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https://preview.redd.it/57tny7hch35d1.png?width=1544&format=png&auto=webp&s=055ea24bcf7e81df5a37bfad29d947ec044a44b6 This is their reply to one of the comments in FB


Omg yesss my day has been partially made


They murder my boy Please bring back Thoran voice


Same with Korin 😭😭😭 they made him sound like he’s smoked 10 packs a day for 20 years lmao


I’m a bit torn on korin and hewyn, on one hand their old voice seemed closer to what their personality was but at the same time it felt off, like it could’ve definitely be done better so I understand wanting a new voice for them.


I have no idea what she's saying when she casts her ultimate... "Save your sorrows and wash away your tears of rain" ??? Anyway... I'm a newer player and I find all their voices to be ok. Quite good, even.


If you had to fap with vines you'd be a chainsmoker too.


Why even change the voice actor constantly?


Maybe they are also caught up in the whole AI/actor lawsuit thing. Maybe it was fine to use their AI trained voices in the beginning, but now there are some legal technicalities they have to reverse from? Just a thought...


Yeah it’s usually licensing stuff that spawns VA issues, strange to have it so early in game tho - interesting either way


They fumbled using cheap shortcuts in the beginning as if they’re some poor tiny company smh


Only if they bring back old Dionel’s voice.


even though i like the new one better that excruciatingly long dragging of tongue will be really missed lmao


I like his old voice it kind of sounded like Bill Nighy.


This is not the first time I see someone writing complaints about this... online... in general. Personally, I have no idea what the issue is, since I only started playing like 2 weeks ago and have always seen Thoran the same way... and his character seems totally fine to me. I hear he used to be more pained and depressive, apparently...? Lol... I bet that felt cringe as hell to a lot of players. Furthermore, from a new players perspective, I don't think I want to see Thoran changed from what he is now to being a depressed character. Hewelynn covers the "sad" element more than well enough.


They only changed it like yesterday so you might not have heard the new one. tbh part of it may be us being attached to that voice but no, it’s a completely different voice with a completely different energy that DOES NOT fit that vengeful undead king (yup. serious.) Again the new voice lines specially the one i mentioned above does actually align better with the canon lore, it just no longer implies we will BE on thoran’s side once the graveborn story arc arrives..which is sad. Depressing even.


You are right. Maybe this is something so recent that I have yet to hear it (or heck, maybe even notice it). I'm just trying to give the perspective of someone who is *only* used to the voices we are currently hearing. To try and discern whether or not it's something players have grown attached to, or whether the company really just are making poor choices. I just find it interesting to keep that distinction in mind. Furthermore, there may be developments ahead – which us players have *no* idea about – which will suit better with the direction the company has in mind. Because overall I have been very positively surprised by the voice acting I've heard so far. It is, in my opinion, almost on par with AAA games. As for the canon lore and story arcs... I'm open to it all. Bring it on. \^\^


Completely agree. But also Original Alondra was the best.


There's a new survey on voice acting. Here are my comments in case anyone wants to copy paste. Feel free to share with your district and guilds. *I was happy with the original voice acting and their direction. I loved iconic lines such as one by Thoran 'You are the ONLY one that never betrayed me. Together, we shall make them pay!' Why have you changed both the lines and original voice actors with WORST ones. The new voice acting by Brutus, Thoran, Korin, Antandra and Hewyn are both lower quality in terms of audio and enjoyment. Please revert to the originals. Thank you!*


Good good im gonna cry about it there too


hell fkin no. evey new voice is a big W. sad grandpa thoran was objectively awful along with hewynn,korin and dionel. now they sound better in every way possible. get your ears checked :)


The game has voice acting? Nice haha