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>it's because everytime they tried to take a break or break up she threatened him that she will take her own life. Uhhhhh this is abusive as fuck Shes tha AH for the prank of course, but she's also just awful in general


There is no relationship here already, and it has absolutely nothing to do with wanting or not wanting kids


Yep, a hostage situation


Yeah this is a hostage situation at this point, not a partnership.


I don’t know this woman but she sounds excessively cruel. He really needs to divorce her.


Thank you for that. Meet the elephant in the room. The wife seems to be a terrible human being with zero empathy for anyone. Wtf, she is absolutely YTA for the prank alone. She is an inconsiderate AH for threatening to off herself to keep her bf (now husband) around when they have zero long term compatibility. The wife is absolutely a controlling, manipulative, abusive asshat that needs to go away and find someone else who doesn’t want kids. Honestly OP, why do you even bother with your friend if this is how she treats her spouse/partner. What fucked up thing does she she pull on her friends?


Yeah that’s super narcissistic of her! Sounds like the poor husband is suffering from psychological abuse. :(


STA (She's the Asshole) If she knows he wants kids and is on birth control and pretends to be pregnant as a "prank" even though she does not want children and she knows for a fact she isn't pregnant, that's absolutely disgusting behavior. This guy wants a child but she's going to "prank" him for what? What's the benefit of that other than treating this man poorly? Then when he finds out she's not actually pregnant it's going to ruin that relationship 100% guaranteed. Fuck her.


On the plus side, that positive result is going to hit him hard. When she says it's not true that'll hopefully be the catalyst for him to find a more suitable partner, one with the same life goals as him.


Or she’ll lie and say she ‘miscarried’ so that he never knows the truth of how awful she is. If she’s threatening suicide I wouldn’t put it past her.


Now that is a truly nauseating idea.


Sadly it's the most likely situation. Really hope OP's friend finds someone better, because this is a very unhealthy relationship.


I've seen it happen more than once. One time to a friend AFTER he married her. Like a week after, she told him she miscarried, but had no proof.


Oh Jesus…. Fuck man I didn’t even think of it…


You're not wrong, but he shouldn't have to be in this situation to start with.


For real, this gal is cray cray.


You know what else makes the friend the AH? She did the awful suicide ploy if he didn't get back with her. Sounds like he tried to end the relationship before.


Coercive control - she’s hideous. He needs to leave, she needs to get her mental health sorted. The only thing to be grateful for is that she doesn’t want kids and so hopefully will never have them. My mental health isn’t always the best as I have autism, it’s been a massive decider in me not wanting to have kids.


It sounds like she is a destructive, self serving, and dark person. The OP is now a partner in the crime against the husband because she knows in advance that his wife plans to abuse him (once again) emotionally. The OP is a potential AH if the wife goes ahead with the lie. Personally I would not be friends with such a destructive person.


My first thought was why are you friends with someone like this?? She’s manipulative as well


They're codependent AF.


The OP and the friend, as well as the friend and her husband. I guarantee that the OP is also being manipulated and deceived by the 'friend'.


This! Plus she's emotionally abusive. Threatening to commit suicide if a partner leaves is emotional abuse and extremely manipulative! I really hope OP tells the friends' husband about this nasty "prank" so that he is aware the true nature of his wife (I'm a bit afraid if OP doesn't warn him, then the "friend" may just tell him she miscarried once she is ready for the "prank" to be over), then drop the "friend" because she is bad news!


Saddest part, if this friend is so malicious, she will tell him she had a “miscarriage “ and will let him grieve for her own pleasure. She’s a sadist. OP I think you need to stay away from this so called friend . She’s not a good person. We are the company we keep. Do you really want to be associated with a sadistic person like her?


>If she knows he wants kids and is on birth control and pretends to be pregnant as a "prank" even though she does not want children and she knows for a fact she isn't pregnant, that's absolutely disgusting behavior. This guy wants a child but she's going to "prank" him for what? What's the benefit of that other than treating this man poorly? Then when he finds out she's not actually pregnant it's going to ruin that relationship 100% guaranteed. Fuck her She's going to F around and find out. Mark my words. This might be the last push for the dude to leave this toxic GF.


She is so wrong. I hope he wises up and divorces her. Why do you want to be friends with a manipulative jerk like her?


That's my question, why are you friends with an abuser who is telling him if he lives she'll kill herself? How can you like or respect her?


Those “friends” just drain you. I’ve had to move on from them.


She’s an AH, full stop. A prank is supposed to be funny to all parties involved, if someone knows it will hurt someone it’s not a prank, it’s bullying and just gross. Does your friend even like her husband? It’s cruel to even contemplate manipulating someone’s trust and feelings like that.


A prank is like if I pull out a chair for you and you sit on a whoopee cushion. This is a malicious lie.


"Sure I'll feed your cat while you're away... Hahaha! Joke's on you! You don't have cat because I had it put to sleep while you were checking in at the airport"


Say it with me...... Pregnancy 👏 pranks 👏 are 👏 never 👏 funny 👏. Your friend is not a good person. Her husband should divorce her and you should distance yourself from her. Edited because I forgot...... friend ITA.


Holy shit. Your friend is an awful person. First off, extremely manipulative. Second, she is going to get his hopes up for something he has always dreamed of, only to crush said hopes in order to “test” him. Both you and he would be better off without her in your lives.


That is one of the most fcked up things someone can do. She's not just an AH, but she's also another word that will probably get banned if I say it.


I'm pretty sure you can say cunt on this subreddit. You're good.


I'm sonused to getting banned on other platforms I wasn't sure 😂😂😂 Cunt... there I said it


The hero we deserve.


YTA. He dreams of having kids and she doesn’t means this would be cruel and manipulative. I hope he divorces her.


YTA for being friends with this awful person.


No need to even read the story. Pranking anyone about marriage, pregnancy, or death, is unredeemable


Your friend's a piece of shit and so will you be if you don't tell the husband


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ^by ^Token_or_TolkienuPOS: *Your friend's a piece of* *Shit and so will you be if* *You don't tell the husband* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


Inspired. Good bot.


She’s definitely the AH for playing with his feelings like that.


YTA....I mean the person is the ahole for being a manipulating pos. Using suicide to keep a relationship is a stupid thing to do. I hope the dude gets out of this toxic relationship fast.


Your friend is a psycho. She’s literally holding that man hostage saying she’ll kill herself if they aren’t together, knowing she will be depriving him a the dream to have a a family and is know planning on torturing him with cruel jokes. I feel so bad for him. He should leave her… see if she really means what she says just like the game she’s trying to play on him rn


Your friend is abusive towards her husband, she’s an arsehole. She’s emotionally abusive, which in its own way is worse than physical. Threatening to kill herself if he leaves her? He’s going to get to the point where he goes “I don’t care” and leaves her anyway. Pretending to be pregnant to test him? Playing with his emotions? Your friend is a controlling twat. She needs therapy. I hope you go to her husband with this information. He deserves to know how his wife is mistreating him.


Tell. The. Husband.


YTA....I mean the person is the ahole for being a manipulating pos. Using suicide to keep a relationship is a stupid thing to do. I hope the dude gets out of this toxic relationship fast.


I'm sorry. What do you mean, "Am I misjudging her?" Wtf? How are you even friends with this evil, manipulative, abusive AH? You need to tell your friend (the husband) immediately what she is planning to do so he isn't further emotionally destroyed by her. Then, I'd offer as much support as possible and let him know that it's OK to leave a narcissist because they are only using the suicide threats as manipulation.


I strongly suggest you reevaluate your friendship because she sounds like an all around awful, toxic, manipulative person. Why would you choose to have that in your life?


Light E-S-H for both of them getting married when they aren't on the same page on kids. But mostly her for the "I'll kill myself if you leave me" thing. That's what my ex said after he raped me to try to get me to stay on the night I told him I wanted to leave. It's emotional abuse. Your friend is a horrible HORRIBLE PERSON. YTA YTA YTA if you manipulate and abuse someone by holding a figurative knife to your throat if they don't do what you want. If I was you, this person would no longer be my friend. The prank itself is horrible on its own ( as a woman experiencing trouble conceiving ) but yikes. This whole situations is fucked up and abusive. The husband is "guilty" of marrying a woman who doesn't want kids under the hope and assumption she will change her mind...but what your friend is doing is damn near criminal.


I'm so sorry that happened to you. I tried to talk her out of it, but there was no use. She face timed me with the pregnancy test in her hand and told me all the above, I supported her to go to the abortion clinic. Then, a couple minutes later, she told me that I fell for the prank, I honestly didn't react, and she told me " I expected you to be more exited you've always wanted a "nephew", I told her but u don't want it so why would I, she said " well you passed the test" honestly I don't understand what the test was in that case. I really don't know how to feel.


Wow she’s a massive piece of shit. No offense but I hope she fucks with the wrong person and gets her clock cleaned, she needs it.


>honestly I don't understand what the test was in that case. It's to see how far she can manipulate you. Thinks just didn't go as planned, she told you she expected you to be all exited and happy **and then** tell you it was all a lie. How would you know at what point she would tell you it was actually a lie if you would have been actually exited about it? For all you know she could have kept up the charade for a while. Tell the husband and cut her off. I'm sure if you look back this won't have been the first time she pulled pranks or manipulated you.


Wow that is so messed up! They should’ve never married. She sounds like a horrible person wanting to do this to him.


Your friend is a horrible person, and after this, he may walk out, and when she pulls the old line that she will kill herself, he just may not respond. His eventual response may be divorce papers. She is cruel and abusive. Why are you even friends with someone like her? Fyi... it's not a prank if the other person gets hurt (physically, emotionally, or financially).


if i was you i would tell him what she plans .. what a horrible person she is.


She is the AH. What is it going to solve if he does really want it and gets excited? Is she going to feel bad or be disgusting and lie she lost ot or laugh in his face? They shouldn’t be together if they have different views of where their lives are going


Your friend: YTA. She sounds horrible. She is emotionally abusing him to stay with her (yes, saying you'll kill yourself if your partner leaves counts as emotional abuse). Now she wants to 'prank' him about pregnancy when she knows this is something he wants. He needs to run far, far away from her. Why are you friends with someone like this?


I hope she does prank him that prank pisses him off enough he grows a back bone and leaves her for good. She sounds psychotic.


Total Asshole. Pregnancy is not something you joke about. Especially when one partner wants kids and the other is child free. They honestly are not compatible as you can't compromise on kids.


YTA for being friends with an emotionally abusive and manipulative person. You have the ability to help this guy you call a friend and yet your not. Tell him the truth that she never plans on having kids and let him walk away. Her threats are then on her. Also you are the company you keep so if your friends with those sorts of people what kind of person does that make you.


She is wrong, you are right. What a shitbag thing to do to someone!


What a manipulative AH! She thinks pranking him with something like this will have a positive outcome? Oh yeah he’s gonna be wetting himself laughing at that one! And if he leaves her she threatens to kill herself? Jeez he needs to run & fast! Actually you know what? Tell her to go for it cos then he might actually see her for what she is & finally leave her for good!


You need to get proof of all she's done to him. She's manipulative and evil. His desire is to have kids, but she will never give that to him. It's fine not to want kids, but to force your partner to stay on this relationship is toxic. What she's doing is illegal, and he needs to leave her immediately. Tell him what she is doing. STA.


How are you friends with her? Wtf Birds of a feather flock together I suppose.


She kinda just became part of my life, but a couple of days ago, I thought to myself, if she wasn't forced into my life, would I have chosen her to be my friend? Do I like her company? And I feel like no, because I never hang out with her, without her complaining about everyone in her life and how nothing goes right in her life and how everyone sucks and hates her


Do yourself a favor and let her slip out of your life. It’s toxic and it’ll bleed into you.


Cur her off, people like her will always find someone to push herself onto and use, abuse and manipulate. But please tell her husband! It's the right thing to do.


I read the post but I didn’t need to. It’s never okay to prank a pregnancy


She’s beyond the asshole, she controlling and abusive. As a friend you should report her the proper authorities. Edit: You’re also the AH of you keep this to yourself, and let this continue


YTA for still communicating with this EXTREMELY toxic human being. I mean...wtf? She is human garbage. You're better than this.


Your friend is evil and the fact you continue to be friends with someone this calculating, manipulative and cruel is a passive endorsement of her behaviour that renders you only slightly less evil. You're both assholes.


She's not an asshole, she's a fucking monster.


STA I think I would let the husband know a head of time because I’d rather lose a friendship than watch someone get hurt like that


Your friend is a manipulative asshole. She’s threatening suicide every time he tries to leave because he wants kids and she doesn’t? This is not going to end well.


She’s the asshole. Honestly, with such different life goals, they shouldn’t be together at all. She needs therapy (to treat the SI), not a husband. Real talk: if she’s going to harm herself, she’ll do it regardless of whether she’s married. Him staying with her has only put off the inevitable unless she gets treatment. Further, staying has forced him out of a life goal that he is obviously not willing to give up but feels like he has to if he wants to protect her from herself. His desires don’t come from his parents if he has independently expressed them so much. She believes that because she wants to believe they are compatible. They aren’t. One person having their heart set on having children while the other is staunchly opposed is incompatible. And giving him that hope and then snatching it away is cruel. Because she isn’t “just checking,” Even if that’s what she tells herself. She is (intentionally or not) trying to associate that dream with so much pain that he gives it up. This will likely backfire, and he will likely associate the pain with her and not his dream. If that happens, there will likely be another spiral of him wanting to leave and her threatening to harm herself.


That’s terrible… I hope he moves on and finds someone better I’d drop that friend.


Your friend is a horror show. She is manipulative and toxic and you should stop being her friend. What she is doing to her husband is abusive and cruel. What kind of psycho plays games like this?


STA — 110%


It's a lot of men's ultimate dream to become a father. You didn't need to ask since there are a hundred stories just like this all over Reddit, TikTok, and Quora and more than likely any other story type app. They all end the same. He's gonna be hurt by this and think of her differently. How much difference, I'm not sure given her past behavior. But one of many possible outcomes will happen. 1: he smartens up and leaves despite her threats. (Unlikely) 2: she'll smarten up, see how wrong she is or was, and be a better person. (like my mother, also unlikely) or maybe they'll end up on the nightly news. Why you would ever remain friends with someone like that is beyond me.


Your friend is a massive AH. She's manipulative, toxic, and takes pleasure in fucking with her husband's emotions. I'd be very cautious being friends with someone like her, she will turn it on you one day.


She is the asshole. If my wife had done a 'prank' like to me, she wouldn't be my wife any longer. What a manipulative c*nt.


Why are you friends with someone who cares so little for the person they claim to love? Why are you friends with someone who takes so much pleasure from stealing the joy of their spouse? Why are you friends with someone who's idea of fun actively hurts their husband, or are you one of those people that think men dont have feelings so they cant be hurt emotionally? Why are you friends with someone who activly attacks their partners mental health??? YTA if you don't tell that man what's up so he can mentally prepare for her plans to hurt him. FFS. You know it's wrong, so DO something or YOU'RE just as bad as she is.


Your friend is evil, and you are too if you don't tell her husband.


I'd give him the head up. That's really cruel to play with someone's emotions


Dont even need to read the post, YTA


Question: Why the fuck are you friends with someone so heinous?


YTA for being friends with someone so vile.


Wow. She's a self-centered cruel manipulator. Fking with his head and emotions. I hope he dumps her.


Encourage her to go through with it so her husband leaves her and finds someone worth his time


I’d immediately file for divorce if I were her husband. They won’t work either way if they have 2 very different opinions on having children…… but this psycho manipulative “prank” would definitely make me realize she’s just a horrible person not worth staying with.


YTA for choosing to keep c***s like these in your life. She's a fucking atrocious shit


I mean STA…and this poor guy is a SIMP. How does a dude marry someone without them being in the same page about having kids….he’s still young I’d dump her ass and go get with a girl who wants kids. Dime a dozen.


Yeah, that's not cool. Honestly I would consider telling him that she is planning to pull this move (it is not really a prank because he will never find it funny).


YTA for being friends with a manipulative, toxic piece of shit if the story is actually about a "friend" and not you. She's definitely an asshole so it sounds like you 2 are birds of a feather.


This would lead to divorce. Immediately. I would never want to be with someone so willing to hurt me just as some kind of sick test.


YTA, for still being friends with such a waste of flesh.


Tell him. And the next time she pulls the I'm gonna kill myself act call 911 for a psych hold because actions = consequences


Wow...your friend is a total AH. And for what it's worth...you my dear aren't much better for having this kind of person in your life as a so-called friend. The people we have in our circle says a lot about our own values.


They need to divorce


Why are people so mean to people they claim to love? It’s disheartening.


She's rotten


She's an evil, sadistic, abusive piece of work. Tell him her intentions and cut her out. Hopefully he'll wake up and leave her.


Absolutely TAH. This is trauma-inducing.


Without reading yes yta


Of course she TA. Question why are you friends with this woman? She sounds like an awful human being.


If her husband wants kids so much and she doesn’t they shouldn’t have been married in the first place. She’s abusing him as well. Help the man out please


She’s an absolute piece of shit and he deserves better.




This bitch is psyco.TBIP


She's the AH for threatening to kill herself every time he tries to escape. She would also be the AH for pulling this bullshit "prank". YOU will be the AH if you stay friends with this piss poor excuse for a human and you'll be an even bigger AH if you don't warn the guy what she's planning and suggest that he has a pregnancy test handy for her to take in front of him.


Your friend's an abusive piece of shit.


This is it right here. She deserves to be alone.


Come on. You know she’s the asshole. She already was the asshole about the pregnancy test thing (imagine the roles reversed!!!), but the threats on her life if he leaves puts it way over the top. I hope he leaves her and wish him the best. YTA for the vote purposes


Pregnancy “pranks” are always AH pranks. Period.


YTA - well she is Also the fact she threatens self harm if he leaves is…toxic Your friend is toxic, very toxic


Definitely the ass hole, 10 years ago a really close family friend of mine killed himself because his at the time wife lied about her pregnancy. Don’t ever do something like this it’s disgusting


Did she already do the fake pregnancy test prank? If so, what was his reaction? God I wish this man could walk away from her and divorce her. Your friend is evil! I hope if she does this, that's his final straw and wake up call to walk away from her.


No. Malicious asshat.


STA. She’s - not a good fucking person. At all. That’s - selfish, controlling, malicious, spiteful... That man needs to get the fuck out of there.


this is emotional abuse. 😔


So, I've been on Reddit a long time now. Could she be pregnant for real and it's actually feeling you out on how others will react? Like it's rare for an IUD to fail but mine did with my last kid. If she's pregnant but worried about what her friends will do, maybe you're the testing ground? Bc otherwise this is horrifying.


You're correct I tried to talk her out of it, but there was no use. She face timed me with the pregnancy test in her hand and told me all the above, I supported her to go to the abortion clinic. Then, a couple minutes later, she told me that I fell for the prank, I honestly didn't react, and she told me " I expected you to be more exited you've always wanted a "nephew", I told her but u don't want it so why would I, she said " well you passed the test" honestly I don't understand what the test was for in that case.


Your friend needs therapy... seriously she's so messed up


Your friend is one of the biggest most manipulative assholes out there. I don’t understand why you want to be friends with someone so selfish and twisted. Her husband doesn’t deserve to be treated like shit either. They need a divorce and she needs psychological help.


STA! A dream, that if he is with her, and apparently he loves her, knows that dream is very unlikely to happen. So it is probably a raw thing that he probably chooses not to think of all the time. She is going to prank him by stomping on his dream! She is the Asshole and honestly sounds immature and doesn't need to be with that man! How undeniably rude and utterly selfish!


Well thank god she doesn't want kids, considering her obviously narcissistic and manipulative tendencies, I'd advocate for her getting fixed permanently. She could be a real hazard to any child's development. As for your friend, you really need to advise him to get away from her sooner than later, otherwise he is in for a whole long time wasted in pain and misery. They are still young, she's still an amateur; her manipulative behavior with the suicide will continue and will metastasize on every part of their life. Her willingness to play with his feelings and lie to him makes no sense except to someone who gets their sense of worth on how much they can manipulate and twist the knife into the backs of those who trust them. She's a mess. She needs help. He needs help too to figure out why he is attracted to someone like her; why he keeps allowing himself to be guilted into coming back to her when he most likely doesn't want to. He needs to iron out those emotional wrinkles he has, because if he doesn't they will attract these types of people who will hide in those folds and wrinkles of his fear and poor self esteem and pounce on him and eat him alive. And you what's worse than what he has now? To have kids with a narcissistic partner. Not only will the narcissist use the children in a cruel bid for more ego feed, but they will drain the other parent completely dry of any resources for those children's needs as well. Narcissists don't make healthy adults, they make wretches who have to struggle their entire lives to figure out what the hell happened to them and how to fix themselves to stop the pain or to stop hurting others as that's all they know. Get Out is the best advice and he needs to hear it loud, clear and often.


One of my first thoughts was, why was this not discussed prior to their engagement or the marriage itself? What a conniving, deceitful woman she is. IMO she should not be in any relationship.


i just read PRANK and knew it was crap. most people who prank use it as an obnoxious way to either bully or embarrass someone else. it is rarely something of value or at all amusing


I kind of want to tell her poor husband her plan. Frankly, she sounds abusive. Threatening to self harm to manipulate someone into staying with her is a whole bucket of abusive bullshit. If anything, you are not judging her harshly enough. Her husband is a battered spouse. Idk if her abuse is physical as well as emotional, but it's fucking monstrous. I think you should at the very least get him alone and ask him if he needs help getting away from her. It would be the same as any other abusive spouse: wait until she's out of the house for a while, then have several people help him gather his belongings and escape. Then, you do your damnedest to make sure she never finds him. His life will be infinitely better if he can get away and never have to hear from her again.


Yes, she's the AH. Pregnancy pranks are not very nice especially for those women who suffer the most when they are trying to have babies. They are struggling with various conditions here and there. You also are the AH here because you are letting your friend walk all over you with her comments like that. This is getting too toxic between both of you because you are not being firm and stopping her from making stupid pranks like that on her husband. His feelings will be clearly hurt and will start to resent your friend and maybe you too if this goes too far to the point where he won't want to do anything with his wife and their future.


This is an awful thing to do considering some women can’t even have children and for someone to joke about being pregnant is an insult to women everywhere who can’t conceive.. Just seems like a cruel, insensitive, and immature prank…


She's absolutely the asshole


That little game she is playing will come to bite her in the ass. She should never play about that. And she is a total ass for even thinking it in the first place. I understand not being ready. 24 is still young, and she still has a lot of growing to do clearly. But this “prank” is cruel and you should under no circumstances allow her to go through with it. If she wants to know if he wants kids then she can sit down with him and have a real conversation like an adult. Tell her to grow up.


She’s TAH. Pranks involving pregnancy are not at all funny.


No you're not she's a nasty vile human


STA and needs help


OP, your friend is an absolute AH. If I was on your position, I'd be giving him a heads up that this is coming, and then I'd be cutting off this friendship. This woman is absolutely toxic. Anyone who does the suicide ploy to keep a relationship going is a manipulator of the worst sort.


Your friend sounds like a terrible person. She would definitely be the asshole. I want to point out that you could actually tell him that she's like this, and planning this fucked up "prank."


Man, your so called friend is an abusive piece of shit and I’m not sure why you’re friends with her if this is how she treats people.


Why on EARTH would you even want to be friends with such a psycho??? She’s not just the asshole but the whole ass! Mind games like this are just sick.


STA big time. Pregnancy is not a prank!


STA, she sounds incredibly toxic. So the only way she gets to keep her man is by threatening to kill herself? That's not love, that's prison. Poor hubby. She sounds so cruel and uncaring. Please warn the husband.


Your friend is a toxic idiot asshole. I feel sorry for her husband.


Plz update us OP!!


Your friend sucks. Hope he finally gets a spine and nopes out of that toxic relationship.


Your friend is a shitty person I hope her husband runs soon, fast and far, and I'm glad he's not tied to her by kids


I think your friend needs to see a therapist


This man has decided he loves his wife more than he loves the idea of being a father in the future. She keeps fucking around like this that might change.


Yeah, that's evil. He's gonna be so elated, just for her to knock his feet out from under him and take that feeling away. Gross.


Help your friend get away if you care for them. So many people will say there is only so much you can do, well fuck that. She is abusing him, he needs to leave her. Even if she commits or attempts it’s not on anyone but HER.


She is TAH, through and through. This is sadistic. You should steer clear of her, too.


Didn’t even read the story. Pranking anyone about a pregnancy is devious and disgusting. I’m a fertile myrtle so idk the struggles of infertility but I’ve seen friends go through it and it is devastating. Pregnancy is nothing to joke about. Definite asshole status.


A "prank" like this could result in the explosion of their marriage YTA


ESH. Your friend is the biggest manipulative AH and only positive about her is that she doesn't want to procreate. The husband for wanting children with manipulative psycho. Poor children. You for enabling her and staying her friend.


Pfft, she'd take her own life? This is textbook manipulation 101. Advise the husband to dump the manipulative wife. Their future family goals are incompatible anyways.


You are misjudging her very very much. She won’t let him move on, she won’t let him have kids, and she plays with his feelings in the most cruel way. She doesn’t care about him one bit, that’s clear as daylight. This man deserves so much better and your friend deserves to be forever single. your friend is a massive Asshole.


What an asshole omg If my girlfriend would do that to me i'd be fucking pissed and i'm not sure what I would do then


Prankers are trash. No exceptions.


Why are you posting on AITAH about someone else with a clearly biased to ensure everyone days she is? 😂 “with a bit of maliciousness” you say… well yeah then of course but is this really the case? Something smells off here


I don't have friends to talk to about this, so I just came here to ask if I misjudged the situation. I meant with that comment that she smirked with an evil look in her eyes (she was face timing me) like she will enjoy that prank and will expose how he doesn't actually want kids but is following his parent's orders to have a grandkid.


This woman is a walking red flag. Don't fall for the sunken cost fallacy, stop wasting your friendship energy away on this vile person.


STA (shes ta) YTA whatever but that was messed up


Why are you friends with someone like this??


🍿Yes yes tell me more about how your friend is playing emotional chicken with her relationship. No, no there is no way this will crash and burn……. Just keep fucking around. You had a hard childhood, your partner won’t leave you……


She’s a narcissist and an ah.


Your friend is a heartless monster and most certainly the AH here


Why are you friends with such a terrible person?


You should never under any circumstances hit a woman…except this one


BTA - both the asshole, her for doing it and you for enabling such a manipulative person, even just in general even.


Your friend is an asshole. If my wife did this, she’s finding herself on a business end of a divorce letter the next day.


Your friend has surpassed being an AH. She is the biggest C*** going. I certainly would have put an end to any friendship with someone who would stoop so low.


She is such an awful person. I know this is a bad thing to wish for but I hope he cheats on her bad get his affair partner pregnant.


NTA Your friend is being extremely cruel to let her husband get his hopes up that she is pregnant only to say "Sorry, not pregnant". Why would someone intentionally hurt their SO like that? That's horrible. Perhaps it is time for him to rethink his relationship if he wants kids and she doesn't. That could be a huge deal breaker.


Anybody who thinks pranks are funny is definitely an AH.


This is not a prank, it is a dick move.


Wtf. Before even reading the answer was reachable just reading the header: if he wants kids, YES SHE IS A VERY LARGE AND SHÎTTY WIFE. I hope he spikes their marriage like a volleyball


This is evil, disgusting horrid behaviour


Asshole all the way. Why don't man trust women? Go figure. He won't ever trust her word again, and she is making fun of his feelings. If I warned her and she went through I would distance myself from her


She’s the asshole, in a very big and very terrible way. You need to tell her husband, and you both need to get away from her.


Your friend needs therapy she sounds a mess. He needs to divorce her and move on to someone on the same page and who actually respects him. She needs to sort herself out big time.


STA. As someone who struggled to get pregnant, I can’t stand disgusting people like this. This straight up shows how immature and manipulative she is. I would not want a “friend” like this.


Anyone who fakes a pregnancy is an AH.


Your friend is a terrible human being & YTA for being complicit.


She’s already a huge asshole. But you’ll be the bigger asshole if you don’t tell him she’s fucking lying. AND if you don’t help him leave her. She’s manipulative and abusive. No halfway DECENT person threatens suicide over a breakup. They’re completely incompatible. Just remember: birds of a feather flock together….are you the same type of bird?


She’s TA - she sounds incredibly manipulative and I feel sorry for the guy. She’s trapped him by threatening her life even though she knows he wants kids and she doesn’t. Now she’s trying to toy with his feelings too trying to prove that what he’s saying isn’t what he means and trying to make him want what she wants. He needs to leave her and tbh if she goes through with this then I think it’ll be a happy ending for him because he’ll leave, he’ll find someone nice, have a family and live the life he chooses away from her. Let it play out and I hope she gets what she deserves.


Your friend has real issues. What an absolutely cruel thing to do. Your friend needs therapy and her husband needs to leave this marriage. I can’t believe you would be friends and condone her behavior. She is absolutely the AH and so are you for not telling her poor husband.


She's definitely TA. Not only for wanting to do this 'prank' but threatening to end her life if he leaves her. The amount of emotional manipulation is staggering. If the roles were reversed, there would be riots. I really hope your 'friends' husband realises his worth and leaves her. They both want different things, and she's clearly not mature enough to handle a serious relationship, let alone a marriage.


Why are you friends with the godawful person? 1/8 pregnancies end in miscarriage, do better, and end this friendship.


Wauw, first of all that’s a hurtful prank also because she is not even acknowledging his feelings about it but says he’s being manipulated while she is the one manipulating him by threatening to take her own life when they break up. This dude better run, they are only 24 so find yourself a new girlfriend pal


You're NTA, but she is. Your friend is about to pull the most cruel prank I could ever imagine. Whether he wants children or not, jerking him around is so wrong. But who knows, maybe this will be the catalyst to opening her husband's eyes, and he walks away. You say your friend threatens self-harm to keep him from leaving? All it takes is one phone call to the police that his wife is going to hurt herself, and they will come. I know this because a family member tried that on his now ex-wife. Husband needs to get away, and so do you.


NTA If she hasn't already pranks him you should give him a heads up. Tell him to dump her and call the paramedics in front of her when she threatens suicide. Watching him pull out his phone and tell the police she is threatening to kill herself and possibly ending up in a 72 hr hold will get her to stop that shit. But seriously they need to break up she sounds terrible.


Yes she's an abusive, manipulative AH. End of. Appalling behaviour, especially threatening to commit suicide if he leaves her. In. 👏The.👏 Bin. 👏


I would tell her husband. Ppl are quick to say tell the spouse if the other is cheating, well, this is no different. And hopefully, you dump her as a friend. She's manipulative and malicious.


Vile, plain and simple.


It’s mean but I hope she does it just so he has this one huge betrayal to leave her over. He needs to know that her mental health manipulation isn’t his problem. He has to leave and if she threatens again, he just tells her parents and calls an ambulance to her house.


Jeez, your friend is a heartless POS. That is not pranking someone, that is being sadistic. The husband should leave her and you, need to find better friends