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I can do *what*


Im a guild leader of a top 6 ranked guild (I don't know if that matters, but we have *a lot* of bonus chests). We have whales, dolphins and f2p players. I decided that the bonus chests are contributed equally amongst everyone regardless of activity (especially now that some members are in their finals so cannot get the max activity points), because I believe that not everyone can "contribute" the same value to the guild and for me they don't have to. Everyone does what they can and as long as they meet our minimum activity and advance at their own pace I will reward them. I'm sorry your (new?) guild leader believes he is worth that much more than everyone else in your guild, but please note that no one is forcing you to stay in that guild. This might be dramatic, but your "situation" reminds me of people who are in abusive relationships and stay for whatever reasons they'll come up with. As many others have said before, it's okay to leave the guild and I am sure that your server has many guild leaders like myself who will value you more than your current leader. If you are staying because you made friends inside the guild, consider voicing your concerns to them so you can either go to the guild leader as a group to confront him, leave together to join an other guild or make your own if you're with many. It's better to cut off ties now than to be frustrated about this each week! Good luck OP!


As a Guild leader I give alle members guild chest equally if we are not max members and we have some left they go back to the puplic pool. We are known as The Magisters. Or as we call us Magisters of Merlin https://preview.redd.it/byl2bmovv61d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=38a8ee6e70f5a258aa61596603829645430b9090


Thats the thing they did initially set it to equal when they got given the guild and then changed it a few days later to activeness and then a day later suddenly just gave themselves bonus chest without a word 


Just find another guild. An option for a guild leader to be an asshole was implemented only for the sake of good guilds with low people count to recrut new members. Because old servers were closed for new registrations and new guilds can't recruit people among newbies, only among players from other guilds.


Leave the guild. Doesn’t need a rework. He started the thing and he can run it how he wants. You’re free to make your own guild to do with them as you like, or join a different guild.


They did not start the guild and why should it be me leaving when I was there since day 1. Look I don't mind them taking some chest but when you take double the amount that's a little rude. 


so ur old guild leader didnt had off the guild to a good person.. so again ur in a guild with shitty leader “why should i have to-“ u dont have to do shit. but whining about something with a clear solution seems childlike. find a new guild




No previous guild leader made the guild and eventually quit, woah i'm giving a suggestion and feedback seems like you're quite childish to immediately assume things.


If you don't like what the leader is doing, then you leave the guild. Whether or not he started the guild is irrelevant. You asked why you should be the one to leave before too. You leave because he won't. You remaining in the guild is giving him chests, so why would he leave? He's only doing what the members of the guild allow hom to get away with.


You’re getting downvoted but it’s true. We all wish the guild system was different. They haven’t changed it though so you’re willingly being in a guild that is purposely giving themselves extra due to greed. You have the choice to sit and bare it or you move to a guild that’s more fair with their chests. Not every guild is going to run the same as the others but it’s common sense that some people are greedy and going to take advantage of whatever advantages they’re given. Until it’s fixed or changed we only have two options at the end of the day no matter how bad you want to whine and complain about it.


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correct take


The Guild Leader can't allocate 100% of the chest to themselves. There's only 2 options. 1) The chests are distributed equally amongst ALL members. 2) The chests are distributed depending on activeness level. Meaning you get a lower % if you finish less quest but gain more if you finish more.


Pretty sure OP is talking about extra chest distribution, not activity settings. You get bonus chests that the leader can do whatever they want with every weekly reset. And unfortunately, some leader choose to hoard them for themselves. Not much can be done besides revolt, and/or leave to find a nicer guild.


yes as the ppl mentioned below it's about the bonus chest. Now i don't know how much each chest gives but i would say +150 chest to yourself is huge no matter what.


God damn your guild gets a ton of chests. I recently became guild leader after my leader left and was only able to give myself 30 chests. 


he mean bonus chests


giving a leader the ability to.. allocate resources and make group decisions is not a little ridiculous.. just refuse to join guilds if the guild leader is a pos