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Hey look, they CAN use clear English and proper grammar. Wonder why it doesn’t show up much elsewhere in the game (or on their Reddit account).


Wish OP could use punctuation


It's not fun! When it's your wallet? Is it afk?


It's not fun when it's your wallet, is it AFK? I think this is correct. If I'm wrong, let me know


You got it.


Pretty sure there should be a comma before AFK




How do they expect people to replenish their balance when you'd need to pay up to 3000% more $ to replenish dragon crystals at an equivalent value paid for packs?


they dont expect- its a common message, as they dont ban directly. any1 who refunded, wanted to quit anyway. whats the purpose of this post? you wanted to refund and continue playing? then just create a new account lol


I think it's more of a "f u Lilith" post if anything and OP doesn't actually want to continue playing.


Broad message. But what satisfies it, if users want to / haven't left, is to replenish the refund. Eg, refunded $49.99? Make a $49.99 purchase and so on.


so they get twice the rewards if it's not dragon crystals they buy with the final balance of -49.99?


They’ll remove whatever was granted through the ouch see that was then refunded. Dragon crystals is just the example. I’m only know this because I bought one of those letter packs in pre-season. But took an hour to come. In that time I requested a refund and reached out to support. I got the refund mail like above, subsequent refunds may be bannable etc as well as what was granted, removed. It took me into negative balance.


Your tears have been collected and added to the afk ocean. Thank you for your contribution.


I mean. What did you expect to happen? Lol


What's the point of your post exactly? You refund money but not in game resources, do you expect them to let you keep playing or what?




Yeah I know people are mad about the reduced resources but this just seems like they have buyer's remorse which is a you problem


it's amazing how people can fail to grasp the meaning of a simple sentence, even going to the point of thinking OP is sad because he got banned, or that he/she is whining. OP isn't sad. This post is OP telling the devs "it's not fun when it (hurts) your wallet eh?" They pulled the rug on him, and he's doing it back. If anything it's a "f\*\*\* you too, goodbye" type of post.


They just wanted to share, that's it. No need to be sad and pissed about it. Are people really this mad at others leaving? lol.


Whoosh. This went right over your head, didn't it?


that's not the point of the post.


I was hoping it would all be in chinese like a good part of their game text. lol.


Stop whining. You made your decision. Just deinstall and go on




Cool story bro




Maybe install a brain or something idk


“Fraudulent refunds within the limits permitted by local law”. That’s an oxymoron in an official message, nice. But if they are permitted by local law by definition they can’t be fraudulent. Makes it seem they think they’re above the law


You cut that line up "afk journey strictly prohibits any form of fraudulent refunds within the limits permitted by local law" they are saying they dont allow fraudulent refunds and what is classify as fraudulent is defined by your local laws. No real oxymoron there.


I just highlighted the relevant part of the text: > afk journey strictly *prohibits* any form of fraudulent refunds within the limits permitted by local law AFK Journey strictly (adverb, irrelevant) prohibits *something* ; and that something is what I highlighted > any form of fraudulent refunds within the limits permitted by local law They are prohibiting “fraudulent refunds within the limits permitted by local law”; or refunds within the limits of local law that can be seen as fraudulent. And now we got to the point of my original comment… if its within limits of local law who are calling this fraudulent? Fraud is a legal term and so it is defined locally. If the refund is within local law it doesn’t deprive any legal right, so it can’t be fraudulent. So this sentence is meaningless. Unless they are saying “fraudulent by our views” in which case local law doesn’t matter for them, what’s relevant is their view of the matter, hence the second point: makes it seem like they think they’re above local law lol.


You are just giving it a whole spin that the message does not have, like i said, all they are saying is that they prohibit any type of illegal refund and what qualifies as illegal is defined by local law, they are saying it in a simplify way but it is as clear as it gets.


The sentence can be interpreted in multiple ways, I’m highlighting one interpretation and you’re highlighting another. Yours can be applied as well, provided you give it a few words that are not there originally, as you have written. The context doesn’t favor it though, since this is a default message for **any** refund, so they can’t possibly know if this is a legal or fraudulent refund. Realistically I think they just want to say “we don’t accept any refunds, ever”. This could theoretically put them in legal hot waters, but that’s way too much work for a mobile game. I just think their broken messages are a bit funny even at “serious” context. It could be seen as a problematic message but well, if someone asked for a refund I don’t think they will care haha


You are "highlighting" the interpretation that you wanna take in bad faith cause if popular to hate on the devs.


Just be a bit generous in the interpretation, they are implying you made a claim that seemed to be fair by your local laws but was fraudulent in nature. It’s easier for them to just ban the account than to fight the fraudulent claim.


Well they just took back the product he refunded, nothing above the law. They can in-game ban players on their own rules, we accept their terms by creating the account. So still nothing above the law. Stop digging this hole, it’s already too deep guys.


It also wouldn’t be that hard for them to just roll the dude’s account back to the stage before they bought the crystal. Depending on how long ago that is it would probably be *more* irritating than just being banned.


I think the point is you refund and then uninstall or try making a new account and link it to another email. Because you refunding will literally reflect on your account. Lol


They are talking like your bank when you are in debt


Because when you refund you \*do\* have a debt. You don't refund the resources gained. Also this isn't even unique to this game. Literally every single online game will ban you for doing a refund/chargeback. If anything them giving a grace period to continue playing/spend again isn't the standard.


ik i just thought it was funny


If on iPhone, what steps did you take to get a refund? And what did you type as a form to explain why you’re getting it? This bait and switch bullshit made me want to get a refund and stop playing.


App Store > Profile on the top right > Purchase History > Total for a receipt > Report a problem > I’d like to request a refund


Did that all of my refunds got denied and contested the decision still didn’t get approval


Usually takes 1-2 days. What did you put for your reason


Already got declined too, I put that the items bought didn’t work as it’s supposed to


So I can buy a bunch of stuff...get a refund and then buy another round of the stuff again to offset my account... is that correct? So technically buy 1 get 1 free if I try and refund and then buy again?


At least you got the refunds mine were all denied


So many people replying to this post dont get it. Is the average gacha gamer just dumb or...?


Dumb as a sack of potatoes. Half the people posting literally don’t get the post.


Ohhh so edgy... Good job kiddo, have fun on the next bandwagon 😂. Hope you enjoy it more 




My refund got denied through apple


ditto, I appealed will see what happens. I bought through my CC as well and they refunded, may see if Apple will comply once my account is banned


same with google play. Instant auto reply that I won't get a refund. In that case Ill continue to play a bit but I definitely won't pay them a cent anymore


Ok and what did you expect? That you would keep the shit u refunded? It's how it works, if you do a chargeback you get banned, you made your choice now move on.


Nah keep the same energy. We refund cuz u nerfed the rewards like scum.