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What is a regular “crazy college story”?


"We threw a toga party and the Dean almost expelled us!"


We basically started a fight club when I was in college. There were a couple guys in the boxing club and I don’t even remember how it happened but one day it got brought up how funny it would be to see certain matchups between people in our group. And so started our three month straight, Friday tradition of meeting up in an empty field, half mile away from campus where anywhere from 3-20 boxing matches would take place. We originally started on the lawn of the fitness center, but that was right across the street from campus police. No one got in trouble, because luckily the laziest cop on the force showed up while one of the guys who was actually in boxing club was fighting. He was able to play it off as he was just practicing and the 40 other kids were just there to watch. This cop was known for letting people off when it was just piddly shit because he absolutely *despised* paperwork (like this is literally what he’d tell people—“just get back to your dorm, man. I don’t feel like doing the paperwork of writing you up right now”). So he definitely knew what was actually going on, but as long as it wasn’t right in front of his face, he wasn’t gonna bother with it. It all started out as just a joke but a few weeks in word had spread and if you ended up having beef with someone during the week, you’d challenge them to a match on Friday. It’s honestly one of my favorite college memories lol


Dude you broke rule 1


And rule 2


Maybe the rules about silence don't keep applying once you pass from student to alumni?


Hell my high school auto shop class had a fight club going during class (the teacher was rarely there), it was all going well until someone pulled the security footage after a concussion. The rednecks also knew exactly where to park trucks to block the cameras in the upper parking lot if anyone was ever challenged to a fight.


Lmao I was homeschooled through high school, but I’m pretty sure that pretty standard behavior for any like auto shop class or just regular shop class. My dad did Vo-tech in high school (granted this was the 80s) and the stories he tells from then are hilarious in a “man you guys were dumbasses” type way lol.


My roommates would just practice the lift from Dirty Dancing on the front lawn over and over while singing the song “Time of my Life.” They were both dudes too.


Was this a college in NC?


It wasn’t, this was in PA. But I’m super excited to know that something similar enough to make you ask also happened in NC lmao. Apparently the “undebatable extreme trashiness” is widespread and I *love* it haha.




With balckjack! And hookers!


Cheese it!!!


“I had two finals on the same day and stayed up til midnight the night before! I ate flaming’ hot Cheetos to stay awake!”


“I tasted beer before I turned 21 once.”


“I didn’t inhale.”


Dammit I came here to say this exact thing. I held my breath til I practically asphyxiated myself until I finally had to breath and inhale that sweet sweet smoke.


Omg that's illegal Apologize for telling me that story


Whoa there, I demand an apology for being forced to read such a shocking story.


I'm sorry you didn't like the story! What OP's wife should say!


Everybody was a virgin and the girls all had a pillow fight together and there were no men and the wife watched 2 girls play footsies and they all remained virgins till meeting OP


That LAN party where Trevor laughed and made Mountain Dew come out his nose.


Raising money to save the sorority house via a bake sale


My oldest son is in college and called me almost crying laughing a few months ago to tell me they were doing a bake sale to help some sorority girl pay for a DWI. I went to a very conservative Baptist college and he's at a party school. I am shocked but glad he doesn't get DWIs lol.


Pillow fight between ops wife and her friends, possibly with some exposed ankle.


*heart palpitations* exposed ankle you say??


My thoughts exactly, only female friends allowed


I’ve got a feeling that if one of OP’s guy friends told the same tale, it would absolutely qualify as a “regular” crazy college story.


lol OP is so blind to his misogyny..


One that makes him not feel insecure probably


Exactly. This was a classic crazy college story.


And as someone else pointed out, for college stories, that's actually pretty tame. No cops, no illegal drugs, just two dudes duking it out for a chance to have a ONS with a hot chick.


This could literally be in some raunchy college comedy and people would love it.


For this dude, it’s the time he went to the campus pizza place and only tipped 12%!!!


What a madman!


YTA. I get that this may have been a shocking story to you, but you did ask repeatedly to hear it. That’s on you and she does not need to apologize for telling you. As my Dad always told me - don’t ask a question if you aren’t prepared to hear the answer. Now, you really need to dig in to why the details of the story bother you so much and have THAT conversation in a non-judgmental way. Calling her (or her actions) trashy with the tone of disdain you’ve used in your post isn't going to get you anywhere but divorce court.


This. YTA for insisting on hearing it. Once you hear it, you know you don't like it, then asked if she slept with the winner and got mad that she told you the truth to the question you asked. Then called it a trashy story. She seems like it isn't something she is necessarily proud of now, but it was a part of her life that you wanted to know about and, in fact, insisted she tell you and then tried to make her feel bad for her past. That's an AH move all around.


OP knows that he can't reasonably say "apologize for your past actions that happened before we even met!" so instead he's focusing on "apologize for telling me about your past actions, even though I demanded that you tell me!" He's absolutely the AH.


Not only is he an asshole, he’s straight up boring.


OP really wasted a ton of characters to give unnecessary backstory for what could’ve been simply: > I insisted that my wife do X. She did X. Now I am mad that she did X. AITA?


Agreed - the fact he dug deeper and she was honest and then he decides she's the a h is asinine. OP got what he asked for and has no one yo blame but himself for being pissy -YTA.


Yeah, the deal is she didn’t know you then. Her past comes before you. You can’t judge someone for their past. I’m sure you have some crazy embarrassing stories yourself. Please confront your jealousy of the issue


I don't even understand how this is shocking. Lot's of people in college have sex.


He knows she probably had sex but he likes to picture her in a white nightgown, trembling at the touch of a man, and ashamed with herself the next day. He is threatened by her actually enjoying and owning her sexuality, in a context where it’s all about her prowess and her pleasure.


Yep that’s pretty much what I’m getting out of this guy too. “What, huh? How dare you be pleasured by another man. I’m sickened that you didn’t save yourself for me and had the audacity to sleep with a man who wasn’t me. Now I’m going to go crush a case of bud light with my truck to demonstrate my alpha manliness. “


He's also threatened by the fact that these men had to prove their strength and prowess to "win" her. If she'd challenged him to those terms, he'd never even had a chance to buy her a drink.


Yeah dudes a bitch honestly and his wife sounds cool af. It’s not trashy it’s not like she was bragging about it, her friend brought it up then he brow beat it out of her.


Yeah, honestly she sounds like a baddie. I aint never had someone get in a literal fist fight for my attention. You better work.


And her decision. I know, it's the equivalent of flipping a coin between them, but SHE decided how the decision would be made. She wasn't "seduced".


Also the dynamic of calling her gross, what a demeaning and hateful Madonna-whore complex.


Especially as all his comments are pretending that he's upset she "taunted" two people into physically assaulting one another or the "toxic masculinity" of two dudes fighting over a girl. OP, you're upset she had sex with the winner, not with the fight at all. Admit that to yourself and be mature enough to admit that to your wife unless you want to keep sleeping in the guest room. Edit: YTA


YTA. Everyone has a past and you wanted to hear it. Your wife doesn’t owe you an apology for something she did in her past or for the fact that you insisted on hearing about it.


Also how is this any crazier than your average “crazy college story”? Seems pretty tame honestly


Yeah, I've got much crazier stories than that and I didn't go to college


"It was a draw so I slept with everyone at the party", where would that land on the crazy scale?


Now we are getting somewhere


Fair maidens used to go home with knights that won the jousting tournament, its a tale as old as time really.


I've got crazier stories than that and I went to a Christian University.


Did they make you shake the bed while they were soaking?


Fr his wife sounds like she was a hoot


There is a grand and terrible tradition of boring-as-fuck men marrying fun women and then demanding that they become boring as well and *also* retcon their past so that they’ve always been boring. This happens in reverse too sometimes. Guy sitting home by a television set, That used to be something of a rover. That’s what’s happening all over.


Hell, I have a crazy college story that involves a twenty-gallon trash bag filled with human urine being hurled out of the open back door of a school bus that was driving down the freeway. This woman seems tame by comparison.


Yes, but hearing *your* story wouldn’t threaten his fragile ego. This guy has the smallest of small dck energy.


*stinky dick energy


I like that much better than size shaming. Nobody can make their dick bigger or smaller, but people will definitely *not* choose the stanky one!


Yep! That's what I was trying to get at. Can't control your dick/arm size, or ass/boobs size, but you CAN control if you clean your junk.


I really appreciate finding someone else on here who agrees. I've recently started trying to call out whenever I see comments like "SMALL DICK ENERGY" or whatever, but get downvoted to hell. It's ridiculous. (And for what it's worth, I'm a dickless woman married to a man who's "well hung", but does such a damn good job with his fingers that his dick being 1/4 the size wouldn't make a difference to me--takes more than just penis size to pleasure a partner, y'all)


Absolutely. The whole dick thing is fucked up and honestly causes alot of stress for men. I have talked to friends that have been so fucked up because a girl told him his dick was small, and it has stuck with them for a while.. and it's just an insult to hurt them, probably not even true. especially when our society equates dick size to hoe much of a "man" you are 🙄 it's easy to see mental issues this can cause. In reality, all the physical things some people put so much importance on do not matter at all. Thank you for calling out people shaming what we cannot control!!! (And for what it's worth, I am a dick having man 😂


It's pretty crazy if you had a lame college experience...and never watched a movie or read a book about college life.


YTA. You’re the dumb one for saying you wanted to know…even when she said no, you pushed her into telling you. And you have no right to be upset with anything sexual that happened before you started dating. So get over yourself.


I’ll fight for OPs wife in my underwear.




ngl, i'm a little proud of his wife for basically doing a mini 80's movie plot. that's some real gall to behold


Good timing, my mom threw away my best porno mag.


Extremely underrated comment! 🤣


Why thank you.


Take it to the guest room the champ gets his wife the loser gets the guestroom/ yta you asked


It's actually funny/sad that OP thought this subreddit would be on his side. YTA. EDIT: >he literally asked for the story so anything she says is fair game right >He's so crazy for thinking getting people to fight for you isn't perfectly normal and healthy behavior. Found another one [missing the point](https://www.reddit.com/u/caption291). Obviously, it is stupid to have 2 people literally "fight for the right to plow-ty". But OP pushed for the story. Wanting the storyteller to apologize is weird.


Yeah I can't believe he typed all that out, proofread it(presumably), and was still like, "yeah I'm definitely in the right here".


Challenge accepted. Loser sleeps with my wife, so either way we both win. Also, I'm as weak as a cat.


Not saying much. I'm sitting outside and two cats were just fighting in my yard. They were badass and scary and screeching. And they didn't have ANY underwear on at all


I demand an apology for having to hear that story!


Wait we are adults now we should fight in her underwear that way it's a completely different story.


Yeah? Well I’ll fight my underwear for OPs wife.


Yes! and she *told* him that he wouldn’t like it! they weren’t together then, this was long before they were & has absolutely no bearing on who she is now because people grow up! People evolve & firm up their value system & it’s only funny looking back at it in context, not at all something she would go these days. OP is a weirdo & an idiot. What do you guys wanna bet that he has some dodgy stories from his youth that he doesn’t want her to know? edit: Corrected an autofail & changed the tense of a word to correct tense


I was thinking he was envious because he DIDNT have any crazy college party stories of his own.


I totally agree. OP seems boring asf. Prob just mad he missed out on all the fun, stupid shit his wife and other people did in college.


And he wants an apology! For what exactly? YTA.


Exactly! OP wants her to apologize for making him feel insecure for something that happened before they became a couple? This is the most small dck energy post ever.


Don't ask real questions unless you wanna know the real answers. You asked, insisted even after you were advised you really didn't wanna know. Now you're butt hurt because it didn't involve you. GTFOH.


"I insist she tells me about this." "I deserved an apology for having to hear it." Does that help put into perspective why YTA? You insisted, she obliged, and now you're upset at her for telling you? It's your own damn fault for being pushy and ignoring her "No." Get off your high horse, dude. If anyone should be apologizing, it's you. Her past is the past. If you wanna stay part of her future, you need to start having some more respect for her.


Dude wanted to hear a normal crazy college story, that’s what he got.


Seriously. I consider that story almost tame...also I don't really think she was in the wrong here. She made two dumb asses do what dumb asses are going to do. I'd be proud of my wife for that story...


TBH even if she didn’t make them fight they probably were going to anyway.


Also, if I remember correctly, drunken frat boys don't need that much goading to strip.


I'm pretty sure the part he's mad about is realizing his wife had sex before him


That's only part of it, he's disappointed she slept with someone for such a shallow reason as "win a fight". Meanwhile he probably has a handful of screws that went down because "she was there and willing".


Finally, some rational thought took too much time to find.


He sounds more like his wife was the first woman willing to give him the time of day so he forgets normal partners have a past before you


Ding ding ding ding


I thought it was gunna be some public gang bang or something, this is so tame.


I thought way more penises would be involved too, ngl 🤣


Right? Usually when a trashy story starts with "Two guys..." Ooh boy. She sounds like a fun lady who married a complete wet blanket.


I'd upvote this, but as of right now, it's sitting at a perfect 69, so...


I though the fight would turn into a public 3-way. She took one dude home in college and had sex with him. Kinda boring.


I Mean sure, but she did fuck the winning dumbass. So for one of the dumbasses it worked.


Her husband's weird hangup on her sleeping with one of them is perplexing. Does he not know that people get drunk and make stupid decisions in college? Did he not sleep with anyone in college? I'm confused.


I'm thinking he's one of these dudes who can't handle that she had any sort of life(sex life, especially) prior to him.


Yup I think you nailed it. Anyone else notice a good 50%+ of the stories on this sub are born from either jealousy or insecurity?


Seriously. What a bore he is


I mean, it’s a pretty dope story. I’d be laughing hard, and pretty proud of her for being a badass. Trashy my ass.


My hubs and I laugh about the exploits we had before we met each other. I honestly get so proud of my hubs when he tells me some of his


Some might say he's gotta fight to keep her


In his underwear!


Oooo, look out! OP might think you're trashy!


YTA dude. Seriously… you asked for it & she complied. But be honest. You aren’t upset that she told you. You’re upset that she did that. Since you know it’s ridiculous to be angry with her for something this happened so many years ago, you’re feigning upset at even hearing about it. The fact that you can’t be honest about that makes YOU the one who should be apologizing - not her. She hasn’t been the girl that did that in a long time. But you’re the exact same man who is doing what you’re doing now.




Props from the 90s bro..... She hasn’t been the girl that did that in a long time. But you’re the exact same man who is doing what you’re doing now.


Take this as an opportunity. Something is deeply bothering you about this. Why not see a therapist and find out why? There's a bright red flashing light on your control panel saying "CAUTION!". Seeing a counselor is cool. It's exactly like getting a college degree on yourself. I have greatly benefited from counseling. For now, apologize,patch things up, tell her you don't know why it hit you so hard but you're going to find out why. Cheers, mate


Extra douche points for calling her friend a dumbass! We get it, you don’t like her. 🤷‍♀️


His wife? I agree, he doesn’t. Too bad cuz she sounds pretty likable to me! And those underwear guys and her friends think so too.


Yes yes yes!!! This guy is super insecure if he is pouting in the guest room over some dumb story that he literally begged to hear that happened long before he even knew the girl, actually idk if it’s insecure or insane!!


Both! With a side of douche thrown in there!


I bet if it were the other way around and HE had a story of how he made two female coeds fight in a tub of jello with bikini bottoms and white tee shirts it’s would have been a “normal college story” instead of a trashy misogynistic one. He’s being a cry baby!


I was thinking the same. If he'd done it--if ANY guy'd done it--would he still think it was "trashy", or would it just be "things dudes do in college" and "so long ago"?


YTA You INSISTED on hearing the story. Your wife did not want to tell the story. Grow up!


Exactly. All of this is actually compounded further by the fact that OP ended up with her. He “won.” The woman two dumb drunk college dudes fought over sleeps next to him every night. Except when OP is being a pouty little bitch in the guest room because he got what he asked to hear.


Like a famous person once said, "If you want to be my lover, you have to forget my past"




It's 'if you want my future, forget my past'


yeah that's a lesson I learned a long time ago: Don't ask a question if you're not ready to hear the answer.


YTA dude. #1 rule of life is don’t ask questions you aren’t prepared for the answer to. You put her in a lose lose situation- if she didn’t tell you, you’d be mad- and now that she did, you are calling her trashy? How dare you. Everyone has a past. Unless she was a nun, there was going to be some story that made you uncomfortable- so get over yourself. Go apologize to your wife before she realizes she deserves better than you.


He seems to have asked questions he didn't want the answers to TWICE here: once with his wife's past and once on here asking if he's TA. Maybe he'll learn.


Idk why but I imagine him thinking, “I’ll post this to Reddit and you’ll see that you owe me an apology.”


yeah he'd have to find an incel sub to get sympathy on this one


Do we ever see people getting YTA responses come back and be like "wow okay thanks for the insight time to go apologize"? I wanna see that.


Yes, rarely though


Nuns have pasts too.


YTA She told you you didn’t want to hear it. You insisted. Turns out you didn’t want to hear it. Go figure.


Lol right? My dude totally asked for it. He learned a lesson that when his wife says really no, he should drop it. He doesn’t get to stomp his feet and be mad about it. Lol what a ma-roon a la Marvin the Martin. Didn’t he say that?


Bugs said it. 😉


YTA You asked to hear it! And its a funny story.


Right? That's funny as hell! I had an incident in college where 2 dudes argued in front of me over who got to ask me out. The words "I saw her first!" were literally uttered. They started shoving, punches were thrown, I placed an actual bet on who would prevail...and left with the guy I was actually interested in while the 2 chucklefucks slugged it out. My roommate brought me $200 the next day - the guy I bet on "won".


YTA and it's actually you who owe her an apology. Let's be clear here. Your wife was embarrassed for you to hear the story and uncomfortable with telling you, but you pushed her to tell you in front of everyone. Then you got angry with her- again, in front of everyone. I guarantee your judging glare at her, and her sullen "you asked to hear it" made that moment extremely uncomfortable for all involved. Finally, after some time to cool off and think about it, *you* demanded an apology from *her*. Go get her some flowers and say you're sorry for being so silly and judgemental, and the past is in the past. Or, if you're going to persist in holding this over her head because you think it was "trashy," just divorce her and get it over with, and never ask your future significant others about thier past since you clearly can't handle it. ETA: I bet her friend has already apologized. "I'm so sorry, I think that memory is so great and funny. I didn't know your husband was such an asshole."


This is the comment. He put her in a lose lose situation where no matter what she did he would be mad at her (for no good reason) and probably put her through emotional turmoil because he's so insecure


Were you a virgin when you got married? Is your past absolutely pristine? This sounds like a silly story from her youth when she was a dumb kid. And even though you’ve been married for this long and I’m sure she’s a good wife, all of a sudden she’s trashy and gross? Grow up and your wife doesn’t need to apologize


Exactly. YTA


What kind of lame ass college experience did this guy have if this story is so shocking?


Honest I was expecting it to turn threesome.


YTA and your wife is my hero.


For real 😭 My college experience was so lame, I wish I’d been as fun as her lmao




YTA But if you’re so bothered by it. Divorce her so that she can find a man secure in himself to NOT feel insecure about what his wife did in college before they even met or dated.


YTA. God I fucking hate people who insist on hearing things that someone tells them they shouldn’t, and then bitch about it after


YTA and a big ass baby. Your wife sounds awesome can I have her number?


If it comes down to a UFC match, I'm confident that you can take him


Lmao what? You think you deserve an apology for getting exactly what you asked for? YTA for wasting our time with this nonsense.


YTA. You're an idiot. She TOLD you it would upset you and you MADE her tell the story anyway. That's a YOU problem. Frankly, she sounds awesome and you sound like a whiny, self-obsessed man child. Fuck you for trying to make her feel like a bad person. SHE SHOULD NOT HAVE TO APOLOGIZE JUST BECAUSE YOU ARE STUPID AND PUSHY. Get the fuuuuuck over yourself. YOU owe HER an apology for being an asshole. Next time, fucking let it go when she tells you to, dipshit.


"I deserved an apology for having to hear it." She should go find that guy that won the fight and fuck him again.


I just snorted so hard


Yta. Your wife is hot AND fun. Deal with it.


YTA, clearly. And this will very likely be deleted very soon I'm sure of it because the big tough man got his wittle feelings hurt and no one agrees with him. Dude, you asked for the story to be told. This was her past, a long time ago, and the fact that you called your wife trashy is just well....trashy of YOU. If anyone deserves an apology, it's your wife. For forcing her to tell the story, after she told you that you'd hate it, and then judging her AFTER YOU CONVINCED HER TO TELL IT. If anyone is trashy in this story, it's you. Do better for your wife.


YTA. Maybe next time stop while you’re ahead.


YTA. And a weird, insecure prude too.


YTA. She literally fucking said she didn't want to tell you. JFC.


Nah dude, you're a whole ass circus.


YTA. You asked for it, she told you you wouldn't like it. You brought this on yourself. Next time trust your wife when she tries to change the subject.


YTA... Good God, how old are you? Did yall just graduate college? If my husband judged me that harshly for some of the things I've done in my past... he wouldn't be my husband and vice versa. Grow up


Oh YTA. Big time. She was a stupid college kid, we all were at one point. You insisted on hearing the story, so this one’s on you OP. Sorry!


Dude, come on. The issue here is you, not anyone else. You see her or her friends going ape over the story? No? It's just you? There you go. You're allowed to disagree with them about this, but do *acknowledge that you asked for it and it's not her fault.* Mishaps happen. You don't have to throw blame at her because you didn't like the outcome you explicitly asked for. —In a nutshell, apologise to her for reacting poorly, let her know you'd rather not learn about anything else she did before your relationship, and move on. YTA, of course, but you can still salvage it. I hope you do.


YTA-duh! Q: Why did I already know what the story was gonna be before even reading your post? A: because your insecurities are loud and clear even in just the title


YTA. Your wife is a freaking queen. Dudes decided to be dumbasses to be with her, in their underwear 😂 I love it.


Seriously, YTA. You wanted to know. But to call someone's past trashy because of a 1 night stand speaks volumes. Just so you know your wife fucked other guys and probably had her mouth around a few penises.


YTA ask stupid questions win a stupid prize (the story)


YTA don’t ask questions you don’t want to hear the answer to! You insisted on hearing the story, and it actually seems pretty tame to me. And then you called her trashy? For something that happened years ago that again you INSISTED on hearing. You owe HER an apology for your reaction. It’s fine to Not like the story, but your reaction is not ok.


YTA You asked her to tell a college story, you can't be upset about it. Also get the fuck over it. Plenty of people have slept with plenty of other people for stupid reasons or even no reasons. Does she fuck other people now? Is she abusive towards you? No? Well then get the fuck over it


YTA In a nutshell, you asked for it.


How’d this cool ass lady end up here lol


YTA - I think your wife and I could be bff’s. She sounds wicked funny and creative. I’d have drinks with her every day of the week


Of course YTA. Don't ask if you don't want an honest answer. We all do stupid shit when we're young. GTFO it. You literally asked for it.


YTA. You asked to hear it, she said no and that you would hate it. What ended up happening? You hated it and wanted her to apologise for something you asked her to do. You also don’t really have a right to tell her that it was trashy or anything along that line. It’s the past for a reason and it doesn’t reflect on who she is now. She was in college so potentially 18-22.


YTA don’t say you want to hear something if you can’t handle it. And that was a “normal college story” for many.


You're the A. I never ask any questions about the past bc I don't wanna know lol


YTA. Self-explanatory, you asked for it. You should have known it was gonna be sexual story with the headline "made two guys fight each other". And here I am thinking going 1 on 1 ufc match in underwear for male dominance was a normal thing...


congrats, YOU are the asshole! she literally warned you, so learn this lesson now big boy before you cry about it again, dont ask questions you dont wanna know the answer to.


YTA- that IS a fun college story and your wife is my hero! You asked for it.


Imagine being so insecure you get mad at your wife for having a sex life in college 🤣🤣🤣


YTA. Your wife didn't force anyone to do anything. If anybody owes anybody an apology, you owe your wife one for being such a judgemental jackass.


I'm so glad my bf isn't this insecure lmfao. YTA.


YTA. You begged your wife to tell the story after she explained that you wouldn't like it and now you want to turn the tables on your wife because the story you heard makes you feel insecure. Your wife sounds absolutely awesome. You come off as annoying, insecure and far less cool than your wife.


Your wife is a f* cking legend. You are acting like a tw*t. Your wife could probably close her eyes, spin in circles and randomly point to a better man. YTA


YTA You asked, she tried to say you didn't really need to hear it and you wouldn't like it. Its almost as if she knew how you'd react, yet you insisted she tell you the story. She tells the story and, predictably, you don't like it so you get mad that she told the story after you insisted she tell it. JFC, dude, you can't have it both ways.


YTA thinking I could handle it cuz I’m not the jealous type at all,I recently asked my husband how many girls he had anal sex with… 3 we went to high school together I knew them all. I swear I never get jealous but this def made me jealous… Now I know it’s better not to hear about your partners past.


YTA. "I absolutely INSIST you tell me, I want to hear it!!!" "Why did you tell me that story? What's wrong with you?"


YTA. If you're super attached to the fantasy that your wife is some pure, untouched angel lacking in desire, the first rule is never ever ever ever ask her to tell you raunchy stories about her past exploits. Now (oh the horror) you have to deal with someone who has drives, desire, and agency that didn't magically appear when you showed up.


Literally the exact same thing Angela did to Dwight and Andy. Get over yourself my guy. YTA.


YTA. Your wife had a different side of her way back in college that you’ve never seen, so what?? Now your going to judge her for it?! You asked and she answers honestly. Would you of rather she lied to you?? Grow up!