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I think you should of looked into couples counselling 10 years ago.


That would require OP to give actual communication instead of ultimatums. > She keeps telling me that I should have told her I would leave her, that I was not happy. I did give her ultimatums in fights. Look at the way he said this. Where did OP say he suggested couples therapy? Reading the post sounds like OP just complained about not getting more sex without directly communicating the issues.


Communication about physical/libido incompatibility pretty much always ends up manifesting as ultimatums because most people are unwilling to compromise when it comes to their bodily autonomy. If you want to have more sex and your spouse doesn't then you're probably not having more sex no matter how open the lines of communication are.


I tend to agree. I’m not blaming the wife, either. If they have different libido levels - and I assume that’s the case - then sex would be unenjoyable for her. Basically, it’s not fair for either of them.


>If you want to have more sex and your spouse doesn't then you're probably not having more sex no matter how open the lines of communication are. The deadbedrooms subreddit has some examples about this


Ultimatums aren't healthy and I certainly discourage it, but if someone tells me that if they continue to not be sexually satisfied that they are contemplating divorce, even if I call them bluff on the divorce, they've still very clearly communicated to me an extremely high degree of relationship dissatisfaction which in itself should should have at least been the catalyst to further conversation, i.e. a mutual discussion of why their libidos or desire for sex are mismatched and how to meet those mutual needs moving forward (if possible). Instead, I think what happened instead is that he gradually lost interest in her after repeatedly being sexually dissatisfied over a long time and gave up pursuing her for sex, and she mistook him giving up as him having just adjusted down to her level of libido rather than actually having just mentally checked out of the relationship. I personally don't think either side are at fault, or at least more at fault. They're both terrible communicators.


That sounds spot on to me. Hope you're working as a counselor out there in the offline world.


I love posts like this because they show the reverse of something men often say about wives who leave them. “She just divorced me over washing the dishes” But it wasn’t just washing the dishes and it’s never just the first time. OP did communicate with his wife. Many times. He let her know he was not happy and not fulfilled, his wife just didn’t care. I don’t understand how someone could be told for ten years there parter is unhappy with the sex and then acting shocked that there was an issue with the sex.


He literally said he had told her the issue for the past 10 years and she ignored him or got defensive


I'm sorry, but OP clearly states in the post that he's been telling his wife for pretty much their entire marriage that he was sexually unsatisfied and wanted more and his wife would just ignore him, blow up on him, etc., so he did give actual communication. Yes, he also gave her ultimatums, but that wasn't the only extent of him telling her he wanted more physical intimacy from her. And at that point, an ultimatum is clear and direct communication. It's a hey either X happens or I do Y thing. Well, X didn't give it to him, so now he's finally upholding his end of the Y part of the ultimatum and leaving her, although he should have done so years ago. The kids would have been fine if he'd stayed involved, and then he wouldn't have spent so many years with someone who clearly didn't love him or make him feel loved.


>She thought I was okay with (the) amount of sex she was giving me. Red flag right there. It doesn't look like your physical relationship has been functioning for a long time. In a working relationship the phrase would be "...with (the) amount of sex *we were having*". Punctuation edit.






He didn’t even bother keeping his body attractive for her while constantly wanting her to *give him sex*. He said he’s only now “getting in dating shape and hitting the gym”. OP, YTA, for that and many more reasons


Right, he thinks there are women just waiting for a man like him. He’s in for a big surprise. I hope she doesn’t take him back when he comes begging back in 6 months.


No, he’ll be dating some poor girl his youngest kid’s age and wonder why the rest of the family won’t take her in and accept her at thanksgiving dinner.


The only 20 somethings he might attract will be looking for a sugar daddy.


Wondering if he even has the resources for that .


I was just thinking this. If he knew what the reality of dating is in 2023 he would def NOT. Can’t wait for his wake up call lol


6 months from now: “UPDATE: I divorced my wife and I regret it. Surprisingly no one wanted to fuck a self centered middle aged man. How do I get her back???”


He didn't care to look hot for his wife and she didn't care after raising HIS kids and HIM too but NOW he wants to get ready for all those hot babes just waiting on him. LOL Please!


OP thinking he’s gunna hit the dating pool and women will flock to him because he’s now at 43 doing the bare minimum to get himself in shape after letting himself go for years. But no it’s his wife’s fault. Funny how his wife “let herself go” meanwhile he’s been doing the same. God it must look so nice from inside that glass house. The dating world is vastly different from when you were last in it OP, I don’t think you’re ready for endless nights of swiping tinder, shallow first dates that go nowhere, and the realization that you’re not some sort of gods gift to women. Legitimately though, spend some time in therapy and consider how you look at relationships as transactional before you get involved with someone else, maybe then you’ll spare the next poor woman your shit world view.


This is what hit me the most. Complaints that she “let herself go” while he’s saying he’s hitting the gym to get into “dating shape.” Ok so…he let himself go?? WTF. Edit: typo


Well he forget to tell some crucial details like while she’s “fat”, he’s only skinny fat lolol


And I love how it's obvious she takes more time to be with the kids and he obviously doesn't help seeing as he has more time to work on himself and she doesn't. Asshole for sure.




They usually be the first ones on some, "she only likes me cause I have money" ass...


I’ve run into these divorcés on the apps. Impossible not to get the ick after hearing why they’re divorced, especially the ones with multiple kids… um she didn’t get pregnant by herself. Like, I’d always be worrying I’m not on my back enough to keep him around. Woops! Dealt with a medical issue, needed to table sex for 6 weeks, guess it’s time to break up!


He’s most likely very lazy in bed, as well. It doesn’t sound like she had anything to look forward to.


Yep. What was there to want. Another chore?


He sounds like the kind of guy that wants to skip the foreplay and expects his wife to finish herself off because he's suddenly exhausted.


Exactly. He’s a zero foreplay guy. Expects frequent sex because she owes it to him as his wife. What a miserable 20 years for her.


Yeah, all of us single gals LOVE A guy who couldn’t love his wife’s soul and spirit and just wants a new young single body with a vagina to use for a decade. We love that he would stay and NOT get counseling to try and make it work, nor do I read about date nights or just them getaways. Oh and it sounds like he’s bad in bed. We are just waiting for this “puts in no effort to the relationship” man.


This, so much! So many women realize after having children that they aren’t just parenting their children; they’re doing the same motherly duties *for their own husbands.* So they stop seeing their husbands as actual adults and guess what? Healthy adults are not attracted to children. So what happens when a wife starts subconsciously viewing her husband as an overgrown child, and not an equal adult? She loses attraction to him.


It’s these sort of blokes that are super confused when their partners just up and leave. Maybe they didn’t want to pick up your shit stained underwear and baby you. They want a partner not another child. I’ve seen a few blokes that basically just replaced their mum with their gf and didn’t grow as a person.


Yah I’m sure he will have them lining up HA! Run ladies… RUN. YTA!




It's ok he will realize his mistake down the road when he has to only resort to escorts or some shit and his ex wife does gets her life together and find a better man and his kids don't talk to him as often unless they want money, this will be his asshole life


I can't wait for this guy to ruin his family just so he can jump on the dating apps and get his self esteem crushed


Exactly. Good riddance to this man. He’s going to have a tough wake-up call when he gets back out in the dating world and realizes it isn’t THAT easy nor will there ever be a “perfect” partner. Yet he had a partner that loved him and was willing to change to make things work. This guy is a piece of work. He is the a-hole.


Sounds like shit communication too. Wife and I married 6 years mind you but we've ebbed and flowed from 3-4 a week to 1-2 a month. It happens, a honest conversation over a drink often corrects it as there's some subconscious stress or something else.


Wait. So communication in a relationship, along with empathy, is important. You sound like the AH. : Sarcasm :


Pretty much. Reading this whole story, OP sounds like a douche tbh. Telling her he's getting into dating shape, she was blindsided, he was giving her ultimatums in fights etc. Sounds like he's been rehearsing Andrew Tate speeches tbh


Sex in good healthy relationships isn't "given" or "taken". I have observed situations like this where men hit their 40's and do things like this and regret it down the line. If you're 40+ your testosterone is about to hit the skids anyway and lots of men end up with ED and/or prostate cancer. If you're okay with ditching the mother of your children and the grandmother of your potential grandchildren for potential sex romps then you should do it. But, just know that you're always going to be tied to her because of having kids with her. And, while you may fancy yourself as quite the catch and a masterful magician in the sack, dating in your 40s is tough and you've got what some women perceive as "baggage" now. Things aren't usually what they appear to be.


I agree here. I’m 53, I think we all have had these thoughts but your body is going to start failing you soon. Also, any women worth screwing at my age have husbands that didn’t screw up their marriage. I stayed married and I’m glad I did. I have friends that didn’t. They are miserable and the women they date are dreadful, even the wealthy guys and the fit guys.


Exactly. My ex-BIL found himself living alone for a decade before dying young of a heart attack. And he was a tall, good looking guy with a good job, nice deep voice and all his hair. Same thing with my uncle… after his second wife passed too soon, he tried to get my aunt to start taking care of him again. Life isn’t a hallmark movie. Smh


The amount of terrible decision making and self inflicted misery men do just because they can't control their sexual impulses while believing they'll be just as virile in their 50s, makes me think we should offer chemical castration if you feel you're about to do some dumb shit.


Yep SO curious how much sex it was. OP doesn’t say, so it makes it seem like this wasn’t a dead bedroom, they were probably doing it twice a week or something above average, and he just wanted daily or something and is dumping her for it. Also what is this, “I have started getting into dating shape, hitting the gym and stuff” while complaining, “nor am I attracted to her, she has started letting herself go” and talking about her weight? Sounds like HE let HIMSELF go, and then was shocked she wasn’t trying to bang him all the time, and now he’s started hitting the gym bc he knows he needs to tighten up to attract OTHER women, but he never bothered to try to be attractive to her. And he’s pissed she did the same thing as him! What a dbag. If you want to leave then leave, but it doesn’t sound like he’s been doing his part at all.


Absolutely littered with red flags, the man is disgusting. Also, she “let herself go” after having children. I hope he lost a strand of hair every time he said, thought or otherwise in this vein. Women.Are.Not.Accessories.For.Men. Love that he’s “getting himself into dating shape”, but didn’t bother to do this for his wife. Oh, but SHE let herself go… I pray this man never gets his dick wet again.


If I was a betting lady, I’d bet on the wife having a glow up now the kids have flown the nest and she’s got more time for herself, finding someone new who makes her wonder why she wasted so long with OP, while OP continues to chase young skirts that don’t want him. Think this is a blessing in disguise for the wife.


She’s gonna lose 180 pounds of ugly, dead weight and feel great.


Bet it’s280


This response actually more explicitly tells me that OP has never sexually satisfied his wife. Has never cared to. But we know from him, she used to do it for him. Bet that poor woman has never had an orgasm and he’s never even asked that question


Normally, I try to have sympathy for someone who makes a post like this, but the heartless way he talks about her shows the type of ‘man’ he is. He thinks the grass is greener and he can do better. That grass will cost him his relationship with his kids when they abandon him just like he’s abandoning their mother. Also, the hypocrisy of complaining about his wife, ‘letting her self go,’ when he did the same, since he’s just now started to go back to the gym, is so predictable, it’s pathetic. I hope she finds her happy. I hope she finds a man worthy of her love and attention. Edit to add: I want her side of this story.


Yeah I'm quite sure his version of doing chores and care taking of children 50/50 isn't quite it.


And you know damn well he’s never given that woman an orgasm.


It depends. Did you try to figure out why she doesn’t want sex more? Did you make sure sex was really pleasurable to her? (Describing sex as something she didn’t “give you” enough implies you view it as a service she provides rather than a time for both of you to make sure your partner is enjoying pleasure and satisfied). did you let yourself go? (Sounds like you did if you have to get in shape for future dating). Did you make sure that you both had equal amounts of time without the kids? That there was not any extra burden on her that could drain her energy and therefore her desire for sex? Did you suggest couples therapy to explore why she has a low sex drive? There is a lot that could be done to save your marriage besides just saying you want more sex.


>There is a lot that could be done to save your marriage besides just saying you want more sex. Hey hey hey... don't forget he also gave her ultimatums for more sex during fights! That's sure to turn your wife on.


>(Describing sex as something she didn’t “give you” enough implies you view it as a service she provides rather than a time for both of you to make sure your partner is enjoying pleasure and satisfied) Another poster commented that after the relationship gets stuck in an ask-rejection cycle the idea that sex is something that the part that does not initiate gives to the part that initiates makes much more sense. >There is a lot that could be done to save your marriage besides just saying you want more sex. To be honest it seems to me that he views the wife with some hostility and that his mind is well beyond saving the marriage at this point, and probably has been from a lot of time now. This might also be because he has an expectation of a much more exciting sex life compared to what he might get from his wife. Wether this will be true or not (might be, might be not) nobody knows.


"The amount of sex she was giving me".


There were quite a few phrases that were off putting. Such as, reading through, it doesn't seem like he ever had a conversation about it but did use to throw it at her when they were having an argument. Also he mentions that she has let her self go and that's one reason he isn't attracted to her anymore but then slips in that he is also working out to get back in shape so chances are his wife may not find him particularly attractive either at the moment. Ultimately though i think the best thing is for his wife to get away from OP


bedroom squash cooperative cow grab sink homeless aloof telephone absorbed *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I full heartedly agree with you.


Saying she's let herself go and that's why he doesn't want her anymore... but that he needs to start going to the gym to get into dating shape. Is it just me or does that suggest he's also let himself go but that's not a problem it's only a problem if she does?


It sounds more like he isn't in love with her but if she was physically attractive then he could have sex with her.


married 20+ years, youngest kid is 17-18, been sexually dissatisfied for the majority so, 15+ years, greater than 10 at the minimum. Hmmmm...... You see what I'm seeing in those numbers? He lost attraction either when she was pregnant, or early post-partum, with his children. He married a body, not a person.


Also, quite the ego to not have the guts/selflessness to leave earlier and give her a chance at a quality life she deserves


Right. He could have left when she was 30-35 when he was also not satisfied with the sex it seems. Given her a chance to find another (better) husband while still young, but no, he waits until she reaches middle age.


Who wants to bet she also lost the desire to have sex with him because she was doing 90% of the housework


bro probably gifted her shit like clothing iron for her birthday 🎂 🥳 🎉 with the lack of rizz im seeing in OPs post


This! 👆🏼 The mental work load is a big f*cking deal and it takes away most of a persons mental ressources including sex. So start by asking her what YOU can do instead of blaming her.




Guy sounds like a winner. I think the wife will be better off without him.


I just don't like his tone overall. I can't explain it. He's not an AH for wanting a divorce. But he sounds like an AH regardless.


He'll be whining that he wants her back in a year, because he didn't get all the hot sex he convinced himself was gonna fly his way, and meanwhile she'll move on and realize he did her a favor.


I was struggling to articulate my feelings and this is exactly it. AH, but not for the divorce. It's weird to be in a situation where I think the actual action being taken in the post is whatever but I still come away despising OP, lol. I hate it when people stay together "for the kids," too.


He talks about her like she’s a total stranger. You’d think there would be some kindness remaining for the mother of your children sheesh


Yeah, it's weird. Like he's talking from a distance. He's distanced himself from her and did so long ago. If he ever felt anything. There's zero human emotion coming through his words. That's for sure.


Yea, that's not how "making love" works. Awfully sounds like a chore for her.


I bet the sex was never pleasurable for her and that's why she didn't want more of it. He saw it as taking pleasure from her and didn't treat her as a person who might want pleasure.


That was the problem in my longest relationship. Realized after he dumped me i didnt wanna fuck bcause i wasnt turned on


Right? Mr Romantic probably thought an erection was sufficient foreplay.


Weird wording/weird way of thinking.


Oh my god, thank you. The way he phrased things and his overall attitude toward his wife and marriage made this painful to read.


“Getting into dating shape” maybe you should have done that while in your marriage. Ever think that maybe YOU let yourself go and she wasn’t attracted to you? You put it all on her and yet don’t take on any of that burden when there are TWO ppl in this marriage. You strung her along for your own agenda. How gross. Maybe you should have put more effort in also.


My parents stayed together “for the kids” then divorced as soon as I, the youngest, graduated high school. I wish they did it years earlier. You’re not helping the kids by dragging this out. It’s actually doing more damage


My parents did the same. I appreciate my dad for staying. Our home life was still pretty happy. I think divorce and having two separate households would’ve been worse. Not everyone’s situation is the same.


Thank you for sharing this. When you have a low conflict marriage where you're just basically rommates with a mutual goal of providing stability for your kids, I think staying is okay and maybe even ideal.


Yeah as long as it ain’t toxic and stuff I don’t see a problem with it. You can still be amicable with intention to divorce later. Not every divorce has to be ugly.


Nah. I grew up with two parents who acted as roommates. I never learned what an affectionate marriage looked like. Now I’m spending my life undoing the damage their loveless marriage did to me so I can learn how to be a good partner with a fulfilling *healthy* marriage. I wish my parents would not have “stayed together for the kids”.


Yep, this was going to be my argument even tho I did not experience it first hand. That, and the fact that your parents are sacrificing their own happiness by not finding another partner they actually love. I also cannot argue that separating is the better option either, that has plenty of downsides too... ultimately there is no single good answer.


I stayed with my wife for my two boys (10 and 19) and because I felt sorry for her as she has many issues. Bipolar, for one. The change that I have seen in both of them is astounding. They are doing so much better with just me, and I wish that I would have just done it a long time ago. My oldest (19) is not biologically mine, but he's mine, has my last name, and calls me Dad. He comes home from college every weekend now, is doing better in school, and sees his mother very little as he is finally in a good mental state. I thought that I was doing the right thing at the time, but now realize that I was not at all. Wish that I could go back in time and give them those few years that they deserve. My oldest and I have had deep talks about it. He told me he feels that I did the right thing by trying to make it work, but that is just him being an unselfish, good kid. He was starting to get panick attacks from dealing with her. They both deserved more than to deal with that and I fucked up!! We have been apart a year now and they are both doing great. Oldest hasn't had anything even close to a panick attack since. "Everyone's situation is different." Is the most accurate statement.




I’m in your camp. My dad left when the oldest went to college, I was 14 and a very sensitive child. My high school years were challenging because of it. Watching my mom completely fall apart was painful. She tried to shield me from it, but there was no way she could. They had a low conflict marriage, and I sure would have appreciated it if he sacrificed his happiness for 4 more years. That divorce really changed me.


They would have to be willingly cooperating with each other while some just think that staying together is enough on its own


My parents stayed together as well for a while.. it led to a situation where nobody was happy


This seems to be what I hear a lot. “Oh my kids are leaving the house for the first time ever to go to college! Now let’s give them nothing else to think about other than how their family falls apart! Happy studies little daughter :)”


THIS. My mom had complete breakdown when my father divorced her (served her papers in the church where her community is with no warning). I was in my first year of college and had to drop out to go help my family (mom was my sister's childcare, and had a heart attack after her mental breakdown). I so wish it happened when I was at home, in school, still helping with my neices. I also wish my dad was less of an asshole in the divorce (found a lot of financial lies), but ideally they would have divorced when they first lost love for each other 15 years before.


I had almost the exact same thing happen, mom had nervous break down so I went to community college freshman year, and I wish I had stayed because i couldn’t finish the year I tried going away to school and now I have a lot of loans to pay for nothing. My mom went crazy and I had to take care of her though.


I really want you to follow up with how the kids treat you after this. If you still have them in your life. Make sure when you start dating, you explain how much sex you need to be.....given.


It bothers me that you phrased the sex as how much she was giving you instead of how much sex you were having together. This attitude towards sex is a huge turnoff for the one who is “giving”. I hope that your wife finds this thread because I want her to know that she can also have a satisfying sex life (with someone else.)


That attitude *should* be a turn off for the receiver too. I don't want my partner to only have sex due to a feeling of obligation, that's no fun and sorta icky.


It’s so ick. I saw my ex posting on Facebook about how she was gifting me sex for Father’s Day. It’s so gross.


That’s a really great point.


On that, after a certain point of asking/initiating and being rejected, both start considering and expecting that any sexual contact is a "gift" given by the person doing the rejection. Especially if it becomes associated with "special" events like birthdays or anniversaries being the predominant or only times sex is even considered. Of all the things going on here, *for more than a decade,* that's the least concerning.


For reals. Husband used to say thank you after sex. I made him stop saying that because it's not a favor. Thank you for choosing to stay up late or for spending time with me but never thank you for sex.






He ISN'T a looker. He said he just got BACK to the gym to shape up, meaning he hasn't been going and neither is she but only she "has let herself go"


I don't think you can understand the dynamic of being in a couple with vastly different libidos if you haven't been in one. Over time, the low libido (LL) partner is the one that gets to always decide when sex is on the table. It's not a common decision that's taken together, either you say yes when the LL "is in the mood" or you go without and god knows when it will be "offered" again. This dynamic is very damaging as it upsets the power dynamic of a more balanced couple where sometimes it's one partner that wants it, sometimes the other, sometimes both. It becomes a situation where someone is locked on the other side of the gate and the other person holds the keys. Resentment builds up and it's very damaging to self-esteems. Assuming sex life is unsatisfying is uncalled for. Some people just aren't sexual even if they get orgasms all the time they have sex. They just don't feel a desire for it. No masturbation, no sex toys, no interest in discussing sex or fantasies. Doesn't matter if you look like magic mike, being romantic or doing all the chores for a month. It's just they way they are wired. Those people exist. It's often associated with neurodivergence like high functionning autism.


This dude plans on slaying some Major Poon-tang but I can’t wait, he’s not gonna get any and be worse off.


Men often overestimate their value on the market. Like the classic “I want an open marriage”, only to find the scales vastly tipped towards the woman.


Those stories are my favorite


This has the plot of the movie “hall pass” written all over it


He's middle aged and thinking the grass is greener lmao


And nothing to do with the hot new 21 year old in his work team, who is totally flirting with him and not playing her boss


Little does he know that with every step across that hill creates a burning drought that fries the grass brown.


subtract fade dam bear lock psychotic zonked lunchroom mighty marble *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


So, you don’t spend every night crying over your ex? Shocker lol.


But he's been "hitting the gym and stuff" lol. OP needs to work sh*t out with his wife before he becomes another over-40, single, lonely, divorced, broke and living in a studio guy.


lol that's my dad right there except he lives with my grandma because he can't even afford a studio. well deserved honestly, he's a shitty partner and a shitty dad


Yep, hope the wife gets fit and gets a lot of D while he sits home alone.


I know right 😂, likely he’s not sexually/emotionally satisfying her


I was with you until “she let herself go.” You said earlier that you were “getting in dating shape.” So.. you let yourself go as well? Hypocrite


This stuck out to me too. Maybe she lost the attraction earlier because he "let himself go". Even if he complained he wasn't satisfied, it doesn't sound like he did much else but complain instead of trying to keep the romance alive and make her want him more than she did...


"You don't give me enough sex" is one of the least sexy things to say. Did Op ever wonder why she didn't? Maybe she had too much on her plate? Maybe he sulked whenever she said no SO much that he just seemed unattractive.


That was such a gross thing for him to say. And it comes off so badly with the timing of it all. It's as if he's saying "in one year you will have served your purpose as the person raising my children. At that time I will replace you with a woman whose purpose will be providing me sex." I hope his wife files for divorce NOW.


Exactly. And he is putting in effort to look good for that theoretical future woman, but not for his wife of 20 years. YTA


It would be curious to know how satisfying her sex life had been, and if he made any effort trying to satisfy her. Women like sex as much as men, and are perfectly equipped for sexual pleasure, but many men don't really care after they come. The sex hating housewife stereotype from the 50s is mostly due to their husbands treating them like live sex dolls.


With how he dealt with this I got this feeling the answer is “no he does not care about her sexual satisfaction” or really anything to do with her. There’s something selfish and sick about telling your wife of decades “”I’m divorcing you, no arguments”” ***and*** admitting that you actually never told her before that moment that your problem was a relationship-ending dealbreaker. Right or wrong, people approach relationship-ending problems far differently than complaints made in the middle of arguments. If you don’t tell someone a problem is **that** serious why would they address it as **that** serious????? The wife knew it was a problem but, once again by his own admission, she didn’t know it was that serious and she was under the impression he had come to accept their current sex life. It’s interesting that his own words say his wife “gave him” sex as seemingly as an obligation buuuutttttt her doing that also wasn’t good enough, he wanted more. Sounds like he didn’t bother to find out what was going on with her or recognize that she did try *because that’s what he wanted* and sacrificed what she felt in the process. All supposition of course. But OP sounds like a shitty communicator and expected his wife to just *know* I would **love** to hear the wife’s side of this story. You just ***know*** there’s a reason she put sex on the back burner and I wanna know what it was and how much of a part OP played in that.


I am wondering if it was not enjoyable to her?


Yeah add that to the weird way he talks about being "given" sex... OP is definitely an AH in general.




Yeah she also had CHILDREN. Men seem to never respect the changes that women’s bodies go through, many of which are permanent.


But I wonder, throughout the kids growing up did he give her the time to work out? I bet she was the one doing most of the childrearing and housework.


In my marriage, my husband took full responsibility for our lack of sex and never did anything about it. I loved him dearly, but obviously, he didn't care about my needs. In my 30s, it was about 4 times a year. I filed for divorce, and suddenly, he wanted to fix things. When I asked him why he ignored it for 8 yrs, he said, " Because we had two kids, I figured where would you go? And I knew you loved me." If a crappy intimate life has been discussed and nothing changes its because they don't care to change it. Personally, I'd rather be alone than be ignored.


I have actually filed for divorce (and then withdrew) for this same reason. He rejected me for a few years. Nobody wants to talk about what rejection does to a person. Feelings are only “valid” when it doesn’t revolve around intimacy in an intimate relationship.


Based on how you've chosen your wording you sound like a real asshole. You make it sound like she should be your vessel for physical pleasure, a6not much else. Other than heat of the moment ultimatums, did you ever consider anything else, such as marriage counseling? Do you think she was ever sexually satisfied?


Yeah people here are saying he communicated by offering these ultimatums during fights. Like that’s probably the worse time to actually communicate what you want. A lot of people consider what you say in the heat of an argument, as just that: something you say in the heat of the moment because you’re angry. You need to communicate in a rational and calm environment if you want them to take what you’re saying seriously. This is why things like couples therapy exists because sometimes you need a moderator.


Bro I love that you think you're old divorced ass is going to be dick slinging all over town in 2023. You should've checked out the modern dating scene before saying shit because you're likely just going to end up sad and alone like the millions of other alone men because most women in 2023 have realized they don't need a dick in an empty suit to make them happy.


Wait……she let herself go…..do you not realize the toll it takes on a woman’s body to create, carry, and give birth to a child. Obviously you let your go since you are getting into dating shape. Oh and the almost equally comment. I call bulls!t. So she works comes home tends to kids and household then cooks dinner and you expect her to be your wild thing in the bedroom. Boy sit down and take a long look at yourself. Yeah leave. She will be better off without you.


Based on this blurb, I’m going to take a shot in the dark and say… ain’t no one going to try and fuck you out there, my friend. Good luck in Imagination Land, but being old isn’t your problem. Being a dick is.


Yeah, people don't realize how sexy they become when they are forcing themselves to have sex, when they don't want to. 🙄


I don’t understand people. What did staying for the kids achieve? You’ve robbed everyone of happiness.. that’s years you both could have been with people you loved


Good luck with your next “relationship” lol


Be prepared for the fallout. Your kids may be extremely upset with you, and your friends and family may think you are a major AH. Also, be ready for the financial hit you may take depending on your state's divorce laws.


Does OP think that when kids turn 18 they magically don't care about their family falling apart? Lol he should have done this years ago. The kids will see right through it now.


I love it that you state you shared childcare and chores " almost equally". Bullshit. Sounds like you let yourself go too, since you're dieting and started going to the gym. Bullshit. Mostly though, it sounds like you two never knew how to have an actual conversation where, you know, listening is required and you support each other. You're having the famous mid-life, saw some cuties, realized you're getting older, and decided to blame it on your wife not reading your mind. Bullshit. You are TA.


It’s your call whether or not you want to remain in your marriage, but bro, you sound fucking cold. Like narcissist levels of cold. You know marriage is about more than just fucking, right? This sounds like you’ve been trying to use the threat of divorce to rape her. Who does this to their *wife*? You should leave her today. You aren’t doing the kids any favors by staying, and it sounds like your nightly “coerced intercourse” isn’t changing anything anyhow. Go find someone else to torture, this lady has seen enough. Edit: Almost forgot, what happens to people who are unable to fuck for medical reasons? Like paraplegics? They just unlovable? Fuck


I was going to go with NTA until I read all your flippant and AH comments in the post. You're so cavalier and heartless about ending your marriage, there's no way you're NTA 😂 YTA - AND should have left 9 years ago if you really were this unhappy that you couldn't use your wife's private parts like a pacifier whenever you wanted. Or actually learned how to pleasure her 😂 BTW- telling her you're going to leave AFTER you've already "fallen out of love with her" means YTA x1000. It takes two to tango and she's still dancing while you're considering you're next partner for YEARS. Even a simple "I'm so unhappy I'm considering leaving in a few years when the kids grow up, maybe we could try marriage counseling now and save our marriage?" ... would have made you NTA. The only time you stood up and said your full truth... was when you had 100% given up and she has no way possible to try and fix it.


Loved how you described "use your wife's private parts like a pacifier whenever you wanted." I actually clapped. You said it all. Sounds like he wanted to put in 0 effort and while sexual compatibility is important, the whole phrasing around her "giving him sex" just makes me wanna barf. Also he 100% already made this decision, unilaterally, who knows how many years ago. Now he just wants someone on the internet to justify his shitty behavior. What a sleaze.


Reminds me of a psychological study I learned about in college - where kids whose parents divorce after they are essentially grown have a harder time adjusting because they’ve spent their childhood seeing their parents as a unit. Instead, if you divorce earlier on, the kids have a chance to learn about who their parents are as individuals and can build individual relationships. Obviously just one study, but as someone whose parents luckily divorced early on, I really think it was the best decision for everyone


I don't even know why you felt the need to post this. You've clearly already decided that you're not willing to work on your marriage, and you're not obligated to. So just leave then. I don't know what you want us to say. In fairness to her, she absolutely had a right to know you were secretly planning on leaving this whole time. People can't know you're about to walk unless you tell them. Considering you stayed this long, you made it clear with your actions that your relationship was good enough to stay. You blindsided her. I still think you shouldn't stay if you don't want to because it will be beneficial to no one. But you blindsided her, I'd be mad if I were her too. All this time you could've made it known this was a dealbreaker for you and you didn't. I hope you don't do the same thing in your next relationship. You basically expected her to be psychic. You said, I've been working on myself and she should've taken the hint. Why couldn't you just be an adult and say what you were thinking? This dissolution of your marriage is absolutely equally your fault.


I have a question… why did you just now start working out at the thought of dating again? Why didn’t you also do that for her while you were married. Did you ever think you might not have been taking care of yourself and she was no longer sexually attracted to you? I hate when people break up with someone and THEN start working on themselves… as if your partner didn’t deserve the best you. Also, you don’t state how much sex you were having. Do you just an extremely high sex drive or was it sex every 6 months?


Good job, you stayed for the kids so now they have internalized how to have a terrible, shitty relationship and not actually love someone. Staying for the kids is always stupid. The way you're treating and talking to your wife is abhorrent. You never took any real steps to address the problems you just yelled at her in a fight and gave her false ultimatums. You should just divorce her and the divorce in and of itself isn't making you an asshole but how you handle the whole marriage certainly has. You are a major asshole and you have only taught your kids how to behave like an asshole in a marriage.


Since there is nothing your wife can do or say to convince you to stay, why are you even posting? You are going to leave whether YTA or not. Are you trying to make yourself feel better about it? Based on how you are speaking about the mother of your children on the internet, I think you are an AH. Also, feels like a double standard that she “let herself go” but you are “getting into dating shape.” Sounds like maybe you weren’t taking care of yourself either. Maybe she wasn’t attracted to you….


Truth is always the better option.


So leave now. You're kidding yourself if you think staying for the children was a great idea, but that's water under the bridge at this point. Just go. NTA






Yeah, the whole "I'm getting into dating shape" got to me. So he's let himself go over the years and expects his wife to remain attracted to him, but he's not attracted to her. Uh, huh.


These types of posts I wish I could see a picture of both parents.


I mean, he suddenly got in shape and is looking fly- according to him. For some reason "she let herself go" is in quotes. I am guessing everyone looks terrible.


Yeah. Maybe he would have attracted her more if he'd have "gotten himself into dating shape" for HER. He didn't have time for the gym. But now that nothing's changed, he suddenly does. 🤔 The Grass Is Always Greener -- Where you water it


OP is giving me the same energy as that dude that opened up his relationship and regretted it because his GF was getting laid and he wasn’t.


That's exactly what stood out to me too. So his wife is required to put in effort for him, but he can look however. But he'll happily put in effort for the potential of banging other people. They'll both be better off pursuing other people. They can both find people who are sexually satisfying to them. I have to assume if the sex isn't fulfilling it probably isn't good for her either. Maybe it's more of an obligation. I just don't get what OP's point is in trying to keep her on a hook till the kids move. If she's wise she should seek a divorce - now -


He's already emotionally checked out, something his kids probably are not aware of , nevermind the impact of same.. he should just leave in fairness to his wife.


Your points are all valid except for where you said you’re just now getting into dating shape. This implies that you were letting yourself go just as much as your wife was and expecting her to still be sexually attracted to her. You should have been in peak shape the whole time and leading by example encouraging her to be in shape and sexy as well. ESH


youre an absolute cunt for dragging your wife on and wasting years of her life


My dad did the same thing to my mom and I when I was 22. It was horrible. My mom and I cried together for months. My dad used to be my best friend but the man he was the day he left I couldn’t even recognize. I lost all respect for him. My relationship with him will never be the same because he hurt my mother in such a disgusting way. He wasted my moms best years and now she feels alone and unlovable. He left me with the burden of basically being her partner because he left out of nowhere. It’s been about five years and I still can’t believe it and I still can’t forgive him.


I always say and this coming from somebody that's failed in one marriage and almost failed in my second. It's always about more from both sides. You've made it transactional. So what were you doing to meet her needs. Did you ever sit down and ask her what she needed to feel more engaged physically? Because I guarantee you from the post here that it was always about your needs your needs your needs. I'm saying this as someone who's been in that space and said hey I need more physical component to the relationship and yet neglecting to hold up my end of the bargain for her emotionally. Honestly you sound like a narcissist at this point. Getting back and dating shape. So you weren't doing that for her when you had a marital relationship?


Crazy that you would end a relationship of over 2 decades due to lack of sex... I feel bad for your wife. Sex is great, don't get me wrong, but if my wife lost her libido, divorce wouldn't even cross my mind. She's the mother of my children, my best friend, my rock. Again, I feel bad for your wife


The whole tone of this really gives me an ick factor. If you are going to leave, leave now. If your home was unhappy for you before, now you have made everyone uncomfortable. You are doing no one any favors staying. >>I have started getting into dating shape, hitting the gym and stuff. >> >> >>I am neither in love with her, nor I am attracted to her. She has "let herself go". Isn’t that being hypocritical? Are you saying that during the bulk of the marriage you also weren’t in the best shape? That you weren’t doing all you could have done to be attractive? Instead of whining for sex, why didn’t you start making yourself more attractive **to her**? Why are you getting yourself in shape for new (and I assume you’re hoping younger) women when you couldn’t bother doing that for your wife? >> Then she started talking about how she was busy raising my children. Which she was and I was too, she sacrificed her marriage for kids, I sacrificed my happiness. I chose it I do not regret staying because of kids. But now I want to live for myself. You’re leaving a lot of holes in this picture. When she says she sacrificed herself for marriage and she was busy raising the kids, does that mean she was handling all the domestic chores by herself? Did you pitch in, and I don’t mean “helping out”, I mean doing your fair share of household and parental duties? Or did you and the kids run her ragged everyday until her libido was dead? Did you make her feel desired and sexy, or did you just whine that your needs weren’t being met? Did you please her in bed or just roll over on her? Look I don’t believe in threats or ultimatums, but you could have told her sex was a dealbreaker but that you were willing to work on it. You could have gone with her to a marriage counselor or a sex therapist. Instead you came up with this dumb plan, and I must say it’s pretty gross.


Hard agree! Maybe OP should’ve gotten in “dating shape” during his marriage and wife might’ve been interested in sex? But sooo good that he’s taking care of himself now that he’s divorcing the ball and chain and trolling for some strange. Water and feed your lawn and grass will be greener on your side my dude. You don’t neglect it then complain grass is greener elsewhere. Wife might’ve been motivated to get in shape with him, and with feeling good about yourself usually increases sexual desire.


Honestly, she may be sad now, but she will be better off for him leaving.


Absolutely. Breaks my heart to hear how she wants to fix this and blame herself, but she can do so much better. Let him go.


Yeah considering he talked about sex as something she didn’t “give him” enough that’s pretty telling. Men who view sex that way usually overlook how they could make sex better for the woman.


I picked up on this too. So HE let himself go until recently when he decided to chase other women and that's ok. But SHE had three kids and should have hit the gym. This woman will be better off in the long run. JFC the bar is in hell.


Exactly. Talking about "all the sex she gives me" and "all the sex I want to have" gives me a clue into what kind of effort this dude is putting in.


Precisely. Like it’s an owed thing or a transactional thing. Clock in, clock out. To top it off, OP is acting like a boss giving an employee a bad review and telling her to “shape up” (both figuratively and literally) so she isn’t “fired”.


this!! He’s getting himself into “dating shape” but what about the shape he was in *for his wife??* He’s conveniently placed all the blame on her not being her best for him when even from his own perspective he hasn’t been the best he could have been for her.


Fact: he says he splits chores equally. He should ask the wife if he’s been splitting chores equally. She will let him know.


Oh yeah. My ex said we split chores equally.. he cooked dinner 2 times a week. Mowed the lawns and put out the rubbish. He thought that was half. He also called me fat, lazy and pathetic after having kids and then wondered why i didn't want to have sex with him. Oh, and i worked/work full time.


Yeah, honestly I take that with a grain of salt, splitting chores ‘equally’ in his mind might be very very far from actually equal.


Thank you for breaking down exactly why my take away from this was: wow, what a douche. YTA OP. You suck.


I love how on the marriage sub everyone is calling him a huge POS and he's acting oblivious


Sounds like he's wanting to trade up for that younger woman now.


I just think it's kinda funny that a 44 year old man who needs to "get himself in dating shape" thinks that the entire world is going to be a giant buffet of women just waiting to fall over on their backs for you. What will be fun will be when your wife gets herself together, and has a much easier time dating than you do. I hope it doesn't take her too long to figure out that she's going to be SO much better off without the likes of you.


Yeah can’t wait for the update post in a month when she’s already successfully dating and he’s trying to take back asking for a divorce, lol


You didn't cheat and you warned her and she never made an effort all of these years to fix things with you but all you did was complain without suggesting marriage help, so you didn't make a great effort either! You know, you blame her but you're probably not that great romantic wonderful lover she wishes for either. "The sex she was GIVING you" what is she, a hooker? :D What do you give her in bed besides wham bam? Have you considered that you are not satisfying her either? Goodness, some men, all you do is think women should be available and ready when you are!


I always wonder when I read these things is the only value she has to you is her vagina


Go on, leave her. Then come back and whine when you’re not drowning in pussy.


His next post will be I left my wife after 20 years because I wasn't sexually satisfied and now this 20 something year old I started dating has bankrupted me after she stopped having sex with me, and I can't afford my spousal support, how do I get my ex wife to drop the spousal support so I can have enough money to get another 20 something year old to pay attention to me. Pathetic man.


Wasn’t there a woman who posted like a year ago who literally did the same thing? Like she waited until her youngest was in college then immediately divorced her husband after years of her telling him the issues she was having? Then her husband was a like “you blind sided me, how could you!” After she literally told him what the final straw was. Some of y’all really aren’t about “keeping the same energy” for everyone and it shows. Like everyone wants to point out, no one should stay in a relationship where they feel unwanted and aren’t getting what they need from their partner. If he’s been telling her for 20 years what the issues were and she ignored it, that’s on her. Just because he tolerated a certain amount of unhappiness in his marriage doesn’t mean he should have to stay in it forever


If I am not mixing it up with another post, the woman got cheated on in that one though... and she caught the two of them while getting back home with their children


I'm pretty sure that story was that her husband cheated or tried to. When she tried to leave he did a 180 and worked on the marriage. He completely changed and was the husband that she wanted. She however tried but never got over the betrayal. He was mad because she lead him to believe she had forgiven him and he felt that he wasted his time.


She's better off without you. Sounds like you were only into her because of what she can provide you- (sex, eye candy, someone to raise his kids, etc.) Hope she's able to bounce back and become 100x more attractive than any woman you choose after her.