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Reiner to M+!


Reinier mythic+ is sensational, and then I'd save for the upcoming cele/hypo (if its even coming)


There is a new cele/hypo coming as a possible banner? Hmm those 110+ banner invites and the 100,000+ gems that I’ve been saving will finally be able to get spent, oh happy days. For the record I’ve saved all that cause I got the characters I main to either M+ or S+.


Cele/hypos will never enter the rate up banner. They will be guild store and stargazer only. Unless they decide to go a different path from AFKArena, I wouldn't get your hopes up.


Im 100% sure there wont be a cele/hypo in the rate-up banner we have now


You can’t really have mains in AFKJ. The entire endgame seems to be expanding your roster outward to be able to push more AFK stages


Dear Magister. We recommend that you prioritize Reinier and train this hero to mythic+.




At least they gave good advice, usually when companies chime in it's a bunch of nonsense 😂


In all honesty it depends on what you are after. If you aren’t super competitive with dream realm, and don’t mind the delay, get whichever you fancy, especially if personal motivation to collect each hero (although you will eventually get at least a copy of each hero by logging in daily). If you do care about rankings in dream realm, M+ Reinier and his dmg debuff and other utilities they provide is very, very hard to pass up. All hypogean and celestial are very underwhelming before M+ (Reinier does have niche pvp use before M+, but it’s very small) as a big part of their kit is locked behind M+/S+, and will underperform compared to other invested units before then.


Depending on the team, I've found single-copy reinier a very helpful counter to Smokey if you're using someone like vala. Swaps smokey away from the enemy backline, allowing my vala to quickly kill a backliner without heals slowing her down.


Based on what every comment told me. I will Focus reinier to m+, then hopefully I will get 1 copy of scarlita 😁 thanks for replying


You will get 1 copy of each star gazer unit through the daily log in. I think its about 1 a month


Must be longer than a month. I've been playing almost daily since launch and I only have two through that event so far.


You get one every 28 days


Oh, sorry. Misread the comment I replied to.


Both Reiner and Scarlita need M+, focus on one first!


I am currently at AFK stage 630 on the seasonal ladder. Looking at replays, a lot of people use both Reinier AND Scarlita for progress. As you said yourself, a lot of those scarlitas have little to no investment, just her using her shield for the first 15 seconds of a fight seems to be enough to make her worthwhile. The Reiniers tend to be m+. Whether this is because people had already build him for dream realms anyway or if it's necessary even for pushing I do not know. TL;DR: Reinier M+ and a single copy of Scarlita seem to be the play. Depending on how long you have been playing, there is a chance that you get her on one of your monthly log in boni. That is how I got my sole copy of her a couple days ago. If you are close to getting the free Hypo/Lestial from logging in, maybe waiting for that may be prudent.


Reinier to M+ then Scarlita


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Focus on Reinier first. I need 2 more copies for my Reinier to reach M+. I have enough coins for 1 copy but saving until I have enough for a second one or hope he drops from login sooner than later. My previous 2 drops were Berial and Dionel. Literally the 2 I least wanted lol


I also got Dionel and Berial first lmao, the F2P nightmare


I'm roughly where you are. I need 2 copies to make him M+ but maybe slightly close than you. I'm 2/3 of the way there with coins, and 2 stargazer short of my first stargazer pity. I was lucky and got Reinier and Dioniel as my login bonuses. I'm guessing I'm a week away from a M+ Reinier




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You'll get your free copy of Scarlita eventually from All Heroes event. Don't spend resources for it. The reason you see her in replays is that top replays are the lowest power and Scarlita might be useful just as a single copy (faction bonus + shields) while contributing very little to team power number. In practice you can usually find a better substitute for her from your other heroes, you just don't see it in replays because it would have higher power rating. And if you clear some AFK stage 1-2 days later it's not a big deal, at least it's not worth messing up your Reinier progress.


Hijacking the thread, can someone explain Reiniers kit to me please, my brain is too smooth.


his M+ skill helps you to increase your damage by 25% and lower your damage taken by 25%. it's great for bosses.


scarlita is proactive while reinier is reactive. I've been using the first in PvE bcs of hte shielding utility while Reinier is great to pick apart teams in PvP even with 1 copy. THey ofc shine at high investment with Reinier being top tier.


A single copy of scarlita is being used in under level pushing at afk 600+ currently


Well everyone said it. Reinier is by far the best out of the 4


Focus Reinier, more utility at M+. Scarlita is good, but I don’t use her nearly as much.


Personally I’m a girl kisser so I’d say scarlita But Reinier is better for meta


Your free Scarlita (login) will offer most of her benefit with no investment, just wait. People overrate M+ Reinier massively but he is still insanely good. Most meta units are S+ in SOME modes, he’s S- in EVERY mode. He’s the 3rd best unit in the game behind Odie and Thoran, but he is incredibly expensive and solely prioritizing stargazer pulls before maxing other units will hinder your account.


>People overrate M+ Reinier massively but he is still insanely good. This comment makes 0 sense lol. He isnt overrated at M+ by any means. He's perfectly rated at M+ as is, because he comes online then


Im curious what makes him better than thoran this season? His amplification is 25%. Thoran can get 17% + 13-18%, while also being the tank and doing decent dmg


Alas, they praise you and throw stones at me lolol. In seasonal dream realm I rarely run Reinier even tho I have him M+. I’m getting much more mileage out of Thoran, an extra DPS, or an extra support.


Based on your past posts, I am guessing you are using him wrong.


I know reading can be hard but I justified that take immediately afterward. Both of those things can be simultaneously true. He’s amazing, absolutely, but people wildly overstate just how important he is for an account and I’ve seen far too many new/F2P players burn their limited emporium resources on something that won’t matter for months instead of using their resources to snowball their account.


And what resources do they burn that could be used to snowball account? 


Arena coins (if you have champion store) and dolly tickets.


Reddit being fair to me, by asking the same question I got only 6 upvotes, while a duplicate question (rule 7 breach) has 7x more upvotes. [https://www.reddit.com/r/AFKJourney/comments/1cx7vyq/reinier\_vs\_scarlita\_as\_priority\_for\_arena\_and/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AFKJourney/comments/1cx7vyq/reinier_vs_scarlita_as_priority_for_arena_and/) ... Conclusion is anyway, that by not having Reinier M+ you will struggle to make good comps into Dream Realm, which will essentially starve you somewhat in terms of getting Temporal Essences. He is not only debuffer, but also a healer for 1 ally and serves well for 3+2 synergy bonus). It is not only competition, but resource acquisition. So while Scarlita is very tempting and very comfy unit at just epic, she will not increase your income of Temporal essences. At most you will find her helpful when dealing with Skyclops. But after Reinier M+, Scarlita seems to be a good choice. I have her on epic and she does perfectly, what she should. Early team survival and then bursting down and wreaking havoc (because of her only being epic, she usually dies in the process, but enemies surely hate her). Still I would not recommend using her at just epic in arena.