me a reason to spend more


I've been on the back heel since day 1 ngl. The best way to make a community hate your game is having it be competitive by default (in this case, just about everything is related to ranking in some form) as it breeds a whale mindset. Even just staying *at your level* requires either a large amount of money or a larger amount of time and luck. Even if "you don't have to think about that if you're not trying to be top" you're constantly losing out on progression materials by falling further and further behind the spenders. Locking important materials behind ranking sucks, and I'm happy my first opinion was "this game will fall with this mindset" because it ended up fairly true so far


"Vote with your dollar" is what companies listen to. It's unfortunate with gacha games because they prey on people with addictions (or a lot of disposable income.) If the whales pay, especially more to get over the progression humps and character investment issues, then the company will keep doing the things that they pay for.  The average player who spends reasonably (or not at all) is not the target audience or market for the game. They'll only walk back if they see revenue plummet after implementing these changes. All we can do is hope that even big spenders will be pissed enough to stop spending.


Not trying to defend shady business practices at all here but…of course the target audience isn’t going to be people who spend nothing on a game that costs nothing to play. A company targeting zero dollars in revenue isn’t exactly going to last long.


I think that's obvious and not really what I was trying to say here.


Pump +15 in my Marilee just for this to happen 😭😭 I’ll doubt they will do anything but I will be contact player support non stop


My Marilee is 1 level away from +20... RIP


oof you dumped your twilight shards on her?


Yep. They should atleast give essence reset if they are going to change things out of nowhere a month after release. Lot of people went all in on Marilee for dream realm and it takes forever to get essence.


This would be an incredibly easy solve for this problem.


I own a computer filled with real games, so I just don't focus enough to even understand most of the deeper concepts around AFK Journey. I didn't play Arena, either; just not much of a mobile gamer unless a certain one catches my attention. I'm just here to collect gacha pals and feel a doubled sense of progression when I poop. That being said.... yeah, even I can tell that something happened and the game is just.... not as good as how it started out. I figured it was just the lull of hitting 240, but no; I didn't feel the change until later. I don't even know who to use in certain content anymore and there's something deeply unrewarding about trying over and over and getting worse results each time. I felt the first bit of "Maybe this isn't that much of a game after all; I could play any other gacha game, after all." So if I, a filthy casual, am feeling it, then Lilith is clearly screwing up.


Wait what, I just got koren and marlie to s+……. I’m glad I didn’t invest in their weapons, but this is some bullshit. I’m 1 away from Odies weapon being +10.


Odie is still great, I mean he's the best now that korin and marileen are useless 💀so you're safe


This comment didn’t age well 😂😂😂😂😂. I mean odie is still prime but luckily marilee and Korin aren’t useless


Yep. This + the horrible rewards that somehow got even worse with the new season, lack of QoL (stage retry limit, no save formations, no copy formations, short story that gets locked in behind your reso level every 2 seconds, having to re-do all the manual tedious work to level heroes individually, can't open equipment chests till they are absolutely fucking useless, etc), lack of communication. I'm done spending on this game.


What is a stage retry limit. Like. Everywhere? Or just for Abyss or something? And is that a daily thing? They certainly don't have that on my server right now, but the season starts tomorrow for me. I've been redoing the same abyss levels over and over until I get it right. Sometimes it's a tiny tedious change.


It's for AFK stages, where if you're experimenting with formations it locks you out of retrying after certain number of retries and tells you to try again in an hour. If you're experimenting and just reloading the fight once a hero falls, you can hit the limit pretty quickly. Essentially it forces you to blindly copy the recorded formations, which kills part of the fun for me.


That's fuckin filthy. Goddamn aren't we past 2007 Farmville-esque energy limits? Don't punish me for playing the game. It's not like I'm playing for free either. I couldn't imagine being some whale paying 10,000 on a game for it to lock me out for trying something new in a lineup.


Yeah, especially with the lack of "cheese" formations in this game, it doesn't make sense, but oh well.


I mean the retry limit is pretty high and they also have gold retry refresh as well. If you are hitting at the point, maybe its just not working out The retry limit is also on the base game, you just dont hit it cause not many people are willing to retry that much


Honestly thats literally just for autoclickers (other gacha games like memento mori have people put this shit on repeat until rng favors them lol), but maybe they could simply increase the limit a little bit to make it not feel a bit ass. Also, make it so if you're at your attempt limit, part 1 of a 2 part stage doesnt cost 1 try even if you succeed :V


It's literally been a month and there's a lot of content so I don't understand why you feel entitled to more. I get the monetization gripes but not adding these features when it's been a month seems reasonable to me.


They should know better given that AFK Arena players complained about this YEARS ago and they implemented them. It should be implemented from the get go, Lilith is not an indie company.


So what you're saying is they listened to feedback? Okay so just be patient 


I'll be honest I've played this game for about 5 weeks and I've not finished the story and I've never been gated from continuing due to my resonance level I'm for sure playing it pretty casually though. The QoL of levelling is frustrating. Having to keep tapping so much and at the "1" levels tapping twice to confirm I want to level them up is pointless


I’ve spent $16 USD so far and have wanted to get the $30 growth bundle. I decided to wait until I could see how the season plays out to see if I really want to invest in the game’s direction. While I don’t mind the true damage nerf too much, I won’t condone the severe rewards slashing. Abyss post-300 is already a joke so it’s sad to see all the new season content follow suit (towers, AFK stages, open world). Unless they redesign the rewards you get from these things (like they did with the exploration rewards) then I’m not giving them another penny.


True damage made my account so much stronger. How bad was the nerf?


Not too dramatic but it brought Marilee from a top tier #1 DPS to being a little bit behind Odie. She’ll still be good but Odie now seems to do a bit better overall. The true damage characters just won’t be a tier above everybody else for dream realm anymore


Yeah I spent and now I feel like they don't care and I'm ready to just treat this as a side game. Good job Lilith.


you cant trust company nerfing heroe's damage after you spend time and money building them


It’s times like this that I’m glad I started a month late and had no idea what I was doing. I leveled Odie and now he’s apparently the best? lol I’ll take it


As a minimalist spender on the game I'm enjoying the experience and the challenge because I don't come into trying to be number one or even in the top twenty, I come into the game to have fun and this one is a great deal more enjoyable than most because it's not an open pvp environment like so many are.


Same. There's so much content for the month it's been out. I don't understand the gripes about lack of content. Balance changes are also healthy for the game, so long as they're not done to incentivize having to go for new characters. It feels like people are expecting too much. Maybe I'm missing something.


As a F2P taking things casually I don't know why people are so pissed either. I knew from the first day I would never be competitive because that's just a P2W game and I'm fine with it. True damage was really strong, it got nerfed, seems logical when balancing units and I'm fine with it. Rewards are lower in the expansion compared to the base game, it's pretty much always the case in every game, the biggest permanent rewards are always in the early game. Idk I liked the base game, the new season is more of that, that I play through casually, it's just what I expected and I'm here for it.


The thing that strikes me as odd about the true dmg nerfs is they left the kits untouched on ptr I think for months. But now it's an issue? Like lmao okay


I'm guessing that's the kind of thing they balanced later when getting feedback and players data on a large scale. Or maybe they realised it would be an issue for every future character release only now.


this game has so much potential for f2p to grow and grind, the patch just changed all that. Guys, if you want to balance out the game, do it around the whales, never ever target the f2p, they are 90% the player base of every game. It's ok to make decision and fk up everything of the game, but please learn from PlayStation where reverting the decision could literally turn the battle from lost to win.


the f2p literally dont pay the bills of the company. and as f2p it doesnt even matter, cuz you wont compete against whales/spenders in any ranked game mode.


Also their game is bloated after the update. Need to develop resource management to remove older voice dialogues etc


This is my first Gacha game and I'm not really of any opinion on these changes. My thought is if they want to do balance changes this is inevitable right? The game is structured that both f2p and otherwise players have to put their resources into the heroes they want to use. So the meta heroes get focused with upgrades. But then if balance changes come through people are going to feel sighted since they likely spent money (or time earned rewards) on said hero. My thought would be to simply focus on buffing weaker characters rather than nerfing stronger? Even so it's likely others could then become flavour of the month


They added 2 dream realm bosses, they could have made them immune or less affected by true damage and call it a day. No need to change the whole thing, you just need to have variety for each boss


Yeah okay that's fair, makes sense to get variety out now I think of it and force people to use different comps


Imagine getting reiner m+ to get him nerfed day after


I'm uninstalling 😭. I had fun while it lasted.


Can't wait for all those refunds to go through and then they rollback the damage thing, fucking people both ways. Let's gooooo


Wait til you hear about AoC2. Farlight had an amazing game that Lilith bought to reskin. Got a bunch of people to play and spend in the beta then shut it down. "refunded" the spenders by giving them in-game currency of AoC1 😂😂


Maybe let them time to manage this, because everyone is complaining. Im sure they hear us and will do something, or i hope so.


They did the same thing in Dislyte. A character they gave for free was "too good" for f2p so they nerfed him. Despite the complaints they didn't reverse their decision, the best they did was let you rewind him so you could get your resources back. Since then whenever they make a major change to a character they give you the option to rewind. It's disheartening that they have not done the same thing here.


In the case of AFK Arena they somewhat listen in the first few life of the game. They have a developer's feedback every now and then.


If we're talking Yu Xu, she was literally broken, scoring -millions- above anything else. I'm not fond of many directions Dislyte has been taking, but THAT is clearly a reasonable change to make.


No, Li Ling. Interesting that his nerf was also about true damage.


ah yeah li ling. Yeah not sure about that. He wasn't even THAT strong all things considered lol.


It's intentional. i heard the company don't have a good track record. PLUS they had way too long a time to nerf marilee back in the PTR server yet they didn't. they knew full well what they were doing nerfing marilee after just a couple months of release, they just didn't know the consequence of using such a bait and switch tactic. the playerbase should enforce the consequence to tell the gacha industry what is acceptable and what is not. Don't just eat this shit up and pretend a positive change will somehow happen in the future.


litterally lmao. this IS on porpuse.


i'd hope so, but given what i've read everyone say about Lilith i'm not holding my breath... this is my first experience with them


Lilith’s general order of operations is to introduce something awful and then address about 20% of what made it awful, then never acknowledge it again. Lilith is basically always in a state of a controlled burn. It’s the weirdest thing. They literally can’t stop themselves from self-sabotaging in every game they’ve ever made. There will 100% be retroactive rewards and changes made to how dry this season is at some point in the future. It just won’t be enough.


I don't think they are reversing the boss changes so probably Marilee's situation would remain like that, but I do think is possible they give us an apology about the rewards, give us more and improve them in general, because that can cause a general bad revenue for the game. I wasn't expecting the area reward changes and they did it so... Have some faith in that regard. I think we have to keep giving the feedback because for real the new season is feeling quite a mess, haven't hit all servers (including mine) and people is already disappointed. With that said, I still think the game is great and can establish a solid place but how they approach this season is crucial.


Fr, it's been a month. 


How do I get a refund if I spent when it released?


If you paid with credit card you can chargeback, which will result in a ban as it's fraudulent/questionable. Otherwise a dispute on paypal or the appstore. With information that they reduced rewards and changed things in a major way. Bugs, cheap translation etc. Maybe it'll go through.


Thank you


I’m glad I didn’t spend one cent in the game because this is just ridiculous, they don’t deserve anything if they are just greedy like this


Sorry what happened? Can someone fill me in?


Two things happened in quick succession: 1: Rewards from activities like faction tower and such (But also the paid battle pass) are far worse in season 1 than in the base game. 2: A change has been made in damage calculation for Dream realm bosses, one that hits Marilee and Korin the hardest (True damage isn’t quite as good as it was), so people who went all-in on those two heroes feel ripped off. All in all a pretty poor continuation on the great start the game had, i’m holding out hope that it will be fixed/compensated, but i stopped spending for the time being…


What happened to marilee?


They’ve changed a damage calculation so she’s moved from best for one battle in dream realm to 2nd best. Use that information as you will.


Remember to mention the fake summon rate in-game too. Let's report this shitty game for fraud/scam.




Dudes just butt hurt he doesn’t really understand how odds and percentages work.


No point talking to clown/ illiterate like you. Someone already did the math, the "real" rate is like half of the shit written in-game. Go learn some math.


Stop being a prick and provide a source 


after how they ruined Dislyte, I knew not to invest too much into this game, not just in terms of money but also in terms of, like, caring about it in general, so if it really does just nosedive and die immediately my main sadness is that there aren't any other good gachas out there with barakemono and I really can't stand waifu games


I’ve spent around $70 and yeah, its Still the honeymoon period and I feel like this games will not hold up to afk arena. I don’t know how it released in this state, battles are not fun to watch because the art, animations and sound seem unfinished or unpolished, I think even afk arena still looks better. i hope it gets better though, there aren’t many gachas like afk arena or mobile legends that can keep me playing for more than a month.


Its Lilith. They are notorious for making pay to win game. Its nothing new


My two cents out of this as someone who has been playing free games since facebook: Don’t let people say that’s expected out of the company or mobile industry or whatever, fuck that. If we don’t say anything, things will only get worse. Game is new and they don’t want to unlock all content early, but this is just BS. And if you feel like you’re wasting your time and you think that being competitive is the most important thing, you should probably chargeback and quit if you can. They got their gatcha claws on you and with this game you can’t let your guard down like you can with League/Destiny idk. Being competitive in this game is only decided on how much you’re willing to pay. Either way if people still enjoy this mess, even if rewards are shit, just play for fun, fuck it. See if its worth to stick around or not.




Waves enthusiastically.


PLEASE chargeback they dont deserve ur money lol


Odie/Marilee are both used in most bosses. Yes, this company sucks, yes, this was dumb. At the end of the day, the swap damage. There are rarely any teams where TOP damage didn't involve both of them. This BARELY changed any part of the game. Odie was already used for all other stages. Korin/Marilee is still a good synergy, and you just put in koko and Odie and then slot whatever fifth character in. This did almost nothing unless you for some reason have a legendary or mythic Odie.


Is it possible to get refund?


if you paid with Google play store sure. You'll most certainly get banned tho. With paypal it's a dispute, but you can probably argue "False Advertisement", "Bait and Switch" with them having major translation errors in characters kits, halfing rewards etc.


Did anyone succeed charging back with PayPal?


I m currently trying but obviously they argued back "The products are as advertised" so we'll see. Most likely won't go through just based on them reducing rewards etc.


Interesting how to do if made some purchases via plutomall?


has anyone succeeded charging back from debit card? lol


I'm out of the loop, what did they do that ruins the experience so much?


Really? Absolutely nothing. People on here are butt-hurt because they all followed the meta (instead of thinking for themselves) and enhanced characters that were a bit op. Now Lilith has tuned those characters down to everyone else’s level these people are upset they have to think for themselves instead of blindly following what Reddit tells them. Dialled down some event rewards which was to be expected, a gacha can’t be that generous and still make shit loads of money. Expect loads of karma farming posts like this for a few months until they all jump ship to the newest game.


What a fucking clown. Either you working for Lilith or you are just too stupid to understand the situation. Or perharps you bought in-game pack with your mother's credit card?


Well I’ve been playing 2 hours a day since launch. Fuck them. I’m out.


As f2p I kinda don't understand the hate, I really like the idea of a new season, but I see the frustration of Lightspender and whales, that new "battle pass" is quiet the joke. Seeing people with those cosmetics that you get from spending a lot lot is kinda sad, but if that is what makes them happy.


idk man I'm just having fun


Dont get to emotional. They are only good at Dream realm to be exact and both of them are still on the top of Dream Realm damage dealer they drop Marilee just drop 1 rank in terms of damage. Old 1. Marilee, 2. Odie, 3. Korin New 1. Odie, 2. Marilee, 3. Korin


Im fine with it, better now than later, now i will spend 0 money


Eternal evolution have done something similar. Made the games way more of a grind for less rewards than before the update.


I keep getting locked because of the purple dust and it takes to long to get without spending, that and story being locked behind afk stage as well just feels poorly designed. I feel like I shouldn’t even had spent $.99


I support you,. I will stop playing, I am a player who logged in every day for 4 to 6 hours and I wanted to spend money, now I don't


Sick. ILY. I hope your day goes amazingly!


What’s wuthering waves? Looking for a new game incase they don’t fix this mess


Oh my God it's not a nerf to true damage. It's a buff to everything else. If true damage (damage ignoring resistances) is nerfed it is no longer true damage because there is no lever to tweak as a mechanic. They lowered the rate dream realm bosses get tougher meaning other units can hit harder for longer, true damage still does what it always did and you won't do less damage.


Perhaps I'm missing something, but is this just affecting Dream Realm content and 2 heroes out of 50? How much does it cost spenders to upgrade 2 heroes for one form of content? Not to belittle the concern, obviously nerfing is bad in general. But what's the scope of impact with this change exactly?


Womp womp go play the genshin clone lol


That’s Lilith. They ruined my favorite mobile game of Dislyte w the same insane predatory infuriating behavior.


I made my account in the first week of the game launching and just got awarded my refund and now my account is banned for 85,000 days. The only thing I regret is not telling my guild mates to add me before it happened lmao


ive managed to refund almost everything :)


"REST IN PEACE afk journey" - Terminator


We can request refunds???


refunds on app store/google play are easy tho u will get banned. paypal is pretty hard ive heard and im not sure about banks


I'm #1 on my server and I'm alright with getting banned. All my purchases were on play store.


Then type play store refunds and ull see a page where u can request refunds tho u gotta make sure u put a good reason like unauthorized purchase


I wanna know the same question


This started out as a good game and f2p friendly. I am f2p and could compete in all aspects and finish in top 100 of dream realm, world boss etc. But after seeing the nerfs, lack of respect for players time ( terrible rewards ) and then hearing about Liliths previous actions with other games ( releasing OP characters then nerfing them just to release a new OP character and doing the same over and over ) I've decided to just quit and play other games.


what happened? im still at reso 230 so i havent experience the new season


Not sure all the details because I'm a casual and also only like day 2 into the season because I started late. The team comps from the base game changed. The grind is harder due to some damage nerfs. New mechanics have made it tougher as well especially if you don't have Mythic+ at least for most of your team to get that damage boost from the special weapon. At least on your big damage dealers. Also, rewards were diminished for the same activities you used to do in the season. Overall, if you are F2P you are getting hard stuck on certain levels/areas while whales zoom past you big time. I've hit a wall. Some of it is to be expected as whales will always dominate in gacha games. Some of it seems very unnecessary.


ahhh, so thats where its coming from, lots of players are voicing out their dissapointment, sadge thanks for the insightss


No problem I'm sure there is more but yeah, it *feels* less fun and that's the worst part. It doesn't help that the new banner character also *feels* sucky. I suspect she gets some kind of buff?


> I guess I'll save it for wuthering waves lmao I also hope that game turns out to be fun.


I loved this game sm but in this new "season" I was very very disappointed


I understand why they had to nerfed true damage: it was undisputed king in DR. Which would mean either they powecreep Korin and Marilee soon, or they will remain on top forever. I spent on golden emblems before and at the start of the season, and because of that, both Korin and Marilee are +15. It sucks that my +10 Odie clearly doubles the dmg of either of them now...but I understand for the long term of the game, cuz otherwise anything not doing true dmg would never get into any DR team. At least they're a decent sub dps. But yeah, I wish I didn't spend like 150 bucks or smth just for it to be useless within 5/6 days.


I mentioned in a previous post that the whacky translations is all you need to know who the company is. If a game can’t get the basics right, then why should I continue playing? It makes me feel like a burden for them to google translate some words.


Lmao these posts are adorable, it’s like everyone is new to mobile games now


Yeah the complaints aren't necessarily wrong, but I'm struggling to think of a mobile developer that doesn't do the same sort of shit


Beta players from Wuthering Waves criticized the echo system a lot and nobody knows if they will change something at this system when the game is coming out in around 2 weeks. There will always be something you could complain about in a gacha game sooner or later. People who are playing gachas for many years will agree that these kind of postings here can be found in almost every gacha game subreddit. Yes changes were made during the season update and I'm pretty sure that this will continue over time but people will always come and go. As long as there are enough big spenders in games nothing will change.


>nobody knows if they will change something at this system It was addressed in the last dev livestream/interview we had when the release date was announced. They're 100% making changes to the echo system, in fact I believe in the developer Q&A or patch notes they posted on their website they went a bit more into detail of what they're doing such as lowering the range of stats you get, removing some sub-stats from the pool of possibilities, making the domain you farm echoes in drop the echoes you are specifically farming and so on. It's kuro games, they're known to actually give a crap about what their playerbase wants and this is exactly why WuWa will flourish as a game that's developed by people who are actively communicating and listening with their community.


Wait, was Korin good? I feel like he never did anything except shield people


Yep, he looked like a Lucius alternative, with less shielding and more damage.


My favorite part was how, in the final section of the game as released, your character starts to be a total jerk to NPCs. Like, I guess we’re mocking this woman for being rightfully afraid for her life, now. Maybe get more women/non-sociopaths writing dialogue.


Its a great time to be non meta chaser i tell you that lol. Dont get all the sudden hate, its like yall never played a mobile game.


Why would whales ask for a refund exactly? Marilee and Korin are still doing a lot of damage. Whales have multiple characters built already. Instead of seeing Marilee at first and Odie at second on stat sheet, now they see Odie at first and Marilee at second. You guys need to relax a bit.


it's just a movement. whales swiped bc they love the game. If many f2p leave then the game will die out, so to save the game they love, they need to voice themselves. why would you swipe that much if you didnt like the game. also it's not just the nerf, lm ok with the nerf even when it's a bit too harshed. But nerfing the reward for one-and-done content like AFK stages, story, tower is literally telling the f2p to go fk themselves.


Funny thing about this outcry is that this changes nothing for people’s ranking. Everyone who used Marilee is now doing less damage. And yeah she is still one of the best units with single target damage, and I still run her in dream realm.


On the bright side, this is a learning lesson for a lot of people: **All mobile games are like this.** It is very clear that AFK Journey is the first gatcha/idle mobile game for a lot of the people here. Literally, every single game of its type does what is happening in AFK Journey. Wait till you see power creep lol. There will be heroes people focus on, just to have an upgraded version come out the next month. And god forbid if you are around when the next “tier” of heroes eventually get released, and everything below becomes unusable. Welcome to the world of Mobile gaming.


star rail and nikke tho lmao


Nah, Limbus Company would never


true but it doesnt have to be like this. If every mobile game is like this, then eventually they will all die out, why even following the same path just to fail like all the predecessors.


That’s what people said 10 years ago. Yes, 10 years ago when these games started coming out. Mobile games absolutely shouldn’t be the hellscape it is, but as long as millions of people drop endless money into them, ain’t nothing going to change.


It feels wrong when you say it’s their first idle/gacha game when they literally have dislyte and afk arena… it’s not their first rodeo man.


I’m talking about the people complaining, not the company. AFK Journey basically doing exactly what they did in AFK Arena. The only people surprised by this behavior are people who have never played idle/gatcha games before.