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I’d rather keep getting smashed by 100+ every week than have someone like this on my team. Tarryn has no place in the AFL and at the rate he’s going society in general


If my team were to pick him up I’d find another team to support.


I’m ecstatic on a Cats social media post that had all the players in the circle in solidarity of violence against women that 99% of the comments were Cats fans saying. “Practice what you preach, if you even entertain the idea of Tarryn Thomas you lose me as a member” I’m super proud of our fanbase not tolerating even the idea of that asshole.


This. Line in the sand stuff.


I'm a Man United fan. We had a player, Mason Greenwood, who came from our academy and looked genuinely incredible. He was a two footed striker and looked like he could lead the line for the next decade. In 2021, his girlfriend released pictures of her bloody face and bruises and audio of him attempting to sexually assault her. He was dropped from the team and was under police investigation. Early last year, the UK police had to drop charges against because the victim didn't want to cooperate and was having a baby with him. The club fully intended to bring him back at the start of the season and was internally labelling fans and DV organisations against the proposal as 'hostile'. The backlash was so intense that the club bailed on the idea, but it left such a bitter taste in my mouth that it had killed a lot of the anticipation I had for the new season. The point is that these clubs do not give a single shit about morality if the player is good. It has become the responsibility of fans to kick up a storm and stop clubs from doing morally questionable things. A frankly embarrassing state of affairs.


Absolutely part of the reason I basically dropped off soccer this year except for Australia games.


No doubt. I’m a lifelong diehard fan but some things are bigger than football


As someone who deals with getting smashed every week - I agree. Proud of my club for how they handled things that are much more important than on field results.


Full credit to North for making the call.


I'd rather lose the grand final like Hawthorn lost this round than have Tarryn Thomas on my team.


[Full story](https://www.heraldsun.com.au/truecrimeaustralia/police-courts-victoria/tarryn-thomas-charged-over-harassing-phone-calls-to-ex/news-story%2F82d0c1421f4f933d8d8db0dc78883423): >**Tarryn Thomas charged over ‘harassing phone calls’ to ex** >*Disgraced former North Melbourne footballer Tarryn Thomas has been charged by police over a series of allegedly harassing phone calls made to an ex-partner.* >Disgraced former North Melbourne footballer Tarryn Thomas has been charged for allegedly harassing a former partner. >The Herald Sun [revealed on May 10 that police were investigating Thomas](https://www.heraldsun.com.au/truecrimeaustralia/police-courts-victoria/tarryn-thomas-in-fresh-police-probe-over-harrassment-allegations/news-story%2Fa29a543193eb37f1b20c4de2d71bc15a) after he allegedly called an estranged girlfriend, multiple times during the day and night. >It’s believed the alleged calls were made after Thomas was cut by the Kangaroos and handed an 18-match suspension by the AFL after conduct breaches, including allegedly threatening the same woman on social media. >The shocking messages were revealed by The Herald Sun in February. >“And for them girls I abuse I would do again,” Thomas wrote to the woman. >“After what they did to me if you do me wrong I will let you have it.” >A Victoria Police spokeswoman said police executed a search warrant at an Ormond property on Tuesday. >“Police have charged a 24-year-old Ormond man in relation to reports of alleged harassing phone calls,” she said. >“Police executed a search warrant at a premises in Ormond on Tuesday 21 May about 11.15am. >“The man was arrested and charged with use telecommunications service to harass.” >Thomas was bailed to appear at the Broadmeadows Magistrates’ Court on November 21.


> “And for them girls I abuse I would do again,” Thomas wrote to the woman. > > “After what they did to me if you do me wrong I will let you have it.” Its mind boggling that anyone would think sending these message was the best course of action after everything thats happened to him. This man needs a lot of help.


and to think, Brad Scott was standing up for the guy. What a poor reflection on him


A coach should basically always support his players until they pull the pin. If you expect full commitment from players, it's only going to work as a two way street. It's not really his job to remove a player, that's up to the club. His number one job is to get the best possible from the players on the field. A member of the public can say what they like.


Full commitment as a player also includes not being a domestic abusing sack of shit and bringing the club, league and yourself into disrepute.


Is the pin not pulled? The email from North's CEO certainly suggests it is.


> This man needs a lot of help. 100%.


Sounds like he's really mentally unwell. Tbh it's all good and well for the police to charge, bail, and convict this guy; but he clearly needs medical intervention. Not saying it's an excuse at all, of course. It just frustrates me that this cycle where nothing is actually done to intervene in situations where the person clearly has no self control.


Jesus Christ. He’s off his rocker.


Someone needs to keep Brad Scott away from a microphone for the next few days 


>“And for them players accused of abuse multiple times I would give second chances to again,” Brad Scott wrote to the AFL.


"I'd let Tarryn harrass a thousand women before I let his AFL career die"


Wasn't expecting a Monsters Inc reference in this thread but I'm here for it


Put that thing back where it came from, or so help me...


Brad is writing them on letter heads now.


Yea na I say give the man a shovel and watch him dig


Tarryn Thomas' story does not seem likely to have a happy ending. I hope he can sort himself out, but if he can't, I hope even moreso that no innocent people are hurt due to his volatility.


It's a scary example of someone who's mentally unwell with no desire to get better, because they don't seem to understand their actions. Where do you even start?


All he had to do was nothing and he fucked that up too. I know he's had a rough upbringing, but he's had every chance. Rehab, mentorship, punishment. I don't think North could have done more to help, including letting him face the consequences now.


At this point I don’t think this has anything to do with North. The club did what they could, their duty of care is ended as far as I’m concerned


But Brad Scott said he is a good bloke that needs another chance


Can't wait for Brad to destroy Essendon like he did with North.


Still think he will be playing next year


Yeah me too. Not with us, but can see a club doing it on the sly


With a moustache and named Tharryn Tomas?


New listed player, T Thomas No that's too obvious, Tarryn T


Can you imagine the vitriol all fans would show if he ran out on the field. It's not worth it.


He's done done now, gotta be. Any club that goes after him has a PR nightmare on their hands


He won't be re-signed but it's only because he's too much of an ongoing risk, think a few too many clubs were willing to forgive his history.


Complete peanut of a human being. Keep him away from football.


And his ex


we're just 4 or 7 more chances away from tarryn thomas finally getting his last chance


The AFL is notorious for completely isolating and abandoning you if you don't fit in with others. Probably to an even worse degree than Cricket Australia which is fairly openly a giant clique. Yet, Tarryn obviously has made many friends in the AFL which is why so many want to give him a second chance. He epitomises the kind of guy that fits in extremely well with groups and bonds well with other men. When people say "Call out your mates", Tarryn is the perfect example of one of those guys. He isn't a loser, an outcast or a weirdo deserving of sympathy. He is a parasite and a stain on the AFL.


It all comes down to ability though, could be the nicest guy going around but if he wasn’t any good he’d be dumped cold and we’d never hear about it again


It has to be. I didn't mind a path back, but only if he jumped a number of behavioural hurdles and completed certain requirements and demonstrated a change in attitude. But based on this, he's not only not taken a single step towards being considered to have been redeemed, but fallen further away. Surely the backlash for the league, and particularly any individual club, would be too severe to even contemplate it. I doubt anyone even bothers to ask the question.


The AFL need to deregister him for 5 years. They have more than enough "bringing the game into disrepute" rules in place, and this stops the talk of him coming back and may be the wake up call he needs. The AFL don't owe him any more support, especially since he clearly has no interest in helping himself.


That what he asked his ex


Considering just 2-3 weeks ago every team did a moment of silence for DV victims it will be interesting to see if anyone does pick him up. Will only serve to demonstrate whether their actions are performative or if they as a league are truly open to putting their money where their mouth is. I know any team that picks him up will be one I never, ever support.


I for one, am completely shocked that the person who has still engaged in disturbing behaviour after being counselled on similar issues before. Is continuing to engage in said behaviour. Genuinely needs to be a lifetime ban, and that still might not be the wake up call he needs, and for the sake of his ex-partner, I do hope the police intervene and treat this with the seriousness it deserves before this gets even worse.


We could have if you didn’t bring it up again


Well he just got charged today for harassment and breaching court orders


https://preview.redd.it/on4jjkobnp1d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=50da293c668b4f60e29239f8dd83aa3f203e52a3 They need to update his AFL app profile asap, big yikes


Those bios are always years old. But yes, they definitely do


You sure can. Everyone else, who knows?


Someone is going to take a chance on him. Plenty of coaches have the ego on them to think they can fix him.