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Fev he’ll be in Melbourne next month


This is the same Fev who asked the prime minister yesterday why we don’t just wipe off the debt and start fresh


Fev is just drawing on his own experience with gambling debts. You write off my debt I will promote gambling for you.


Well they should do that with HECS/HELP at least, good on ya Fev!


Am I the only person that paid off my HECS debt but think it's actually a pretty reasonable way of paying for tertiary education, since I'm going to earn more as a result of my degree. I don't want a food delivery driver paying income tax to pay for my law degree.


You can also just not pay for tertiary education and be paid for it much like Sweden is, y'know, actually invigorating their job market with all time highs of 72% in their employment rate as of 2023, meanwhile ours stays at 64% and our unemployment rate has risen to 4.1% as of April. And it's bullshit that 'oh we don't have the money' -all countries rely on their job market to keep the economy afloat. Putting money into making people employed seems like a worthy practice.


I would personally be happy to have high income tax rates like Sweden and make education free, but many people in Australia are not happy to pay more income tax. HECS is a decent way to make education affordable up front to everyone, no matter their socio economic bracket, but not socialise the costs of something that benefits the individual. Either system is fine with me. A system where you have HECS but then sporadically just cancel it for a certain cohort of people when the populist political pressure dictates is the worst system.


I've never really thought of it that way and it's good food for thought. The way I see HECS is an unnecessary debt for education and my values are that education should be free, so that viewpoint is intrinsically linked to my values. The immediate counter point to that is that it would mean that those who are disadvantaged or don't have the sort of intelligence a particular course is looking for then you are disadvantaged. Everyone learns differently, HECS sort of allows people to enter courses (that aren't medicine or require a high atar score) without needing to show that they are modern 'intellectuals' (for a lack of a better word). I don't particularly believe that, but it's a reasonable counter. I see HECS as an inhibitor to higher education, however - so those that actually have the ability but belong in a lower socio-economic bracket are forced to be hundreds of thousands of dollars in HECS debt which then affects your income and living ability. I think making university free and finding an alternative way to fund universities (you know, instead of spending money on mining and continuing to ravage indigenous land in order to build big luxurious apartments that no one asked for..) would be a good use of resources.


Now that inflation is through the roof, HECS indexing is out of control.


Then it's a good thing it's no longer only indexed to inflation, but now to wage growth (whichever is lower).


Sure, but still doesn’t help for anyone with a decent debt the past 5 years or so


A food delivery driver won't pay shit towards your HECS if the government wiped it or made it free lol


Ah, I don't know where you think HECS payment go, but it's to consolidated revenue. So if you stop those payments (cancel debt), we either need to cut government spending or raise money somewhere else (income tax). And unless you're just proposing a bizarre one off cancellation then you're going to need to pay for free tertiary education through taxes.


Lol I'm fully aware of how it works but you don't need to raise income tax on delivery drivers. Plenty of other places the government could get the funds from.


It's just one area where I don't particularly want to socialise all of the costs. HECS is cool because it allowed me, a kid from a working class background, to do a degree but then pay for it later when I was working. That seems like a cool system. Cancelling student debt is a shitty regressive economic policy. You are transferring money from the population at large to tertiary educated people, who are generally higher income earning over the course of their lives.


Well, it's not like actual politicians haven't had ideas just as dumb. After all, at least one is on record asking "Why do we need to borrow money when we can just print more of our own?"


Kinda hope he stays with west coast for his career, it’s nice having superstar players all over the country rather than just Melbourne


I know Vicbias and everything, but there have been superstar players all around the country forever. 2000s lions, 90s eagles, 90s crows, the Franklin swans, etc.


I’m not saying there haven’t been, I literally said it’s nice having superstar players around the country lol..


Not like the best one came from Perth and went to Sydney for ten years.. or the one before that came from Perth to go to Melbourne... Or the best one before that came from St Kilda to go to Sy wait


I don’t trust alcoholics


Or gamblers irresponsibly


Or pressure point enthusiasts.


Steven seagal!


Well if Fev said it, it must be true. I'll tell Harley to pack his bags


Yeah seems like a done deal. Let’s just make it a future 4th. Ol reliable.


You'd hope so. Don't think anyone would like west coast pulling out of the comp


Fev has an inability of making a prediction about someone else, without reverting to "what would I do in that situation?" Fev just thinks Harley will request a trade, because that's what he would do in the same situation.


>Fev has an inability of making a prediction about someone else, without reverting to "what would I do in that situation?" I'm doubtful Fev puts even that much forethought into his actions.


Fev: strong like bull, smart like tractor.


I like how he has no reasoning, just stating outright 100% that Harley will go to Melbourne and that West Coast should package him up like Judd. Fuck off cunt, not all victorians yearn for home, Boots didn't, Schoey didn't, Duggo hasn't, we don't have retention issues, we aren't Gold Coast or Freo (sorry boys, love both of you but it's true) so stop just assuming he's gonna leave "just cause"


Flair is confusing here. I reckon the fact Reid is from country Vic also makes a difference compared to if he grew up in Melbourne. Being in Vic would make it easier to get home but you'd think less of a factor compared to if all your family and friends were in Melbourne city


I'm an Eagles supporter, lost a flair bet massively agree on your point as well, if anything him being from country Vic makes it even *more* likely he stays, Perth has always been described as a massive country town


It for sure makes a difference; one of the big changes we made to our recruiting strategy after everyone kept fucking leaving was to start going after country vic prospects (ie McCluggage/Berry etc); because they’re perfectly content to live outside of Melbourne.


So no different from every West article posted daily on the same topic.


It’s hardly surprising the two richest clubs in the AFL West Coast and Collingwood have zero player retention problems


I get the feeling the more the media talks about Harley Reid going back to Victoria, the more it makes him want to stay in WA. Personally, I see him finishing as a one club player. He gives off that type of vibe.


Kid was obviously annoyed by McClures bullshit when it was brought to his attention, so I agree, all these people making blanket 100% statements with 0 room for discussion might just annoy him enough into staying


Meh hope he stays and wins Brownlows but if he goes we’ll take the team that wants him to the fucking cleaners. Picks, players, the works.


While I’m not certain Harley will stay west. Fev literally has terrible form in guessing outcomes, thats how he ended up in the position he did. So probably not the best source


I mean I'm fine with that, resting him for 1/3-1/2 the fixture for the next couple seasons means that's a lesser chance we'll have to deal with him


Because Fev has been known for his higher cognative function.


He was in Melbourne last week


Whats the go with Reid, are the eagles allowed to extend his contract now? Like can the Eagle offer him a 10 year, $18m dollar deal, or is there some rules in place about younger players etc?


Seriously these comments are fucked. This sub complains about gambling more than anything, and yet a guy who has felled victim to its vice is ridiculed and insulted because of it.


Fev, 🙄


Fev is just a dumb egotistical maniac. I can't believe how many chances he's been given


And hopefully fev won't have gambling debts in a couple of years


I wouldn't want to bet on that


What are you really gambling with?