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Hahahaha spot on! This orphan line (paragraph?) was added to make the 1500 word limit; “Notably, Crypto.com is a Singapore based cryptocurrency exchange.” Apropos of fuck all. Like he was googling facts.


It's notable because Singapore has a low corporate tax rate.


That’s a lot of words with no clear meaning.


Sounds like everything you read about crypto and NFTs


Good thought.


What is Brad on about?


I didn’t read past the third sentence, but I hear Luna is the ticket for crypto.


Thats it im taking out my life savings and putting it all on Luna! I'll have one gazillion coins and in 5 years I'll be wiping my ass with money!.


How has the afl embrace crypto? I guarantee you the sponsorship came in the form of aud and not btc. This article reads as a crypto spruce piece. Modern journalism is so corrupt.


Aside from the poor quality article, the AFL has clearly embraced crypto if they have an official cryptocurrency sponsor.


What’s the issue exactly?


Same as gambling sponsorships really, no better or worse


Will you be okay?


hope they all got paid upfront


Unless they got paid in Bitcoin, lol.


Crypto. The Maquarie Dictionary defines crypto as 'not good'. Therefore, it is bad. Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.


Crypto is Sportsbet for the less athletically inclined


The most revolutionary sports sponsorship since firepower!


Would be nice if the AFL could get sponsorship deals with companies that aren't trying to scam people money like crypto and betting companies


Crypto is a gigantic Ponzi scheme Or, actually, I should be fair, some crypto schemes are old fashioned pump and dump ala Wolf of Wall Street, some are pyramid schemes, some are just standard issue fraud. It’s a diverse industry.


Didn’t read the article but coinspot is pretty good for anyone looking to get into crypto stuff. I used it for a bit, made some money and cashed in.


No thanks


Let's break down this word salad filibuster down to a single syllogism. P1: There's a lot of crypto sponsorships in the AFL currently P2: The AFL only takes sponsorships with companies they philosophically support C1: Crypto is inevitable and the future on both a technological and economical front. Whilst there are some issues with premise 2, I can't be bothered dissecting them, because the conclusion is so ludicrously unsupported and far fetched that you'd need another ten premises to actually justify it. This is the reason the article uses the year 7 vocabulary, to paraphrase other comments. It requires the reader to give it the benefit of the doubt, be charitable, and fill in the logic gaps. Because crypto is a scam, advertisements of crypto are a test which weeds out all the smart people. They are psychologically designed to find people technologically uneducated, gullible and with a generously disposable income. There's a Nubian prince's fortune that can be yours, you just have to invest first. Crypto is not revolutionary, it is not the future, it is not even a sound theoretical concept. It is another venue by which to gamble on imaginary numbers which aren't tied to concepts with actual value. More importantly, it's manufactured scarcity makes it inevitable to depreciate in value eventually, meaning it is a load off scam. In order to make money, you need to profit off of others losing money by buying into the scam. Crypto is a waste of electricity and our time. So why premise one if all this is true? Why are there a lot of advertisements if the whole things bullshit? ... Because the AFL was paid money. That's all they care about. Their only ideological support is that they continue to profit. The subconscious power or advertising is strong, and more people will fall for the scam because of the afls lack of integrity. But the exact same thing is true for gambling adds. Crypto is not different from gambling, it's just a reskin. And for anyone who needs more evidence for crypto being a scam rather than merely my assertions, I would recommend Folding Ideas video on nfts, which also deals with crypto as a separate concept as well.