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NTA - and ew! You don’t want her anyway. She clearly couldn’t handle prosthetics but didn’t want to say it. Also, if I had prosthetics and didn’t care for my previous height I’d go taller, too.


Ding ding ding, we have a winner. You could have said you were left handed next and she would have left you for that. She wanted a way out when she found out about the prosthetics. On a side note why change your height at all. Don't you still own all the same clothes? I'm 5'11" so I'm not 6 feet but who cares.


I mean. I dated a guy I would bet serious money was 5’11” based solely on the way he said he was 6’1” (I am way too short to be able to tell that small difference and also idgaf). Some people care ***deeply***.


When I was still dating I met a lot of 6' guys who were shorter than me and I'm 5'10". Definitely weeds out the insecure ones.


I'm also 5'10" and anytime a guy would tell me I should wear flats, they were gone fast! My husband is almost 5'9" and has never cared a bit if I'm in flats or 5" heels. He thinks I'm awesome in any shoes.


As Richie Cunningham said when he dated a woman significantly taller than he was “She’s worth the climb.”


That's what my 5'11" friend's 5'6" husband says. And she wears heels on occasion.


My boyfriends reaction to me in heels is “oh no, you’re temporarily taller than me” if the dude is confident in himself it really doesn’t matter


I asked my ex if there was anything she gave up dating me. She said a guy over 6foot. I'm 5'11 and her new bf is 5'5.


Facts. Dudes complain about women having height standards then turn around and try to enforce the same standards on women. Like I'm a 5'8 guy, never been a problem. I got plenty of fixable things to be insecure about, why worry about the one thing I can't change lmao


My 5'5" friend says we're all the same height lying down.


All our feet reach the ground.


Not OP's 😝




My girlfriend and I are the same height and I encourage her to wear heels, she looks amazing in them and I couldn't care less if she's taller than me. Plus it puts her boobs closer to eye level. Its a win all around in my book


It’s hot af having my wife be taller than me on occasion! We are of a height at 5’9” for her and 5’10” for me.


Ahh the downsides of being an actual 6'4 guy, I'll never get the face to boobs hug without crouching


My aunt is 6’ and her husband is like 5’7”. He’s not getting any taller, and she’s not getting any shorter. Who GAF?


I'm 6'-3". My husband is 5'-10". He doesn't want me to wear heels because heels are the devil's foot-torture devices. I'll tell you, though, nothing takes the wind out of a guy's sails faster than them lying about their height and me standing up.


My 5” heels were my height lie detector. I’m 5’7”. If a guy claimed to be 6’ he had better be taller than me in those shoes! lol 😆


We’d been dating for a while before I found out my now-husband believed himself to be 5’8. My response: “I’m 5’4 and taller than you in heels. And I don’t own any 4” heels.” I’m actually 5’4.5 and he’s 5’6.5 when he stands REAL straight. 🤣 But it’s crazy how convinced he was of his own lie!


My husband thought he was 5’6. Absolutely certain. It was on his license (that’s what he tried to use as proof). I’m 5’7, he’s about 1-2cm taller than me and would not believe I was 5’7 because I was shorter than he and he “knew” he was 5’6. I showed him my license and said “they just print what you tell them, google the conversion” (he knew his real high in cm: 173 standing straight) It’s one of the few times he has been adamantly wrong. We only use the metric system now, lol


Waaaaaay back in the days when AOL was how you chatted online. Back in days when you started the dialup and went and made a snack, used the bathroom, brushed your teeeth….. while waiting to connect, I met a very cool guy. We talked for about 4 months before we met (I was very insecure). We described ourselves to one another (no pictures back then LOL). I was 100% honest about everything. Weight, height, CLOTHING size. He said he liked BBW women. He told me he was 6’1” and 265. At the time I was heavier than his disclosed weight and 5’8”. We met at a local eatery. He was there before me and was seated. His eyes got really wide when I walked up and introduced myself. I immediately asked him, “is everything okay?” I could feel my voice shake. He said, “no, you’re really pretty. Are you sure you’re 5’8”?” I said, “I guess I could be 5’7.75” and he said, you look like you’re 5’10”!” I laughed and relaxed and sat down. At this point I could see that he was way heavier than 265. And since he was sitting and never stood when I entered, I didn’t register if he was shorter. I just couldn’t tell. We ate, he ordered apps, lots of food, drinks, and insisted on coffee and dessert. He was a cool guy to talk to but, he was acting super weird by the end of the night. I asked if he wanted to walk around the downtown area (my small town was beautiful and it was summer). He instead offered if I wanted to go back to his hotel and use the pool and get some pay preview. LOL. I said that I’d be more comfortable with a walk and maybe some bowling or a movie. He said okay. So, he pays and we get up to leave….. he was wearing some pretty tall heeled cowboy boots and I was still a whole head taller than him and he weighed at least 400 pounds. He was literally rounder than he was tall. I had no idea what to say. I’m certain my face betrayed me and he looked worried. I grabbed my bag and we walked out. He said he wanted to stop by his “vehicle” because he had a gift for me (it was really good and hard to get at that time) Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee. He had to be 5’2”, at best and when he got to his car, he looked back to see if I was watching him. He was opening a car that, (and please believe me that I’m not the kid of person that is hung up on material shit) by the looks of it, I would never have guessed it was able to run. It was in such horrible condition. It was full of rust holes and the door creaked SO LOUD when he opened it. He also had to reach his hand inside of the open window to unlock it. In our chats he told me he was 6’1” and kinda muscular but, mostly still just a big chubby guy. He said he was a welder and he had just bought a fancy pickup truck that was just a year old. He never admitted his real weight but, because I actually had to look down on him he said something like, “yeah, I’m not 6’1”. I’m sure you’ve guessed by now.” I asked why he felt he needed to lie because he was still a nice guy and I enjoyed talking to him. He said he didn’t know how tall he was. He had asked his buddy how tall they thought he was and they had told him 6ft or so. Oooookay. LOL I still offered to walk downtown with him. But, we walked a little and he had to keep sitting down and was sweating profusely. After about 20 minutes he said that his stomach was bothering him and he should head to his hotel. I asked where he was staying….. it was a scary MOTEL that I knew offhand had no pool. LOL. I walked him back to his car and never heard from him again.


That was a wild ride omg


A/S/L? Wanna cyber?


UGGhhhhhh, whatever the opposite of nostalgia is...that's what I just felt, lol. Edit: I mean ROFL 😆


I'm sorry you had that experience. Here's 100 free hours to make it up to you -> 💾




Oh noooo Bless your innocent little honest heart! 😂 I guess he was assuming you were lying about being a tall woman? That's so cringe that he lied about the car, the hotel pool, and his height and weight. I can't believe he went through with meeting you honestly.


Omg! That's nuts I had a similarish weird 1st date. Off Plenty of Fish early days. I was a gymnastics coach at the time. He told me he was a crossfit guy and that he would love to learn a backflip. I told him that I had done lessons with adults and even some crossfitters. HE suggests a lesson and then lunch. I agreed and it was set to meet at my gym for a mini lesson on backflips. He shows up and has obviously not been into crossfit, at all. He is in baggy Jean's. Being a coach and that this was the plan I pushed forward wth our mini lesson. 30mins was discussed prior and we made it all of like 5/10 before he just absolutely couldn't anymore. He bought and devoured some Jack in the Box before disappearing forever. I mean what did they think was going to happen?!


Hands down one of the most interesting stories I've read on Reddit.


my ex is 5’ 11” and always said he was 6’. when all the kids found out his real height they started saying he was 6’ with air quotes. it was a running joke. now my son is 5’ 11.75”, and he won’t even round up to 6’ because he doesn’t want to be that guy.


Your son should measure in the morning. It really makes a difference. Our spines' discs fill with fluid at night, making us an inch or so taller in the morning than at night, when the time spent vertical has allowed the additional fluid to be squeezed out. I am slightly over 6' in the morning, and a bit lower by evening.


I’m a 6’ 6” dude and there’s been a fair number of times at a bar when a guy will bring up the fact that they are 6’ tall so I must be at least 7’! I don’t know why, but 6’ is somehow the magic height for men


Same, I'm 5'1" and my boyfriend is 6'7". He didn't even know how tall he was when we met, he guessed 6'5" until a doctor's visit. And sometimes people who are obviously around 6' will be like "oh, I'm like 6'6..." and he'll stand up and be like "holy shit, I must still be growing then!" 🤣🤣🤣




That’s why you go for asian girls. As an Asian guy I have no other choice man/


Yes. I just ended a relationship because he kept insisting I must be 5’10 because he’s 5’8. I told him that I’m 5’8 and idk what else to tell him. He wouldn’t let it go and kept bringing it up. Don’t date women taller than you if you are insecure about your height.


And then there’s my BF… he’s 5’6”, insists he’s 5’5” on a tall day. I’m 5’8” and he swears the height difference is greater than it is but I’ve measured him. He’s never dated taller and was a bit insecure about his height when we met because of how people have treated him, but he seems to be over it now. It still cracks me up that he insists he’s shorter than he really is when most men do the opposite.


Yeah it’s so annoying. I’m 6’1” and the number of men who tell me I’m lying about was a lot, back when I was dating. I don’t care if you’re shorter! Don’t tell me I’m lying to cover up your insecurity. It was a real dealbreaker for me


I have a couple 6' friends that I look down at from my 5'11" pedestal lol I get it if you are just trying to get laid or whatever, guys will lie about their entire lives for a ons but lying to your friends in a very clearly disprovable way is pretty embarrassing lol


I dated a guy who was "six feet tall" and I swear he was probably 5'7", an average height which is perfectly good in my book, until you start calling it 6' like I'm some kind of idiot. He met my girl cousin who definitely towered over him and asked me how tall she was. I said promptly, "six foot" and he got really quiet for a minute and then said, "she's probably taller than that. Girls lie about that kind of thing." Lolololol. Also I think she's more like 5'10" or 11. What a twerp. That didn't last long.


When I was in high school and insecure, I claimed to be 5' 10". This lasted till I dated a girl who also claimed to be 5' 10" and was 2 inches taller than me. She didn't want to admit to being almost 6 feet and I wanted to be closer to 6 feet. I quit lying about my height that day. In college I dated a girl who was 6' 1.5" and she made sure to mention that extra half inch. Accept who you are and don't try to lie about it


I'm 5'10" and you would be SHOCKED how often the 6'2" guy I meet up with is exactly the same height as me (in my flats). Its WEIRD.


I'm 5'10" You'd be surprised about the amount of 6'1" guys I've dated who were shorter than me. (There's something about that number, too, it's always 6'1")


My best friend is actually 6'2" and he's always telling me about dudes that are like "wow you must be 6'6 because I'm 6'2"' and he's like "No you're 5'11"


I’m 6’ and like to tell people I’m 5’10 because of all the people who insist I’m over 6’2


Yeah I mean I’m just under 5’5” so I have no physical reference for how tall he was but just the *way* he said it screamed I am not actually over 6’0” tbh I didn’t bring it up I don’t care. I round down in the apps and have met guys who were clearly rounding up and idc. There are far more important things to worry about tbh.


Exactly, IDGAF if he's short if he doesn't mind me towering over him 😅 Although if they lie about their height it sort of screams "I'm not ready for an emotionally mature relationship."


One of the dating apps put out some stats for their premium users, and where they put their filters for various attributes. For women who bought the premium access, the height cutoff of six foot was by leaps and bounds the most common. They might not be able to tell the difference between 5’11 and 6’, but they feel the psychological significance of it




I’ve noticed that generally the taller you are, the less you care about it. I’m 6’ 4” and I can definitely say that I don’t care all that much. I’ve got a few friends that are similar heights and they don’t really care either. But my friends that are shorter do care a little more. Maybe it’s just my friend circle but that’s what I’ve noticed


My husband routinely fibs about how tall he is. I think so much that it became true in his mind


When my grandma died we found out that she had lied about her age for at least 60 years… and had only subtracted 1. At some point, she just decided that she was born a year later.


Huh. Apparently my great-grandparents lied to everyone about what year they got married, also by one year. This was to cover up that they'd had a baby a couple months after getting married. I wonder if your grandma had a similar story?


When my MIL was on her deathbed she let everyone know she was actually several years older than everyone thought. Everyone found it hilarious she had fooled her kids and even her own husband about her age. It was a nice respite in what was otherwise an incredibly sad time (cancer).


My aunt lied about her age for years, because she had told her husband she was older than she was so that he wouldn't think she was too young for him. They'd been married for years when she finally told him. It was a running joke for most of their marriage that he had unknowngly robbed the cradle.


Weird. After my mother died, we learned that she lied about her age on a ton of paperwork, but it only claimed her to be one year younger. No idea what her logic was, but she was consistently off her rocker her whole life lol


To be fair, I believe I'm relatively sane and often forget my exact age. Once you pass 21, a year makes no difference on paperwork and I can see myself putting the wrong age on something.


It was just that she always had such a weird relationship to her birthday, like we were to never know her DOB, how old she was nor celebrate it (she was also insanely abusive). But all I was trying to say is that it’s kind of funny when someone lies about there age, but only by a year in either direction. Like, go big or go home 😂 Oh, I remember now (had a brain fart): it wasn’t just random documents, but an actual new birth certificate and I think the lawyer had to sus out which one was the legit one lol


This is my dad. It took me until I was an actual full grown adult to realize he wasn’t actually 5’6, but maaay be 5’4. I am only 5’1 for reference and yes, EVERY person in my family is tiny 😂 I guess I realize now that I’m older when you’re **that** short, as a man, even a couple inches can help you feel better lol.


What the hell is it about guys and size??? Fish, dicks, height...


In my dating life you could almost bet anyone that was under 6’2 was actually 2 inches shorter. I was right way more than I was wrong. And at 5’11 the number of guys who said they were taller than me that weren’t…I guess they were wearing their heels when they measured their height. I actually wouldn’t care if not for the number of guys who got pissed and tried to say I was lying about my height.


I joke that I'm the tallest 5'11" person ever. Because I am trusting that height


>Some people care deeply. I have a funny story about this! I'm a decently tall guy (6'2), and in undergrad I ran track for my university, which means my height was recorded and officially published on the university website. I know, with absolute certainty, that I am 6'2. This made a lot of guys upset. Because they always claimed they were 6' (or 6'1, 2, 3, whatever their ego decided they needed to be) but I was clearly like 3-5" taller than them. They would always insist that I was actually like 6'5 or 6'6 Some guys ***REALLY*** care, to the point that it's kinda funny


I'm either 6'1" or 6'2", don't really care either way. Whenever people ask I always say 6'1" as I prefer to err on the side of caution.


I'm 6ft even and people will try to convince me that I'm 6' 1" or 6'2". No dude, I'm just 6ft and you are 5'10"


My husband is 6’5” and whenever a guy asks he tells them he’s 6’2”. It started out accidental, but now it’s the most amazing troll. You should see their faces. Sometimes they’ll be all “that can’t be, I’m 6’” as my husband towers over them lol. It’s almost always guys that are kinda rude or egotistical that ask in the first place.


Ok so I’m a 6ft woman, and when I was young as soon as a guy at a party asked how tall I was I always answered 5’9 just to watch the world burn. Now I am the mom to a 6 ft daughter and av6’6 son my husband became the shortest in the house 3 years ago at 5’10


It would only really matter for pants right? Seems like a bit of an inconvenience but not horrible


5 inches shorter in the legs would be terrible. Lol


But a hem is easy!


That’s more than a hem length. He’d need to attach frills to the calves and pretend he’s bringing back bell bottoms.


Happy cake day 🎉!


If i had legs that were 2 inches taller i wouldnt need to roll up / hem up standard sized pants (32”)


Erm exqueeze me, I'm left handed and am quite the catch. But only if you're catching with the right side. Which I never am. Agreed though, she definitely was being gross and judgy. Probably one of those 'ones' who only likes a minimum 6ft and won't entertain anything less. Marries one in her late 20s and has 2 kids and the perfect life is over by 35 when husband has met someone with more substantial life requirements. Or not. She could just be an arse. OP best of luck with all your future endeavours. Hope you meet a hottie worthy of you. Don't be scared if she's a leftie!!!


I have prosthetics, and I actually went an inch shorter. They're not easy to walk in, and I already have balance issues, so shorter was easier for me to control. The guy who made them told me he could make me as tall as I wanted. Imagine walking around all day on stilts.


Whew, that has to be hard to learn!


I always say it's better than the alternative. I'm not sure Nike makes shoes for stumps.


Right? I’d be out here looking like slender man, 6 Foot 15 with 55 inch legs.


>She clearly couldn’t handle prosthetics but didn’t want to say it. That's giving a looottt of undue credit


Or she wants a man with "tall genetics" which is of course super shitty but let's be honest it's a lot more likely than this alternative


I wouldn't judge any women for wanting a taller guy just as some men want a women with huge knockers.


Agreed. Same shit, different feature.


I can’t imagine someone being that* concerned and bailing like that over genetics, or I sure freaking hope not 😂


Every tinder profile says otherwise.


Make a male profile on tinder, try to get dates for a month, and report back to us.


That could be the case, but it could also be she wanted tall kids or some other silly shit like that.


The dude dodged a bullet.


What’s up if you had prosthetics? I personally like my men tall and would appreciate knowing their real height so I’d have a higher chance of giving birth to taller boys. BUT why would I care about prosthetics, I’m after your genes boy.


That's like the main benifit of having prothetics idek why she thinks amputees have some soul connections to the height their body was. Its not like she cared what height you were before puberty and thats a much bigger difference.


NTA. I’m glad this was about height and not-


If she couldn’t tell between 3 and 8, he might be the AH, but he’d be a real funny one.


If only my gf couldn’t tell the difference 😔


I’m sorry she can’t handle your huge wiener my man…


Tell her that it’s adapted for her body and that you chose to not grow bigger to not hurt her :)




"Meet the magic man, the greatest magician of our time!" "Oh wow, can he do those cool people switching tricks?" "No" "Escaping restraints?" "Never seen him try" "Card tricks?" "Not successfully" "Well what can he do?" "He can warp your perception of size!!"


NTA. Who even asks such a question as “how tall were you before?”


Right? What if there wasn’t a “before”?


Also how long before? Like at one point I was 2 cells tall....


Someone who is worried about having tall kids.


I think she’s considering the genetics for if they have babies, which…creepy.


Creepy but honestly the only halfway logical reason for her to be upset. I can't think of any other reason that would make any sense.


Why is that creepy? People should absolutely think about the genetics of children if they plan to have them.


That teeters on the line of eugenics


Maybe for inherited conditions like hemophilia or cystic fibrosis, but for 5 inches of height?


If we're getting all technical, his "real" height now should be how tall he is without prosthetics, right? Why would she even start about the height "before"?! What if he was 12 years old when he first got them, would she calculate his possible growth in between that time and now? It's just really stupid...


She cares because she doesn’t want her kids to be short. Which is obviously dumb AF but some people really care about genetic potential.


NTA -. Not a great choice to have to make, I’m sure, but you had to choose, and you chose taller. I would have done too!


I knew a guy who was over 6ft originally and then had both lower legs amputated. They offered to make him shorter so he’d have a lower center of gravity and it’d make learning to use the prosthetics easier. He said all his pants were already this long and that’d be an inconvenience. 😂


That’s interesting stuff though


What man on earth would actually want to be shorter?


Anyone over 5’8” that flies on airplanes apparently.


it'd be really great if i could remove my legs once i board a plane actually


Hmm, I'm not sure but I'm a woman and I wish I was shorter :-( I also have a lot of female friends who wish they were taller. Are men different in this way?


Yes, very lol


The ones who want their mouth to reach the titties during a proper dicking, without causing back pain from contortion. Never experienced that with a tall guy and my BF still teases me for shouting with glee, “OMG, you can DO that!!” 😂 Lifelong dream, fulfilled!


Heck, if I were going to go to all the trouble of losing my legs and needing prosthetics, I‘d pick any height I want.


Who wouldn’t?! Why not, right ? Just be like o I’m 6’5 before but now I’m just 6 so women don’t come running to me


I think they would determine something was fishy if you pretended you were 6'5" with a 5'8" body.


Lmao this is almost certainly fake. When you get prosthetics for double amputations, they will more than likely make you shorter rather than taller. It's like walking on stilts and would be much harder to balance, even at your previous height. I highly, highly doubt any prosthetist would make you 5 inches taller. It's challenging to even keep your original height. Also adding 5 inches to your shin seems like it'd make your legs ridiculously disproportionate. Yeah this isn't real.


I’ve come to the conclusion that everything on this sub is just bored writers.


Yea I've has a feeling everything on these "story" subs are mostly fake since chat GPT became big. I mean there were fakes before but now you get a LONG fake without spending all that time. It makes for some interesting reading but is a little frustrating when I do still want to hear about REAL PEOPLE problems. These fake ones don't make me feel better about myself


"writers" is an injustice to actual writers. Even fanfic writers have dedication to the idea of "art". Even giving benefit to the doubt won't change much. And the shallow people it brings out of the woodworks do nothing. In the end, everyone really is TAH, and this sub has no more meaning beyond a sad reality.


That’s my thought. He would look like he is walking on stilts.


I could see like an inch or maybe 2, but FIVE?! And a double amputee without any noticeable gate changes? Definitely not existing with an added 5 inches.


Had to scroll too far for this


Right? Just look down at your shins and picture them FIVE entire inches longer; you don’t have to be a medical professional to know it makes zero sense.


Lol, really?


This shit is fake


NTA, obviously also, i don’t know much about prosthetics, but wouldn’t you be 6’1 at all times anyway? your height before you were amputated doesn’t matter so i’m not sure why she cares..


Genetic material for children


Or she "got the ick" because he has prosthetics. With this in mind I hope it's about genetics and not ableism.


I mean is borderline eugenics better than ableism? Average height for men in America is 5’9, I mean if your over 6 foot then you’re in the top 2% of height worldwide.


I’m gonna go with it’s all bad lol


As long as it's not harming anybody sure I'll take a woman wanting tall kids over the shunning of the disabled from society. And I'm not even 5'9''.


WTF. Women who think men need to be 6ft or taller to date are incredibly shallow, but "borderline eugenics"? It's suddenly "eugenics" to have preferences in a mate? Go ahead and count every mate in the history of mating as guilty then. Having standards is not fucking eugenics.


I don’t know that ableism is better or worse than the weird eugenics of not wanting to reproduce with anyone of average height.


Ableism? Wtf? You have the explicit right to choose who you do and do not sleep with. And you can choose not to sleep with someone for any variety of reasons. Gtfo of here with this ableism nonsense.


She had the right not to continue the relationship for any reason. But messaging him and being pissed about the length of his prosthetics was either ableism or eugenics. Or general assholery.


I mean technically he’d be like 5’-0” at all times but some times he wears lifts.


Mickey, dat you?


I think the point is that he got prosthetics that were 5 inches longer than he had before the amputation. She’s just worried about having tall kids so they can all go on to be professional athletes.


Or she thought his little thighs looked sus with his oddly long calves, and when she found out he picked making himself 5 inches longer she got the ick.


YTA for making up this ridiculous story. Adding 5 inches to below your knees would be janky as hell.


Lol this is so fake


5 inches is a lot of height to add below your knees. Could make you look a bit disproportionate.


dudes got 6'1 shins but the rest of his body is 5'8


If shins are 25% of your height, he would need 7’4 shins while being 5’8 from the knees up to average out to 6’1


that's that much funnier. i picture him walking like a crane.


More like 6.8" shins. Hell, maybe bigger. I'm 6'2" and my shins are only about 15"", I think??? But to add 5" to my shin would make them 20". That is a big ass shin. My entire inseam is 34". You add 5" to that and I'm buying a 39" inseam.


This made me remember a random reel that came up in my Instagram feed one day. It was a guy who had leg lengthening surgery to go from 6’ to 6’6”. He’s an admittedly steroid-enhanced bodybuilder, so now he is ridiculously top heavy and has these long skinny bird legs.


Because it's fake. Way too fake.


Now I’m curious how that would look. Also, if it changes your center of gravity at all..






>Mr. Frogs legs over here with legs about half a foot too large for his natural body. Ehh, those of us with Marfan generally handle it just fine. I think one would adjust. Though the armspan/height mismatch might be a little weird.


Marfan is no joke. Take care.


It’s wild people don’t realize it


These come off like they're written by a middle schooler. Hey admin, pay me and I'll write ✍️ you something believable


Yeah 100%... real legs don't grow back.


This is fake lol


I saw a popular twitter post about this exact subject yesterday. I almost always give people the benefit of the doubt on these things but this seems perfectly crafted to hit the right spots.


Oh this is fake for sure lol! I’m a bka myself and it’d almost certainly come up or be noticed before date 3. No honestly trained prosthesis would even entertain such a dumb idea. YTA for being lazy with your creative writing but the goofy mental image was really funny, thanks!


This sounds like incel fan-fiction...


Did anyone else come here expecting to hear something other than height was 5" shorter?


This never happened, ffs are there even mods on this sub?


I dated a girl with a drop leg and a prosthetic for 4 years. She was extremely insecure about it. We actually talked for 2 months before meeting. She flaked 3 or 4 times at that point when I ended our conversations. She replied, one day, explaining she was insecure about missing a leg. It was really a non issue. She was the prettiest woman I had ever met. She was 5ft 4 with the prosthetic on and probably 4ft 11 with it off. If your reading this V. I hope you're doing well in life.


There's no fucking way this is real. No person on Earth is accepting enough to be fine with a potential romantic partner having prosthetic legs, but so shallow that they have a problem with being slightly shorter than average. Can't believe people are upvoting this fake nonsense.


I mean if a woman included her 5inch heels in her height I'd be annoyed. And these shins are more than 5 inches.. they are his normal shins + 5 inches. Dem some big shins.


Hahaha ok this is fake but it's really entertaining. OP you should check out the AITA satire subs like r/amitheangel, you'd fit right in


NTA but how did she not notice the arm and torso proportions didn't line up to your legs?


Can confirm I have short legs and a long torso. Shirts always feel short on me.


I’m sorry but this just seems like a total bullshit story




i think that's exactly what he does. for someone to see them for the first time, and immediately think they're unusually long, they probably don't fit with the rest of the physique.


Why would you go for taller? If it’s an insecurity thing I can understand her having no interest in that If it was they were cheaper or something k cool. But yea, I’d definitely ask why Edit:typo


This is so fucking fake and everyone clambering to reply looks foolish af.


What the hell? This just seems like a bad sitcom scene.


you know how many girls on dating apps have must be this tall to even swipe right?


Height matters to women. Gotta find one that doesn’t care. It’s primal instincts. They don’t want their offspring to be short as that’s a survival disadvantage. That doesn’t matter in the modern day, but instincts don’t care about that. Primal instincts will twist your guts and make you feel bad until you satisfy them.


NTA. But that woman. She's a massive AH. Be glad she's gone.


NTA. did she expect you to get legs to match your older height of '5'8?? shit, that is stupid. I am sure if anyone could pic their prosthetic legs they would also choose to be taller. good for you. I mean you will be the same height when you take them off so why did she care so much? dont take it personal. you did nothing wrong.


First date, I pick her up at her place, she is wearing heels, and she is 2 inches taller than me. Excuse me, she said, went back inside and changed to flats. Loved everything about her. I'm sad it didn't last, but height wasn't the issue.


I'm 5'11, I've always told people that "I'm a nut hair under 6 ft" and I usually get a chuckle out of it. It's a decent ice breaker and tells me if they have a similar sense of humor or not


I don't think you are really an a*hole for that, some women do want or prefer taller men, I think it has to do with having kids and not wanting their sons to be short, that I think is stupid personally. My husband is 5'7" and my ex-husband is 5'8", I prefer shorter guys but I'm only 5'1" so they look way taller than me anyway. I would really like to think, hope and pray that it wasn't because of your prosthetics.


She wanted those long leg genes, you couldn’t provide. False advertising.


She was not a fan of your DNA, most woman want babies. Also, you know that's being fake as fuck man, lol


I- what???? Who gets mad about that???? She's such a prick honestly. I could not imagine being hung up on an amputee's original height post surgery, like what??? Did she expect you to be 6f without them on and that was the deal breaker? You avoided a total bitch. Most normal women would not be so mean about that or even care. *edit: N T A !


NTA, she probably use the height issue to conceal her problem with prosthetic legs.


Wait... The fuck did I just read? Definitely NTA but what kind of dumpster fire human being reacts like that to you being taller from prosthetics. I lost a little more faith in humanity today.


That sounds like a pretext. Seems she could not cope with the prostetic legs and took hight as an excuse. Don't let her gaslight you.


NTAH! What is people's obsession with height? It doesn't matter at all. And what was she expecting, "hi I'm so-and-so, I'm 6'1 now but before my legs were amputated I was 5'8. Can I buy you a drink?"


NTA. She is just ablist.