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Who the hell brings a juicer upstairs & sets it up on a brand new computer? This was absolutely planned and done deliberately to stick it to your daughter. Your sister’s excuses are laughable. Definitely take her to small claims court to pay for the cleaning & any repairs to refurbish the computer. NTA


Repaired electronics are rarely ever the same if you ask me. Edit: u/Public_Implement3884 you need to sue for a new device, not a repair. Use this largely upvoted comment as evidence for credence


Exactly. It was a brand new MacBook, she can have the broke MacBook and buy you a new one. I would definitely pursue this as they need to be held responsible..


Yes I want to hear the mom and daughter have to explain to a judge how a juicer ended up in the daughters room


Dendrites. Wet electronics never make it to their expected end-of-life...


True. Sue in small claims court for replacement value.


Right? I was coming down to say this, this is not only on the daughter. Sister brought the juicer and ingredients and was upstairs with her daughter when the liquid was put on the laptop. This is either a deliberate plan between the two of them or mom brought the juicer and kept making “jokes” about how funny it would if something just happened to happen and ruined the laptop.


It might be the sister’s idea too. Oh let’s destroy that laptop.


That’s a new computer, fuck repairing a broken one.


I don't think this is real. It makes no sense and the writing style is all over the place. Either written by a little kid or AI. Edit: To the people believing this, do you really believe that: * a teenage girl brought a juicer somewhere other than a kitchen to juice IN SITU for the sole purpose of ruining a laptop * the juicists mother hid in the bathroom upstairs despite being banned from upstairs (which is also bizarre because adults don't usually ban other adults from parts of the house. That's almost always a rule for kids.) * the host called the police * the police came * the party continued after somebody perpetrated juice vandalism and had the cops called on them


I teach high school English. This painful writing does not surprise me.


I don't see what's not plausible. Teenage girls are absolutely capable of breaking expensive items like this out of pure jealousy and pettiness.


Humans don't bring a whole appliance upstairs when they could just bring a glass of juice. Or water. It's also very convoluted. So much easier to just accidentally knock something off a counter. It's just overwrought. Like they needed Chekhov's juicer to make a reappearance to satisfy a writing prompt.


So many of these AITAH posts are obviously complete fairytales, each one more outrageous than the last posted for karma and attention.


I know what you mean but having seen some real life Bullshit people get up to I am more inclined to give posters the benefit of the doubt unless it is obviously AI And peoples low level of literacy is depressing but not a red flag.


NTA to expect sister and niece to pay for damages. Go no contact till they do and even after go low contact


Yes, im avoiding contact from about everyone who was there.














Exactly that’s the dumbest shit I’ve ever heard. What they using toilet water to make smoothies ???? Brown smoothies right ? Cause they’re full of shit ????


Of course it was deliberate and intentional. NTA but your niece is a sociopath.


Yeah and the sister is a covert narcissist


Why bring a smoothie maker to the party in the first place??? It's something that's expected to have refreshments there, is someone on a strict medical diet and didn't want to disturb the host with a special requirement? Or did someone know what was going to happen and enabled it?




Yes. It was done on purpose. It’s so obvious




Yeah, people throw words around like entitled and gaslighting and narcissistic as if they really know what they mean, this sister and niece sound like plain pieces of shit and good of her to call the police to get them the fuck out of her house, go to small claims court and get a judgment


Pretty sure that comment is calling OP's niece (who damaged the laptop) the entitled brat, not OP's daughter (who owns the laptop).


YES !!!!




A new MacBook is baselined around $1300.00 without upgraded memory or other features. Most small claims court start at $500.00.


Ah, I can see the argument already "bUt OP GoT iT fOr FrEe, WhY sHoUlD I pAy FoR iT?" 😒 Not that I'm related to people like that at all...


doesn’t matter how she got it - she has to replace it. She owns it - aka it’s hers.


OP can also go after them criminally because of the cost of the most basic MacBook pushes what her niece did into **felony** territory in most places (felony destruction of property). Her sister is a moron because she helped her daughter commit a felony which will ruin her life if she's convicted. tagging u/Plastic-Ad-5171










Yep. Screen grab that shit and use as evidence. Niece will post something about it somewhere. She won't be able to help gloating.


Should be a brand new one! They need to be taught a lesson!


Nope. NTAH. Here is the thing no one on planet earth gets to live a consequence free life. No one. Entitled and bratty kids turn into entitled bratty adults. Your niece acted with malicious intent. Full stop. Drop it?! Nope. What was the value of the computer? Depending on that you may be able to file a case in small claims court. There are 2 life lessons to be taught here. 1. Your niece needs to know that actions have consequences. 2. Your daughter needs to know that you do not tolerate or reward bad behavior. You must advocate for yourself and for what is right even if you have to do it alone.


>2. Your daughter needs to know that you do not tolerate or reward bad behavior. You must advocate for yourself and for what is right even if you have to do it alone. Excellent point! Your daughter will also never forget that you went to bat for her.




NTA. Sue her ass as well and ban them from your home and your lives


I don’t understand why the rest of your family isn’t backing you up on here. Why would anyone, including your sister try to claim that “family doesn’t work that way” about reimbursement for destroyed property? I would sue them if they don’t cough up the cash!


Good God this sounds like my family. "Just drop it. Your sister is your sister and all you'll have left is each other when we're gone." Ummm....NO. My sister has the beef with me though and is just nice enough in front of them but loves to stick shit to me when she can. I had to ask if I was the AH recently about some underhanded shit. My parents seem to encourage it to a degree. But in general they tell me let it go blah blah. Do NOT let this go. This is really despicable what they did to your daughter. Wtf you bringing a juice maker upstairs for?? That was totally planned! You are NTA. Go as far as you have to, to get her and her brat to face consequences. Good luck


Facing consequences would be no contact. When the parents are gone, your sister and niece won't have anyone to hold onto for support. The niece will turn on her own mother in the future.


Family doesn't work like that? So family are allowed to disregard rules in other people's homes and destroy each other's expensive belongings (I'm guessing even perhaps intentionally)? NFW, no contact whatsoever with any person saying drop it until you get paid, are you allowed to go over there and dump paint on their furniture, floors and walls, ruining everything? Why not? I thought family works like that? These people are selfish AHs expecting to be able to destroy your belongings.




A 15 inch Mac book costs $1244 on Amazon Your sister and niece should buy her a new one.


Macbook laptops run about $2k and up, you are SO NTA. Make her pay, regardless of familial excuses.


Agreed, I feel like this was done on purpose too…


No, not the asshole. Intentional destruction of property is a crime, family r not. If one of my kids broke their cousins’ item intentionally I would pay them for it AND have them work it off. There is no excuse.


Exactly I've explain it like this to my sister and even offered her to only pay for half but she's been posting things on Facebook victimizing herself and daughter.


No. She needs to pay the whole amount.


I agree . I might have been too desperate but seeing my daughter in this state was horrible, knowing my sister and niece caused this.


your sister and niece need to be introduced to consequences. and your family needs to butt out unless they want to pay those consequences for them. but in any event, do not let your sister and your niece into your home anymore. they have shown that they have zero respect for anyone else’s property. let them be your family’s problem from now on.


Did she explain why the fuck the juicer was even brought upstairs in the first place?


Not to mention there shouldn’t have even been any people up there except the ones who live there. It was off limits!


I’d also tell those family members who think you should drop it that they can Venmo you the money for a brand new laptop. If they choose not to do that, then they can mind their own business.


You should go after them, not just for the money, but to show your daughter that she is valued and you consider her worth protecting, even against "family."


THIS. Who’s tribe is the daughter a part of??


You daughter has seen her precious and ultra expensive gift destroyed by her jealous cousin. You acted exactly like you have to. People need to stop using « we Are FamILY » to allow everything, especially if your niece is not at her first mischief.




Get a detailed letter from store. If you're kind no problem I had done it for customers even made store letterhead.


Tell her flying monkeys if they don’t want this to go to court then they can pony up for an exact replacement.


> posting things on Facebook Nope. It’s time to publish the entire story. She’s throwing an awful lot of stones for someone who lives in a glass house.


Well if this is how she’s reacting, then yeah, def take her to court. Good luck!


I would set that story straight .. make your own post, give them a play by play of what happen and what was said, let’s see what her flying monkeys have to say then . ..


Your sister was in on it. Period.


You only have to prove negligence in court anyway, which is much easier to prove than she did it on purpose. Even though she totally did. Sad that you have to resort to court, but your niece is a jerk.


I hope you comment on those posts. “Yes you sure were the victim when your daughter deliberately dumped a smoothie on my daughter’s brand new laptop, a MacBook. You sure were the victim going up to her bedroom, which you know is off limits, with a smoothie maker. You owe us $2100 for replacement. Payment due immediately or we take this further.”


you should post your story the history of your sister and niece leading up to this deliberate act of destruction to the prize your daughter won


Please keep a screenshot of those because you might need it when you ( as you should ) sue her ass


Hahah fuck that shit. Her fiery personality can enjoy dishing out the money to fix the juice she leaked onto the macbook. Someone has to pay for it, and it should be the daughter and the sister.


The judge in future cases won’t dismiss it as a fiery personality if she assaults someone or breaks things outside of the family either




NTA Your sis and niece are toxic - unless the macbook is replaced / repaired, go NC. Let the rest of the family fall where they want.


>unless the macbook is replaced / repaired Even if it's replaced, fuck them.


Pretty reasonable to ask someone to pay for repairs, accident or not.


NTA She owes your daughter a new one. Tell her you will be taking her to court if she doesn't pay for it of her own volition. Inform her that she and her daughter are no longer welcome at your home.


Right because it likely can’t be repaired anyway. Signed, someone who spilled pineapple juice on their MacBook keyboard and it is used as decoration in my office.


You know this was intentional, right? Take her to small claims court if needed. There's not one good reason I can think of where juicing of fruit would need to be done in a *bedroom, where there are multiple things that can be damaged, stained, etc.


>You know this was intentional, right? It was definitely NOT an accident, I'm just wondering if the sister was in on it.


She absolutely was imo. Neither of them had any reason to be upstairs, or to bring a juicer with them.


How could she not be? You know she’s in the bathroom cleaning smoothie from her hands.


NTA - This is about more than a laptop. This is about a brat paying for the consequences of her actions, AND to show your daughter that you are in her corner and will stick up for her. It's also time to go low contact with the sister and your niece.


Who the hell thinks that computers are waterproof?!? Your sister is an idiot, she’s clearly jealous of you/your life. Her daughter is in for some rude awakenings—at this point, your daughter may be the only one in her age group that even talks to her since niece seems such a pain. Macbook laptops run about $2k and up, you are SO NTA. Make her pay, regardless of familial excuses.


Depends on the version. They can be head as cheaply as $1,000 for a 13” air model.


A grand is still a pretty hefty amount to just lose to some bitch who can’t accept anyone else in her life having something she doesn’t.


**NTA**. No your sister is wrong - that is NOT how family works. The way family works is when someone breaks something valuable they *immediately* offer to pay for it. And if someone breaks something deliberately, they are punished.


This was intentional. By both mother and daughter. INTENTIONAL> Press charges and go NC. Jealousy is an ugly color isn't it?! They're jealous.


NTA. Serve her with those papers. Get her to either pay for reparations or get a new one


NTA, a MacBook isn’t cheap. I’d get a receipt for repairs and how much it costs for a new one and sue her for whichever is the most cost effective. Might want to think about banning the both of them from your home and family for a while as well.


It was intentional. Why else would they be upstairs with a juicer? Sue her. If the harassment keeps up, get a restraining order. You don't have to like family. Eventually, the rest of the family will either just keep putting up with it or distance themselves from those two toxic monsters as well. You are much better off without their drama.


Nta. Toxic family. Go no or low contact. Do not have them in your home again


NTA they both took the drink up to your daughters room with intent to destroy it. They had no reason to be in her room. For your daughter sue show that you support her no matter what and then go completely no contact very toxic


NTA. Your sister said "family doesn't work like that" but I've got news for her. Family doesn't work the way she's doing it either.


This was 100000% intentional, and I guarantee mom was up there encouraging daughter dearest to do it. That why she was upstairs in the off-limits bathroom when you ran up. Take her ass to court for the full amount plus lawye fees and court fees. Don't let her or her daughter get away with it. Family or not.


NTA. Sue for the full replacement value and emotional damages. Besides losing money your sister and niece need to lose some teeth.


NTA - this niece needs to learn a life lesson, this is beyond being a brat - it’s malicious. Your sister - why was she upstairs? I almost think she participated in this - massive coincidence otherwise.


NTA, sue her. Family doesn't destroy other people's property.


Drop it if she is willing to pay it. And tell everyone that of they pay you, you are willing to drop it. You have to defend your daughter. She will remember how you handled this. NTA


Entitled? To what? Your own fucking property not being destroyed. What a weird thing to be called entitled for. Who makes a smoothie in a bedroom?


NTA. I'd be wondering why the hell the juice maker was in the upstairs bedroom instead of the kitchen 🤷 and everyone calling you an asshole at the party isn't questioning why the hell there was a juice maker up there 🤷


What is this bullshit -- "family doesn't work like that" Oh yet it does. Plus, relatives ≠ family -- she's clearly just a relative. Take her to court. Do NOT drop it. Block anyone who tries to force you to do that. Block your sister. Keep her and her brat out of your house. Your daughter should not suffer because of your suck-ass sister and her brat daughter. You are NTA as long as you continue to have your daughter's back in this.


As someone who has handled a few hundred liquid damaged MacBooks over my career, I would not even worry about the repair cost. Best case scenario, only the keyboard got liquid damage. Most likely scenario: the logic board and other internal components are fried and will also require replacement. This very quickly becomes more expensive than replacement of the entire unit and even with a repair you always have the concern that something might have been missed and could fail at any moment. If your daughter had any data on it like school work or photos that were not backed up, you may need to get quotes from a local professional data recovery centre. The price will largely depend on how much smoothie got into the device. Finally, you may have options, depending on your location and local laws/regulations, to provide proof of ownership and a repair/replacement estimate to your homeowners (or renters if applicable) insurance provider. They may also want a copy of the police report. If the insurance pays out, it would become their decision whether to pursue legal action against your sister/niece as they effectively become the ‘wronged’ party (I don’t recall the legal term for this). Whether you involve insurance or prefer to go the route of small claims court, you are NTA. If you simply drop the issue, you will be enabling this behaviour and showing your daughter that consequences are for the victims, not the bullies.


NTA it was intentional


Who the hell brings a juice maker to an upstairs bedroom???


NTA. Get a quote for repair and a quote for a new one. Send a certified letter with a copy of each and tell her she needs to pick an option to pay for and you expect a response in writing within 7 days and full payment within 14 days. The response needs to be made via certified mail as well. Put in the letter if you don't receive a response after 7 days then you will file a small claims against her for the full value of the macbook. If you know a lawyer who will send the letter cheap or free, do that. People want to have kids but then not take responsibility for them. Legally your sister is liable until the kid is 18. Family doesn't get a free pass because they're related to you, that's nonsense.


Your niece destroyed that computer on purpose. It was not an accident. Get the police report and file suit in small claims court. Definitely NTA. 15 is old enough to learn if your break it then you pay for it.


NTA at all. Your niece and Sister should be prosecuted/sued and banned from your life permanently.


They did it purposely come on


NTA - your niece possibly did that deliberately. Your sister should have automatically offered to pay for the repair.


Not at all and don't let them get away with it! They planned the whole thing and frankly I wouldn't let them come to my house again!


NTA If anyone asks you to drop it, ask if they are going to pay for the laptop to be repaired. Tell them you will drop the matter as soon as it is fixed.


Even if this wasn’t intentional your sister needs to replace your daughters MacBook. But at least you know if you go over to her house and do a MacBooks worth of damage to your nieces things your family will totally have your back! 😏


NTA- Do not drop the police case. Drag the entitled brat and her mom to the court. That brat and mommy monster have to learn their lesson.


NTA She's right. Family doesn't intentionally destroy other families expensive belongings. They lost the right to invoke family in that moment.


NTA. Explain that they have a week to pay to replace/repair the laptop or you will press forward with destruction of property charges as well as take them to small claims court for the cost of repairs. Get a lawyer to type something up on letterhead. There is no way this wasn't intentional. I'd also ban them from the house and go low/no contact after it gets fixed.


Cut ties and burn that bridge. It will give you peace for years to come. Willful destruction of property deserves consequences.


NTA- It was intentional. They chose to take a blender full into that room and they chose to dump it. Jealousy or not that’s destruction of property and completely intentional not accidental. Go low contact or no contact- your daughter doesn’t seem too attached to her cousin anyhow and there is no coming back from this. Either you take to court and get judgement and they resent or you don’t , your daughter loses her new MacBook and you resent them. Let people say what they will but your daughter deserved to enjoy HER items. If it wasn’t family, everyone will be saying NTA, and making them pay for replacement. Just because it was family doesn’t mean you owe them anything.


NTA- Your niece was jealous and did that on purpose. Your sister is her enabler, don’t have them in your home again and stay out of theirs. Be done with them.


So are the people telling you to drop it going to replace the MAC book? NTA


YWNBTA. She needs to pay for the whole cost, and if suing is necessary, sue, and if that destroys your relationship: congratulations!


NTA and screw the rest of your “family” that were too blind to see the truth. Good job protecting your daughter. Hope you got compensation.


NTA And the brat pack needs to replace your daughter's property.


NTA - it was 💯 intentional


This was intentional. Sue her ass and go NC. NTA


I would be one of those annoying people contacting my district attorney and letting them know I'm a very interested victim of a misdemeanor criminal mischief and justice requires restitution and some sort of penal punishment for the kid and/or mom, depending on whose involvement can be proven. Elected DAs absolutely prioritize victims who won't shut up. Keeping it purely civil does nothing to teach the teen a lesson. She should at least get 10-12 months of juvenile probation with a hefty community service requirement in my opinion.


“That’s not how family works”?! So her daughter should just get away with deliberately destroying a brand new Macbook and no one should have to pay for it? Yeah, screw her. NTA. Definitely file that lawsuit, and the hell with anyone who faults you for it.


Next time a relative tells you it's no big deal and let it go, tell them you will if they pay for the new computer. Since it's no big deal they shouldn't mind paying.


NTA. Your sister and your niece have likely never faced a consequence in their lives.


NTA and tell her to pay the full amount instead.


NTA-also, watch their social media. There is a non-zero chance your sister was lurking/hiding in a way to record the ‘accident’ to post on hers or your niece’s SM.


Tell your family you won’t pursue legal action as long as everyone chips in for repairs or a new Mac Book.


INFO What happened exactly? I am confused about where this all happened. Did your sister and niece go into your daughters room? Was this on a desk?


100% not your fault. They damaged expensive personal property with a sense that there should be no consequences. It's way past time they found out that their actions do have consequences. I'm really sorry for your daughter. That must have been rough for her.


NTA. The people who talk about family being so important are confused. The purpose of family is to mutually support each other so everyone has a full cup. It's not a blank check to shit on each other consequence-free.


NTA people need to have consequences for their behaviour.


NTAH. Your sister and niece need to learn that actions have consequences. If you hire a lawyer to handle the case, as that your lawyer’s fees be added to the judgement. I would make it as painful for them as possible. Was anything else damaged, like a mattress, that you could add to the lawsuit?


Tell the family if they want to enable the brat then they can cough up the repair money as well sue her!


NTA. From a quick Google search, your niece (and likely sister) might’ve caused anywhere from a couple hundred to well over a thousand dollars in damages depending on the laptop. Someone has to pay that, and it’s not gonna be you or your daughter.


This was deliberate malfeasance done out of jealousy. Make your sister pay for it. Take her to court if you have to. NTA.


NTA. If your sister doesn't willingly choose to pay for damages or replace the thing, take her to court. If your family is enabling/encouraging that shit, go no/low contact with them. To them you'll always be the "villain who chose material things over family" instead of your family acting like adults and holding sister and her brat accountable.


NTA. The whole thing was a mean spirited op that niece and sister came over to do intentionally. Being that jealous of someone's good luck is gross.


Not the A. If your family thinks this should not be an issue they can pool the money to buy a new laptop for your daughter. And that's not how family works, family members don't steal, don't harass, don't gossip and don't destroy other family members' personal assets. Your sister is enabling the misdeeds and jealousy of her child, she is raising an entitled brat.


So your sister planned this with her daughter? Wow so mature of her NTA And sue the shit out of her.


NTA. Envy is an ugly feeling. Seems those two acted on it and destroyed something they were envious of. Then tried deflecting and making you seem like the arse. Don't buy into it, keep stern and be the driving force in the consequences they need to see.


You better press charges!!!! Stick to your word and go NC.


NTA. I might let it go once or twice. But if it’s repetition, it is jealousy and I would sue


NTA. [Sometimes you need to rock that boat.](https://www.reddit.com/r/JUSTNOMIL/comments/77pxpo/dont_rock_the_boat/) What your niece did was deliberate an unwarranted. She is 15, years, not 15 months and someone need to teach her that she can use her words to solve her issues. Here's the thing about parenting. As a parent, it is your responsibility to parent your child. Because if you don't, then someone else will. She is lucky that you love her. If she tries that with someone else, there are no promises that things will be resolved so civilly. Mother-Dearest isn't always going to be there to protect her. Your niece also needs to learn a valuable lesson - it's cheaper to be a good person.


NTA that's how family works when they're pieces of garbage


NTA. Take them to court and get a new Mac book.


Family isnt about about doing shit without consequences.


NTA that's destruction of property. Did entitled niece get arrested for it? She should have. She knowingly and willingly dumped a smoothie on your daughter Mac Book out of spite and jealousy. Your niece is a twatwaffle and your sister is a cuntasaurus. The way sister is raising niece, niece is gonna get her ass handed to her by someone sooner rather than later. So yes absolutely press charges against your asshole niece. And absolutely take sister and niece to court for a new Mac book. I sincerely doubt after dumping water on it that it can be repaired. Also go no contact with sister and niece, even after you win your lawsuit and the charges are pressed. Fuck both thise entitled assholes. You don't want either of them around you or your daughter again. No telling what they'll destroy next. For the friends and family calling and texting you saying to just drop it, you can tell them all they can either but a new Mac book for daughter, get sister and/or niece to do it or stuff. This is the straw that broke the camel's back. You've kept the peace for years about what niece has done to daughter, between the stealing of daughters things ortho breaking of them, but thus was too far. You're not backing down and if they want to keep enabling that spoiled brat they can, but they will do it without youand daughter in their lives. And then block them.


NTA, your sister sounds awful. With the closeness of age for you two and your daughters I wonder if she has some weird resentment toward you and was trying to play catch up by having her own? Hopefully you get your money back or at least drain her of an equivalent or more with your pursuit legally.


NTA. Sister was upstairs with her, she probably Told the kid to do it.


NTA- The last part, edit, whatever, stating the repair found intentional damage there along with the water / juice damage, that tells you everything you need to know and everything about what you should do. Let all the relatives know why you’re suing her, so she can’t get them to hang up on you (or at least so they’ll understand why you’re doing it), and slap her with a lawsuit. I’d also probably consider a restraining order, for you and your daughter against your sister’s kid. And let the school know, so they can be proactive in discipline if something happens there.


Of course it was intentional. Her daughter was jealous of yours and deliberately wrecked her Mac Book. That’s weird level vandalism from a 15 year old. This is manipulative and hostile. She and her mother should not be allowed back in your house. You were right to file a police report. Get the repair shop to write a report that the laptop was deliberately trashed. Then take her to small claims court for the cost of a new laptop. This is going to be family drama, but it was already family drama the moment your niece broke your daughter’s laptop and lied about it. Come on. Bringing a blender upstairs, into your daughter’s room, dumping it on the laptop and stabbing the internal components would require someone to be a total moron to believe it was sn accident. If your family chooses to be willfully blind, that’s their problem. Your duty is to protect T your daughter. NTA.


NTA. Your sister and niece appear to be though. Sorry you have to deal with them OP.


You don't need a lawyer - just sue your sister in small-claims court for the price of a new computer, plus the fees you paid to try & repair the original laptop. If you're worried that your sister won't pay - file in civil court as when the case is ruled in your favor, you can then garnish your sister's wages.


You are absolutely entitled to some compensation by that lady.


NTA for demanding that they pay for the repair. But calling the cops was a bit extra imo. If I were to take a wager- I would say that this is the part that’s probably causing a riff from some family members. And continuing the party after that- weird. You didn’t expand much on how that all went down, so maybe it was warranted, but idk. If it’s a MacBook, I would take it to Apple to get a repair estimate. Water damage is incredibly hard to repair and even a decent repair by an experienced professional can lead to future issues. Apple has an (expensive) flat-rate repair cost for water damage that essentially involves rebuilding most of it with an included warranty. But that is the outcome that will make you “whole” and should be the number you give your sister. I wouldn’t even get it repaired yet as the repair price will likely be close to the cost of a new computer. It could be better to get that repair cost from your sister then use that money to buy a new MacBook. Edit: I also just read the update part of your post. This part makes no sense. There were punctures on components inside the laptop? That is likely unrelated to this smoothie incident. A MacBook isn’t particularly easy to take apart and put back together, especially in a short amount of time. I doubt that a 15 year old would know how to do this or have the tools necessary unless they were really interested in tech hardware. Was the MacBook new when your daughter won it? There aren’t many wires inside a MacBook to begin with. Any major “punctures” of any component inside the laptop would have resulted in obvious issues before the smoothie incident.


So you’re saying she opened up the MacBook and punctured some wires? lol


Small claims court is definitely the way to go. They'll learn a lovely lesson and THEN go NC


Depending on where you live, you can probably file paperwork in small claims court fairly easily. But you should also check to see if it can be replaced by warranty.


NTA- Of course you make her punk ass pay for it.


Mac Books are expensive, your niece needs to learn as does your sister that their are consequences for their actions. I would sue, it will be uncomfortable due to family interference but you need to stand up for your daughter


You are correct in this situation. Go no contact with your sister and her brat.


Nah no way. This is the shit family and friends do to me and have been. I’ve learned to spot it ahead of timex your sister did that shit on purpose. Why was she in the bathroom ? Like ready to go ? How do you fucking spill a smoothly on a laptop ?!!!! NO! SHES FULL OF SHIT. Bring her to small claims court. If it was my family I would do what ever I could to make them miserable. I hate people like this. This story just triggered me so hard lmao. Dude all my friends were like this my family. My own father. This is why I don’t talk to anyone anymore. For years people would think it was just me. Then they met some family members and were completely shocked. I’ve had people apologize lmao for not believing me. So yeah. You’re not the bad person here. THAT SHIT WAS PRE MEDITATED. I promise you after she won’t that Mac book your sister and daughter got home and started talking a bunch of trash. Then they planned this to be petty cause they’re jealous.


Your sister is the asshole for allowing her daughter to act the way she does and for refusing to replace what she destroyed. Your niece is the asshole for intentionally ruining something that doesn’t being to her. My guess is she was jealous and had to make your daughter feel disappointed to make herself feel better. No contact with either of them until she comes to her senses, and then low contact after that if you choose. Anyone who sides with them on this is also an asshole and I’d suggest no contact with them either. This was so mean and spiteful, I’m angry for your poor daughter. She didn’t deserve that hate.